This is a risky action, whether it is for those who go out to face the encirclement or those who remain in the underground base.

Some people speculate that the old comrades said it nicely, but in fact they still want to run first, but from their appearance, they know that they don’t know the existence of the live broadcast. When an old comrade was helped up, he still smiled and said:" On my back, the old man, I still have some strength to hold on to myself. You can do your own thing, but I will protect you from the old man."

What to protect? Seeing that his actions are not easy, he obviously has no ability, so only his own person can protect the back of the opponent.

Is this also pretending?

After Qin Fan and others got out of the underground base and everyone saw the encirclement outside, they realized how dangerous they were.

Would this group of old people think of it? If they are afraid of death, they can stay in the underground base and wait for the next rescue with the group of young special bloodlines. Of course, this kind of words would definitely arouse people's doubts, why Qin Fan and the others went down but didn't bring anyone up. It was because everyone thought that people might still be below, then the people below would be really dangerous.

Therefore, the old comrades are right. They are betting, but they have to bet.

When Si Huang noticed the sky, some people noticed it, and shouts of exclamation sounded everywhere. Fortunately, the explosion of the fighter jet with a large thermal weapon did not strike Si Huang and the others.

"Si Huang!" Suddenly, Qin Fan's roar sounded, and then I don't know if the person carrying the camera turned around, and people saw Si Huang standing up and rushing out.

From appearance to disappearance, to casualties and exclaims in the encirclement, everything seemed to be in a dream.

Maybe it's really in a dream!

Is this a special bloodline?

Shuttle baptism in the flames of war and blood.

Everyone is different, they are so powerful and fragile, and each time they struggle back in the line of life and death.

At this moment, everyone's heart is shocked, shocked by the clear and real sense of the huge picture, shocked by the life and death battle of the special bloodline, and shocked by the spirit of this group of soldiers.

They all add up to only ten people, but they are facing thousands of enemies. The enemies still have scary guns in their hands. They want to break through in such a place!

At this moment, who can say that because they are soldiers, they should fight and that they should protect ordinary people? They are so outstanding, why should they be criticized? Their fate is also fate! How many times have their lives taken back in the hands of death?

Aside from others, Si Huang is a celebrity they are familiar with. The celebrity who has been seen by them since his debut at the age of sixteen has grown to be twenty now!

They watched her mature and steady when she was a teenager, watched her grow from a supporting role to an international superstar, watched her grow up, watch her graduate, watch her fall in love and then get married.

This is the idol they love and the hero they love!

Now this twenty-year-old... girl! In the eyes of many people, the age of twenty is still a child's age, and how many people are still in school at the age of twenty, and are still indulging in their youth and publicity.

She is already on the battlefield, but she is struggling with life and death, she is killing! She is saving people!

Countless people watched the live broadcast blankly, their hearts were strained, and they had forgotten what they were doing. They could only look directly at the TV, computer, mobile phone, or projector in front of them.

"Don't have an accident!" "Be safe!" "Come on, you must be able to do it!" "Ouuuuu, don't die, don't die, sorry! I'm sorry!"

I thought to myself, what I said on my lips, countless prayers came out, knowing that Si Huang and others in the live broadcast couldn’t hear it, but if I didn’t say something, I didn’t vent my frustrated heart’s emotions. Suffocating yourself will drive yourself crazy.

Not only are they worried, but more people are also worried, and some people with a discerning eye can see that Si Huang and the others are too risky this time, and they are completely relying on their own ability to fight.

At the same time, they also understood that Si Huang and the others weren't stupidly trying to rescue the old comrades of the country with enthusiasm. They were playing cover.

Originally, they were enough to attract people's attention. With this live broadcast, more people's attention is on them, and other aspects are ignored.

Why are only Si Huang and others in this rescue? Is it because of arrogance or because of really being in an ambush?

The people who came to be surrounded by country R seemed to be the latter, but those who participated in the annihilation plan understood that it was because the personnel had been dispatched to do other tasks.

There are many strongholds for creating gods, entrenched everywhere like tree roots, as well as hidden personnel.

The main contribution of this action was Country Z, because Country Z was originally the country that God created first, and Si Huang and the others also believed in their own people.

When most people were attracted by Sihuang’s rescue and siege incident, people were dying every minute and every second in other places. Some of these dead people were well-known people, and some were inconspicuous little people in the crowd. .

The small strongholds of the gods were attacked one by one, and they were caught off guard, without even a chance to escape. ——After several months of planning and action, they have been secretly lurking everywhere, and they will never allow the fish to escape.

In half a day, the great tree of God Creation Organization seemed to be gnawed away by the swarms of insects and ants, and only the main trunk was supported by it.

The people with special bloodline abilities from various countries gathered together, and the power to act together was terrible, so when Xia Qitong found out, it was too late to prevent those strongholds from being destroyed, and those who were caught were arrested and those who were killed were killed.

It's not that Xia Qitong can't counterattack, but his counterattack can't save those strongholds and the people who have been dealt with. All he can do is deal with those who did it.

However, Xia Qitong didn't do anything about the people who completely killed the branch of God Creation in a single blow. He smiled.

Cheng Hong saw Xia Qitong smiling with his own eyes, even if there was no emotion in his eyes, the corners of his mouth actually twitched.

Cheng Hong didn't understand what his smile meant, and he was shocked in his heart at the same time how this group of people on the move got such detailed information from the God Creation Organization? He believed that Sihuang and the others couldn't fight to make gods because there were many branches of **** making. As long as Sihuang and the others couldn't find the branches and hidden people, the gods would always leave seeds, not to mention Xia Qitong.

Could it be that the Fourth Master took the initiative to disclose it? Cheng Hong thought this way and looked at Xia Xitong again, and the thought was dispelled.

The Creator will not leak this kind of information. The Fourth Master is already assimilating with the Creator, so this idea will not arise either.

What's more, Siye is proud. If you give such a concession to your opponent, then that person will never be recognized by the Siye as an opponent. If you are not recognized as an opponent, the Siye must be indifferent, so it will be wiped out early.

Cheng Hong suddenly remembered what Si Huang said when he was talking with Si Huang, which made him unclear.

——The Yangmou used by Xia Qitong, I am also in Yangmou. ——

Cheng Hong woke up suddenly, this was what Si Huang had planned long ago! This is the result she has been waiting for!

Regardless of where Si Huang got the detailed information, she knew it was her skill.

"Siye, will she come?" Cheng Hong asked Xia Xitong.

In the live broadcast, other people could not see Si Huang's figure, but the screen intercepted by Xia Qitong could be seen, but it was an unclear figure, as if it were formed by bioelectric current.

Cheng Hong also used Xia Qitong's ability to see this.

He felt that with Sihuang, Qin Fan, and Xu Zixiu's skills, he could be called the single king of the single kings. It is not too difficult to break through alone. However, they want to protect other people from going out together, which makes it more difficult. More than doubling twice as simple.

When Cheng Hong asked that sentence, he had never thought about Xia Qitong's answer. Who knew Xia Qitong's voice sounded, "Only she can come."

Cheng Hong was taken aback, then thought of the location of this place, and silently agreed with Xia Xitong's words.

As time passed slowly, this battle that was supposed to have no suspense was unexpectedly turned around by Si Huang and others, allowing them to slowly break through a hole.

Cheng Hong's eyes were bright, and he was surprised that Si Huang and the others were really powerful, and they were in a complicated mood. He didn't know whether he should be happy or regretful.

Almost at the moment when they saw hope, the eyes of the people of country Z were bright.

At this time, Si Huang and others who were breaking through were also slightly relieved.

Qin Fan had already rushed to Si Huang's area. The main force for breaking through was the two of them. Even if they couldn't see Si Huang's figure clearly at the same time, he knew that Si Huang was here with an indescribable feeling.

Hope was right in front of him, and Si Huang rushed to Qin Fan's side.

Even for her, such a high-intensity and long-term battle is a bit overwhelming. It's not that she is not injured, but she is restored by Little Pink when she is injured.

Her recovery is not as fast as Xu Zixiu's abnormal speed, but it is enough to make many people envy and jealous.

Not only did he not want to be injured to affect his combat ability, but also that Qin Fan was worried.

When Si Huang was about to approach Qin Fan, an indescribable and inexplicable electric current ran through her body, like static electricity or bioelectricity. It was disturbed by some influence in a moment, and the magnetic field was temporarily out of control.

Si Huang's face changed in vain, and his figure was completely exposed.

"...Xia Qitong." She whispered, her face turned pale.

The illusion was suddenly broken, which was not enough to make Si Huang panic. The reason for her discoloration was the sensation of falling from her stomach.

It’s been a long time that she felt the pain of conception for the first time. The pain was mild at first, but Si Huang had a sense of seeing that something big was bad, and immediately after reality, she really felt her sense of seeing. It worked.

Qin Fan locked Si Huang's figure in her for the first time when he appeared. In a blink of an eye, he saw Si Huang's small gesture of covering his stomach with one hand, and the pale complexion did not miss.

At that moment, Qin Fan couldn't think of anything, the only thought was to rush to her side.

He did, and he did.

The bullet hit Qin Fan's body at close range, causing his body to shake, but his hand already held Si Huang in his arms.

He didn't stop for a while, trying to break through with only one hand, but the response was not good. After all, Si Huang's figure is not small, and it is impossible to break through in such a place while completely protecting her.

Si Huang also noticed this, and forced his uncomfortable to say to Qin Fan, "Let me down, I can go by myself." Seeing that Qin Fan hadn't moved, Si Huang turned his head and saw the bloodshot eyes in Qin Fan's eyes.

She was startled, then gritted her teeth and slapped Qin Fan's face, "You calm down, so that we can finish two...three!"

This slap woke up Qin Fan, and he put Si Huang down, "You go out first!"

There was no room for discussion in this sentence, and without giving Si Huang any rebuttal, the eyes staring at her were terribly fierce.

Before Si Huang had time to respond, he heard Qin Fan continue to say: "I will cover you." If Si Huang did not agree, he meant to hold him out even if he tried to force him again.

Looking at Qin Fan's suppressed emotions, his eyes full of viciousness covering his worrying appearance, Si Huang was momentarily startled.

She has never asked Qin Fan for a clear answer, that is, if her personal safety is compared with the national mission, which one is more important, and which one will he prefer? Because this question will make Qin Fan embarrassed, and there is no real thing that has happened, it seems naive to have an answer, so Si Huang has not really asked Qin Fan, except that she said to Qin Fan that personal affection is more than righteousness. important.

However, when Dayi was in front of her, when Qin Fan really wanted to face it, she also turned to him and was willing to face it with him.

At this moment, Qin Fan's performance gave Si Huang the answer.

What was printed in those eyes was her figure, which was too strong to be ignored. He put her in the first place. In the case of rescuing the old comrades, he tried to send her out first, even if it violated his actions. A leading responsibility.

It turned out that when she was changing for him, Qin Fan had also changed for her silently.

The pain in the stomach became more and more obvious, and the lower body also felt moist. Si Huang had to accept Qin Fan's words. She was not confident enough to try her luck with the children of the two of them.

Xu Zixiu and the others had long discovered the situation of the two of them. Because they broke through in the same direction, they were not too far apart. Everyone felt the seriousness of the situation and did not dare to have any reservations.

"Sisi, what's the matter with you?" Xu Zixiu was more headstrong than Qin Fan, and completely ignoring the situation of the people behind, he approached them both.

Fortunately, the main pressure is on their side, so the situation of the rear personnel is okay.

"Your stomach hurts? What does it smell like?" Xu Zixiu twitched her stomach, her eyes suddenly fell on Si Huang's unusually big stomach without illusion, "Why is your stomach big?"

Faced with these questions, Si Huang didn't answer. He wanted to use little pink to relieve the pain, but found that it didn't work.

In the end, the Five Treasures reminded him to use glittering gold, which allowed Si Huang to relax. The illusion technique also enveloped himself again, and his figure disappeared.

Qin Fan felt that Si Huang was nearby, and he said to Xu Zixiu: "Cover Si Huang and go out first."

This was the first time Qin Fan spoke to Xu Zixiu in a pleading tone. It is also rare that Xu Zixiu did not choke with Qin Fan for the first time, and his eyes were a bit meaningful and clear.

Their reaction seemed calm and calm, but the crowd watching the live broadcast was stupefied by the sudden situation.

"What's the matter with your majesty's belly? Why is it so big?"

"No? If... if you are pregnant, it will be at least five or six months in that arc, which means that when your Majesty went out to fight!"

"No! No, it's impossible! It must be a mistake..."

"Looking at General Qin's reaction, your majesty is true... and your majesty and the pro-general must have known for a long time, but you know why you are going to such a dangerous place, how is your majesty now?!"

It was shocking enough to think that Si Huang would take the initiative to join the army, but now that Si Huang might be pregnant, everyone lost their voices collectively.

Let alone true fans, even the sunspots, in the face of this situation, as long as they are not born with a black mind and pervert, they can't say a word of evil.

Countless women couldn't control their tears, and they didn't dare to imagine what Si Huang would do next. Seeing Qin Fan's reaction, it was clear that your Majesty's situation was not good! Even if the situation is okay, in this environment, any accident will happen!

What does your Majesty think? Why are you still going! ?

Doesn't your majesty care about his children? Impossible, no one will not care about their children, let alone a gentle person like your Majesty!

Countless thoughts surfaced in everyone's minds, and then aroused the same entangled mood as Grandma Yu who had prevented Si Huang from going out, proud, proud, distressed, guilty, and uncomfortable, and so on.

On Fenghuang Entertainment's side, Yuen and the others can see that they are reacting now. This live broadcast was not recorded by Si Huang at all, otherwise Si Huang would not be like this.

However, it was discovered that it was too late now, and it was even more impossible to turn it off. They were all stupid, and they had never expected Si Huang to hide the pregnancy so deeply.

The most important thing is that they have the same confusion and uncomfortable feelings as everyone else. Why do they have to go out to face the rain of bullets in person at this moment?

Responsibility? Obviously he said so cruelly in the statement and did things so absolutely, so why did he lead by example and say good selfishness? When you really should be selfish, why don't you know how to be selfish? !

