Liang Anqi was stunned. She didn't expect that compared with other things, Jiang Dexian was most concerned about this matter.

She bit her teeth and said, "your original companion, someone later betrayed you and started a new business."

Jiang Dexian: "who are the other men?" He also knows what Angie Liang said. So in his life, he didn't let the other party join the team at the beginning of his life, killing the threat in the cradle.

"There is also an entertainment company boss who wants you to pick up his daughter. His daughter was already pregnant at that time," she said angrily

Jiang Dexian: "who are the other men?" It was as if he could not say anything but this.

At the beginning, she was ready to use the script "I am your wife from the future" to take him down. She was so angry that Jiang Dexian, who was originally handsome and compelling, looked a little more disgusting in her eyes. Is his mind full of things about Fang Junrong? Is not career more important than Fang Junrong?

"Are you a repeater

Jiang Dexian smiles gently. The angry angel Liang is fascinated by his smile, and his anger subsides a lot.

"I don't even know that. It seems that what you just said is a lie."

Although it is a provocative method, it is enough to deal with Angie Leung. A little girl of her age couldn't stand it. When she was stimulated, she said, "who says I don't know!"

She said several names in a row, but also with private goods, wantonly exaggerate the ambiguity between Fang Junrong and these people.

Jiang Dexian remembered those names in his heart, opened the door and said faintly, "get on the bus."

Angie Liang stayed for a while, and his heart was filled with ecstasy. Was he willing to believe her? And he's taking her home?

Had known that, she should have done so in the beginning, should not have delayed until now.

Along the way, Angie Liang tried to tell some information about the future, contacted Jiang Dexian and described the process of her love with Jiang Dexian from time to time, with a sweet face. She didn't realize that she had been cheated by Jiang Dexian.

On the other side, Jiang Dexian has already sent a text message to Fang Junrong, indicating that Angie Liang is here.

After arriving at Jiang Dexian's home, Liang Anqi directly sat on the sofa and inspected the interior decoration with the hostess's eyes. In her eyes, Jiang Dexian's decoration was too simple and cold. When she moves in, she will change her style. She can't stand it.

She also took a few photos, which she originally wanted to upload and declare her sovereignty. But because he was worried that Jiang Dexian would get angry, he had to give up. Forget it, there are opportunities in the future!

Just then the doorbell rang.

Angie Liang looked up. "Is it midnight?" It's not half an hour faster than she expected.

JIANG Dexian seems to have ordered a snack. What makes her a little upset is that when he orders a snack, he doesn't ask her what she likes to eat. This future boyfriend really needs to be adjusted.

Jiang Dexian seems to be busy, and his tone is casual, "well, you can go and get it."

Liang angqi stood up and went to open the door. As soon as the door opened, she saw the group of people standing at the door and was stunned on the spot.

Kong Shuang, the mother of the original owner, looked at her with resentment in her eyes. Her aunt Liang Feng's expression was indifferent. Fang Jun's face was light. She couldn't see her inner thoughts. Beside her, there were a group of tall bodyguards.

How are they?

Liang Anqi subconsciously wants to close the door, but unfortunately the speed of the bodyguards is faster. One of them buckled the door, and the other two caught her with lightning speed, making her unable to move.

She was pressed in, and there was no time for her voice to speak out. The sound insulation of the house is so good that even if she yells, people in the next room can't hear her.

Angie Liang was desperate. Even if she had no brain, she also responded at this time. It must be Jiang Dexian who betrayed her. Otherwise, how could these people come here?

She was so kind to him, even showed her own particularity in front of him, and gave him so much spoiler, but he treated her like this. Does he have a conscience?

"Count me! How can you not keep your word! "

Jiang Dexian said: "I never promised you, and I took you in."

Angie was so angry that she looked at him with hatred in her eyes. She hasn't enjoyed enough life, and although those people may not be able to send her away, as long as it is possible, she can't accept it.

Jiang Dexian also said to Jun Rong, "I ordered some dishes that you like to eat at night. I'll have some later."

Fang Junrong's lip horn was hooked, "good."

This undoubtedly became the last straw that overcame Liang angqi. She broke down and looked at Kong Shuang with tears on her face.

"Mom, don't do this to me. I have called your mother for so long. Do you have no feelings for me? "

"I'm more likable than her, better than her."

Kong Shuang such a good character person, are angry, "shut up, you thief! Give the body back to my daughter"In my heart, my angel is the best."

"Auntie, I've been with you all these months! It's not her! I'm your niece, aren't I

Liang Feng was so angry that she laughed, "just for your selfish desire, should my real niece die?"

"I will live a good life instead of her," she said Originally, it was the world in the book, but it was not true. It was not a big deal in her eyes to die a paper man.

