If it weren't for the creators to have a different mindset, and if it wasn't the purpose of the newspaper, I'm afraid they would really be nothing.

"Five Treasures, I have been thinking about a question before." Si Huang said.

Five Treasures: [Your Majesty, say you! 】

Si Huang: "Illusory arts can only act on myself, not just to transform the appearance, but also to transform other things, giving people wrong visual effects."

Five Treasures: [That’s right, but the change of people saves little pink. 】

Si Huang smiled, "Are we missing little pink now?"

The Five Treasures originally wanted to calculate it first, but it turned out that there is no need to forget it. Your Majesty’s little pink is almost all over the world, OK, [Your Majesty... the minister is negligent! The Five Treasures are about to cry. It is so stupid. Your Majesty is already full of small coffers, and he is still stingy and living a life under various constraints.

For a moment, Si Huang felt that various functions of the body had been improved. The sudden improvement almost caused her to make a mistake. Knowing that it was the ghost of the Five Treasures, he did not speak out to blame it.

You can still sell stupid at this time, and honestly it can relieve people's mood.

The Five Treasures are already mung beans with brilliant eyes, [Your Majesty, use it, use it, it’s okay! Can't run out! Kill the Quartet, wow ha ha ha! 】

Si Huang: "..." I don't bother to care about this little smasher who doesn't know the situation is dangerous. Si Huang has activated the ability of his eyes and changed his hands. The side neck and forehead have vaguely grown scales, faintly brilliant. It's not obvious, this is to protect some of her deadly places, but in the eyes of outsiders, it is still involuntarily stunning.

It's just a good saying, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are, so Si Huang rushed into the enemy's circle.

"What about people?!"

"Still here just now!"

"Invisibility? Does this kind of ability really exist? Find him out!"


Si Huang's figure suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes, and no trace was found.

This kind of visual impact is difficult for anyone to calm down, and for a while, some people can't help but scream.

Especially when the screams sounded, everyone discovered that the screams happened in their own team. The arteries in the neck of the caller were cut off, and the blood was sprayed and fell to the ground, but the murderer still disappeared.

You can't shoot directly in your own team. When you think of a terrible enemy actually sneaking into your own people, it is very likely that the next person to die is yourself, even the elite soldiers can't help being shuddered.

Si Huang's actions were so swift that it was too late for Qin Fan to stop it.

Even if her behavior is beneficial to the action, if someone else does it, Qin Fan will still appreciate that person, but when this is changed to Si Huang, he still can't help being taken over by private feelings.

Fuck the national weapons! Before she was a soldier, she was his baby first, and his baby was in her belly!

Qin Fan rushed forward without hesitation, but did not forget the other team members and ordered to go down, "Prepare to break through!"

In the thunderstorm, they all carried individuals. It was the old comrades who were missing. They seemed to be in a bad condition, and they were all burdens to be carried or carried on their backs.

To protect them and then break through, it is not a simple matter for them in the thunderstorm, especially under such targeted encirclement.

Fortunately, there are three major killers in their team, which can really be called humanoid killers, and one person is comparable to a troop.

Si Huang's whereabouts are unknown, but anyone can see that she was the first to rush into the enemy crowd, and she must still be there now. You can see those who were cut to death for no reason.

Xu Zixiu's performance is ferocious, he relied on his own ability to rampage, and the visual impact that he gave people was unsatisfactory. People who are not determined will be frightened.

Qin Fan is also brazenly and brutally charged directly, but regardless of the difference between him and Si Huang’s hiding and Xu Zixiu’s, he is more like an almighty hunter with bronze walls and iron bones, fast like a leopard, slaughter like a wolf, and cat The creature’s agility and agility, locked a group of people but never succeeded in shooting him, as if he had eyes all over his body, able to dodge all the bullets, occasionally too dense to avoid, he can reach out and catch him with bare hands. bullet.

It is difficult for others to see the mysterious scales growing on the palm of his hand. It doesn't look thick, but its defense is amazing.

Just think about how strong his defenses were when he survived the magnetic field explosion on the sea floor.

With their three assaults, it was originally an encirclement and suppression, but it was as if some kind of sheep ran to provoke the wolf, tiger and leopard on their own, they were not the opponent of these carnivorous creatures.

Even if they knew that the three of them were ferocious, but seeing this scene with their own eyes, they were shocked even if it was a thunderstorm. The object that shocked them the most was Si Huang.

Because Qin Fan and Xu Zixiu have been famous for a long time, they have long known that they are terrible and terrible. However, Si Huang is more powerful than I heard. This time I saw Si Huang show his full strength, and he actually really played with Qin Fan and Xu Zixiu. Well matched.

In terms of age and training time alone, Si Huang's achievements can be said to have surpassed Qin Fan and Xu Zixiu.