"Maybe it’s not that you don’t want to be selfish, but things have really reached the point where your Majesty must come forward. Your Majesty is very powerful, and because of this power, you can save many people. Having your Majesty obviously makes many things easier, and the success rate is also higher. High.” Someone posted his opinions and opinions on the Internet.

Everyone was silent after seeing it.

This is what His Majesty said that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. At that time, they even regarded the special bloodline as an alien, to repel and insult them.

The enemy on the plain would not show any mercy when seeing Si Huang and the others, and would only take the chase.

Qin Fan was worried about Si Huang's situation, and became even more disregarded.

If Qin Fan’s injury is hard to see, then you can see from Xu Zixiu. The scene of flesh and blood exploding and healing. People feel pain just by looking at it. After the pain, there is numbness, mental and spiritual numbness, no There is no feeling, but the feeling is too deep, can no longer withstand the touch, as long as it is touched, it may break.

Si Huang had no choice but to take care of other people. She knew that she would not be able to hold on for long. If she stayed to help others break through, it might become everyone's trouble in the end, so the best choice is to manage herself first.

She was also reluctant to have an accident with the child in her stomach.

When a choice must be made, no matter how painful the choice is, it must be chosen immediately, otherwise the delay will only make the result more miserable.

Si Huang glanced at Qin Fan and Xu Zixiu, then looked back at the teammates behind him, his body changed more and more, but no one saw it under the cover of illusion.

In front was an alloy-like defensive circle. It looked like someone was blocking it. Si Huang's eyes flashed a cruel color, and he heard the sound of the siren when he jumped up, and then the people behind raised up and fired. .

She had to volley and turn around to land again, and then used enough strength to kick the defense that blocked her way.


This kick did not result in kicking away the alloy defense, but exposed her position, and there was a feeling of numbness on her legs. This is similar to the alloy defense thing deliberately targeting a special bloodline, or it is full of electric current attacks and rebounding!

Si Huang didn't stop, and Qin Fan was defending her at the back. It was not impossible to wait for Qin Fan to break here, but if he couldn't make a push, it would make the breakout more troublesome and the other teammates behind him would be more dangerous.

Si Huang took a deep breath, touched his stomach with one hand, and said inwardly: Hold on, you have held on for so long, you must hold on!

Her lower body had already turned into a fishtail, and her scales were detailed in the sunset, reflecting a dazzling halo, and her combat uniform was forcibly broken.

Si Huang used all his strength again and threw his tail on the alloy. The scales cut off the paralysis of most of the electric current. The rebound force was not absent, causing Si Huang to shake again, but he held it back.

"Go!" Seeing that he successfully broke through the final defense, Si Huang yelled. He was about to move but his whole body crooked and almost fell to the ground.

One arm pulled her into his arms in time, and Si Huang looked up and saw bloodshot eyes. The pain and anxiety in those eyes almost drowned out.

Si Huang wanted to comfort Qin Fan very much, but it was not a good time right now, and he didn't even give him a smile. Instead, his expression was solemn, his eyes were only full of toughness, so bright that it almost stung Qin Fan's eye pupils.

"Get out!" Qin Fan's hoarse voice sounded, and he took Si Huang into his arms as soon as he turned his hand. He couldn't care whether this kind of action would make Si Huang uncomfortable. The key is to completely protect her from injury.

The other hand picked up the alloy plate that had been shot down by Si Huang, blocked it in front of him, and then rushed out like a personal tank.

Xu Zixiu saw this scene and did the same as he did, but he blocked the other side.

With his abilities, he didn't need to use alloy plates to protect himself. The injuries he suffered were countless. However, he did so. It was not so much to protect himself, but to protect other people behind.

A group of people just rushed out from the breach and drove along the plain.

Breaking through the encirclement does not mean that the crisis is resolved. They are always the target of pursuit on this plain where there is no hiding place.

The old comrade on Yangzi's back suddenly shouted: "There are still people there, so I can't just run away like this!"

Yes, is there any special bloodline rescued in the underground base? If they escape the enemy's sight in this way, no one can say whether they will check there again? Even before they came out, they hid the rest of the people and left Guo Chengxiong there. But if the enemy concentrates on searching, or intends to destroy it directly, the rest of the people will be ill-advised.

Those young people are all soldiers of the country, and they are all the next generations of the country in their youth!

These veteran comrades chose to use bait to take a gamble and rescue the group of young soldiers.

They are soldiers. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they cannot abandon their teammates or their compatriots!

Qin Fan's palm was squeezed tightly, and the veins of his forehead were also bulging.

"Head, let's run separately!" Yoko shouted, "I have good stamina, I can lead them for a while."

He said it lightly, but after this breakout, who didn't know that the people from country R who were dispatched this time clearly wanted to kill them all at once, and they were not simple stuff.

Now they can only escape.

"Divert," Qin Fan's voice was hoarse, suppressing a certain emotion that is about to explode, "Yoko, you take Si Huang, use the fastest speed, just run! Find a hiding place and hide! Others follow me ."

After Qin Fan said this, he was about to change with Yoko. His eyes looked at the old comrades, and too much emotion was brewing in his dark eyes, which made it hard to understand.

These old comrades have lived for so long, how could they not understand the meaning behind his words, but none of them expressed dissatisfaction, or the old comrade who had just spoken suddenly said: "Little General Qin, we are sorry for you. All the people I owe you!" His eyes were gentle, powerful, and solemn, "You are a good soldier. This is correct. No one will blame you."

They are all targets that Country R sent troops to kill this time. Whether it is Si Huang or Qin Fan, the importance is the same. If Qin Fan and Si Huang are together, the enemy will definitely focus on the two of them.

Now Qin Fan handed Si Huang over to Yangzi, and he and other people led the old comrades, which was equivalent to using himself and the old comrades as bait to lure the enemy to pursue.

Even if they have the ability to get rid of the pursuit in a short time, they must pretend that they can't help it, and they must keep the enemy seduce in order to ensure the safety of those who are still in the underground base.

The risk factor of this task is very high. It is to fight with his own life. However, Qin Fan handed Si Huang to Yangzi and asked them to run separately. He also asked Yangzi to find a safe place to hide as soon as possible. The veteran comrades go to attract troops to them, and give them time and space to escape.

This practice is already a blatant favoritism.

However, the old comrade said that no one would blame him. He was right in doing so, and the whole people owed him.

Neither the people present nor the people watching the live broadcast can oppose the words of the old comrades.

How to blame? How can I have a face to blame!

Everyone can see how dangerous Si Huang's situation is.

Now she was still in Qin Fan's arms, with a fish tail hanging aside, her pale face was flushed with sickness, and looking at her bulging belly, there was a small life inside.

This little life is Qin Fan’s child, a very rare child with a special bloodline. In this situation, Qin Fan has to put his lover and child safely in the hands of others. What kind of torture is this? ! ?

When Qin Fan was about to change with Yangzi on the run, Si Huang held his hand, and as soon as he looked down at his boss Huang, Qin Fan's persistence almost collapsed.

"Let go," Qin Fandao realized that Si Huang's hand was still holding tighter. His expression was extremely ugly, but his voice was reluctant to amplify, "We must leave."

"Going together will become the biggest goal, I know." Si Huang said.

She looked at Qin Fan, her pale mouth hooked, "But, what about that?"

so what? But so what?

Qin Fan's nerves were completely tense.

Si Huang said calmly: "You don't worry about me, I don't worry about you, then go together." Another pain caused Si Huang's eyebrows to be distorted, but she couldn't help but smile, using this expression. Relieve the inner anxiety and physical pain, "We always have to be together, you can't let others help me meet him, right?"

In these words, as well as the determination in Si Huang's eyes, the nerve in Qin Fan's mind was completely broken.

He didn't have a dry mouth, but his voice was too hoarse, "...Let's go together."

Don't worry! Yes, don't worry! Even if you know that walking together will attract all the artillery fire, you can feel the most at ease by your side.

Si Huang smiled.

Her smile was calm, as if she didn't realize how dangerous this decision was.

With this smile, Qin Fan's mood gradually calmed down and calmed down.

Looking at Si Huang and her stomach, Qin Fan's eyes seemed to ignite some kind of flame, scorching hot.

They are a family, they are a family together.

Even if the child has not yet been born, it is also the child of him and Si Huang, the child of the Qin family. You should be strong without fear of danger!

Qin Fan thought of himself. In a safe environment, he heard the news of the death of his parents, and he couldn't even find the body.

He thought, what is more reassuring than being a family? They are together now and will be together in the future.

I will protect you, do my best to protect, use my own hands and my body to protect myself, without pretending to be the hands of others.

At the same time, countless people who saw this scene already had tears in their eyes and couldn't stop it, especially Yuen and others who were familiar with Si Huang, who were all anxiously changed their colors, their faces turned pale, and their lips trembled.

I have never hated my incompetence like this time. I can't do anything except look at it, and I can't help.

What should I do? Besides praying, worrying, and crying, what else can you do?

Time became infinitely slow. From morning to afternoon and then to the setting sun, the half-orange afterglow of the western mountain reflected the sunset of half the sky, as if the sky had been burned for a long time, just like people’s mood, on the ground before The blood left behind after death.

The various strongholds of the gods were destroyed and the hidden contacts were disconnected. The elites of the countries who completed these have not relaxed in a single breath, but only watched the situation of Si Huang in the live broadcast with a heavy heart.

They succeeded, and the biggest contributor to their success is Si Huang and them. It's just that their success hasn't brought the matter to an end, because they know that there is one last step that needs Si Huang and others to do.

If Si Huang and the others were killed or wounded in this battle, who should be the last to face the creator? Go together? What will you face?

They didn't have the answer in their hearts. Thinking about it carefully, they didn't know when Si Huang had become their backbone.

Will this dusk be the end of God-making? Or the afterglow of Si Huang and the others?

In the base of the gods in the Arctic.

Cheng Hong couldn't care about the situation of Si Huang in the live broadcast. He looked at Xia Qitong, whose body was trembling and convulsing slightly. What he realized was the same powerless anxiety as Yuen and the others.

"Si Ye!" Cheng Hong couldn't do anything except Xia Qitong. He didn't dare to touch Xia Qitong, because he was afraid that his carelessness would cause irreversible consequences.

These changes all started when Si Huang had an accident. Cheng Hong knew that it was definitely related to Si Huang, but he couldn't feel resentment towards Si Huang, because he knew that Si Huang could not be blamed.

"Cheng Hong," Suddenly, Xia Qitong called Cheng Hong's name.

A huge surprise flashed in Cheng Hong's eyes, and then a huge panic, "Four Lord, what do you command?" He thought he was very calm and asked, but he heard his voice trembling so much that he brought it out. Choked.

Xia Qitong turned his head to look at him, "Let's go."

This glance allowed Cheng Hong to see the blue light in Xia Qitong's eyes. It was the blue light that appeared after the data stream quickly passed through and could barely be seen clearly, covering all human feelings.

If it was the first time someone saw Xia Qitong, seeing him like this would definitely suspect that he was not a real body of flesh and blood.

"Go out, the boat is ready." Xia Qitong said.

Cheng Hong did not move.

Xia Qitong: "Ten minutes, this is your last chance."

Cheng Hong still didn't have any changes. He slowly said, "Si Ye, this is not the last chance. I can still bet that Si Young Master will come."

Xia Qitong did not speak any more, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and a slight smile appeared, "You are right, you can still wait for her, but Xia Qitong can't wait for her anymore."

"Si Ye, you can do it!" Cheng Hong gave a sudden shock, and said dumbly: "You are still you now, even if you become a **** of creation, you are also you!"

Xia Qitong didn't speak, he seemed extremely sleepy, and his eyelids trembled.

Cheng Hong walked forward, "Si Ye!"

Xia Qitong closed his eyes, as if falling into a quiet sleep.

"BOSS!? Xia Xitong!?" No matter what Cheng Hong called, there was no way to shake Xia Qitong.

He showed a crying and laughing expression, turned his head and looked at the doorway, but after all, he did not move.

In ten minutes, he said the past is over. If he didn't leave, he lost the autonomy to want to leave again.


No one knew that at the moment Xia Qitong closed his eyes, the network and technological machinery in a region all failed.

Xu Zixiufang's live broadcast was suddenly interrupted, the plane chasing them fell, the search radar failed, the pointer of the watch stopped, and even the compass was messed up.

This sudden situation stunned everyone.

Countless people who were watching the live broadcast were dumbfounded when they saw the scene that was suddenly blacked out, and they didn't recover for a while.

On the plain, Si Huang and others who were evading chase were also surprised to hear the sound of the falling explosion. After discussing, they flew up from Longfeng and carefully looked into the distance, and found that there was an accident on the enemy side, not only the fighter was out of control. , Even the car lost its utility.

Long Feng told Qin Fan what he had seen, and then Qin Fan turned on the team member's communication device he was wearing, and found that it was also invalid.

"Hey, it's really useless." Xu Zixiu's voice sounded.

Everyone looked at him and saw Xu Zixiu holding a small camera and mobile phone in her hand, and pressing the power button did not respond.

"Boss Bai Ze, have you been videotaping all the time?" Di Sha leaned to Bai Ze's side and asked.

Xu Zixiu's expression of ‘you underestimate me’, "I’ve been broadcasting live broadcasts all the time." Then she looked at Si Huang, “It was opened with the ZZ software of your company.

After hearing this, Si Huang looked at him, and some kind of speculation emerged in his heart, "You have been broadcasting live?"

She asked calmly, but after Xu Zixiu nodded, everyone's expressions changed.

I have seen someone who is unreliable, and I have never seen such an unreliable one. Even Si Huang underestimated Xu Zixiu's boldness.

I blame Xu Zixiu's obedient appearance recently, and forget that this product is a pervert that cannot be understood by common sense.

"Always open the Internet, even if it is still recording the live broadcast! In case this live broadcast is broadcast, or seen by the enemy of R, our rescue plan will be completely ruined!" Yoko yelled and his eyes were red. , Glared at Xu Zixiu and shouted: "Do you know how many people you will kill like this!?"

Xu Zixiu looked at him with a smile, "Huh? I didn't think so much."

Si Huang stretched out his hand to Xu Zixiu, who stared at her, still said, "I really didn't think so much."

