Kong Shuang and Liang Hua have gone too far! I want to find the master to drive her away! Thanks to her passing through, she tried to please them and treat them as their relatives. However, she almost got stabbed.

If it had not been for the maid who could not look down and remind her of this, she would have been foolishly kept in the dark as if they were good people. She doesn't want to go back at all. What a wonderful world this world is. Here, she is lovely and has a good family background. She does not lack money. Although she is an illegitimate daughter, it does not affect her quality of life. Unlike the previous life, family circumstances are not good, usually want to chase stars, have to dig out pocket money from three meals every day. What's more, she also knows the plot, which companies' stocks can soar, and can win by holding their legs.

For her, although things are not going well, the world is still a paradise for her.

It's just

Where should she go now when she escapes?

Liang's family is so big that it's too easy to catch her as a little girl. And she listened to the maid said that her aunt had found the so-called master, and now she went to find Fang Junrong to buy a magic weapon that she needed to do.

Fang Junrong! How can it be Fang Junrong again!

She stopped and bit her lower lip. She has no longer been in charge of Fang Junrong. She just wants to make money and be a big shareholder of Qixing. As a result, Fang Junrong still bullies her. What can't be tolerated. She must be jealous that she is younger than her, so she wants to use this method to eradicate her threat.

By the way, she can find ginger leisure! After reading the original novel, she can say that she has mastered the script and understood the business information for many years. She can tell Jiang Dexian the information. In return, Jiang Dexian has to protect her. She had been able to do this for a long time, just wanted to keep a card. Now, she really can't care about it.

However, before looking for Jiang Dexian, she still needs to do something to fight back at Fang Junrong!

Or she can't swallow it!

Although Fang Junrong has many friends and admirers in the novel, there are also many people who dislike her.

She counted them one by one and found that most of them had been Ko at this time point. She thought for a long time, but only remembered that there was an entertainment company called Wenxia, who had sent some beautiful teenagers to Fang Junrong. As a result, Fang Junrong let them sign a contract with his adopted daughter Zhong Yi studio. After these people formed a regiment, they became popular in one shot and became the top class in less than a year. Wen Xia's boss watched the money tree miss him, don't mention much regret. Because of this reason, the other side of the king to look at the eye, there is no less to make a stumbling block in the back. He even wanted to find someone to give Fang Junrong a head drop, but he didn't have time to do it, because the accounts were reviewed.

According to the time point to calculate, this Du Zong should be next year will make up his mind to deal with Fang Junrong. She can ask for help in advance. After finishing this, she will go to Jiang Dexian.

When Fang Junrong had an accident, and she was a young and beautiful girl beside her, she didn't believe that Jiang Dexian would always be devoted to each other.

She stopped the taxi and went to Wenxia entertainment company. She came out with some cash when she went out. There was still money for a taxi.

Half a day later, she left the company, not very good-looking.

The chairman of Wenxia didn't see the rabbit scattering the eagle. He was so scared that he didn't dare to do anything by himself. He just gave her the contact information of Master Yi and asked her to find the other party by herself. Obviously, she didn't want to get involved in this, and wanted to use her to deal with Fang Junrong.

Angie Leung's original plan failed, but she had to come forward in person.

After she left, Mr. Du stood upstairs, looking at her back, and could not help shaking his head. "This little girl is beautiful, but it's a pity that she can't hold her breath and has no brain."

For the sake of a man, I want to make Junrong below. It's stupid and poisonous.

Many of Fang Junrong are not satisfied with her, but over the past few years, she has basically declined. In the circle, people generally think that Fang Junrong is a bit mysterious, as if he is sheltered by heaven. Whoever is against her is unfortunate.

Although he was very angry because of the relationship between the group, he would not be stupid enough to come forward in person.

If Angie Liang fails, he will not be involved in it. If it is successful, it will be better. It is just possible to make preparations and divide up the cake that she will not leave behind. In any case, no matter how you look at it, he will not lose. So he was happy to let the other party be the first bird.


When Angie Liang was busy doing things, Fang Junrong had already accompanied Liang Feng to the Liang family.

Although this can be said to be a domestic scandal, but because Fang Junrong has already known, Liang Feng does not mind letting her know more.

Along the way, her face was stiff and her whole popularity was going to explode.

She did not expect that the maid in her villa had betrayed her and told Angie Liang about it. What is she up to? Does she seem to have treated each other badly? Even because of appreciating each other's character at that time, she was left behind.

Her action is like a slap in the face of Liang Feng.

