She stood not far away from her, and she immediately raised her hand. She was ready to grab the arm of Jiang Luoqin. Before she raised her hand to touch Jiang Luoqin, Nuan Yu, who had been silent and stood behind Jiang Luoqin, seemed to suddenly come back to her mind. She blocked Jiang Luoqin behind her and begged Jiang Luoyu, who was standing on her head with a smile.

"You can't arrest Miss Shizi! No matter what happens, miss is innocent... "

"You say your lady is innocent?" Jiang Luoyu looked at nuanyu's disguise, mixed with pathetic eyes, and the grateful eyes of Jiang Luoqin, who was protected by her behind her, the sarcasm of her eyes became more intense. "Then can you tell me about how my son's brother would be poisoned and unconscious in Rongqin garden after drinking mung bean porridge made by your young lady herself?"

The warm jade hears the speech not even to think, then opens a way: "that mung bean congee..."

Speaking of half, as if suddenly feel as if there is something wrong, think carefully, suddenly changed his face, exclaimed: "mung bean porridge?! No way

"It's mung bean porridge. What's the matter?" Jiang Luoyu raised her eyebrows and looked at the words. Her face began to look ugly. Finally, she felt that the situation seemed to be a surprise to her. She said with a smile, "or do you think it's not mung bean porridge, but What else? "

When Nuan Yu was asked by him, he immediately fought all over his body. When he looked back at Jiang Luoyu who was standing on the steps again, his eyes became more alert and hesitant. But now she has already asked for love for Jiang Luoqin behind her. When she retreats, not only does Jiang Luoyu in front of her be suspicious, but also the gratitude of Jiang Luoqin after her will disappear, so she can only insist on saying.

"Back to the son of heaven, the bowl of mung bean porridge was made by the young lady herself. She is kind and gentle in nature. She will never do anything harmful to the common brother. I hope the son of heaven will be aware of it."

Good things?

Hearing these four words, Jiang Luoyu couldn't help but look behind nuanyu. At this time, she was glaring at herself, as if to swallow her own female tiger like concubine. Her voice was even more amused: "Oh? Do you mean that bowl of mung bean porridge is not poisonous

There was a ghost in nuanyu's heart. When she answered, she hesitated a little bit. But she remembered clearly that when she entered the hut, she did drop the poisonous powder hidden in her fingernails on those cakes, so she still murmured in response: " Yes

Jiang Luoyu saw that she should, the smile on her lips suddenly mixed with a bit of strange: "chasing clouds."

The bodyguard in the distance heard the speech and immediately replied, "subordinate is in."

Jiang Luoyu gazed at the warm jade standing at the foot of the steps. Her slender fingers moved slightly in her sleeve and said in a low voice, "since the maid who is close to her sister said so, you will bring the bowl of mung bean porridge and let the servant girl taste it. If the mung bean porridge is really not poisonous, it will just clear the suspicion for her sister, isn't it?"

Seeing that chasing cloud should turn around and go away, warm yudun was a little flustered. She looked timid and looked at Jiang Luoyu standing on the steps.

Jiang Luoyu only glanced at her lightly, and then sat down again on the soft couch behind her. Her fingers touched the table beside her, waiting for the cloud chaser to come back. For a while, there was no voice in the yard, and suddenly fell into a strange silence.

In less than a moment, zhuoyun quickly returned to the hospital with the food box. Standing beside Jiang Luoqin's body, Nuan Yu's eyes watched zhuoyun hand over the half bowl of mung bean porridge to himself. His face suddenly turned pale. He could not help looking at Jiang Luoyu at the head, and said timidly, "son of the world Servant... "

"Why, you don't want to taste it?" Jiang Luoyu did not wait for her to finish speaking, then suddenly raised her eyes and gave her a cold sweep. The smile on her lips was even more sarcastic. "You have not vowed to say that mung bean porridge was made by a kind and amiable lady in your family. Can it never be poisonous? Don't you believe your young lady after listening to a few words of my son? "

Before his words fell, nuanyu felt that her clothes had been heavily torn by the people behind her. Then a familiar and twisted face appeared in front of her eyes. It was her Miss Jiang Luoqin: "nuanyu, don't listen to him. That bowl of mung bean porridge is absolutely non-toxic. If you drink it, you can prove my innocence. Drink it

"You see, you are allowed to drink by your young lady." Jiang Luoqin's voice did not fall, Jiang Luoyu then looked light and then urged, "drink quickly."