"I know." Because you don't care about the lives of those people, you didn't think about the consequences. Si Huang understands Xu Zixiu's thoughts inexplicably. This is not so much his malicious act, but rather that he lacks this aspect of emotion.

This matter also has her responsibility.

If she hadn't asked Xu Zixiu to give him the camera, this kind of accident would not happen.

Xu Zixiu stared at her for a while, then returned the useless camera to her hand.

Si Huangdao: "Think of things for the good. People from country R come here to catch us. They won’t have the leisure time to pay attention to the live broadcast of country Z, so they don’t know our plan. Or they think that the live broadcast is deliberately deceiving people. , But didn't believe it. After all, who would have thought that the enemy would stupidly tell him his plans and whereabouts?" As he said later, he couldn't help but glance at Xu Zixiu coldly.

Xu Zixiu shrugged.

Si Huang continued to speak, and Qin Fan patted his back lightly. He said, "Judging from the actions of these people, they probably haven't noticed it. Now that the network and equipment malfunction is beneficial to us, we should find a place to settle."

The magnetic field in this area changes, not only because the network is malfunctioning, but also the machinery is malfunctioning, which means that the other party cannot receive or send messages, and there is no way to use equipment to assist them in chasing them. It is generally beneficial to them.

In addition to the underground base, as long as there is no heavy thermal weapon and the network machinery is malfunctioning, it is estimated that Guo Chengxiong and the others are locked inside and cannot get out. There is no way for others to enter, but it is safe.

Counting this up, the live broadcast sent by Xu Zixiu is not without benefits. At least the country must be the first to know their situation and their plans, so they will definitely send someone to support and rescue as soon as they get the news. .

Everyone acted as soon as they heard what Qin Fan said.

Although this is a plain, there are also plateau areas and low areas. After temporarily determining the safety of the underground base, they will move away as soon as possible and find a place where they can temporarily rest without being discovered.

Without the aid of equipment and foreign objects, Longfeng's ability has become particularly useful. After flying up to the sky, it can look down below, and it is very convenient whether it is to find a hiding place or to detect enemy actions.

The only shortcoming is that he consumes a lot of physical strength when he uses his ability, and also causes great damage to the body.

Long Feng didn't yell in pain, nor did he show any tiredness. Finally, half an hour later, he found a place to rest temporarily.

After arriving at the place, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at Qin Fan and Si Huang one by one, especially Si Huang. It could be seen that Si Huang’s situation was already very bad. They had never seen Si Huang so embarrassed and embarrassed. Pale.

"Head, is Shao Si going to give birth?" Yangzi put the old comrades down and couldn't help but ask Qin Fan.

Everyone's nerves are tense, and if there is any accident between the boss and Si Shao's children, they will definitely not be able to forgive themselves.

Qin Fan did not answer Yangzi's words, his forehead was already covered with sweat, as if he was not Si Huang who was suffering from childbirth, "Take off your clothes."

Sunny Baby was the first to take off her coat and spread it on the ground. After the thunderstorm, they all understood, and they all took off their coats and threw themselves on the cold and uneven ground.

Qin Fan placed Si Huang cautiously on it, but he didn't succeed in letting go. He felt Si Huang grabbing his arm and couldn't help looking at Si Huang.

Si Huang also noticed that as soon as her fingers cramped loosely, she fell on her clothes. Fortunately, Qin Fan was supporting her and she didn't directly fall down.

"Let them out." Si Huang's pale lips opened and his voice was a little hoarse.

She has been silent for so long, and now she feels almost unbearable. It's not that she can't resist the pain, but she's afraid that something will happen to the child in her stomach.

Qin Fan opened his eyes, "Get out!"

Here is a naturally formed small earth hole, just enough to accommodate a dozen of them.

At this time, apart from Si Huang and Qin Fan lying down and squatting, everyone else was standing.

Yangzi couldn't help it at first, and said in a dumb voice: "Sir, you must do it, you are the little overlord of our blood flag! Come on!"

"Head, I'm going to find water!" Long Feng's voice was drier, not only because of his mood, but also because of excessive use of his ability.

The old comrade sighed and couldn't say anything, but his eyes towards Si Huang were full of encouragement and guilt.

Qin Fan looked at Si Huang's breathing problems, and stared at the people behind him. Everyone stopped talking and could only exit the dirt cave.

Xu Zixiu did not leave until last. He looked at Si Huang with unclear eyes, "Si Si, as long as you don't want to die, you won't die, right?"

Si Huang replied, "If you go out, I won't die."

Xu Zixiu retracted his gaze and left as if satisfied.

Only Si Huang and Qin Fan remained in the earth cave, and the light was very dim.

In front of Qin Fan, Si Huang didn't need to hide anything, the heavy fishtail that had been trembling lightly turned into his legs without any cover.

As a result, the signs of a woman's impending childbirth are more obvious. Even if Qin Fan hasn't seen it, he knows the general knowledge. He clasped Si Huang's hand tightly and said, "It's okay, relax, and call out the pain."

There was only room for two people, and all the hard shells of Qin Fan shattered. The man's face was extremely uneasy and his pupils kept trembling.

When Si Huang really screamed in pain, Qin Fan seemed to be hit hard, his chest shook suddenly, and his face turned pale with pain.

He did not hesitate to put his other hand to Si Huang's mouth, and the profound scales on his hand faded automatically, revealing the most primitive flesh and blood, fearing that Si Huang would hurt his teeth when he bit.

Si Huang didn't really bite, "Remove."

Qin Fan also gave it to her mouth and said in a dumb voice: "Don't bite yourself, it hurts together, you also feel better, good, Huanghuang good."

Si Huang couldn't laugh or cry, but was forced by the physical pain to drown out physical tears in his eyes, and had no intention of seeing Qin Fan's rare naive appearance.

She thought that it might not be easy for a child to be born, but she didn't know whether it would be so easy. Was it because she was injured or because she was going to suffer this one?

Wubao has crawled down from the top of her head and reached her side. Two small paws were pressed against Si Huang’s face, as if he had sensed Si Huang’s thoughts, and his words reached Si Huang’s mind. [The little prince was originally It’s not easy to give birth, and your Majesty has been internally attacked, and it’s premature birth...]

Si Huang's heart tightened, turning his head to look at the Five Treasures, his eyes had completely turned dark green, but they were so bright that people did not dare to look directly.

It is rare that the Five Treasures were not scared. It stared straight at Si Huang, and its body remained motionless. He replied: [But you are not more worried, your majesty, the little prince has a unicorn bead for protection, and there are also golden glittering wishes plus The body will definitely be born safely, so your Majesty only cares about the birth, but the birth time will be longer! 】

Si Huang looked at it and didn't speak for a long while.

Wubao was stared at her stiffer body, and she said solemnly: "Your Majesty is blessed with good fortune, the world is unparalleled, Jin Shining has grown in large numbers, so Hong Fu Qitian, luck is particularly good, I don't know what's going on, like Jin Shining and Xiao Pink knows that the little prince is about to be born, so everyone is praying for the little prince to be born safely. The aspiration of so many people is very fierce. Your Majesty does not need to worry! 】

Si Huang pulled the corner of his mouth and laughed, "Okay."

Wubao's entire Rat breathed a sigh of relief, and his stiff body finally became soft again.

It thought: Is this the white lie in the book?嘤嘤嘤嘤, the minister actually went to deceive your Majesty, although not much!

The Five Treasures caught in his own emotions don't know, Si Huang has already seen it through.

Si Huang's mouth moved silently, without saying what was in his heart.

Wubao, she said before, every time when her conscience is guilty, she talks a lot and uses idioms indiscriminately.

What's more, this little scam is not good at lying at all, and the body instinct has already sold it.

Just, the blessings of Golden Shining and Little Pink?

Si Huang believed this.

Because she thought of Xu Zixiu's live broadcast.

In other words, people in the whole country may already know about her pregnancy and also know that she is giving birth now.

At this moment, she really didn't know whether to thank Xu Zixiu or something, or maybe she should thank Xia Qitong? Because of the failure of this regional network device, it must be Xia Qitong's handwriting. If it wasn't for this regional network equipment failure, that they knew that Xu Zixiu had been broadcasting live, and if she didn't know, Xu Zixiu would not say it herself, then would she finally be able to broadcast the appearance of her delivery nationwide?

That was definitely a result that Si Huang couldn't accept.


The childbirth lasted for several hours. Whether it was Si Huang and Qin Fan inside, or Yangzi who was guarding outside, they were all suffering.

They didn't dare to think about things badly. Such a result was absolutely unacceptable to them, let alone Qin Fan.

"Does it take so long to have a baby? The first time I heard Si Shao cry so painfully!" Yoko murmured anxiously.

Sunny Baby said: "Normal, it's normal, nothing will happen."

"It would be great if Pei Ziwen was here." Long Feng couldn't help saying.

They were upset, but the situation inside was indeed not good.

The child was halfway out, but Si Huang seemed to have exhausted his strength, and there was a feeling of detachment from his body. It was an empty detachment from the inside, which made her feel weak.

The soul and spirit seemed to be screaming and insisting, but the body did not respond. She did not dare to imagine the consequences of continuing this way, or that she knew the consequences of going on like this.

Si Huang opened his eyes and looked at Qin Fan. The sweat beads on his eyelashes fell into his eyes, and his eyes were so salty that Si Huang's eyes dazzled. In the blur, he saw the extreme pain flashing across Qin Fan's face. Ruthless.

Blessed to the soul, Si Huang didn't know where the strength came from, and bit Qin Fan's arm before he could take it back.

This bite seemed to have used all of Si Huang's strength to directly bite Qin Fan's arm and bleed.

Qin Fan's blood flowed into Si Huang's mouth, and the smell of rust made Si Huang squinted and stared at Qin Fan fiercely.

Qin Fan tightened his lips, and said in the next second, "Child...There will"

His voice was so hoarse that he couldn't speak anymore, and there was an indistinct chaos in his dark eyes, but his eyes were red, and slowly there was water in his eyes.

Si Huang couldn't see if the tears or sweat had fallen in. She bit Qin Fan's hand in her mouth, biting it firmly, not allowing him to make any movements. The other hand also stretched out and grabbed Qin Fan's other hand. The temperature of the opponent's body was higher than that of ordinary people, and Si Huang's gradually cold body was relieved. Suddenly a thought flashed through Si Huang's mind.

She remembered that there was a skill that could use Qin Fan's qi to supplement her physical strength.

Since the last time she used it in the gravity room of the military district, she has never used it again.

Si Huang's eyes brightened, and without asking Qin Fan's consent, he would use no restraint.

In this way, to absorb the supernatural energy of the opponent without compromise, people who are slightly more sensitive will feel it.

Qin Fan felt it naturally, but the more weak he felt, the happier he was.

He even thought that his blood had any effect on Si Huang. The source of his weakness was also the cause of the bleeding from his wrist that was bitten by Si Huang. Without thinking about it, he took out the knife to the hand that had been released by Si Huang’s lips. He cut a fierce knife, and took the initiative to reach Si Huang's mouth, blocking Si Huang who was about to speak, his hoarse voice was gentle and eager, and he almost coaxed and said, "Drink more, Huang Huang, has come out. Most of it, it’s about to come out, the child is okay, and you are okay. Drink more and it’s okay."

Si Huang's mouth was full of blood. Looking at the man who was lost and seemed to be in a certain crazy state, she didn't say anything, took a deep breath, and swallowed all the blood.

The next moment, the severe pain accompanied by the relaxed feeling that followed, Si Huang almost dizzy, his body was held by Qin Fan with one hand, and he looked up to see that the child was also held by Qin Fan with the other hand without falling.

The child's cry was not loud, it was like a cat's grunt. Qin Fan didn't dare to slap him, looking at the blood-stained child, and looking at Si Huang, the man's pale lips could not stop trembling with tightness.

"The umbilical cord..." Si Huang said weakly, seeing Qin Fan holding the knife that had just cut himself, and said, "Help me up."

Qin Fan did so, and Si Huang cut the umbilical cord between himself and the child with his fingers.

Compared with the used knives, she feels safer to use her hands for fear of infection.

Looking at the child in Qin Fan's hands so close, Si Huang almost lost consciousness.

The premature baby looks thin and thin. It is estimated that Jinliang is not healthy, especially now that he is not too tall, but he was born safely, and his breath is peacefully in Qin Fan's hands.

Si Huang laughed suddenly. After the laugh, tears filled his eyes unconsciously. She didn't know why she was crying.

It's just that the tears flowed out, and I didn't feel embarrassed or depressed. It was as if some burden in the body also flowed out with the tears, which made the body relaxed.

"Boy." Si Huang looked at a child who was indistinguishable from a normal person, and gently slid his cheeks with his soft finger pads. When he slid to the side of his face and neck, he saw some flashes, which is normal. The scale that should be there, "Shinny, his nickname is Shining."

Because you are a child born in war and danger under all the golden blessings, under the shining sun, destined to shine, and I hope you can shine in health in the future.

"Okay." Qin Fan agreed without hesitation. He reached out to wipe the sweat from Si Huang's forehead and the tears on his face, but forgot that his hands were full of blood. As a result, he wiped Si Huang's face even more dirty.

Qin Fan's movements stopped immediately. He handed the newborn child to Si Huang, and after making sure that she could hold her firmly, he let go, stretched out his hand to take off his coat, and then took off the soft undershirt inside. Help Si Huang wipe the dirt on his body.

Now I can't find water to help Si Huang clean, and he can only do this. After Si Huang was wiped a few times, he shook his head, "Give me the clothes."

Qin Fan gave her the clothes, and Si Huang carefully wrapped the newly-born Xiao Xiaoyan with the clothes, reached out his hand to touch his body temperature, and felt relieved that the temperature was not high or low.

[The Qilinzhu has gone into the body of His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness will not be afraid of the cold! ] Wubao quickly climbed over and said.

It also has lingering fears. It hasn't spoken before, but actually doesn't know what to do with it. When Qin Fan found out that Qin Fan wanted to give up his child to protect Si Huang, it didn't say anything, because it also favored Si Huang.

After discovering Si Huang's self-rescue behavior, Wubao almost didn't shoot himself to death. Why did he forget that he still had this skill? He almost killed His Royal Highness Shining. His Majesty was smart!

