Although nuanyu's stomach ache after drinking that bowl of mung bean porridge, the porridge is not poison If he had put poison, he would not have done what he planned today. So the half bowl of mung bean porridge is nothing more than putting some Croton powder that can make people feel pain in the stomach. I think I will go to nuanyu to ask for an antidote in Zhenwei garden. By the way, after exposing Zhen's aversion, the maid named nuanyu will be able to detect it.

"I want to teach Zhen a lesson." Jiang Luoyu lowered her eyes and stood up with the armrest beside her body, regardless of her panic when she stood not far away. After hearing the conversation between them, Jiang Luoqin, whose face was full of doubts, lowered her voice and said,

"tell her, I'm not a round dough that anyone can knead and knead."

After less than a stick of incense, Zhenwei garden.

Chen was sitting in front of the dressing table, letting the maid behind her take off the hairpin from her hair. She was preparing to have a rest after cleaning her face. She heard the faint noise outside. She frowned and asked the maid after her back.

"What's the matter? Why is it noisy? "

"No, princess." Before Zhen's voice fell, the curtain in front of the door was beaten up. The old mammy stepped into the door with some panic on her face, and whispered to the master who was slightly impatient in front of the dressing table, "Nuan Yu broke in alone."

"Warm jade?" Hearing the name, Zhen's sleepiness suddenly disappeared, turned into a faint anger, and rebuked the old mammy in a cold voice, "didn't you ask her to do something about it and wait until the evening to report it? What's going on? "

The old mother knew that it disturbed the rest of Zhen's family. She was angry at this time. She was afraid that she would be angry. However, she knew more clearly that there was a warm jade outside the door, which was more important. She had to harden her head and go on.

"Princess, I don't know what's going on. When the servant girl in front of the courtyard sees Nuan Yu running over her stomach, she immediately stops her from entering the room. However, she has been struggling all the time, and she also calls on her to be poisoned accidentally, so that the princess can save her life!,,

hearing this, Zhen's faint anger suddenly turned into rage, and she felt a burst of white in front of her eyes The light flashed, the temple also followed Su Su to ache, bit a tooth to ask a: "what?"

Looking at Zhen's face, the old mother turned black and blue. She thought about the chaotic scene outside. She knew that this matter could not be concealed. After biting her teeth, she stamped her foot and said, "also, Princess It's said that Nuan Yu ran out of Bibo garden... "

"What?" This time, when Zhen spoke again, his words were full of real anger. Even his originally soft look suddenly became ferocious. He glared at the old mammy standing at the door and exclaimed, "run out of Bibo garden? That is to say, she was found out by Jiang Luoyu, who ran all the way to the gate of my hospital? "

Looking at Zhen, the old mammy gasped, and her face went from iron green to black. The corners of her lips twitched: "Princess..."

"How unreasonable, how unreasonable!" Zhen immediately fell into a rage, raised his hand and swept the bottles, jars and hairpin boxes on the table in front of him to the ground. He was shaking and supported on the dresser. After a few breaths, he shook his finger and swore out of the window.

"You go, go and pull that cheap hoof down for me, and let her die of pain, but don't save her!"

Looking at Zhen's appearance that she was so angry that she lost her sense, she could not say what she wanted to persuade her, and her face became more embarrassed and panicked: "but princess, the little hoof seems to be afraid that others don't know. All the way around, she yells, and it's possible that many masters in the yard know about it. How can this be..."

Hearing the speech, Zhen's eyes widened with consternation. When he heard this sentence, he felt as if he had been struck by something, and then he was in a dark state: "what..."

Before the old mother finished speaking, she heard the big maid Caijuan exclaimed: "Princess! What's the matter with you, princess

She raised her eyes and looked. Yi Hao saw that Zhen's face was blue and white, and her eyes were tightly closed, as if she had been haunted by something. She immediately exclaimed. She quickly stepped forward to support Zhen and sat down with Caijuan. As soon as she raised her hand to give her master a good breath, the rest of her eyes saw Zhen's long breath and a few quick gasps. Her face was filled with uneasiness However, the flush, a pair of general vomit but can not vomit out of the appearance, for a long time to ease the strength to seize the body side of the old mother's hand, staring at the eyes of the command.

