They are all people in this circle. No one knows what happened to Liang fengna's brother Liang Hua. Liang Hua is a good man. He is loyal and has a bottom line principle. It's good to be friends with him. But if you get married, you don't have to. After all, this amorous is famous, at the same time with three girlfriends are common. Because of this reason, his ex-wife divorced him directly and went abroad after checking the property.

After Fang Junrong's rebirth, she managed to get out of this pit and fall into another pit. She is not a fool.

Although Liang Feng had never seen Fang Junrong before, she had heard of her. She directly nodded her niece's forehead and made a round of the court. "She is 18 years old. How can she still speak such childlike words like a child. Your father doesn't deserve the top. "

This is also a statement that she has no such idea, which is what children mean. She also had some doubts in her heart: Although Angie is a little coquettish at ordinary times, she is not the kind of person who can't watch the scene and talk in disorder. What's going on today?

She is a little jealous. And your mother will not be happy. No mother wants her intimate cotton padded jacket to be taken away Although I don't know who is the biological mother of Liang Anqi, the big probability should be the people outside Liang Hua. Although Fang Junrong didn't mean to care too much with a younger generation, he didn't have a good temper to rub his nose and face. Even Angie Leung's father would not have put forward such a proposal in front of her.

Liang Anqi's face was stiff, then she spat out her tongue, looking naive and naive, "I'm just talking about it."

Fang Junrong just smiles and chats with Liang Feng. When she was chatting, she could detect that Angie Liang's eyes seemed to fall on her, and she seemed to be very interested in her.

By nine o'clock in the morning, the press conference started on time. The long guns and short cannons under the stage were all aimed at the stage, and the magnesium light flashed constantly.

Jiang Dexian hasn't come out yet. At present, Qixing's external spokesman is vice president Tang Yu. Tang Yu has been very calm in the face of this battle, and can respond to the problems of some spears. The media at the bottom are somewhat absent-minded. They come here early in the morning not to see the vice president, but to the boss behind the scenes of the star.

Fang Junrong seriously doubted that Jiang Dexian didn't want to recite such a long speech manuscript, so he would throw all the previous links to Tang Yu. Her brain replenishes the appearance of Jiang Dexian reading lines with her speech manuscript in her hand. The corners of her mouth can't help rising a few radians.

She looked at her watch and it was almost time.

Not surprisingly, three minutes later, Tang Yu said, "now let's invite Jiang Dexian, chairman of Qixing, to speak on the stage."

At this moment, Fang Junrong could clearly feel the commotion around him. The seats in the front rows were all people with names and surnames in the circle. Who didn't know that Fang Junrong had an assistant who looked better than a star. Even when they deal with Meifang group, they communicate with this assistant directly.

Is it simply the same name or?

For a moment, Fang Junrong, sitting upright, could feel the hot sight of people around her. She slightly twisted eyebrows, gently swept, those vision will be reduced a lot. After all, many people can't control their emotions because they are too shocked inside. Whether Jiang Dexian was Fang Junrong's former assistant or not, Fang Junrong was not something they could afford to offend.

In the public's eyes, Jiang Dexian appeared. The black suit is well cut. He looks cold and shows a bit of noble temperament. The two legs wrapped in the suit are completely in line with the saying that "all legs are below the neck", and the beautiful appearance makes people look sideways. For a moment, the magnesium flashed faster.

Like the president, many people think that they are men over 40 years old. Now there is such a young and handsome chairman in the sky, and the enthusiasm is not worrying! Today's hot search is reserved!

A lot of reporters are wringing their wrists in their hearts: with such a face, why should they hide and tuck in before! Is it to take some mysterious route?

Jiang Dexian walked to the stage, and his clear voice spread all over the venue. "I'm Jiang Dexian. I'm glad to see you all attend today's press conference."

Everyone is staring at him, at this moment, he is the leading role worthy of.

Fang Junrong's lips were slightly raised. He watched him skillfully face long guns and short guns on the stage. Even if many reporters were more interested in his personal information, he could also make a lot of efforts, and the initiative was always in his hands. For the first time, the man who had been by her side showed his grace in front of the world.

"So handsome!" When the voice of surprise came into his ears, Fang Junrong turned his head to the side and saw that Liang Anqi looked on the stage in shock. His mouth was big enough to put an egg in.

"More handsome than the book says!"

In the book?

Fang Junrong keenly captured the word and looked at her with a smile, "what book?"

