She pursed her lips and realized that she seemed naive.

She had felt that she had prepared a lot of money, and might be able to buy about 20% of the shares and become a major shareholder of Qixing. For this, she coaxed her mother to sell several houses, and with the money she had saved, she managed to make a hundred million yuan. Who knows, at most, she can only buy 2% of the shares. How can she accept this?

In Mingming's novel, Fang Junrong changed a lot of shares with less than 100 million yuan.

Now she realized that she was still wearing it a little late. If she had held this thigh early when Jiang Dexian was just rich, she could lie down and win. Now Qixing is an IT company that can't be underestimated in the industry. People with vision can see the potential, so the stock price is naturally on the high side.

As soon as she bit her teeth, she still took out all the money, even if it was only 2%. Well, if only my aunt would help her, but she would not dare to ask for it. After all, she can improve her status in the Liang family because her aunt loves her. And this love is also after she found herself wearing books, she tried to suit the remedy to the case and tried to show that her aunt liked it. After several months of hard work, she finally became her favorite niece.

After the purchase, Angie Leung can be said to have little money, the whole person is also a little depressed.

Liang Feng looked in her eyes and took her home. Then she asked, "do you like Jiang Dexian?" Her tone was hard to find.

From the time Jiang Dexian appeared, the little niece's eyes were always shining, never leaving each other. Later, she wanted to eat with them in the name of Fang Junrong.

She bit her lower lip, hesitated and said, "I fell in love with him at first sight."

Liang Feng frowned, "Jiang Delian has a favorite." Everyone can see that his partner Jun Rong has that sign, otherwise he would not directly invite Fang Junrong to date in public. Yes, it was dinner, but in her eyes, it was a date.

Liang angqi tooted her mouth. "They haven't dated yet. I have a chance."

"And Fang Junrong is not worthy of him!" Worried about her aunt's opposition, she spoke her mind. When reading novels, compared with the heroine Fang Junrong, she prefers male partner Jiang Dexian. From scratch, handsome and affectionate, he is the ideal hero in the novel. In contrast, Fang Junrong is 12 years older than Jiang Dexian. Her daughter has gone to university and has ever been married. Although the story of tearing her ex husband by hand makes her happy, she still can't love such a person. In her heart, Fang Junrong, who is divorced and has children, is not worthy of the men's love in the book.

Yes, in this book, she saw the ending, but she was not sure about CP. When she found out that she was wearing books, even as the first lady - although she was only the illegitimate daughter of the Liang family, she thought that she was a better choice than Fang Junrong, who was young and beautiful.

Liang Feng looked at her with incredible eyes, "who do you think is not worthy of ginger leisure?"

"Fang Junrong is beautiful, with assets of nearly 100 billion yuan. He is not only the chairman of Meifang group, the major shareholder of Gaoyuan group, but also a deputy to the National People's Congress. This year, he was invited to give a speech at the United Nations. Such an excellent woman, do you think she is not worthy of ginger leisure? "

Although Liang Feng and Fang Junrong deal with a few times, she has a good impression. Whether she left after her husband's infidelity, sold the white jade paste and detoxification pill at cost, or devoted herself to charity every year, she felt that Fang Junrong was an admirable lady.

As a result, her niece, when she was mentioned, was derogatory.

"She's divorced and her daughter has gone to college," she said. And she is so strong that men don't like it. "

Although it is said that Fang Junren's ex husband Li nianjin is very dreary, if Fang Junrong's personality is more gentle, he will not go to that step. In addition, her son didn't take care of it well, so she was divorced from her for the sake of a woman, which shows that she has some problems.

Liang Feng looked at her eyes a little bit more closely, "so in your eyes, divorced women are like defective products, need to discount?"

That's what it was.

Angie Liang wanted to say that, but when she saw her aunt's face, her reason came back.

Liang Feng sneered: "I also divorced, is not in your eyes, is also a defective product, natural inferior?" She loved angel before, because some of the other party's habits reminded her of her early daughter. She loved her house and loved her more. In addition, she has always been naive and lively in front of her, which is very gratifying.

It's just that she didn't think that her niece actually thought of it. She is intimate with her aunt on the surface. Does she look down on her in private?

