In the past two years, Li Shize has been doing the dreams of his previous life over and over. He knows many details from back to back. In the past life, the most hated were Jiang Yage and Wang Xiao, followed by Jiang Dexian, who killed him completely.

He never forgot that Jiang Dexian ordered to block his face. It can be said that he had to form a PSTD for Jiang Dexian, and subconsciously wanted to run away, but he just resisted the impulse. He yelled out a warning to his mother to be careful of this terrible and ferocious man.

Fang Junrong was silent. After the silence, he wanted to laugh. So how much psychological shadow does Jiang Dexian leave to Li Shize!

She glanced at Jiang Dexian, and the other side gave her an innocent look.

"I didn't do anything." He has been a good boy all his life.

Fang Junrong waved, "you go first, I'll say a few words to him."

Jiang Dexian nodded slightly and walked to a position about 100 meters, which allowed him to see them without hearing the conversation. So did the two bodyguards.

Li Shize took the interaction between the two of them into his eyes, and a bad guess appeared in his mind, "you two..."

Fang Junrong smile light, "temporarily is not a boyfriend and girlfriend."

This temporary statement is very spiritual. Not now, maybe in the future.

Li Shize took a breath of cold air and his lips trembled slightly. At this moment, he seemed to understand why Jiang Dexian suppressed their father and son like that in his previous life. Was it his mother?

But isn't there an age difference between them? When did you get to know each other?

Fang Junrong said: "if it's OK, please don't appear in front of me. I have said that many times

She just wanted to be out of sight and out of mind about her son with barbecued pork.

"Wait..." Li Shize has no time for Jiang's leisure. His voice shows the meaning of pleading, "I, I have helped you revenge Jiang Yage."

He was afraid that Fang Junrong would not give him a chance to say what he had done. After that, he looked at her with a look of implicit expectation.

Fang Junrong did not feel moved, only felt nauseous.

"What do you want to hear from me? Thank you? "

"No, I just want you to know that." I want her to stop being so hard on him.


She looked cold, as if covered with a layer of frost, frozen can scrape a layer of ice, "from the beginning to the end, I did not want you to revenge cross river song. That's what you want to do for yourself. Don't call it for me. You don't deserve it

After all, Jiang Ya GE has put on a green hat for you. She abandoned you when you were in the lowest position, and beat your children. How can you forgive her with your heart? "

Li Shize's face was blue and white, and his lips moved. He wanted to say that was not the case, he just wanted to avenge him. But for her clear eyes, all the excuses were spinning around her throat and couldn't spit out.

Fang Junrong continued: "I hate you and Li engjin more than Jiang Ya Ge."

"I used to have tragedies because of you, not her. It was the two of you who sent me to the mental hospital. It was you who killed Xinyun. If I really want revenge, the first revenge is not Jiang Ya Ge, but your father and son. "

"You two are the coldest, heartless and selfish men I've ever seen. Even if there is no Jiang Ya Ge, there will be Zhang Ya Ge and sun Ya Ge. Do you think that as long as you put all the blame on Jiang Ya Ge, you are innocent? "

Jiang Ya Ge is not the culprit. They handed her the knife that could hurt her.

It was their father and son who really killed her.

Li Shize was hit by her words, blood color is gone, some stand instability body. His eyes on the upper Jun Rong, looked into the other side that indifferent no temperature eyes, a cool heart.

She hates him the most.

In the sun, he was stripped of all the covers as if he were naked. At this moment, all the fluke hopes were gone.

Fang Junrong asked, "if the bracelet of Jiang Yage didn't fail in the previous life, you are still the relatives of gods that everyone envies, will you regret it?"

"Do you still reflect on what you've done?"

Her voice of questioning, like a heavy hammer, hit him hard on the head, which made him dizzy and speechless.

He couldn't say with any reason that he would repent. He clearly remembered that at the beginning of knowing the news of his mother's death, after two days of grief, he left his hand and continued to love Jiang ya'ge'en. He even felt a faint relief in his heart. Finally, he did not have to worry about the impact of his mother's existence on them.

Even her mother's funeral was just arranged by the housekeeper. Because Jiang Yage had a headache at that time, he stayed with her, even the first seven never attended.

Before long, Jiang Ya GE's aunt Wen Sixian came into the room. Because of his beloved wife, he did not even object to a word.He finally sobered up, the most to be punished is not Jiang Ya Ge, but himself. She was hurt by other women.

He gave a grim smile, "I'm sorry."