——It turns out that Si Huang said in the video that he is a top special bloodline ability player, and his strength is quite real to that of Qin Fan! ——

At first they thought that Si Huang was talking about the purity of his bloodline. In terms of purity, it seemed that no one could compare to her!

So Si Huang also said, is it true that she is stronger than Qin Fan in the sea?

Thunderstorm they felt that the Three Views had collapsed, and they had already made a decision in their hearts. They must be more polite to Si Shao in the future, not out of respect for the boss and being polite to her, but her own strength is qualified to make them awed.

They were shocked in their hearts, but the thunderstorms did not forget their duties, and they did not slow down to break through the three humanoid weapons, each with its own ability.

The wings spread out behind Longfeng. Don't open the wings, which are feathery. Their sharpness and defensive power are also extraordinary. Otherwise, how can they withstand the high-altitude wind.

The changes in the gravitational magnetic field around the thunderstorm can slow down the speed of the bullets fired and give people reaction time.

The main function of Sunny Baby's abilities is to assist. At this time, it can't help much. What needs to be done is to protect yourself and the rescuers.

Yoko's face was tangled, and finally he bent his body, touched his hands and feet on the ground, and then his eyes gradually changed. With his vertical pupils like beasts, his body that was not very strong at first seemed to have become a little stronger, and turned his head to face the thunderstorm. Say: "Put people..."

Before he finished speaking, Thunderstorm had put all the three old comrades on his back, and quickly tied them with ropes.

Immediately an old comrade shouted: "Don't..."

The thunderstorm did not listen to him, his eyes persisted.

The old comrade was dumb for a while, and his lips trembled.

Yoko didn't know their little movements, and his expression became more tangled. His ability really didn't have any offensive power, but all functions were improved, especially endurance and bearing weight, which were basically human-shaped transport aircraft.

It's just that modern machinery is rampant, and there is no need for him to carry any weight. He personally feels that as a humanoid transport aircraft is really low, so he has always been able to use special abilities. Many in the army think he has no special abilities.

The people on the blood flag side have their own abilities, and the undead are not far behind. They just look at the dodge action, which is not inferior to Qin Fan, but he relies on his own prediction. Generally, he has already advanced before the danger comes. Be prepared.

This scene is more thrilling than any international blockbuster, a real escape from life and death.

Neither Si Huang nor anyone else would have thought that the scene where he was escaping from the dead is being broadcasted nationwide.

Yes, live nationwide!

It's just that the live broadcast this time was not from Si Huang's V Bo, but an unknown live account in ZZ, which opened the live broadcast directly.

Speaking of this live broadcast was also very low-key at the beginning. After all, the trumpet did not recommend being unpopular. If not every live broadcast would be tested by an administrator, so as to avoid H-related or unhealthy content, it would not be discovered.

Who would have thought that a problem would be detected by such a detection. As soon as Xu Zixiu's face appeared in the live content, the administrator immediately went to notify Su Yueban, and not only notified him but also Yuene and others.

Who doesn't know the special bloodline now? Who doesn't know that this is a player with the president of the company? He also watched the V-Bo video of the president before!

After Su Yueban and Yuen got the news, they did not hesitate to put the live video on top. Recommend? give! Popularity? top! Promotion? Contact the way!

They thought that this was made by Si Huang again, so it was the first time to cooperate fully, but for a moment they forgot that Si Huang used V-Bo to post videos, and wherever he made live broadcasts, he still used a trumpet!

However, it is precisely because of what Si Huang has done these days, everything is sudden and profound, deviant and shocking. When they see Xu Zixiu and Qin Fan in the video, they naturally think of Si Huang. , Did not think too much about why Si Huang himself did not appear.

Anyway, Si Huang's thoughts, they always couldn't keep up, and it was always right to follow Si Huang. ——It’s so fascinating to trust!

Such an oolong caused countless people to see the live video, and then pass it one by one. There is no need for them to hype it. This live video has been uploaded to major broadcast software and caught up with the national live broadcast.

During the live broadcast, people in the country also saw things that even Si Huang didn’t know now——

After Qin Fan and the others arrived at the underground base, they indeed found the missing old comrades, as well as other persons of special blood who were arrested.

It's just that although they weren't dead, their bodies were all affected by the drugs, and they didn't know if there was anything else in their bodies. If they just took them away, Qin Fan and others would not be enough.

Knowing from the mouths of the old comrades that this might be a trap, and knowing that an encirclement was already formed outside, an old comrade made a decisive decision: "You take us old guys out, and their goal is us, so we will take people out. Lead them away, and when it’s safe, someone else will pick them up."

------Off-topic ------

So much more today! _(:Зゝ∠)_