Liang Anqi felt as if she had been drenched with cold water from her head. She responded and said anxiously, "aunt, I don't mean that!"

But she hesitated for a long time and didn't give a reason.

Liang Feng sneered and left without looking at her again. Now think about it, her other niece and nephew, though not pleasant, but good or bad. Heart is important to everything.Angie Liang looked at her back without hesitation, and she was silly.

She seems to have offended her biggest backer. I'm still too lax today, because I saw Jiang Dexian. I was so excited that I forgot what I played in front of my aunt.

She originally thought that Fang Junrong was just an outsider. She didn't think that she loved her aunt very much, but she fell out with her because of an outsider. All blame Fang Junrong. If it was not for her, she would not quarrel with her aunt.

Angie Liang was so annoyed that she could only count the debt on Fang Junrong, thinking that she would get it back one day.

It's better to look for a starting point from Li Xinyun, the daughter of Fang Junrong. When she passed by, the original owner was a student from a famous foreign university, and her grades were good. It's just that although a part of the other party's memory, but the use of the original skills will not be very skilled, almost exposed. So I quickly signed up to participate in the exchange activities of the college and took the opportunity to return home, so as not to get involved.

In retrospect, the school she communicated with was really the University of s city where Li Xinyun was. This shows that God is helping her!


Fang Junrong did not know that he was secretly stabbed to hate. It doesn't matter if you know.

After having lunch with Jiang Dexian, Jiang Dexian sent her back and returned to the company. After all, he had to sign some cooperation contracts.

Fang Junrong looked on the Internet, and sure enough, the photos of Jiang Dexian were given to PO by those media. The photos showed him with cold eyes and noble and reserved appearance. The comments were all

a group of people who screamed and were conquered by his beauty, and many even changed their ID to "President Jiang's girlfriend". Fang Junrong looked at it, and there was no marketing number to write about her eating with Jiang Dexian.

She suspected that it was because she had sent several rumor mongering VIPs into the Bureau, who were more cautious when they wrote about her affair. To her surprise, even Jiang Dexian's competitors did not hold on to his past. She understood the reason with a little thought. If you take this as an example, she will inevitably be involved. There is no need to offend Jiang Dexian to death in order to deal with her.

It's very good. She doesn't want her own affairs to be discussed by others.

She looked around and saw that Jiang Dexian's shares sold out this time amounted to almost 24% and absorbed a lot of working capital. It seemed that he was ready to expand the scale of the company.

Fang Junrong doesn't know about it. As a layman, she's second only to Jiang Dexian. She's a direct shopkeeper. She can get dividends every year. She doesn't comment on specific company strategies.

On the other hand, as a temporary monitor, Xin Yun was appointed to host several foreign exchange students. Can't help, the original class monitor riding a bicycle fell, hurt a hundred days, can only take good care of. Li Xinyun has a good relationship with her sister. In addition, she is also famous in the class. She has to be ordered to take care of her for the time being. As a result, when the new official took office, he just met the exchange students.

Exchange work with their major is a famous foreign university, a total of six students. It was because Li Xinyun's foreign language was excellent and there was no problem communicating with foreigners.

After meeting the exchange students, Li Xinyun was surprised to find that the exchange students had two Asian faces, but she was not sure whether she was of Chinese origin.

She introduced herself in a fluent foreign language, and then saw one of the lovely girls come to say in Chinese: "I'm Angie Liang, you can call me angel. "

she showed a sweet smile," I like you as soon as I see you. Can we be friends? "

Li Xinyun Leng for a moment, smile, "of course."

The leader of this Exchange team is also a Chinese. He only lived abroad since childhood, and his Chinese name is fan Wenbo.

Li exchanged contact information with them and took them to visit the campus. Along the way, Angie Leung has been very intimate with her. But Li Xinyun thinks that this girl has a special purpose.

And she was riddled all over. For example, he grew up in a foreign country like fan Wenbo when he was young. He also studied in a famous university. He should be good at foreign languages. However, when Li Xinyun took care of the exchange students and used foreign language to communicate specially, Angie Liang couldn't react.

Especially when they discussed some professional topics, the other side showed the expression of listening to the book of heaven.

Foreign famous universities, are they so water?

Li Xinyun wondered, when he went back, he couldn't help but make complaints about his mother's Tucao.