Fang Junrong shook her head. She didn't know how old the man who occupied the body was now. However, her psychological age must still be under age. She was astonished by the natural evil and selfishness. The other party is afraid that the world is not as real, more like a false playground, so it will act against the common sense, unscrupulous.

Liang Feng didn't even want to talk to her again, just waiting for the master to come. In order to avoid a long night's dream, they are going to do it today and drive the man away. at_this_time_ , _she_felt_that_the_tortoise_in_the_space_was_ready_to_move_quickly_ , _and_seemed_to_want_to_come_out_of_the_space_ ._

Fang Junrong and Kuai have reached a tacit understanding in this respect, and they will open their bags.

The next second, quickly climbed out of the bag, twisted his neck, looked very smart.

Liang Feng, who was in a bad mood, couldn't help being happy. "How can you bring your tortoise out?"

Fang Junrong made a helpless expression, "probably when I don't pay attention to it, I'll get into my bag."

Angie Leung has been tied up and forced to sit in a chair, unable to move.

Quick as if to have a great interest in her, climb around her, around her.

Liang angqi's face was blue. She hated turtles since she was a child. She wanted to dodge, but she couldn't act.

I went around her for several times and finally stopped at her feet.

About half an hour later, the master invited by Liang Feng finally arrived. His hair and beard are white, but his face is very ruddy, and he can't even find many wrinkles. His hair is white and his face is young. He looks like a fairy. When he saw Fang Junrong, he was stunned and looked at her.

Fang Junrong was seen to have some hair in his heart, "what's the matter?"

The master just laughed and said, "do good deeds, accumulate merits and virtues, and keep all evil from invading."

The rest of the superfluous words did not say, just put the eyes on Angie Leung. He couldn't help shaking his head. "Go back where you should go."

He took out a compass and put it around Angie Leung. Suddenly, the compass spun rapidly.

Fang Junrong doesn't understand metaphysics, but she can vaguely perceive that this master should have some real talents. If she was born again, she would not believe it. But she was reborn, and even emerald cave, she began to believe that there are amazing people in the world.

Liang Feng carefully took out a box, which contained a clear jade. She bought it specially from Fang Junrong.

The next step, for Jun Rong, is totally unfamiliar.

After the arrangement, she saw that Angie Liang's expression became irritable and twisted into a ball, as if she was experiencing great pain.

Fang Junrong noticed that the quickness of her feet seemed more excited. Her neck was stretched and her eyes were still staring at Liang Anqi. This expression Fang Junrong is too familiar, every time he sees the food he likes to eat, it is always this expression.

She couldn't help sighing in her heart: don't want to eat all the rubbish quickly. Be careful to eat bad stomach.

Others watched the scene with bated breath, for fear that their breath might interfere with the practice. Kong Shuang, in particular, clenched his fist nervously and murmured some words of hope for the blessing of the gods and Buddhas.

About ten minutes later, Angie Leung's painful look was relieved, and her lovely face showed a sleepy expression, as if she would fall into a deep sleep in the next second.

At this time, Liang Anqi, who had half closed her eyes, widened her eyes. Her expression changed from ferocious to calm. It was as if two people were fighting in this body.

Kong Shuang recognized her daughter's expression at a glance, and her tears suddenly fell down, "good treasure."

Suddenly, Liang Anqi was biting her teeth, and the blue veins on her forehead were about to jump out. It made other people very nervous. Only the master was calm and comforted them, "don't worry, the other side is the end of a strong arrow."

She stares at Jiang Dexian and suddenly smiles. The smile is full of happiness, and the vicious mood is almost to be turned into substance.

"I've asked someone to put a curse on him. If I die, she won't live. Only I know who did it to her. If you want to save her, let me go! "

"To me, it's just death. To be able to drag Fang Junrong into the water together, I can be regarded as returning to the original. "

Even if she died, the most is to return to the original body, repeat the original boring life. So she didn't worry. Jiang Dexian betrayed her, and she would make him suffer all his life.Jiang Dexian's face changed greatly and subconsciously wanted to suspend the ceremony. Fang Junrong grasped his wrist, his tone was still calm, "don't worry, I'll be OK."

She seemed to hear a faint spell in her ear, but only for a moment the voice disappeared.

At the same time, in a dark room.

A skinny man was holding a wooden man in his hand. His head was covered with dense black needles. He took out a bottle and put the purple liquid on the wood. The liquid directly penetrated into the wood, but there was not a drop out.

He began to recite incantations that others could not understand, and his face was full of confidence.

The next second, he directly vomited black blood, the breath suddenly decayed a lot. Did he get eaten back?