She couldn't help but think of the book about Jiangya song that she saw on the stone tablet when she first entered the cave. The first reaction is that Angie Leung has also seen the book, but this speculation just germinated, she was rejected. Jiang Yage's book only describes that she and Li Shize have gone through a lot of hardships, defeated all kinds of men and women, and then married, but there is no mention of Jiang Dexian, otherwise she would not even have known the existence of Jiang Dexian.Liang angqi regained consciousness, and a trace of remorse flashed on her face. Obviously, she regretted her mistake. She showed a clever smile, "it's the book I read on the Internet before, which is based on President Jiang, so at that time, I wanted to see Mr. Jiang and ask my aunt to take me there."

Liang Feng listened to their conversation in her ears, showing a spoiled smile, "this child is this character, said the wind is rain, even on the Internet can take seriously."

This word Fang Junrong won't believe a word, that is to coax Liang Feng, the niece with her own filter. Over the past year, because Jiang Dexian did not show up, under the leadership of people with a will, the public opinion on the Internet tends to be older and ugly. How could there be a book with him as the hero.

She just asked with interest, "what book? I also want to see which author has such a good eye. "

"I can't remember clearly. There was no collection at that time," she said. When I think of it, I will tell Aunt Fang. "

Fang Junrong just smiles. She doesn't talk to Angie Leung any more and continues to watch Jiang Dexian.

Jiang Dexian is mainly talking about a new software that Qixing will release next month. Although Qixing is currently the most profitable Game Department, their job is still in the software. He talked on the stage, explained the new software, and forced the launch conference into a new product release.

Fang Jun can't help but bear it. In fact, she didn't understand what Jiang Dexian said, but she still gave him a symbolic face without deserting.

Jiang Dexian's speech was not long, and soon ended. He nodded to the vice president Tang Yu and gave the rest of the process to Tang Yu.

In the full view of the public, he stepped down from the stage and came to Fang Junrong. Originally, his cool eyebrows were mild. "I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to lunch?"

This man is really I like big news.

Fang Junrong also likes to do big news.

She pondered for a moment. Jiang Dexian, who was calm and calm, became nervous with her silence. This is probably the longest waiting time he has ever experienced.

Affected by the atmosphere, the others could not help holding their breath and calming down. There was a flicker of gossip in everyone's eyes.

Fang Junrong nodded slightly, "good."

Two simple words make Jiang Dexian's eyebrows open at once, and his joy can be seen as long as he is not blind.

"Can I go with you?" she blurted out She added, "I like aunt Fang. I want to stay with her."

The smile on Jiang Dexian's face faded down, "no way."

Fang Junrong also saw the idea of the little girl, she was not happy with her as an excuse. She said faintly: "I didn't expect that I was so popular. Next time, I'll find time and have dinner with you again."

They did not look at Angie Leung again, and they left on the spot.

When they left, the quiet meeting hall seemed to have been pressed again and came back to life.

"Are these two people showing signs?"

"It's a pity that I just forgot to take photos! What good news material. "

"What's the status of Jiang Dexian? He's silent. He's so young that he wanders into such a family business."

Reporters do not know Jiang Dexian's details. Seeing that he is young and handsome, they subconsciously want to label him as a rich second generation.

The other guests on the seat had complicated expressions. They had seen Jiang Dexian before, and even if they were polite to him, they could see it in Fang Junrong's face. As a result, nobody thought that Jiang Dexian had become a man who could be equal with them. This made them feel extremely uncomfortable, especially those reporters who boasted that Jiang Dexian was young and beautiful, and trampled on them.

However, they came here today to buy shares, so they can't leave.

As for Angela Leung, they didn't pay attention to it at all. Compared with that between men and women, interests are more important.

Angie Liang didn't feel that way. She just felt that she had lost face in public, not to mention more humiliation. She did not expect that Jiang Dexian did not give her face at all. Did he have no compassion for a lovely little girl? Obviously, he is not so cold.

When she lost her soul, Liang Fengyou was already a little unhappy. My niece seems to have lost her heart today. She is not as lovely as usual.

"Angie, let's go home first."

Angie Liang regained consciousness and bit her lower lip. "No, auntie, we'll go back after buying the shares."

She took all the money she had in hand. In any case, she would become a major shareholder of Qixing. There will be opportunities to meet!

She is only 18 years old this year, and Fang Junrong is old. Normal people know how to choose!

She felt more and more like the crematorium for chasing his wife. In the early stage, he was indifferent, but in the later stage, he couldn't stand up.No gains without pains!