“…… Now We can't deal with warm jade, you go to Send the little hoof back to Bibo garden and tell Jiang Luoyu that he doesn't have to worry about my face and deal with the servant girl heavily! "

Looking at her appearance at this time, the old mammy only felt a little frightened at the bottom of her heart

“…… Waste. " After watching the old mother's figure leave, she is supported by the picking cuckoo on the couch. Leaning on the large pillow, Zhen finally gasps heavily. Shaking, she raises her hand to knock on the edge of the bed, and says hoarsely, "a group of rubbish!"Less than half a cup of tea, what happened in Zhenwei garden was followed by Nuan Yu all the time. Seeing the result, he quickly went back to chase cloud in the yard and reported it to Jiang Luoyu, who was still sitting in front of the house.

Jiang Luoyu raised her eyebrows and took a look at her. She was standing in the corner of the yard with a look of panic. She could not hear them talking at all. But she tried to stretch her neck to look at Jiang Luoqin. She lowered her head and blew open the tea leaves floating in the tea cup and gave a slight sneer.

Another moment later, the sunset, who had been guarding the door, suddenly turned around and walked quickly to the couch. Just as she was about to report to the master sitting on the couch, Jiang Luoyu put her tea cup on the table beside her, and half closed her eyebrows and whispered, "I have seen it. Wait for it."

The evening glow hears the speech to answer immediately, retrogression stands in the Bank of the body of the month by month.

At the moment when the figure of sunset clouds moved away, Jiang Luoyu adjusted her clothes and cuffs. She walked out of the hospital with a light smile. She just met her ugly face. At this time, she was walking towards the direction she was standing with her eyes narrowed. She took two maids and was afraid to panic and warm jade.

"The old slave has seen his son."

Jiang Luoyu looked at the old mother beside Zhen's body and bowed her head. She almost glanced with condescending eyes. Just as she began to speak, she couldn't help but flash a dark color, but her lips still showed a smile: "mammy is coming. Please sit down."

"The son of heaven is polite, but the old slave can't bear it." When the old mother heard this, she couldn't help but look down at Jiang Luoyu, who was smiling in front of her face again. By the way, her eyes severely swept the timid standing warm jade behind her. Then she bit her teeth and said in a voice of hatred.

"The old slave is here to return nuanyu, a cheap girl who has no long eyes. The princess has ordered that the son of a generation can dispose of this girl at will, and the princess will not care about it."

Jiang Luoyu heard the speech and immediately responded in a low voice: "in this case, I'd like to ask Mammy to take the place of my son. Thank you very much."

"You are welcome." The old mother looked at Jiang Luoyu in front of her. She even had a smile on her face. She could not bear it. She suddenly took a step forward. She bowed her head respectfully and said in a low voice, "the old slave has always said something. I don't know if I should speak it properly."

Jiang Luoyu looked at the black head in front of her. The fierce color of her eyes flashed by. Her slender fingers moved in her sleeve, but her smile on her lips was deeper: "Mammy, you can do whatever you want."

"Thank you very much." When the old mother heard his promise, her turbid eyes first brightened for a moment, then poured into the thick darkness, and said, "the old slave wants to say that sometimes the son of a son is too cruel to do things, and there is a way to leave a line behind to see each other. If the son of heaven is so cruel and ruthless, he will be punished one day."

After listening to her, Jiang Luoyu stood up slowly with a sly smile. Her face was twisted and disgusting. She narrowed her eyes and asked the trembling warm jade from behind her month by month. After that, she raised her hand and raised her voice to see off the guest. She said, "if Mammy's words are finished, walk slowly."