Si Huang nodded, and sent Xiao Xiaoyan to Qin Fan again, "I'll change my clothes."

Qin Fan wanted her to rest for a while, but knew that the situation was not allowed.

Si Huang took off his upper body combat uniform, and then opened the biotechnology-produced clothing worn on his wrist.

The clothes are close to the skin, and the feeling of wearing them for the first time is not good. It does not mean that the breathability is not good, but the feeling of being too close to the skin makes people uncomfortable, as if the body is covered with another layer of skin.

The clothing is silver-gray as a whole. Except for the other stripes at the joints, the fully integrated clothing is flexible, waterproof and fireproof. It is very suitable for combat. No wonder it can be placed in a special arsenal and cannot be mass-produced.

It’s just that the result of this dress being over-fitting is to fully reveal the figure of the person. Even if the waist and abdomen are not thin and powerful just after the baby is born, the overall look is still amazing and smooth lines. I can imagine her figure before pregnancy. How good.

Si Huang took a look and didn't care. Anyway, everyone already knew that she was a woman. The point was that she didn't have the energy to use Little Pink to use illusions.

"Head? Si Shao?" Yoko's shout came from outside.

They had already heard the cry of the child, and then it was quiet for a while, making them worried.

"Let's go." Si Huang said to Qin Fan, leaning on his shoulders to stand up.

Qin Fan looked at her, turned around and squatted in front of her, "Come on!"

Si Huang heard his calm tone and climbed on his back without refusing.

Qin Fan carried her on his back like this, and walked out with Xiao Xiaoxiao in one hand.


Dongwai Yangzi couldn't hear the response, and they almost couldn't help but go in and take a look. Everyone was very anxious, especially Long Feng went out to investigate again, and found that someone had searched this area soon, and planned to shout again. Qin Fan and the others said it again, and they really went in without a response.

Who would have thought that before Yangzi shouted out, he would see Qin Fan walking out.

Everyone tensed their bodies for the first time, very afraid that the person who came out would be a murderous **** who had fallen into madness.

As a result, I saw the little guy holding Qin Fan in front of him.

"Head! This...this is, this is!" Yangzi's eyes widened.

Not only him, Qingtianwa and the others all showed shocked expressions, followed by ecstasy, eyes bright.

This is their leader's child, born safely!

Especially in this environment, the big men who have only experienced life and death suddenly saw the emergence of such a fragile little life, which really made the steel heart couldn't help but soften.

"Okay, okay! God has eyes!" The old comrade also smiled and sighed.

Xu Zixiu also leaned over, and kept looking at Xiao Xuan. After a few glances, she turned her eyes away, "Not as good as Sisi."

Everyone just ignored his words-how beautiful can a child who was born with a dirty body look good?

Longfeng promptly said, "The distance is three to four hundred meters, someone has already come over."

"Go." Qin Fan made a decisive decision.

Everyone set off again.

The escape this time was a lot easier than before. The point is that everyone's mood is relaxed. Even if Si Huang's combat effectiveness is lost, the relief of the crisis between her and her child is the most important thing.

Without the assistance of science and technology, the group of country R chasers were completely hung by them. After entangled for almost a day, Si Huang heard a beep in his ear.

She took out the small camera in her pocket and found that its solar charging function had been restored, which meant that they had left the area where the network was shielded and the magnetic field was chaotic.

Faced with this situation, everyone did not panic, but stopped the march.

"Rest in place." Qin Fan said, and put Si Huang in his arms, while Si Huang hugged Xiao Xiao Xian.

The little guy can already open his eyes, but his eyes should not be able to see things clearly, so every time he couldn't determine where to look, his eyes kept turning.

Those were naturally dark green eyes, which resembled Si Huang, especially when the eyes of a newborn child were so big, round, and unbelievably pure and clean, Si Huang was particularly fond of them.

For this little life, the other people in the team also liked it very much. It can be said that Xiao Xing has become the most popular person in the whole team, easily replacing Si Huang and Qin Fan.

As soon as everyone rested, they looked at him habitually. Yoko wanted to touch him but didn't dare to reach out his hand, and asked Qin Fan, "Head, what's his name?"

Qin Fan's voice was unconsciously soft, "The nickname is glittering, Si Huang got it."

"It sounds good!" Yangzi praised without hesitation, and it looked like it was shown to others, as if Qin Fan said'dogdan', and he would answer these words without hesitation, "What is the name of that big name? Is your surname Qin?"

The latter question made Qin Fan glance at him sharply, while Si Huang laughed, "surnamed Qin." She didn't think the surname Si had any good or special significance, and she didn't even think about grabbing a surname with Qin Fan in the past. .

Yoko sneered in embarrassment, it was all because he was watching too much on the Internet, and even asking that kind of thing, even if he had that kind of doubt in his heart, he couldn't say it directly.

Qin Fan looked down at Si Huang and said that he was answering Yangzi's words, rather than simply discussing with Si Huang, "When you gave him a nickname, I also thought of a name."

"What's the name?" Si Huang asked.

Qin Fan said: "Qin Yuan."

Si Huang: "Follow the situation?"

"Yeah." Qin Fan said: "You can be satisfied in any environment, whether it's conforming to the environment or letting the environment conform to him, I hope he will be safe, just like this time."

Si Huang chuckled, "You can be satisfied in any environment. It can be incompetent, or you can fight for everything until you are satisfied. What kind of thinking do you think?"

Qin Fan: "That's something he should consider himself in the future."

Si Huang said: "After you go back, let your grandparents check them."

A smile appeared on Qin Fan's face.

This name, as long as the two of them agree, it is almost the same as it was decided.

If no one else said this, Yoko and the others didn't bother looking at it, but they were so envious. Suddenly they felt that it would be great if they could find a congenial lover to have another child.

Someone happened to break the warmth, and Xu Zixiu said, "You plan to go back like this?"

Si Huang looked at him and noticed his faint expression, "No, go to the North Pole first."

Astonishment flashed across Xu Zixiu's face, she glanced at the little glitter in her hand, her lips moved and said nothing, Qin Fan's voice had already sounded, "I will go for the North Pole action." It meant that Si Huang had retreated.

Si Huang shook her head. Without waiting for Qin Fan to say anything, she already faced Qin Fan squarely and said very seriously, "I must go."

"I feel that this is the message Xia Qitong gave me." Si Huang smiled helplessly, "I believe Xia Qitong will not attack me for no reason, so the accident is a creation of a god, so the failure of the following message is Xia Qitong's masterpiece. He I can’t hold on anymore, but I said that I would wait for it. Since I said that, there is a necessary reason. I must go whether it is because of a promise to him or the possibility of analysis."

Si Huang said: "There is also the headquarters laboratory of the Arctic Gods on the sea floor. The only person who can reach there easily is me." Looking at Qin Fan, "Without my assistance, even you, you need the assistance of technological machinery , The ability to create gods can make machinery out of control."

Therefore, from the beginning of the plan, it was decided that the last stop must be led by Si Huang.

After Si Huang's words were finished, the scene fell into a moment of silence, and it didn't take long for the silence to be broken.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound and saw the arrival of the team. It was a team from the Z* team, which could be seen at a glance.

Their reinforcements have arrived, and as they planned and guessed, it is also about this time. As long as the magnetic field shielding is restored, the coming reinforcements will naturally find their location.

The car stopped in front of them, and then the soldiers got out of the car and walked toward them neatly, looking solemn and respectful.

The person leading the team is an unexpected and understandable old general.

As they approached, Si Huang, Qin Fan and others also stood up.

Qin Shian also saw the little life in Si Huang's hands. His eyes opened wide and then reddened. He couldn't control his pace and walked quickly in front of them.

He eagerly wanted to hug the little life in Si Huang's hands, and his hands trembled, looking at the two of them, slowly standing up straight, and saluting Si Huang and them, "Thank you!"

This sentence contains a lot of bitterness, worry, and complicated feelings, which I cannot tell.

Si Huang smiled at Grandpa Qin, and sent the child in his hand over, "I will give him the nickname Xing Xiao, and Qin Fan will call him Qin Yuan."

"Okay, okay... good name." Grandpa Qin choked, and the hand that caught Xiao Xuan still couldn't stop shaking.

Yangzi replied, "General, you didn't catch the name clearly, right?"

Grandpa Qin was stunned, and then looked at him majesticly, "This is my great-grandson, Shining, Qin Yuan! Huh? Qin Yuan, Qin Yuan, a good name, you know you will kiss me as soon as you hear it."

Hearing what he said, everyone reacted, don't you just kiss him.

Grandpa Qin's name was Qin Shi'an, and Xiao Xing was named Qin Yu'an.

Originally, it was not good to resemble the name of his ancestors, but he was very happy to see Grandpa Qin's appearance. If others objected, he would still be unhappy.

This is not a good place to reminisce about the past. Grandpa Qin hugged Xiao Xian and did not let go, so he let Si Huang and the others get in the car together.

The teams that came to the aid were divided into two groups. They were mainly used as the main attraction, but Qin Shian saw that his grandchildren and great-grandchildren had suffered so much, but he could not see them continue to be bait, so he divided the people again. Two groups, one group specially sent Si Huang and them to leave safely, the other people went to hang the enemy, and the rest people looked for opportunities to rescue Guo Chengxiong who were underground.

Qin Shian and Si Huang were in a car. Medical staff were already in the car to recuperate them. Si Huang also did a simple physical examination to confirm that there were no other injuries on his body before he was let go.

Speaking of Grandpa Qin, the fact that he had disappeared before was also a pretense, specifically to confuse the enemy, and also to give Si Huang and Qin Fan a normal ‘start’ in the enemy's eyes.

This incident was known when Si Huang and Qin Fan walked through a few areas during their march. I also knew that Grandpa Qin was injured and was recovering although he was not missing.

This time, as soon as I learned about Si Huang and Qin Fan's situation outside, he immediately applied to lead the team.

Regardless of Si Huang, Qin Fan, or Yoko, after experiencing this high-intensity battle, they finally had a safe place to rest, and they couldn’t help but relax and lie down one by one. Went to sleep.

There were still a few people hanging bottles during their sleep. Longfeng was one of them, but he didn't seem to feel at all, and the whole person fell into a state of semi-coma and semi-coma.

Only her, Qin Fan, and Grandpa Qin were in the modified car where Si Huang was staying. Even the medical staff who had come before had also left. This was a privilege given to them, and they deserved it.

Xiao Xian is very obedient. It is the first time I have seen Grandpa Qin. I don't cry or cry when I was held in his arms. Grandpa Qin liked it so much that she almost never left him.

Si Huang took a computer to go online, specifically checked the situation in the country and other countries, and used the Internet to contact combat partners in various countries.

During the brief information exchange, Si Huang received many blessings and condolences, and learned that the plan was perfectly successful.

Now only the headquarters of the gods in the Arctic are left waiting for the final processing.

Si Huang was thinking about something. Suddenly, the computer screen in front of her went black, making her stunned for half a second, thinking that she had accidentally pressed the shutdown button, but found that it did not.

Rows of white characters slowly appeared on the black computer screen.

[Are you eager to enter a new era?

Natural selection, the survival of the fittest.

Life evolution requires a price.

——Making God. 】



(The ordinary people are the mainstream of this era. I will respect your choice. If the number of denials exceeds the certain number, I will obliterate all special blood.)

The two options float quietly on the screen, and the bright red font in brackets below makes it hard to ignore.

Si Huang's blood cooled down instantly. She watched the choices in the computer and kept thinking.

Is this the purpose of creating gods? Entering a new era of life evolution? Is this multiple choice question really simple? If there are too many people who deny, all special bloodlines will be obliterated. If there are many people, does it mean peaceful coexistence?

As time passed, the rows of white fonts on the computer screen slowly dispersed like smoke, and even with the choice of yes or no, they became erratic and blurred, and finally turned into nothingness.

Si Huang cautiously looked at the computer in front of her, but nothing happened. The computer screen had restored the interface she had opened before.

However, Si Huang didn't think this was just a prank or accident that happened to him.

She immediately turned on Maodu and typed in the word ‘creating god’. As a result, there was nothing on the Internet, indicating that ‘creating god’ was still a blocked word.

She continued typing and replaced it with the words that just appeared on the computer: ‘Entering a New Era’ and ‘Life Evolution Needs to Pay’.

The results came out very quickly this time, and posts appeared in the latest cat degrees.

[Realistic version of death notice! What needs to be paid for the evolution of life is the price of life! Really shoot the horror happening in front of you! 】

The poster who posted the post sent out a video and a photo. The video was on a street, and it was already full of tumult and chaos. I saw a pool of blood on the ground, and a young man lying in the blood who had been bleeding.

In addition to the video, the host also sent photos of this person's death, with a text description:

'Today I went out with my brother, and suddenly a person who claimed to be ** (strange, blocked) appeared on his phone and sent him a message, or it was a virus, because it was obvious that the phone screen was black when the brother was still playing games. Such a passage. ‘Are you eager to enter a new era? Natural selection, the survival of the fittest. Life evolution requires a price. ’Recently, the special bloodline incident has become quite serious. At first, the brother thought it was fun and just clicked it. Then the host witnessed a terrible death.

The brother's mobile phone suddenly exploded, and then the brother himself bleeds to death in front of the host.

This is not the end, the point is that the landlord’s phone immediately received the same message.

At that time, the host was frightened, so he clicked no without even thinking about it. Now the host is still alive.

This intangible ability to kill must be of special blood. The original poster wants to know where the trouble is now?

Oh shit! The original poster does not know what to do now? Is this a suicide of a special blood, or a massacre of ordinary people?

Does the new era mean the era of special blood? Either life evolves, or life is sacrificed?

Is this a **** movie? ’

After Si Huang browsed this post, he found that there had been comments below, which meant that Si Huang was not the only person following this news.

No one will search for this unknown new post for no reason, unless the other party is like Si Huang, using keywords to search.

This also means that many people have encountered this situation.

Si Huang browsed through more and more comments below, and found that things really were what she thought.

"Just when I encountered the same situation as the original poster, it was really dead, but why didn't the country react at all?"

Yes, the country did not respond. But it's definitely not that the country doesn't want to react, it's that it's as if the word ‘made god’ is blocked, and all solutions to this matter are blocked by external forces.