When she arrived at her villa, her high-heeled shoes clattered and her face was covered with frost.Fang Junrong found that the maid didn't leave. She stood there with her back straight. Looking at her expression, she didn't seem to think that she was wrong. When she saw Liang Feng, she said, "I know I did something wrong. I didn't expect to stay. I resigned to the boss specially."

Kong Shuang also received the news, angry and worried, "why do you do this?"

Finally, her daughter was soon found back, but she was close to one stroke in chess. This psychological gap almost broke her mood, but she just held on and did not let herself fall.

"Because I look down on you!" said Wu Fen, a maid

"Just because her character has changed a little and she is not as obedient as before, you think she is evil and wants to find someone to exorcise her. No matter how her character changes, isn't it all your child? "

"I think you rich people just want a child who is obedient and can be controlled by you. Just like my parents, after I refused to follow them and let them suck blood, they thought I was in a bad mood and almost didn't kill me

She spent a lot of effort, and finally cut the family. Now to see Liang angqi, as if to see the past of their own, so fighting for this job do not, also want to help her, protect her.

At the end of the day, she just wanted to save herself, who had been powerless in the past.

Liang Feng said coldly, "do you seem to think that you are the messenger of justice? In your eyes, I'm the kind of person who can't tell the difference between them? "

Although Kong Shuang can understand each other's mood, she almost killed her daughter! With great will power, she didn't let herself go forward and beat her.

She directly lost two books in the past, and her tone showed a slight hatred, "these two books are the handwriting comparison between my daughter half a year ago and now. You can compare them! Tell me, are they alone? " She's got it for handwriting verification.

Wu Fen was stunned for a moment, bent down and picked up the two books. When she opened it, she was stunned.


On the other side, Jiang Dexian is also helpless after receiving the phone call from Fang Junrong.

I don't know where Jun Rong comes from. I think Angie Liang will come to him.

For Angie Leung, he didn't feel any favor at all. The other side looked at him as if he were a piece of fat to be coveted. But Jun Rong would not do anything aimless. Since he asked him to leave the girl, she should have her intention.

Jiang Dexian orders to go on. If Angie Liang comes to look for him, he doesn't need to stop her.

After waiting for two days, he still did not see the figure of Angie Leung.

Maybe Jun Rong was wrong this time?

He took his mind back and focused on his work. Their company's newly launched software has a good reputation among young people. The user viscosity is very high, and the number of downloads is also rising. Jiang Dexian thinks that they can do better. The software can be further refined to add practical functions. These two days, he was mainly in a meeting with the technical department to discuss this matter.

By accident, by the time he realized it, it was already over nine o'clock in the evening.

Jiang Dexian is not in the habit of resting in the company. He is ready to drive for a snack and then go back to have a rest.

Just arrived at the parking lot, not into the car, a figure rushed over.

"Please, help me!"

There was a cry in the voice.

Jiang Dexian's first reaction was to avoid it. The other side couldn't stop and hit his car directly. The impact force made her pathetic expression directly break through and become ferocious. The pain from her abdomen made her speechless for a long time.

Jiang Dexian glanced at her: really let Jun Rong say, she really came over.

If there was no Fang Junrong's phone call, Jiang Dexian would never answer to each other, but now he can only stabilize the other party.

"What can I do for you?"

As the magnetic sound fell into her ears, the pain of * * seemed to be relieved a lot. She looked up at Jiang Dexian. In the dim light of the parking lot, he looked very gentle and focused as if she were the world.

Angie Liang's heart beat and beat, subconsciously trying to grab his hand, but still fluttered empty.

She bit her lower lip, and suddenly a flash of light, "I am your wife from the future."

Although we said we should stabilize each other, we can't bear such a lie.

"I don't think I have that bad eye."

Liang angqi didn't expect that the other side would be so merciless when she opened her mouth, and her face was hot. She had more confidence in her voice when she thought of the plots she had mastered.

"Give us space to be alone and I can tell you something about the future."

Jiang Dexian's eyes sank, and his irascible mood surged up. Is the other party reborn? Will it affect him and Junrong?

He looked at her deeply with no emotion in his voice. "What do you know?"

"Fang Junrong is not worth your liking at all. In addition to hooking you, she also has several other men who are not worthy of your favor," she said"Your future is broken by her, you go abroad, and you meet me." She stammered at the beginning, and the more she said it, the more smoothly she spoke. After all, she wrote about the story. She liked the character Jiang Dexian very much at that time, and specially wrote a companion for him. Of course, the heroine of the same person is replaced by herself.

Just listening to this, Jiang Dexian confirmed that the other party was not from the previous life.

"Who are the other men?" he asked

If what the other party says is true, you can just figure out what his rivals are. Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will be invincible in a hundred battles.