The old Mammy's face darkened when she heard the speech. She looked at the people in front of her who didn't even pay attention to her words. Her face smelled even more. After staring at the people in front of her coldly, she suddenly swung her sleeves and walked towards the direction of her two servant girls. Finally, she snorted heavily.

Seeing the pale blue figure standing behind her getting farther and farther away, the old mammy couldn't help gripping her fingers and murmuring, "hum, Jiang Luoyu You killed Qinghong. I don't care if you are the son of Xiaoyao king or whatever, one day I'll make you pay for it

After being taken back to the yard month by month, nuanyu has been so frightened that she kneels on the ground. From time to time, she takes a pathetic look and sits back on the couch. Jiang Luoyu, with a smile on her lips, seems to be winning sympathy. But standing not far from the couch, he was giving Jiang Luoyu a month by month appearance of hammering shoulder, and he could not help speaking tentatively.

"Son of a lifetime, that warm jade has been sent back, that young lady..."

Jiang Luoyu didn't even lift her head, but her smile faded. Her fingers gently tapped on the tea cup, and she couldn't hear the emotion in her words. However, she was as indifferent as before, but she could not help holding her hands every month behind him: "let her go. It's just a pretence to frighten her. I don't want to be charged with abusing my sister."

After saying this, he did not pause for a moment, but looked at the sunset cloud standing by the couch and took over his tea cup. He said in a lack of interest: "sunset, go and see the situation in Luobai. Let sleeping star wait there first, and then come back when Luobai is all right. I don't need him to serve here for the time being. Take Luoqin with you by the way. Don't let her stay here

Sunset did not dare to neglect, busy should say: "yes, son of a lifetime."

When the sunset came with Jiang Luoqin, she walked quickly to Jiang Luoyu and gave a salute. Jiang Luoqin couldn't help but stare at Nuan Yu, who was kneeling on the ground. Then she raised her chin and left angrily. She followed her watch month by month, and asked, "dare to ask the son of the world, how to deal with warm jade?"Jiang Luoyu raised her hand after hearing the speech, indicating that the moon after her would not have to knock again. Then she turned her eyes to the warm jade kneeling in front of her, with a bit of sarcasm in her face: "this girl has no big responsibility. It's not like light red that she can't turn the big waves, but she's a little clever. At this time, she has become the abandoned son of Zhen's family. Luoqin can't bear her, so she's left to Luobai Come on

When Nuan Yu heard this, she thought that it was much lighter than the last time Qinghong's disposal. She was given to a common son, who would certainly not do anything to him. At most, he just played a few boards. Suddenly, he was relieved, and he no longer trembled. He even bowed his head to thank him for his kindness.

Jiang Luoyu waved her hand, motioned to take her away by the side of her body month by month, then slowly stood up from the couch and went into the house to have a rest.

After a few days, Jiang Luobai's body was well, so he went to Bibo garden to find Jiang Luoyu and asked how to deal with nuanyu. After listening to his elder brother's explanation, he immediately trained nuanyu with great momentum when he came back to the hospital, and let people drag her down to play a few boards. Then he managed to take her in the yard.

On this day, the weather was still fine. After serving his sons for lunch, he quickly retired with a group of young men, leaving only sleeping star not far away from Jiang Luoyu.

A moment later, Jiang Luoyu, who was half lying on the couch in the courtyard and taking a nap while basking in the sun, was suddenly awakened by the noise of footsteps outside the hospital. When she opened her eyes again, although her eyes were still light, her expression was somewhat impatient: "what a noise, so noisy."

Mian Xing stood behind him and kept fan for him. Hearing this, he immediately took back his hand. After looking around, he lowered his voice and said, "huishizi, I don't know what day it is today. The legitimate son of Shen Guogong came to see the princess."

Shen Guogong's legitimate son.

Lu Min came?

As soon as Jiang Luoyu heard these words, she suddenly felt that she was quite sober. She immediately raised her body, stroked her sleeve, and gently asked, "Oh?"