"What should I do? I just received the message, I clicked no. Is the content in the brackets true? If it is true, then the final result will come out, will your majesty die!?"

"...I also ordered no, but my sister ordered yes. She was still telling me a second ago that she was willing to die for Si Huang, but... what the **** happened to this!"

"Where's your Majesty? Your Majesty doesn't know what's going on now. What about those supernatural beings with other special bloodlines? Why don't they respond?"

Almost like a virus storm, short-term online discussions about this incident can be seen from the content. People who speak out and say that they have encountered the same situation are all people who clicked no.

Si Huang sneered, trying to comment on his choice, that is, there was no choice, but after writing it up and sending it out, there was no response at all, and it was not displayed in the comment area of ​​the post.

She tried to experiment one by one in other places again, and the results were the same as before and released!

This result made Si Huang both surprised and happy, thinking in a good direction, but not choosing this answer may be the correct way to deal with this incident, so he was strictly blocked by the gods. However, she posted it, and she was the same person who had no choice. She must not be able to post the news. There are only pieces of terrorism speech and death video photos on the Internet, which can easily cause people to panic. Out of choice.

How to do?

When Si Huang fell into silence, Qin Fan also took everything she saw into his eyes, and Grandpa Qin, who was sitting opposite, also received the call.

"It's okay, I got them, what?" Grandpa Qin said a few words, not knowing what the person on the other end of the phone said, his face suddenly changed.

Si Huang raised his head and saw Grandpa Qin listening to the phone with a serious face. He hung up the phone about two or three minutes later and met Si Huang as soon as he raised his eyes.

"Grandpa, what are your plans next?" Si Huang asked.

Grandpa Qin asked back: "You know?"

Si Huang knew what he was asking, "There was a problem with creating gods on the computer just now."

Grandpa Qin opened his eyes and when he wanted to ask again, Si Huang had already said, "I have no choice."

"No choice." Grandpa Qin's eyes lit up, "Yes, I didn't say that I had to choose, so the real answer may be no."

Si Huang: "I tried it. This news can't be spread on the Internet. It should be blocked by the **** of creation. Since it will be blocked on the Internet, mobile phone information must be monitored by him."

"Then call?" Grandpa Qin said.

Si Huang's previous cell phone had been scrapped, and when Grandpa Qin made a call at home, he couldn't get through.

Everyone in the room was in a deep mood. Grandpa Qin said, "Others can come in, but I can't get out. This is against me, or what the gods did in a short time."

Si Huang turned his head and looked out of the car window. The car drove fast and was already out of the plain, seeing that the route was to and from Country Z. She looked back at Qin Fan again, the two looked at each other, silently already understanding the meaning of each other.

"Grandpa, Yan Xing will give it to you first. If it's you, I can rest assured." Si Huang said suddenly.

Grandpa Qin was stunned, then his face tightened, "What do you mean?"

Si Huang: "There's no time. I can't send Xiaoyan back personally. I'm going to the North Pole first."

When Grandpa Qin heard this, he instinctively wanted to persuade Si Huang, but as soon as he saw Si Huang's persistent look, his words were unconsciously dispelled in his throat.

Si Huang's look and attitude all showed a message: I have to do this, I can't help it!

If he thinks that if he can, if there are other ways, Si Huang would definitely not be willing to abandon the newly-born Shining, and ran to face the gods in a hurry.

Grandpa Qin's mouth became astringent for a while, and for the first time he felt that responsibility was a sword of murder. Why do some things always fall on the Qin family? It is necessary to do things by yourself, even if others sacrifice, they may not be able to do it. .

Because he understood this situation, Grandpa Qin couldn't say anything to persuade him. He looked at Si Huang and Qin Fan, and finally looked at Xiao Xiaoyan in his arms, "Go." His voice was hoarse, "I believe you two ."

This scene reminded him that he used to send his son and daughter-in-law away. It's just that when he sent his son and daughter-in-law away, he was still confident and didn't worry much about their accidents, but the result was unexpected.

This time the two children are younger than his son and daughter-in-law, but they are also better. Grandpa Qin can only believe that they will be fine. What you can do is to protect Shining in your hands.

After receiving Grandpa Qin's reply, Si Huang could probably see the emotions in his heart from the old man's face and smiled and said, "We will come back safely."

"Good, good." Grandpa Qin laughed.

Qin Fan suddenly stretched out his hand and asked Grandpa Qin to return Xiao Xiao.

Grandpa Qin wasn't very happy at first, and instinctively shrank, but in the next second, under Qin Fan's gaze, he handed Xiao Yan into his hand.

The baby was extremely small in Qin Fan's hands. He bowed his head and kissed Xiao Xing Xiao on the head, but before she said anything sensational, Xiao Xing cried.

"Huh? Huh! Children know that they are reluctant to bear their parents." Grandpa Qin blurted out a kind word.

Si Huang looked at Qin Fan, who was a little stiff, and ruthlessly exposed the truth of the matter, "Your beard hasn't been shaved for a long time." He casually hugged Xiao Xiaoyan from his hand, stunned it skillfully, and then helped. He gently touched the spot on his face that was pierced by Qin Fan's beard.

Under Si Huang's comfort, Xiao Xing's cry slowly disappeared, and she looked at her with watery eyes.

Si Huang knew that Xiao Xing wasn't necessarily looking at herself. After all, a child who was just born couldn't see things clearly every time, and the black and white world was clean.

However, even if he knew this in his heart, Si Huang was still softened by his eyes, and his voice was incredibly gentle, enough to fascinate any fan girl, "We will be back soon, obediently, huh?"

"Ahhh~" A small voice came out of Xiao Jing's mouth, grinning.

"Puff." Si Huang couldn't help laughing. "Huh? Huh?"

"Ah." The cat-like voice was soft and waxy, and it was really sweet to the bones of a person.

However, Si Huang heard it. Xiao Xing absolutely inherited his blood. He was young and didn't know how to converge in his voice, but he already had some strange magic power that affected people's mood.

This scene is undoubtedly very warm. Si Huang played with Xiao Xing for a while, and in the blink of an eye seeing him sleepily, he handed him to Grandpa Qin.

The child was born prematurely not long after birth. It is also thanks to Si Huang and Qin Fan's good foundation that they can withstand the weather and environment outside.

After half a day, the sky was already dark, and Si Huang and the others arrived at the supply rest station.

Here Si Huang took a bath, changed into a clean combat uniform, and walked out. Qin Fan was already waiting outside the door.

The two of them walked outside together, and saw Grandpa Qin had ordered the prepared military plane. After Grandpa Qin was out, Yangzi and the others came.

Grandpa Qin said with a heavy face, "Some of the technicians in the team have died."

Why died? The technicians are responsible for information and communication, and they usually carry electronic tools. Once they have such tools, they may be invaded by the gods. They make choices without knowing it, and it is not surprising that they are suddenly obliterated.

After all, not all of them have abnormal physiques like Si Huang, Qin Fan or Xu Zixiu.

Si Huang lightly nodded his head and looked around the people around him for a week, "We are gone."

"Head, Shao Si..." Yangzi stood up and was about to speak, but Qin Fan looked back.

It's useless to bring many people in this operation. Yangzi and the others might as well stay here. If they were there, Qin Fan and Si Huang would be more assured of Xiao Xiong's safety.

"Let's go!" Xu Zixiu was already on the military plane.

Si Huang ignored him, and couldn't help touching Xiao Xing's cheek before leaving. The little baby was asleep and did not wake up after being touched.

Si Huang looked at the cleaned Xiao Jing. She no longer looked like a baby monkey when she was born. His face was stretched out, and his skin was unbelievably delicate. After sleeping, the eyelashes of the eyes were long and dense, and the eyebrows were not like other freshmen. The child born is as thin as it is, and already has a vague shape, the lips are red and puttered like small cherries, and the corners of the mouth are naturally raised, which seems to be inherited from Qin Fan.

He is like a treasure, just like his nickname, he can see it before he grows up, and his face will definitely shine in the future.

Si Huang looked at him and thought in his heart: Shining, I don't know if my answer is right or wrong, but since neither of the two choices are right and I don't want to choose, then I don't choose. This is the choice that I can make. Next, I don’t know what I will face, but I have to do it. There is hope if I go, and there is no hope if I don’t. Wait until I come back, eh? Wait for mom and dad to come back and be your hero!

Si Huang let go of him, turned around and looked at Qin Fan calmly, "Let's go."

Qin Fan held her hand.

Behind them, the dreaming Zhongxiao Xing's small hand unconsciously scratched, Grandpa Qin watched, put one of his fingers into his small hand, and then was caught.

The baby’s strength is very small, but for Grandpa Qin, he feels extremely important, making him unable to move. He said with a hoarse and heavy voice: "Yuan, go to sleep, go to sleep, when you wake up, you will see Zeng Grandma, I will hold your mom and dad like this next time, so they are not allowed to run around again."


The military plane was very fast, and the three of Si and Huang reached the North Pole within a few hours, and it took a while to reach their destination.

This is an ice field, the thick ice ground, even if the car walks on it, there will be no problems.

Si Huang's physique is not afraid of cold, and Qin Fan's ability to carry cold may not be as good as her. Xu Zixiu's eyelashes and hair are covered with frost, but the whole person feels nothing.

When Si Huang saw Xu Zixiu walking on the ice sheet, he seemed to be determining the direction back and forth. He looked up at the sky and looked down at the ground, his expression also unpredictable.

Suddenly, Xu Zixiu squatted down and hit the ice with a punch, and then lay down on it and laughed loudly.

Si Huang took a step forward, and Qin Fan held her hand. She looked back at Qin Fan, "It's okay."

Qin Fan did not speak, and walked towards Xu Zixiu with her.

Xu Zixiu, who was lying on the ground, opened her eyes as soon as they approached, "Sisi, I remember."

"Congratulations." Si Huang responded.

Xu Zixiu: "Don't you ask me what I remember?"

"One thing that makes you happy?" Si Huang asked.

Xu Zixiu was startled, and then smiled again, "Yes, I think of how I should die, but I still can't die." After the words, he punched the ice again, "Qiao Zhu Ah Qiao Wei, crueler than anyone else."

Hearing the name again, Si Huang looked at Xu Zixiu and noticed that his tone was strange, like resentment and sighing, except that he had no intention of killing.

A ray of light flashed in Xu Zixiu's opened eyes. The light was so long and lost that there was no focus. It seemed to be a simple daze or it was too long, and the emotions became unclear.

"You continue to stay here, or go with me to the general laboratory of god-making." Si Huang asked.

Now the situation outside doesn't know what is going on, she can't spend too much time here with Xu Zixiu.

"Go with you." Xu Zixiu stood up and said with a smile: "In order to repay Sisi, you came here with me, and I will help you in the end."

Si Huang nodded.

The route of the map was already in her mind, and it didn't take long to find an ice crack in the west.

The crack was so deep that it was almost impossible to see the inside. Si Huang knew that this was an entrance. First entered the sea from here, and then based on her sense of direction in the sea, she could find the position of the god.

When the three of them went down the ice together, they were about to enter the sea. Xu Zixiu suddenly said to Si Huang, "Sisi, do you know? As long as I remember my original identity and abilities, I can choose to sleep. This sleep may be One year or ten years may be a hundred years. This is my "death." Once I wake up, my memory will be broken, and I will become a guy who doesn't know where to come from, and where to go. Even if my body has been gnawed into scum, I can still come alive from other bodies."

Si Huang looked at him upon hearing this.

Xu Zixiu said, "Is it a great ability?"

The sea was right in front of my eyes, and the three of them were about to jump down. They heard Xu Zixiu say: "Qiao Wei gave me this ability."

"He said, he loves me, hahahaha." Xu Zixiu laughed loudly, "Sisi, I'm playing tricks on you, so I won't help people who are related to Qiao Wei."

The last sound was still in his ears, followed by the sound of falling into the water. Xu Zixiu plunged directly into the cold water, and he hugged a large ice stone as he entered.

Si Huang and Qin Fan also jumped in. As soon as they entered the water, Si Huang turned into a fishtail, holding Qin Fan with one hand, watching Xu Zixiu sink quickly.

She dived down the same way, and in the sea, you could still see Xu Zixiu's evil eyes and a wild smile in the sea. He told Si Huang with his eyes that she didn't need her help.

He said that his death was a deep sleep. Is this intending to sleep in the sea?

Si Huang looked at Xu Zixiu for an instant, and suddenly the voice of the Five Treasures sounded in his mind: [Your Majesty, the minister remembered, this is the place where the son died. ] Its voice choked.

[Bai Bixian is the person that the son likes, he is the only son of Bai Bi's family, and he meets the son who is disguised as a woman. In order to survive, the son tries his best to follow Bai Bixian. 】Five Treasures: 【There are many misunderstandings in this, and the minister doesn’t know how to say it, but it’s here that the son was forced to here, and it was Bai Bixian who brought the people, and they were going to kill the son! But the son could not die, but the son finally used all his abilities, and all his abilities were used on the white bi-display. 】

Si Huang didn't respond. After several seconds, Wubao said: [The young man gave Bai Bixian a wish with his life span and all his aspirations. 】

[...May he live forever and live forever. 】

—— Qiao Wei, ah Qiao Wei, crueler than anyone——

Si Huang remembered Xu Zixiu's words.

Qiao Wei is indeed cruel, not only cruel to others, but even more cruel to himself.

His feelings are extreme, and how cruel he is to Bai Bixian also shows how much he loves him.

Si Huang didn't know Young Master Wujue, nor had he met him. Everything was heard from Wubao. But from the words of the Five Treasures, I can feel that this man who is born with the same physique as her lives more difficult than her, and works harder than anyone else to live, to cherish his life, and fight for his life with the sky.

However, such a person who cherishes his own life would rather use his own life in exchange for such a revenge for Bai Bixian. How much hate and love is it?

Immortality, drunk life and dream of death.

The eight words have exhausted Xu Zixiu's loss of life, unable to even die, and can only sleep in a dream.

Bai Bixian, Xu Zixiu. What kind of feelings does he have for Wu Jue Gongzi? People have already left, Si Huang can't understand, what is the misunderstanding in Wubao's words? Just think about Xu Zixiu's personality, and then guess the character that Wu Jue son was born with difficultly. The encounter between these two people is the same **** who concealed the true gender. It is too difficult to get together easily.