Nuanyu looked at Jiang Luoqin, who was anxious in her eyes, and looked at Jiang Luoyu, who was sitting on the soft couch like a joke. She felt that her fingers shaking after taking the porridge bowl, but she could only listen to these two people's words and drink the remaining porridge in the bowl. She thought that this porridge was early this morning. She deliberately made rice and beans for her son Jiang Luobai Son is also their own serious washing, absolutely no problem, drink down certainly nothing, then nono should way.


... PI o

JIANG Luoyu looked down at her head, picked up the porcelain spoon in the bowl and began to drink porridge. The smile on her lips suddenly faded, and the Dark Jade like eyes were half closed, but her fingers suddenly caught in front of her body and clenched into fists.

"Ah My stomach My stomach hurts... " Just after a few drinks, Jiang Luoqin, standing by the warm jade body, saw her servant girl's face change. The bowl in her hand crashed to pieces. Her white hand covered her stomach. She knelt on the ground and cried, even her face changed. "Porridge, porridge is poisonous Help me Hei Tzu, help me... ""I'm not a poisoner. How can you beg me?" When Jiang Luoyu saw that nuanyu had eaten porridge, she covered her stomach in pain. She stretched out her hand to herself in pain and pleaded for her help. Suddenly, she looked at Jiang Luoqin, who was standing beside nuanyu and was also shocked. She lowered her voice and said.

"Look, the real poisoner is there. Go and beg her now. Maybe you can live longer."

"No No I didn't! I didn't poison it! The poison in the mung bean porridge is not from me Jiang Luoqin looked at the servant girl beside her feet, groaning and struggling. One hand firmly covered her stomach, and the other hand grasped her skirt. She was scared to step back. She looked at Jiang Luoyu who was sitting on the soft couch with a smile on her lips.

"It's you! It must be you who want to kill my brother. That's what poisons my mung bean porridge

"Sister, I'm not a monster. I don't know whether you want to cook mung bean porridge or soybean porridge today, or not. How can you be happy to poison you today? You really think about it." On hearing this, Jiang Luoyu leaned over to lean against the armrest of the soft couch. Her slender fingers gently pressed against her chin. She was innocent and had nothing to do with herself. She only looked at the warm jade struggling on the ground, and her words were full of thought.

"But nuanyu is innocent. How can you hurt Luobai with this bowl of poisonous porridge and then such a loyal servant girl?"

Nuanyu was still struggling on the ground. Her clean clothes were covered with soil when she rolled because of severe abdominal pain. At this time, she looked messy and dirty, and her voice trembled. When she heard Jiang Luoyu say this, she was suspicious that Jiang Luoyu had poisoned her porridge, and her mind suddenly shook. Then she went to Jiang Luoqin, who was in a panic Seeking Tao.

"Miss Miss I am loyal to you If it is you who poisoned you, you should give warm jade an antidote How painful What a pain... "

When she begged, Jiang Luoqin's panic was even worse. She looked at nuanyu's extended fingers and looked as if she was afraid of getting something dirty. After that, Jiang Luoyu's smile grew deeper and deeper. After seeing all this on the ground, Jiang Luoqin's eyes were filled with astonishing clouds. After a wink, the cloud understood and said Avenue.

"Tell the son of the world, after lunch, I didn't just eat mung bean porridge. At the same time, he also ate a lotus seed cake that accidentally fell into the atherosclerotic bowl. After eating the lotus seed cake, the young master was still fine, but the mung bean porridge fell down after eating less than half a bowl. Now this mung bean cake is poisonous, and that lotus seed cake can be eliminated."

Jiang Luoyu listened to her words carefully, but her eyes always paid attention to the warm jade struggling on the ground at this time. Her voice slowed down a lot: "Oh, in this case, that..."

His voice did not fall, kneeling not far away, just finished the words of the clouds, just feel a flash in front of him, and then he exclaimed: "son of heaven, warm jade has run away!"

After hearing the words, Jiang Luoyu stood up and ran toward the warm jade outside. She raised her voice and called, "chase the clouds



"my subordinates are here."

He slightly closed his eyebrows and eyes, covered the black jade like eyes. There was a glimmer of dark light at the bottom of his eyes. His voice did not fluctuate much: "follow her. See where she wants to run and what to do. Remember to be careful. Don't let others stop warm jade when she doesn't run to the place."

Chase cloud immediately should a, turn toward the direction that warm jade disappears to chase past.

He stood by Jiang Luoyu's body month by month. After he watched Zhuoyu get out of the gate of the courtyard, he leaned over Jiang Luoyu's ear and said softly, "son of God, you are..."

Jiang Luoyu glanced at her faintly and gave a low smile, but there was no smile in her eyes: "why, are you afraid that I will harm that servant girl's life?


every month, she did not expect that her son would say so. She suddenly turned pale, and half raised her body in some embarrassment, and whispered: "son of a bitch..."