Mianxing looked at the soft couch, and her face was as white as lotus water. Her black hair fell on her temples, but her eyes were cold. Jiang Luoyu seemed to be shocked by him for a long time. After a long time, she came back to her mind and reported in a low voice: "the legitimate son came with many gifts. She said that the married husband missed the princess, so she came to see her."

Jiang Luoyu narrowed his eyes, straightened up slowly, and lifted up a small table at the back of his body. After he had been hanging cold tea since he fell asleep, he bowed his head and sipped it gently. Then he began to call out again: "sleeping star."

Sleep star hears speech, hurriedly low body should way: "in."

Jiang Luoyu's slender fingers knocked on the lid of the cup. The light and shadow in the Dark Jade like eyes Rose and fell, but the smile on his lips gradually floated: "do you know, does that son of Shen Guo Gong have a wife?"

Mianxing is a member of the Hanjiang Pavilion. Before he came, he had a clear understanding of the situation of the big and small nobles in Kyoto. He didn't even think about it. He immediately replied: "huishizi, the reputation of that one is very bad in Kyoto. He has not asked for his wife or his concubine. However, there are already many guangtongfang, and a common son is more than three years old."

"I don't have a wife, but even my sons come out?" On hearing that Lu Min had no wife, but had a common son, Jiang Luoyu's sarcasm increased a little bit. When the tea cup was covered with a bang, she was slightly surprised. When she was about to take over the tea cup, she heard his low restrained voice mixed with sarcasm. "It's really funny."

His voice did not fall, has been guarding the courtyard outside, but the voice of the sunset suddenly sounded not far away, with the sound of hasty and disorderly feet and some panic.

"Son of God, no good, no good!"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Luoyu looked at the sunset light, and her face was red. She was very frightened. The smile on her lips became pale. She said, "but the son of the Duke of Shen is coming in our direction?"

After hearing the words, the sunset glow repeatedly looked back at the courtyard and then said: "I'm sorry Yes, the maid heard that Mr. Lu He came here not only to see his royal highness, but also to see Wang Ye and princess, and then came to us in the direction. "Is that not normal,

?" Jiang Luoyu didn't have any special look on her face. She just picked her eyebrows, as if she had expected this in her heart. She said with a smile and a soft voice, "the elders of the prefectures' mansion have already met. The legitimate eldest son in the mansion is not here. As a man, he can't go to meet Jiang Hui, so he can only come to see my twin cousin."

Sunset obviously did not think of the big things in her eyes. When she came to the eyes of the prince, she was not a great thing. She could not help but become calm. The panic in her eyes did not disappear for a while: "son of God, what should I do?"

Jiang Luoyu gave a low hum and smile, and finally bent down to stand up. His smile on his lips was ironic and cold: "since it's here, it's not good to hide and hide. You and I'll guard my yard month by month. Let chase clouds and sleeping stars go with me to the Pavilion outside. For a while, the romantic childe Lu will be there."

The evening glow hears speech, hastily low body salute, way: "is, son of a generation."

When Prajna walks to the corner of the pavilion where he is familiar with, he walks to the corner of the pavilion and lets him walk along the edge of the pavilion.

"Cousin, I'm very polite."

"My cousin came from afar. It's hard work." Jiang Luoyu watched him walk into the pavilion and told the boy behind him to give the things he had brought to mianxing. He raised his hand and asked several people to step back one after another. The smile on his lips deepened, but his dark eyes grew darker and darker. He raised his hand and said, "please sit down."

Lu Min looked at Jiang Luoyu in the sun, more crystal clear white face, slender eyes can not help but squint, as if there is a glimmer of unknown light, just took the body side sleeping star respectfully handed over the tea cup, bowed his head to blow the end of the tea, gently sip a mouthful, praise: "good tea."

"It's just ordinary Yunwu Tea. My cousin praised it wrongly." Jiang Luoyu was still, shaking the lid of the teacup in her hand to cover the mist. She raised her eyebrows with a smile and asked, "can my cousin see my grandmother, and my second uncle and aunt?"

Lu Min has been staring at the change of his look. His eyes are shining, and I don't know what idea he is thinking. After listening to his question, he immediately shook his fan in his hand and said with a smile: "look at what my cousin said. Since Lu Mou has come here, it is natural that he has already visited all the elders, and then he has come to see you specially."