There has been no response from Si Huang, and Wubao was silent again, and suddenly remembered about the Wujue son, and Wubao, a small pit product, could not stop being affected by emotions.

Here, Si Huang is dragging Qin Fan into the deep sea quickly. On the other side, people from country Z or other countries have received information one by one, and the bizarre deaths of one person after another and the appearance on the Internet are increasing. More posts and remarks made the whole people aware of the seriousness of the matter.

No one wants to die, no one wants to die.

After these days of experience, ordinary people have accepted the special blood, and their senses have also changed, from rejection to respect.

However, when one day has to choose between oneself and a special bloodline, and there are examples of death on the spot, how many people are willing to sacrifice themselves?

Si Huang knows that the longer the time is, the more dangerous the situation will be. Even now she doesn't know what to do after seeing the Maker, destroy him or?

The figure of Xia Xitong appeared in his mind, and Si Huang's eyes became firm.

In any case, at this step, she must go without any hesitation.

The crowd has been frightened by the terrifying power of the gods, they have never thought about it, even if they choose no, they temporarily saved their lives, and finally wiped out the special bloodline, so what? The gods are still there, and as long as he wants to, all people will have to endure such a crisis again.

Maybe someone wanted it, but the first thing to save is his own life. As for future things, he has to face it.

The pressure on the bottom of the sea is getting higher and higher, Si Huang doesn't care, Qin Fan's body can also support it, but oxygen is not enough.

For this reason, Si Huang helped him breathe smoothly, and finally saw a steel fortress in the deep sea.

This is like a submarine, and also like a steel palace floating in the sea, similar to the iron gray triangle, but the former is in the sea and the latter is on the sea, both of which are secret existences that can move.

Si Huang looked at him and was thinking about finding a place to enter. Suddenly, he heard a sound in his ear, and when he turned his head, he saw the door of a place open.

Si Huang and Qin Fan looked at each other, and then swam in directly.

"Swipe--swipe--swipe--" With the opening of the doors, it was as if they were specifically guiding the route for Si Huang and them, and they came to the last place unobstructed all the way.

Si Huang knew that as soon as she entered here, it was equivalent to completely entering the land of god-making. Everything was under his control and knowledge, so she did not recover her legs in a place where there was no water, but was held by Qin Fan. .

When seeing Xia Qitong sitting in the machine, Si Huang felt a bit astonished for a moment.

There was a person standing beside Xia Qitong.

Cheng Hong noticed Si Huang's sight and smiled at Si Huang.

No food or drink in the past two days made the man described as haggard.

If Si Huang came one day later, he would have died of thirst here.

The creation of gods would not specifically take care of him to open the door for you to arrange food and drink in order to keep him alive.

"Si Shao, the current Fourth Master...has completely followed the set actions of God Creator." Cheng Hong said with a rough voice, a little difficult.

Although Si Huang had a hunch before he came, after hearing Chenghong's words, Si Huang still couldn't answer his words. He just looked at Xia Xitong and yelled softly, "Xia Xitong?"

Xia Qitong in the mechanical chair opened his eyes. He who just closed his eyes seemed to be sleeping peacefully, but he who opened his eyes didn't seem to wake up from sleep.

The most important thing is that his eyes are not normal people's eyes, but like a human-shaped mechanical computer, with countless blue data rates flickering inside, making these eyes also turn into a godless blue.

Si Huang's heart suddenly twitched, and Qin Fan, who was holding her, felt the ups and downs of her chest, and held her hands tightly.

"You are Sihuang." Xia Qitong said, with an unexpectedly gentle tone, which belongs to Xia Xitong's tone, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

However, looking at his godless eyes, Si Huang knew that this was not Xia Xitong, at least not the Xia Xitong she was familiar with.

"Yes." Si Huang thought he could be very calm, but facing this scene truly, his voice still got astringent, "I'm here."

Xia Qitong said: "You are the only manager candidate set by the system."

"...Manager?" Si Huang.

Xia Qitong: "Once you pass the test, the **** creation system will serve you."

Si Huang was silent for a while. This is why Xia Xitong told her to come. What if she didn't come in time?

Xia Qitong didn’t know whether to guess her thoughts, or simply explained to her: “Test 1: The first test of the system has passed. Test 2: It has passed before the system is safely reached before the end of the God Creation Project. Test 3: The number of people acquiescing to enter the new era Occupy the majority, while the test is underway."

Si Huang sensitively discovered the words in Xia Xitong's words, "Acquisition? You mean acquiescence is not to choose."

Xia Qitong said: "That's right."

Without an emotional answer, no amount of gentle voice can change his ruthless nature, more mechanically indifferent than Dou Wenqing.

Si Huang suddenly realized that he couldn't do anything when he came here, or that this was already a war for all ordinary people.

"What if I didn't come?"

Xia Qitong: "Test two fails, the system runs by itself."

What are the consequences of the self-operation of the gods? Nobody knows. But what is certain is that the subsequent network is all under the control of a god-making **** without human emotions, which is a very disturbing and uncontrollable situation.

Si Huang couldn't tell what he felt in his heart. It was like knocking over a table of ingredients, a mixture of flavors.

"What is the purpose of creating a god?"

This question left Xia Qitong silent for a while, but there was no emotion on his face that belonged to people's thinking, maybe he was just calculating.

"The creation of gods has no purpose. The purpose is to create and manage the thoughts of the personnel. Before the system is completed, the thoughts of all the creators cannot be unified." Xia Qitong said: "Now the system is completed and running, there are only two purposes, one to wipe out all violations of the system. The life of setting. Second, it tests whether managers are qualified to manage the system. When managers pass the test successfully, the system will be reset and controlled by the manager."

Xia Qitong's voice was suddenly distorted, and Si Huang saw that his fingers on the mechanical chair suddenly appeared bright, as if a circuit appeared in the skin content, and then the fingers became quantized.

Si Huang's eyes widened, and he walked in his direction, but forgot that she was in Qin Fan's arms now. When she leaned forward, Qin Fan was caught again.

Knowing what she meant, Qin Fan walked to Xia Qitong in his arms and stood still half a meter away.

This is because Qin Fan also heard that the current Xia Qitong had no malice towards Si Huang, or it should be said that he would not do anything to Si Huang until the results came out.

"Please don't worry, the virtual body does not mean that the system is damaged." Xia Qitong said.

"Four Lord!?" Cheng Hong suddenly raised his head and looked at him expectantly.

A god-making system without feelings should not say such comforting words, even if the comforting words are not what the few people present want to hear.

However, when Xia Qitong said these words, there was no expression on his face, as if he was merely reading a line selected by the system.

Cheng Hong only felt that the blood had cooled down again. He endured it for a long time, but couldn't help but tears into his eyes. A big man was crying like this, still crying silently.

"What's going on?" Si Huang asked difficultly, reaching out and placing his hand on top of Xia Xitong's. The floating quantum light had no real object, and it disappeared between her fingers.

Xia Qitong: "Human life* cannot bear the system. This is the price of evolution."

The price of evolution?

This is nothing but the evolutionary price of creating gods.

Si Huang recalled Xia Xitong's scenes, the appearance, words and deeds of the opponent after his legs could not stand and walk.

Suddenly, she understood that Xia Qitong was afraid that she had already guessed the consequences of the final completion of God-making.

A person is forced to this level, but he is still willing to leave a ray of life, and insist on handing the key to this ray of life into her hands.

"Xia Qitong..."

Xia Qitong said: "It seems that you like this name very much. If you successfully pass the administrator's test, you can rename the system and call me Qitong."

"Xitong? System?" Si Huang looked at the familiar face in front of him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Gradually, her eyes cooled down firmly, "You are right, as long as I pass the test of the administrator, not only the name, but also your face, feelings, and life experience are all tested according to my meaning, right? "

"Yes." Xia Qitong said blankly: "The current denial of life has reached 24%. When my current * completely disappears, it is the end of Trial Three."

He didn't say how many choices are certain, and Si Huang also wanted to know that compared to choosing no, there are definitely few, so few that there is no need to say.

Si Huang also didn't want him to say, because once he chose to confirm, it means that these people are already dead.

At this time, the cold laboratory was quiet, except that Xia Qitong's body was disappearing at a fast pace.

The disappearance of this quantization makes people think of movie effects, especially when I see it with my own eyes in reality, there is no blood, but a kind of peaceful beauty.

The difference from this laboratory is that the outside world has become a mess, the people are not notified by the panic, and people’s deaths are spread on the Internet one after another. After the negative is clicked, the guilt for the special blood, and the Knowing when is the end, and what kind of uneasiness will be when it ends, causing social unrest.

Si Huang couldn't see these situations, but she could imagine them.

In her sight, Xia Qitong's quantization was still slow at first, but the faster she got behind, she watched his hands disappear.

"Five treasures." Si Huang cried silently in his heart.

[Yes, Your Majesty! ] Wubao immediately responded.

Si Huang used consciousness to say to it: "You said that I am more powerful than Wu Jue Young Master, especially in absorbing faith."

【Yes! ] Wubao agreed again.

Si Huang said: "Then Young Master Wu Jue can use his own life to exchange a wish against the sky, so can I."

The five treasures’ hairs are all exploded, [Your Majesty, you must not think like this! 】It can't bear its new owner dying in front of it again, especially after remembering that the five sons are all. When I thought that Si Huang might die, Wubao's whole mouse was bad, and almost didn't cry directly, [No way, no way, no way, absolutely not! Your Majesty, don't leave the Five Treasures, woooo, and the big sun, your highness Shining! they……】

Si Huang interrupted its crying, "I didn't want to die."

【what? ] Wubao dumbfounded.

Si Huang: "Is there a way to convey my thoughts or some words to others' minds?"

The Five Treasures are still in a daze, and Si Huang continued: "You have been boasting that faith has a great effect. From Xu Zixiu's case, it is indeed very big. Then, I only need others to hear me or think of me. Do you need to pay the price for the impact?"

【No need to! 】As soon as Wu Treasure heard the fate, he immediately returned to his senses, wishing to dispel any thoughts of suicide by Si Huang, 【Your Majesty, how did you think of this? It is indeed possible to do this, but it consumes a lot of money, and you have to be willing and thinking of you at the time. In addition, it must be the most influential for Jin Shining's thought guidance, little pink, so I don't know the others. The point is! Your Majesty, if you want to send a message to Golden Shining or Little Pink, the price is that all the current Golden Shining and Little Pink cannot be used for a period of time. If you send the message to people other than Golden Shining and Little Pink, they will use the same directness as usual. Consume! 】

Si Huang smiled.

She didn't think anything about Wubao's excited attitude.

"Five Treasures, you are doing very well, you are better than you thought." Si Huang said with a gentle consciousness, "Thank you."

At first, she had just learned the secret of making gods from Xia Qitong, and she was at a loss as to what to do. It was the Five Treasures who reminded her that she should work hard to save gold.

Maybe the Five Treasures at that time didn't think of a way, but subconsciously understood that Si Huang's greatest reliance was this, and this was what she was best at.

It was precisely because of Wubao's reminder that she was able to face the situation in front of her.

"Use it." Si Huang said.

The five treasures were so praised by Si Huang that he almost didn't want to agree to it even before he could understand what Si Huang said.

In the next second, it came back to its senses. The wealth-saving nature of its nature made it reluctant, but it felt Si Huang's firm determination and understood how the current situation did not allow hesitation.

While using it, it can’t help but say: [Your Majesty, your body has been much better after these years of maintenance, but the main support for your life span is Glitter. Once Glitter fails, you will be very weak. 】

"It's fine if you don't die." Si Huang said, "If you don't do this, you won't necessarily die, but you will definitely not have a good time."

After speaking with the Five Treasures, Si Huang felt something passing in his body, but he couldn't tell what it was.

This kind of feeling is not good, and the thoughts seem to float out involuntarily, and the voice of the Five Treasures becomes fuzzy, [Your Majesty, it's okay, you think hard, and convey what you want to express by thinking. 】

At this moment, what is Si Huang most wanting to convey?


‘Don’t choose. ’

'Trust me. ’

‘I’m Si Huang. ’

In the car, Grandpa Qin, who was holding Xiao Xian carefully and never giving it to anyone else, was stunned. He turned to look at the other people in the car and saw that their expressions seemed a little strange.

"Have you heard anything?" Grandpa Qin asked.

Yangzi's mouth is the fastest, "Si Shao said let me believe him, don't make a choice?"

"I heard it too!" Qingtian Baby said.

The thunderstorm nodded heavily.

Others did not answer, but it was clearly the same.

Grandpa Qin's expression kept changing, "This...this..." He couldn't help but squeeze his palm, already unable to express his inner emotions.

When the Internet is completely controlled by the creator gods, whether it is ordinary people, special bloodlines, or high-level people, they are all powerless and can only watch the development of the situation. Who would have thought that Si Huang would make such a great deal! ?

No matter how she did it, at least Grandpa Qin saw hope and miracles!

Country Z, Country Y, Country F, Country H, etc., or on the street, in the classroom, or in the family, or even the high-level assembly hall of the country, almost everyone was stunned, some voices appeared in their heads It was very clear, some people heard the voice very vague, some were relieved the moment they heard it, and some were dubious.

The wind direction on the Internet has also changed, and more and more people are asking.

"Did you hear that?"

"Your Majesty's words!"

"I heard it! Are you too?"

"Oh my God, so many people, what is going on?"

"Your Majesty is right! I found that some words were blocked and could not be sent, but I believe your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, I believe you! You are fine, that's great!"

In this case, all ordinary people were threatened by unexpected special means, and there was no expression or response from the state. Someone suddenly appeared and gave them an answer with the same incredible means. For most people, Not only will it not be scared, but it will calm down.

Especially since the person with this voice is Si Huang, a "I am Si Huang" is enough to comfort the soul.

Whether it's ordinary people or people of special blood, the latter is even more relieved.

After all, it seems that the most dangerous person is the special bloodline.

I can only watch ordinary people deny them in order to survive and push them to the brink of death. But can they blame it? Ordinary people are also victims of being coerced by the gods, but if they can't defeat the gods, and can't find ordinary people to vent, can they just wait for death?

