Kong Shuang has always been worried about being a junior when she was young. After she had a daughter, her heart was on her. Over the years, although there have been love, but not for a long time. I haven't had a new boyfriend for at least two years.

The girl student was stunned and subconsciously said, "don't you have a boyfriend who talks about marriage?"

Kong Shuang frowned, "there is no such thing."

She quickly reflected that the girl was obviously Angie's classmate. She kept saying that she had made a boyfriend, which must have come from angel's mouth. It's just why Angie said that?

Her heart sank to the bottom of the lake, but her face did not show half of it. She frowned slightly and looked very distressed. "You should be angel's good friend, right? This child and I recently estranged a little, I asked her, she did not say. You are your age, and she should be more willing to talk to you

"As a mother, I still want to know what my children are thinking and what grievances they have suffered."

When Kong Shuang was young, she was able to make a playboy like Liang Hua fall in love. Naturally, she had elegant temperament from primary school piano. Although she is in her forties now, she is still an elegant and beautiful woman because of her good maintenance.

The girl student is a real Yankong, the inner balance can not help tilting. Looking at her caring for her daughter, she could not help feeling that there was a misunderstanding between her mother and daughter.

So she said all the things she had complained about before.

For example, Angie Leung was deeply hurt by her father's partiality.

For example, Angie Leung was upset that her mother ignored her after she had a boyfriend.

Because the living expenses are not enough, I went to work to earn money, so I didn't do well in the exam. I have to cram in next semester.

Kong Shuang fainted when she heard it. Originally, she believed only three percent of what she said in the email. Now it has become seven points. Her clever daughter can't be a person full of lies and maliciously slander others behind her back. At the thought of a ghost who did not know where occupied her daughter's body, Kong Shuang's heart was filled with endless hatred.

However much indignation she had in her heart, as long as the ghost used her daughter's body, she would not allow her to discredit her daughter's reputation.

She took a deep breath. Her voice sounded weak. "Angie, she misunderstood me. I broke up with that man long ago."


The female classmate saw Liang's mother go all the way back to China to find her daughter. She felt that she still loved her, so she took her to the dormitory building.

On the other side, Angie Leung is preparing for live broadcast at this time, and she can't help but smile at the gifts given by many audiences backstage. Hearing the knock, she turned her head. "Come in, the door is unlocked." She thought it was her classmates who had just returned. Their exchange students have very good accommodation, with single rooms, which gives her some personal space.

But when she looked up, she saw a weak woman standing at the door, her pupils dilated silently and murmured, "Mom, how did you come?"

Her face flashed uneasily. She didn't think that her mother would come to China. On the one hand, she came to China because she was not used to foreign countries. On the other hand, she wanted to stay away from Kong Shuang. After all, she had such a good relationship with the original owner. After all, if she stayed for a long time, she would be found to have something wrong with her.

The female classmate who led Kong Shuang said to them, "if there is a misunderstanding between your mother and daughter, please explain it clearly. I'll go first."

Liang Anqi's face changed slightly, and she thought of her previous nonsense. She was so upset in her heart that she was afraid that Kong Shuang would know this.

After thanking the classmate, Kong Shuang quietly watched Liang Anqi.

Liang angqi was more and more guilty by her, "Mom..." She flattened her mouth and said, "I, I didn't mean to say that. I've just come to China, and I'm ostracized. They're jealous of my family's money. So I had to make up some miserable experiences to balance their psychology so that they would not bully me any more

If in the past, for her words, she would certainly accept, but now Seeing the enthusiastic female classmate just now, Kong Shuang didn't believe a word of her words. That girl classmate was obviously concerned about angel, and even worried that there was a misunderstanding between their mother and daughter. She always said good things about angel all the way.

She became more and more sure that this man was not her daughter! Her daughter would not do such things as maliciously discrediting others in order to shirk responsibility.

"Are you really my daughter?" she asked softly

Liang angqi's face flashed a touch of panic, and her eyes kept turning. She clenched her fist and forced herself to smile: "Mom, what are you talking about? Are you not hurting me anymore, and you want another daughter?" She made an aggrieved look and made a harrow.

She put her expression into her eyes, and Kong Shuang already had the answer in her heart. She lowered her eyes and said, "you child, after you wake up, your character has changed a lot, which makes me very worried. If you are wronged, just tell me, don't hold it in your heart. We are mother and daughter. Of course, mother is for you. "

Now we can't expose this. We have to stabilize the other party and find a way to get her daughter back!"Do you remember when you were a child, when you had a fever, you had to eat mango. When the supermarket was closed, my mother drove to a friend's house and brought back some mangoes. As a result, after you ate one mouthful, you didn't want to eat any more, which made me angry."