"Oh? My cousin came here to see you. " Jiang Luoyu nodded and repeated these words in a low voice, as if he understood something. The smile on her face suddenly cooled down. She looked at Lu Min in front of her with sharp eyes and asked, "but Luoyu doesn't know. My cousin came to see Luoyu this time, but what can I do for you?

Lu Min's fingers trembled with his eyes. He almost didn't throw the fan on the table, and his face also showed a look of surprise. But when he lowered his surprise a little and looked up at Jiang Luoyu sitting opposite, he found that Jiang Luoyu was still smiling and looking at him gently, as if everything he had just seen was an illusion.Thinking of this, he frowned strangely. When he spoke again this time, his eyes were less frivolous: "there is no important matter, but a small matter, you should ask your cousin's opinion."

Jiang Luoyu said softly with a smile: "cousin, it's OK to talk about it."

"You're welcome, cousin." Lu Min listened to his politeness, and thought of his purpose when he came, and immediately adjusted his look. His eyes were firmly fixed on the body of the opposite person, put down the tea cup in his hand and said with a smile, "speaking of this matter, it has something to do with the young master named Yun whom my cousin saw at the Palace Banquet a few days ago."

Jiang Luoyu picked her eyebrows: "Oh?"

Lu Min saw that he only made a single tone, and then it seemed that he would not speak again. He could not help leaning against the stone table. His slender eyes were staring at every look on Jiang Luoyu's face. He lowered his voice and asked, "isn't cousin curious?"

"How about being curious, and how about not being curious?" Jiang Luoyu raised her head with a faint smile. Her dark eyes looked directly at Lu Min in front of her. Her words seemed to contain deep meaning, but her tone was flat and did not fluctuate. "Since my cousin has arrived here, she has not finished her words, no matter whether Luoyu is curious or not, it must be finished."

"My cousin said it well." Lu Min saw that he had guessed his intention, and thought of his last time at the Palace Banquet. He didn't intend to go around with the people in front of him. So he turned his eyes, and the folding fan in his hand broke out again, as if he didn't put the words in his heart. His eyes seemed to pay attention to Jiang Luoyu's reaction after listening.

"That young master Yun is the son of the Minister of rites. He just became a man last year, but he has never married a wife or even a concubine. His vision is much higher than those ordinary princes in the capital. I often make friends with him, and I always have a good friendship with him. "

Jiang Luoyu replied in a low voice and said, "this man is related to what his cousin came to say?"

"That's natural, cousin. Guess what?" Lu Min looked at him as if he was in a lack of interest, but because he was sitting in front of him,

, he had to bear to listen. His eyes were deep, but with a smile on his lips, he still opened his mouth and said

"since the end of the Palace Banquet, that young master Yun heard that he had been lovesick in the Shilang mansion, and he was thinking about a person day and night. How can I ask him about him All do not come out, only care about a person at home to drink. My cousin was very curious at that time, so he went to his house and asked him about it. It was the lady of the family that made him toss and turn and ask for it... "

After listening to him, Jiang Luoyu, who had lived for two lives, suddenly understood the purpose of his coming.

Lu Min is to test him, whether he will abandon the position of son, as a woman generally married.

Since he was testing him, who was behind the legitimate son of the Duke of Shen?

It's the Zhen family Or is he himself?

Thinking of this, Jiang Luoyu's lips were a little more cold, but her eyes were getting lower and lower, which was enough to cover the murderous and evil spirits in her eyes. Her slender fingers were a little bit tight. She seemed to be a little nervous. She even lowered her normal voice a little bit, but she asked faintly, "what's the result?"

Lu Min has been watching his expression change. When she saw him drooping his head, she was a little anxious to get close to him to have a look. But before waiting for the action, she was confused by his question and subconsciously replied: "I'm sorry What's the result? "

"Luoyu just asked his cousin, who is the woman in the end, who can bear to let that young master Yun sleep so hard?" Jiang Luoyu listened to his question, as if he sighed helplessly. Just then he opened his mouth again, "isn't it because of this that my cousin came to ask Luo Yu?"

"Ha ha ha, my cousin is really smart. I'll get to the point." On hearing Jiang Luoyu's own initiative to ask, Lu Min's eyes suddenly brightened, as if he had suddenly got some acquiescence. He could not help but fold up the folding fan in his hand, and his smile on his lips was a little more than expected. He spoke very fast and then said.

"According to Mr. Yun, he is the one who can't get up to his dream, but he can't climb up to the top. What's more, although he is beautiful, he is a man's doubles, and he has no idea about him. So my cousin thought, "it's really difficult..."