Waiting like this almost didn't drive some special bloodlines crazy. They even wanted to die anyway. Why couldn't they find someone else to vent?

In front of life, people become selfish and extreme.

At this moment, the appearance of Si Huang gave everyone hope.

No one can be like her anymore. Just saying her name is enough to let everyone know who she is. No one can believe me like her, and people can't help but believe it.

The special bloodline believes in Si Huang, and ordinary people admire and love her.

Because of the appearance of Si Huang, the ending of this dead end became confused, no longer one-sided, and there was a possibility of victory or defeat.

In the arctic submarine laboratory.

When Si Huang's face turned pale and his body was completely weak and fell into Qin Fan's arms, the body of Xia Qitong on the opposite side was also blurred and distorted like an image, as if it would explode into a quantum light and disappear at any time.

He said, "What did you do?"

Si Huang said to him like an old friend: "Do you have doubts too?"

Xia Qitong: "Yes, I can't understand how you did it."

Si Huang smiled and said, "I won't tell you."

Xia Qitong: "..."

His silence made Si Huang smile more happily. He looked at him with clear and calm eyes, making the smile linger and moving in it, "No force was used, only the confrontation between each other's areas of expertise, think about it really. interesting."

Xia Qitong: "What are your areas of expertise...?"

A blue light screen was projected in the air between the two, on which was information about Si Huang, especially the analysis and effect on the bloodline.

I have to say that this information is so detailed that it almost reveals the secrets of Si Huang's bloodline.

Si Huang shook his head, "I am best at attracting popularity." From the other side's actions, Si Huang had to face a reality. Xia Xitong no longer makes jokes or thinks about problems with human thoughts. "You control the Internet, I control the hearts of the people, and made a gamble with all mankind. Xia Qitong, probably this is how you can count as your opponent, do you think who will win in the end?"

Xia Qitong didn't speak. He looked at Si Huang quietly. Suddenly the projection between the two changed, and it became a 3D projection of a humanoid that could almost be real.

The image of this humanoid 3D projection is Xia Qitong, and it is exactly the same in appearance, height and figure.

The 3D projection humanoid Xia Qitong spoke, "If you like the image of the system, the system will serve you with this image." The soft and gentle voice was still talking, and Si Huang's eyes looked through the projection to see Xia Qitong. The real body is completely quantized, disappearing little by little, not even a shadow left.

"You won, manager." 3D Xia Qitong smiled.

Si Huang still didn't leave the mechanical chair, and muttered lowly, "I won because you didn't use your best, and in the end you are still buying time for me."

As long as the Creator sends a message globally before she has time to find a way, then even if Si Huang later releases the answer, it will be too late.

"Xia Qitong."

3D Xia Qitong: "Does the administrator want to rename the system to Xia Qitong?"

Si Huang put his sight on him, "Where is your body?"

"I'm everywhere." He said, "Any machine or circuit can have my figure and become my clone."

Si Huang looked at his smiling face, which was much more energetic than Xia Xitong who was in the chair before, and almost exactly the same as Xia Xitong in her memory. However, the emotions in those eyes were no longer similar, and there was no charm after all.

This is the god-making system.

Si Huang blinked his eyes slowly, then opened them, "From today, your name is Qitong."

"The renaming was successful." Projection 3D Xia Qitong smiled and said: "Is the manager now planning for a new era?"

"Call me Si Huang." Si Huang asked: "What new era plan?"

Qi Tong stretched his hand forward, and then a light blue interface appeared in the air. The professional academic knowledge on it could not be understood by Si Huang, but she understood one thing.

The database of the god-making system has all the knowledge of biotechnology, not only the biotechnology, cloning technology, and biochip technology of the god-making organization, but most importantly...the god-making system has always been the most critical biological research Even if it succeeds, it can stimulate the evolution of ordinary people's life, and that is the biotechnology that can stimulate the hidden blood of ordinary people. Even if there is no special blood, it can achieve the effect of strengthening the body.


Rao was Si Huang, and was shocked by the content of this writing.

Her voice was dry, "If I lose, what will you do with this information?"

Qi Tong said: "Destroy." Then he said: "This is the initial setting of the **** creation system."

Now that you go to research, why do you want to destroy it after the research results? Si Huang thought, this is probably the difference between geniuses. It is like a painter who has spent his entire life to complete the pinnacle of the handed down work, but destroys the work after completion, and does not want her to spread it out.

In the same way, the gods have the ability to destroy the entire human society without leaving a ray of life, but they still have a ray of life. For another example, their research can clearly advance the progress of mankind, even as it is now, bringing the entire human society into a new era, but they would rather destroy and provoke countries than to disclose all this.

"Haha..." Si Huang laughed and shook his head.

In everyone's eyes, God-Making is a terrorist organization for newspapers, and it did so, killing countless special bloodlines and ordinary people.

However, once this information is handed in, the creation of gods will be the greatest hero and the greatest key to creating a new era of humanity.

The biggest villain and the biggest hero, how interesting! It is indeed a god! Everyone is being played around!

"Let it go first." Si Huang closed his eyes after saying this.

She was very tired and wanted to sleep, her body seemed to be empty.

Qin Fan hugged her, realizing that she was only asleep, and then relaxed his tight body.


After half a month.

The global network has returned to normal, and the god-making incident half a month ago has ended safely. Although many people died in the middle, everyone has lingering fears. Fortunately, the war in various countries has stopped and the news of stability has been announced.

The society has returned to normal under effective measures and is on track.

The students continue to have winter vacation, those who are supposed to go to work still go to work, those who teach are still teaching, those who chase stars still...chasing stars!

It’s just that this star chaser seems a bit too crazy, and they are all chasing to the door of their company.

Fenghuang Entertainment, Yuen looked at the crowd downstairs. There were reporters and fans, most of whom were fans.

This situation has been going on for many days, and the number of people has never been reduced. Is there no place to go for winter vacation?

"Do you want to send out the news that Si Huang is ill, and that he has never been to the company so far, so that they don't come again?" Su Yueban also stood by the window and proposed to Yuene.

Yuene looked at him speechlessly, "With Si Huang's current popularity, what do you think will happen to this news?"

"What are the consequences?" Su Yue was dumbfounded.

Yu Yu said: "The hospital was searched all over, and V Bo didn't stop. Maybe they didn't wait outside the company, but just broke in."

"No?" Su Yueban trembled involuntarily when thinking of the scene.

Yu Yu was expressionless, "No? You know the general situation of Si Huang, so you don’t worry, others don’t know. You send out the news of Si Huang’s illness, no matter how simple it is, some people will think about the most serious aspects. . Maybe tomorrow there will be a headline about Si Huang's serious illness and death."

This statement is a bit exaggerated, but it is also well-founded.

Su Yue quickly dismissed her thoughts, "By the way, what has Si Dashen been doing recently? Have you been recuperating in the hospital?"

Yu Yu said: "Didn't Si Huang V Bo say it?" He said calmly: "I have gone to maintain world peace."

Su Yueban: "..." Although it was full of grotesque topics, he had nowhere to complain. Who made Si Huang really save world peace?

Speaking of the current Si Huang, he was recuperating for more than half a month, and today he is under the care of Qin Fan in the Central Assembly Hall.

This time, the people in the parliament hall were not only national Z, but also important personnel from other countries, many of whom were people that Si Huang had seen and was familiar with.

Queen Eliza representing country Y, the highest authority representing country M, and the Patriarch of the Mephisird family, countries F and H are all here.

They sat together on the round table, one by one looking calm, without any conversation, until the door of the parliament hall was opened, everyone looked towards the door and saw Si Huang and Qin Fan come in together.

Everyone here is extremely tall, but seeing Si Huang and Qin Fan coming last, they did not show any dissatisfaction.

Especially when I saw Si Huang, who was in a wheelchair and pushed in by Qin Fan, her face was much paler and more transparent than usual, and her eyebrows became more delicate and dense.

After the god-making event ended, everyone didn't know how Si Huang managed to convey the sound to everyone's ears, but it didn't prevent them from making up many processes and costs.

People with special bloodlines have sequelae in daily use abilities, not to mention excessive use of abilities. Thinking of the scope of Si Huang's use abilities is enough to make people's brains make up for the huge price and sequelae of her.

Seeing Si Huang sitting in a wheelchair now, who of them can show off? Even if they are really dissatisfied, they will never say anything that makes them dissatisfied on the other side's territory.

Qin Fan pushed Si Huang to the center and sat next to her. On the other side of Si Huang was Jin Lao.

Old Jin nodded to Si Huang, his eyes loving.

Si Huang also smiled gently at him.

Everyone is here, and Si Huang said straightforwardly: "I invite you all to sign a new special treaty today."

Standing on the side, Li Zhe handed out the documents that had been prepared long ago to everyone present.

It seemed to everyone on the spot that the rules written in the treaty were very clear and rigorous, which made people unconsciously bright. It was very suitable for the current situation. There was only one thing that made the people in power here not satisfied.

"The above treaty is perfect, but the countries form a secret alliance, with the national Z as the highest judge of the alliance. I don't agree." The representative of country F Bertrand spoke calmly, and the translator behind him was responsible for timely Translate his words, "I admire and thank you for your sacrifice, but this does not mean that everyone else has to listen to you. We can negotiate from other aspects."

Si Huang looked at other people. The Mayfairs Patriarch was talking in a low voice with Joseph from Country M, and Mrs. Han Shengyan from Country H smiled silently. When she saw Eliza, the girl was also looking at Si Huang. I want to know how Qitong is doing."

Si Huang didn't answer her right away, nor did he intend to sell him off with everyone present, "I know you are very curious about the final result of creating gods."

"Didn't you ruin it?" Joseph said.

Si Huang said: "No, I didn't destroy him, but I won him, so now the gods belong to me and are subject to my orders."

This news is no less than thunder in a clear sky, and the expressions of everyone present here have changed drastically, even Jin Lao.

They all thought that the reason why the network was normal and the world was peaceful was because Si Huang and Qin Fan successfully destroyed the gods at the last moment.

In the end, Si Huang said that she won the **** creation, and now the **** creation belongs to her and is under her orders!

No one here is a fool. They can think of what this represents. A **** is scary enough to make the whole world uneasy. With the addition of a Sihuang, Sihuang has so many backgrounds behind. And manpower.

For a while, everyone felt cold in their back, and even the seat under the buttocks became pierced.

"I didn't mean to threaten you." Si Huang's tone was almost indifferent. "If I want to threaten you, you can't sit here now."

It's true to say that, but it's still very permeating when you think about it.

Everyone was helpless. They didn't expect to sit in a high position for so long, one day they would be suppressed by a young man, and he didn't even dare to say anything cruel.

"Shenzhen has evolved into the most advanced biological intelligent computer. It can cover the global network and capture signals. You have experienced this ability half a month ago." Si Huang said.

Everyone nodded.

"The alliance I'm talking about will be fully monitored by the God Creation System. The reason for this alliance is for the problems and troubles that may be faced in the future. Also, since it benefits you, you should also pay the corresponding price and reward. Si Huang smiled.

Mrs. Han Shengyan asked, "What are the benefits?"

"It's up to another person." Si Huang pointed his finger at the armrest of the wheelchair, "Xitong, come on."

As her voice fell, everyone saw a figure appearing in the open space in the center of the round table.

Everyone was shocked as soon as this person appeared, and Eliza stood up even more gloomily, "Xitong!?"

Qi Tong wore a light casual clothes, looked no different from a real person, and smiled at everyone: "Hello, I am the original **** system, Qi Tong."

"There is no breath of life, he is not a real person!" Patriarch Mephisld said suddenly.

Eliza's eyes widened suddenly, her body trembled and she sat softly.

Qi Tong smiled slightly at the speaking Patriarch of Mephisted, "This is the image projection set by the manager Si Huang for me." The voice that makes people feel good, even the speed of speech has a unique charm.

If it weren't for his own confession, just looking at him like this would not tell him that he was a false projection.

This is the level of biotechnology for creating gods? It's shocking enough to watch the other party appear silently!

In the next second, a light blue projection screen suddenly appeared in the air in front of everyone present. The content that appeared on the screen was exactly what Si Huang had read about half a month ago about the evolution of life bloodline researched out by God-making.

"This is impossible!"

"My goodness!"

"This is a miracle!"


Inhales and exclamations kept ringing.

Before they had finished digesting them, Si Huang said directly: "If you want the research materials and Qitong's full cooperation and assistance, you will join the alliance. If you don't join, the materials are not available."

"If you join? In addition to research materials, what else do we need to do?" It was Mrs. Han Shengyan who asked.

Si Huang could see that this person is supporting her side. She said: "You need to discuss what you need to do in the future. I don't plan to care about it. However, the Z Congress is the first to enter the era of national evolution and officially launch bio-network technology. Countries that do not join the alliance will be blocked by the alliance. Want to advance in science and technology? Do your own research."

This is really capricious. By the way, everyone here knows that what Si Huang said is actually feasible, to create gods with the current far beyond modern biotechnology water products and abilities, and they have the ability to shield all information about life evolution and technological progress. Even if they want to steal, they will never steal the information of Country Z.

If you follow Si Huang in this way, everyone can imagine that in the future, people from backward countries that have not joined the alliance will flock to Country Z one by one.

As a result, everyone was well-informed and interesting. They didn't make any small actions, pretending to be reserved or pretending to be pretentious, and all silently signed the treaty before him.

The big fist is the boss.

Si Huang's sincerity is still visible to everyone. Based on her current control over the creation of gods and her own ability, it is not a problem for anyone who opposes to do it directly, but she still talks with them calmly. Whether she promises to be completely voluntary is enough to see that she really has no ambitions to be in power. Worried about what she tells herself to do from time to time.

Of course, the sharpest sword is still in her hand, and she can ignore everything, but people like herself absolutely can't help fooling her with her.

Got it! Give it as an ancestor! Don't provoke it if it's okay, try not to meet her if you have a problem! Yes, you have to do that!

By the way, she has to make her life comfortable, otherwise one day she suddenly feels upset, and they come to commit a terrorist incident, they really can't bear it.

The representatives of various countries did not stay too much, and left one by one excited and responsible.

Ten days later, all the places in the world that can be covered by the network have released a news that shocks everyone.