Fang Junrong did not speak, even now has put down a lot of the past, but those injuries have left traces in her heart, she can not say to forgive him.

The light in Li Shize's eyes dimmed down, and the whole person left like a wandering soul.

Fang Junrong looked at his back and had a premonition: This is probably the last time she saw Li Shize. She had no interest in him, let alone want to know.

She shook her head. She did not expect that Li Shize would revenge Jiang Ya Ge like that.

She took back her sight and went to Jiang Dexian. "Let's go. It's time to eat."

Jiang Dexian looks at her and Li Shize, who is far away.

Fang Junrong said: "there is no need to deliberately target him, just as he died."

Jiang Dexian is still innocent expression, "I didn't do anything."

Fang Junrong pulled the corners of his mouth, and his thoughts were written on his face. She can also see clearly that Jiang Dexian has never been so harmless on the surface.

Li Shize's appearance, the other side Jun Rong said, is just a small episode in life, not on the heart. She didn't even tell Xinyun about it, and Li Shize didn't look for Xinyun again. She thought that she had no face to appear in front of them.

This is good. If he dares to appear in front of Xinyun and say something that is not available, Fang Junrong may not be able to control his emotions.

For the rest of the time, her life moved forward in an orderly manner.

April 28 is also the day when Jiang Dexian's star was officially listed.

Generally speaking, when the company is just listed, the share price will be set a little lower. Qixing, as a rising purple micro star in IT industry, has attracted much attention on this day. People with a clear eye all know how good the momentum of Qixing is. Many people have put out money to buy some shares as financial products. In particular, Qixing said before that their president would also appear, which immediately made the outside world more and more sidetracked. In the past year, I don't know how many people paid a lot of money to ask for a picture of the president. Unfortunately, all of them failed. In private, many people slandered him as ugly.

Fang Junrong listens to his daughter Xinyun that there are still people in their school who bet on the appearance of the boss behind the star.

she can only say that these people are too busy.

Although Jiang Dexian invited her to attend as a shareholder, Fang Junrong felt that the protagonist of today's stage was the other party. She had better not rob him of the limelight and prepare to sit under the stage. Jiang Dexian simply arranged for her to be in the middle of the first row, which can be said to be c.

Fang Junrong's arrival time is neither early nor late. The first three rows are all invited people. Most of these people privately put forward the purchase demand to Qixing. Fang Junrong showed up and was warmly invited by the waiter.

Then, in full view of the public, was led to the C bit.

"I didn't expect that general manager Fang also came."

"Is general manager Fang also ready to buy shares of Qixing?"

As soon as Fang Junrong sat down, she had many problems. She said with a faint smile, "no, I just came to watch the ceremony."

She has 28% of the shares on hand and doesn't need to buy them at all.

As we all know, Fang Junrong is really rich. Although other people have a lot of assets, they can use only those working capital, which can't be compared with Fang Junrong's wealth. Hundreds of millions of eyes can be taken out without blinking. Her appearance naturally led some people to introduce her as a competitor. Many people were relieved to hear her say so.

Fang Junrong also saw the rich woman Liang Feng. Liang Feng had the painting of ladies in her hands. When Fang Junrong fell into the whirlpool of public opinion, she also came out to testify to prove that the lady picture in Li's hands was false, which severely damaged Li's reputation.

Although Fang Junrong didn't deal with her much, he had already made her a friend in his heart. She nodded to Liang Feng with a friendly smile.

Liang Feng also laughed at her, "I've heard so much." She sat beside a young and beautiful girl, with a kind of charming manner.

Noticing her gaze, Liang Feng said, "this is my niece, Liang angqi. She has just returned home this year, so she has to come with me."

Her tone is a little helpless, but shows her love. Liang Feng has no children, so she dotes on her eldest brother's daughter as her own child.

"Good aunt Fang." Angie Liang showed a sweet smile.

But I don't know if it's Fang Junrong's illusion. Although the child is beautiful and lovely, she has an indescribable sense of disobedience. She laughed. "Angel is so good."

In addition, she was puzzled. Liang Feng's eldest brother, Liang Hua, she has met. Although the other party is not as capable as Liang Feng, she is also a rich man with extraordinary assets. He has a son and a daughter under his knee. She has seen both of them, which is a little impressive, but this one has never been seen by Angie Leung. Is it an illegitimate daughter?

"When I look at Aunt Fang, I feel good-looking. If only Auntie Fang was my mother," she saidFang Junrong's smile faded. She was not interested in being a stepmother.