Angel mango allergy, can't eat. Kong Shuang just wanted to test it.

After listening to this, she put down the big stone in her heart. Her expression slowed down, "I know my mother is the best for me." She had no impression of what Kong Shuang said. Although she has some memories of the original owner, she has to try to recall them every time she wants to use them.

She went to Kong Shuang, took her arm and was coquettish with a smile.

Kong Shuang looked at her fondly, but there was no temperature under her eyes.

Although she does not want to contact the Liang family again, but for her daughter, she can only let the Liang family come forward to look for talents. She's going to get her baby daughter back.

With a smile in her mouth, she said to Angie Liang, "you told me before that you have received a lot of care from your aunt after returning home, and my mother has to go and thank her in person."

Angie Liang's face was stiff - she had not contacted her aunt for a while. But let the mother to lead the battle is also good, the original mother's personality is gentle, few people will hate her.

She simply gave her the phone number of Liang Feng.

Kong Shuang wrote it down and was ready to ask Liang Feng for help.


Fang Junrong was very surprised when she received the call from Liang Feng. Although she didn't know how Liang Feng suddenly wanted to see her, she still responded.

They met at a hotel under the name of Liang Feng.

"Can I call you Junrong?" Liang Feng said.

Fang Junrong nodded, "what's the matter?"

Liang Feng has always given her the impression that she is straightforward and vigorous, but now she shows rare hesitation.

"Junrong, do you have any extra jadeite? It's like the jade you gave to grandson Geng. " She added, "no matter how much money it costs, I can buy it."

Two days ago, Kong Shuang went to her and begged for her help. Liang Feng doesn't like Xiao San, but Kong Shuang's situation is different. In this case, her brother Liang Hua conceals his married status and deceives Kong Shuang, who was innocent at that time, so she can't be angry with her. In addition, over the years, Kong Shuang has been staying abroad with her daughter and has never contacted them. She is very well behaved.

Therefore, she would like to see Kong Shuang. Who knows, from Kong Shuang's mouth, she learns that her niece, Liang Anqi, is occupied by ghosts. She didn't think Kong Shuang would cheat her on such a matter. No mother could recognize her daughter. She also spent two days investigating, and soon found out what was wrong after angel fell into the water. Acting as a person is not only the same as before, but also different in handwriting.

No matter how, she is also her niece. According to the data, she used to be clever and sensible, which is quite different from now. Liang Feng found a reason to bring her back and stabilize her. In private, he contacted several masters he knew and asked them to help him see what he could do.

One of them, Master Zhang, said that he could do it, but the quality of the tools needed was not low, and it had to be natural. It's like the jade that Geng yuan's grandson usually wears. It can be regarded as a natural magic weapon. It's good to wear it.

Although Liang Feng is not short of money, but this thing is really difficult to find, she can only find the upper Jun Rong to try to see if the other side has this thing.

Fang Junrong had a pile of jade and jewelry in her hand, which were basically thrown into the jade cave by her. Her impression of Liang Feng is not bad, but she does not want to give people a lot of impression of this thing.

"I have a few on hand, but I don't have much left."

"To tell you the truth, I want to buy this to save my niece. She's in a bad mood, and the master I've got said she needs it. " Liang Feng gently mentioned the matter.

Fang Junrong thought of Liang Anqi at once. She was really revealing.

She nodded. "Since it's to save people, I'll give it up."

"Thank you." Liang Feng was very grateful, and she didn't let Fang Junrong suffer. She talked directly with Fang Junrong about the cooperation and prepared to let more profits be given to her as a thank-you. The two of them were originally quite similar in character, and after reaching cooperation, their relationship became more and more harmonious.

Saving people is very important. Fang Junrong is going to go home today and choose one for Liang Feng. Although she said that her things are put in the cave, but in public, certainly can not take out directly, can only excuse to put it at home.

Liang Feng was also anxious to save her niece and went back with her directly.

When she got the jade, she was relieved. The emerald looked different from what she had seen before. It was warm in the palm of her hand. It was bright and restrained. It looked extraordinary.

It's just that she's too relaxed.

She soon received a call from her home. Angie Liang did not know where she heard the news. Under the name of shopping, she slipped away directly and her cell phone was pulled black.

Liang Feng was so angry that she almost vomited blood. She could only tell her to find her as soon as possible. She doesn't care about the ghost, but the body of her niece is used by her!Fang Junrong took a puff from the corner of his mouth and couldn't help sympathizing with Liang Feng and Kong Shuang. She suddenly thought of one thing, so called Jiang Dexian, let him if he met Angie Liang, remember to stabilize each other, do not let the other party leave.

She had a premonition that she must have gone to find Jiang Dexian.