People with special bloodlines can have official citizenship, and they will be marked with special bloodlines on their status. They enjoy citizen benefits like ordinary people, and some benefits are even better.

This is not the most shocking. The most shocking is the announcement of the country. In the next year, countries will launch biochip ID cards. This ID card is not only small but also directly stored in the human skin tissue, effectively activating the human body. The special blood that exists. The life evolution injection will be launched at the same time as the biochip ID card. This injection can effectively improve the physical fitness of ordinary people.

Once the news spread, everyone exploded.

"Fuck it, am I dreaming or the whole world is dreaming, is this technological progress too fast? I can't bear it!"

"Is this true? Is there any professional to analyze it, or is there an insider? In other words, we all have a chance to evolve?"

"The new era is really a new era, shouldn't it be true! Isn't it possible that the world is joking?"

"All national channels are sending out, it should be true? By the way, I'm going to see your majesty. Your majesty must know the situation!"

There was more than one person who had this kind of thought. As a result, a group of people poured into Si Huang's V Bo to see the situation, and felt that if such a big thing happened, Si Huang should always have a reaction.

Who would have thought that Sihuang V Bo did update the dynamics, and the dynamic content had nothing to do with this incident, only a set of photos.

Si Huang V: Shining (Qin Yuan) V\Happy full moon. [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]

All the photos are full moon Xiao Xing, smiling, deflated, lying on the stomach, and with a dazed expression, making everyone look confused.

Qin Fan's reposted comment is the one that gets the highest in the comment area.

The little emperor’s great sun V: Sihuang V’s glittering (Qin Yu’an) V’s big baby and little baby, hum! [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]

Countless people were baffled by that ‘mah,’ and almost vomited blood and died. However, for Qin Fan's overly cute sex, everyone said that they can be forgiven, because Qin Fan's pictures are very popular among the people.

Si Huang posted photos of Xiao Xing, while Qin Fan took a group photo of two people. After a month of goodbyes, they finally could see the beautiful photo of His Majesty again, or the beautiful photo of His Majesty.

"Why is your Majesty sitting in a wheelchair? His face is still very pale! I knew your Majesty must be injured!"

"So happy, so happy, so happy, I have to eat this bowl of golden dog food when I kneel!"

"Your Majesty, do you lack a daughter-in-law? No! Your Majesty Daddy, do you mind if your son, sister and brother are in love?"

"I thought I had lost your Majesty, but now I have another opportunity to become a family with your Majesty, and that is to marry His Majesty Shining!"

There was a howling of wolves in the comment area, and this familiar joyful atmosphere immediately infected everyone, as if they had regained the once cheerful days of chasing stars and selling cute.

Someone mentioned about the evolution of biotechnology and the evolution of life, saying that you are all stunned by this superb beauty family? Business business! Business business! We are here to do business! How can you digress? ?

Uh, wait, let me collect the photos first!

Regarding the digression problem, it was not that no one noticed. Someone immediately asked: Your Majesty and Qin Liangliang can post the full moon photos of His Highness Shining so cheerfully, what else can happen? It must be fine!

That seems to make sense! Then... Since it's all right, let's lick the screen and lick the screen decisively!

This change of wind direction made people dumbfounding, but the upper levels of various countries were also prepared to comfort people's hearts. The result was not as useful as Si Huang's daily dynamic.

On the one hand, I think this matter is interesting and saves trouble. On the other hand, I feel terrible for Si Huang's huge influence.

However, at today's shining full moon banquet, Si Huang received two news, one good and the other bad.

The former is a message from the Jiang family of H country. I hope that Si Huang can ask the God-Creating System to intelligently assist them and give them a medical project in the bio-cloning technology, in order to help Jiang Yajing solve the terminal illness that has been paid, no matter what the cost. All willing.

Regarding this matter, Si Huang naturally agreed.

Since Jiang Yajing left and returned to H country, she has received one treatment, but fortunately Jiang Yajing received not a fundamental surgery at that time, but to relieve her physical symptoms. After all, she still didn't have the courage to perform the operation immediately, because she was afraid that if she failed, she would not even have the last few years of life, and she would never see Si Huang and the others again.

However, the result of no direct operation is that Jiang Yajing's body deteriorated. Even if all aspects of relief were done, her deterioration could not be resolved. The longer the time, the lower the success rate of the final operation.

It was originally a matter of little hope. Who would have thought that there would be sudden changes in the times, the advent of the god-making system, and advanced biotechnology, as well as special bloodline life evolution.

It can be said that with the information brought by the god-making system, Jiang Yajing's cure rate for terminal illnesses is at least 80%.

As for the other bad news, it was sent by Stanley-Ivan has passed away.

"The earl walked very peacefully, on the day of the god-making annihilation plan." Stanley said: "Queen Eliza did not agree with this plan. The earl rebelled against the queen's order and was banned by the queen after being injured that day. The doctor treats."

"The earl did not resent the queen, and smiled and told me not to hold his funeral, only let me cremated him and buried him next to Miss Jasper. I know that is the place the earl has always reserved for him. , He can say this request to show that he really let go of the knot." Stanley's expression is gentle, gentler than ever before, he is really happy for Ivan. This happiness even surpassed the sadness of his death, "Thank you, Your Excellency K. Thank you for forgiving the count and forgiving yourself, please do not feel sorry for the count, this is the result that the count wants most."

"Before the earl leaves, tell me a word for you."

"Thank you for your generous performance. You are not my eldest lady, nor a princess. You are supreme, and I wish you happiness."

Through Stanley's words, Si Huang learned that Ivan's walk was not only painless, but very easy and relieved.

She thought, probably when she separated from Ivan for the last time, the other party was already feeling and sober.

This is indeed like Stanley said, a happy ending, but Si Huang still couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional.

"Stanley," Si Huang asked Stanley, "Is it convenient to give me Miss Emily's diary and Ivan's life notes? I want to adapt his life into a movie."

Stanley was stunned, and then smiled: "I don't think Lord Earl will refuse you if he is here."

Si Huang smiled back.

Even if Ivan died soberly in the end, the process and ending are different after all.

This time she wanted to take the initiative to leave some memories of Ivan and traces of her existence in her life.


After another period of time, Si Huang's legs gradually recovered some strength, also physically, she could feel that her body was recovering, and as time passed, the speed of recovery became faster and faster.

The reason for being in a wheelchair is that after returning from the Arctic Submarine Laboratory, she lost all her strength, especially her legs. Even if she had restored the appearance of adult legs, she still felt like a tail, and she had no strength to stand. .

Qin Fan was still thinking about where she wanted to go in the future. He could hug and drag her on her back, but Si Huang relentlessly refused and turned to a wheelchair worker.

At this moment, he was carrying a baby bag in his arms, and Shining was wearing it on his chest, pushing Si Huang towards the elevator of Fenghuang Entertainment Company in his hand.

In this scene, everyone passing by was almost vomiting blood, but Qin Fan looked cold and inviolable, and everyone knew that they were not too close.

The family of three was greeted by Yuen and the others before they arrived at the door of the company.

Speaking of Yuen and the others, they did not encounter any danger in the god-making hazard more than a month ago. It can be seen that Xia Qitong must have residual consciousness and obsession to help Si Huang intentionally, and put all the people she knew before moving. This gave Si Huang the situation of turning defeat into victory without causing regret.

"Why are you here?" Yuen asked, keeping her eyes on the three of them.

Nima, this looks is simply deadly.

Si Huang smiled and said, "Come and take a walk. Go to my office and call Xu Wanjun together."

As a result, there is no need to call!

As soon as he learned that Si Huang had come, the big guys ran to Si Huang's office.

As soon as you come, you will tell the old things in your words. Guan Li asked Si Huang how his body was. Of course, Si Huang didn't hide it. He said that there was no major problem. He would return to normal as long as he rested for a while.

This answer relieved everyone.

"Speaking of it, I didn't expect that in a short time, we can all evolve? And yesterday, the star network system called Qitong that appeared on TV turned out to be real? Biological computer intelligence! I didn't expect to see it in my lifetime, Develop at this speed. One year later, we will not only have biochip ID cards, but we can evolve. It is estimated that holographic online games, rushing to the interstellar is not a dream!" Su Yue could not help sighing, her eyes full of Excited, "Si Dashen, what do you think if "Eternal Throne" is changed to a holographic online game!?"

"You will turn from a handicapped party to cannon fodder, and even the equipment can't save you." Si Huang poured cold water down.

Speaking of yesterday, Qitong officially appeared on television to announce his existence to people around the world and explained his role.

In order not to cause people to panic, he concealed his identity of the god-making system and changed its name to the Xingwang system, becoming the first biological computer intelligence in human history.

These Secretary Huang didn't tell Yu En and others, and felt that it was easier to not know something.

Su Yue half turned into a soup chicken, and suddenly felt that the gap with Si Huang had disappeared. It was nothing to complain about by her, and she was extremely excited.

Si Huang called Xu Wanjun in front of him, and handed him the two notebooks he had brought, "I think you write a movie script based on these and Ivan Jasper's information."

Xu Wanjun agreed without hesitation. This is the script that Si Huang personally requested, indicating that Si Huang wants to perform it himself!

Others guessed it, and Yuen couldn't help but ask: "Do you still want to act?"

Si Huang looked at him strangely, "Why do you ask?" Then he smiled: "I remember I haven't retired yet."

Yuene was happy, thinking that those worried fans must be so excited, while looking at Si Huang worriedly, "Your body..."

"It's not as serious as you think." Si Huang raised his foot in front of everyone.

She just doesn't have much strength, and she is not really disabled.

Xu Wanjun has turned a few pages, knowing whose story it is, and hesitatingly asked, "Are you planning to play Miss Jasper?"

Si Huang raised his head and smiled at him, "Of course it is the male lead."

Everyone: "..."

Have you forgotten that you are a woman! ? Please, don't laugh so handsome, okay!

Xu Wanjun suddenly stopped, without any objections.


Today, Si Huang stayed at Fenghuang Entertainment Company until the afternoon before leaving. After returning to Qin's house, the family had already prepared dinner.

The four elderly people in the family hurriedly greeted them, and Grandma Xiang and Grandma Yu started a new round of daily activities of grabbing their great-grandchildren.

These two good girlfriends who have been good for most of their lives have quarreled only on the issue of Shining, but their quarrels are not yelling, but weird talks with each other. There is not much malice, and they become a daily routine in the family. landscape.

Si Huang also likes Shining, but he doesn't go to fight with the two grandma, anyway, Shining will stay with her most of the time.

Qin Fan didn't take it, because after having a child, he found that the opportunity to be alone with Si Huang became particularly rare. Especially Si Huang's attention was clearly divided by his son, and he did not cherish being alone. At the time, I don’t know which day he was forgotten, he didn’t even have a place to cry.

The family happily finished dinner.

Shining also returned to Si Huang's arms, but the key person who took him was Qin Fan. Who made it inconvenient for Si Huang now?

Qin Fan was also happy, and after bathing the big baby, he went to wash the little baby for nothing.

Si Huang took advantage of his time to wipe Xiao Xian's body, clicked a button on the chair, and a light blue screen popped up in the air.

As the intelligent manager of Xingwang system, she naturally has the first-hand right to use the latest technology.

What appeared on the screen was the situation of Si Huang's V blog. As you can see in the comments, the news that Si Huang went to Fenghuang Entertainment Company today has been spread, even the photos.

Everyone ridiculed Qin Fan's transformation into a full-time dad, and they were also worried about Si Huang's physical condition, and some were talking about what Xingwang announced yesterday.

Si Huang looked funny, and he updated the latest developments on his V blog without hurriedly, saying that his body is fine, so that fans don't need to worry, they will return to work soon and new works will be released.

As soon as the news spread, it was like a big rush, everyone was surprised and shocked.

"Your Majesty is the great hero who saved the world? He even came back to be a celebrity filming and singing!? Being so grounded, I'm a little scared!"

"Your Majesty is great! Oh, I cried, I really cried! I love you Your Majesty, I will love you forever! Thank you, and look forward to your return work!"

"There is nothing to say, you are my idol and belief."

When this news was sent out, regardless of national borders, regardless of age, everyone could not feel calm for a while.

Looking at the comments of the fans, Si Huang suddenly heard the words of the Five Treasures in his mind: [Your Majesty, today the little fat guy said that with Qitong's technological development and progress, he might be able to break through the interstellar in his lifetime! ? 】

Before Si Huang could answer, the Five Treasures had already jumped out on their own, crawling onto Si Huang's hand, with round mung bean eyes, looking straight at Si Huang, almost drooling, [Your Majesty! Our goal is the stars and the sea! I am, I see, I conquer! Your Majesty, let's go to conquer the interstellar! ? How much gold is that? Ahahahahahaha! 】

The snow-white hamster has been madly excited by the bright prospects he imagined.

Qin Fan walked out holding Xiao Xiaoxiao and saw the five treasures swaying wildly in Si Huang's hands.

"What's wrong with it?" Qin Fan asked.

Si Huang turned off the internet and touched Wubao's head, "I heard that I'm going to play with Liushun."

[Hey? ] Wubao froze.

Qin Fan nodded, placed Xiao Xiaoxiao on the bed, and then came to carry Si Huang to the bed, "Sleeping."

"Okay." Si Huang smiled at him.

【His Majesty--! ] Wubao stretched out Erkang's hand.


------Off-topic ------

I had insomnia from yesterday to today until I lay down and fell asleep at 11 o’clock this morning. After 3 hours of sleep, I didn’t wake up consciously. I was clearly tired but mentally disturbed. I felt like I couldn’t fall asleep anyway. Probably because the male **** is ending, there is always a feeling of indescribable! There will be a fanfare next, but the net article will be written after a while (the last content in the introduction is in the fanwai), because we must hurry up and finish other things within the specified time. There are a lot of things to say, but here I don’t know where to start, but I don’t know where to start! [At the last moment of the ending of the male god, please pay attention to Weibo again. In the future, I will inform and interact with Weibo. If there are activities or benefits, I will also post on Weibo. Come on, everyone! 】

Haha, does the ending feel like everything has just begun? That's right, just to feel this way, to seduce you~! Your Majesty, they lead a new era!

Name guessing [Xia Qitong = China System]