Chapter 593: Invasion

Name:Reborn with Steve Stand Author:
Chapter 593: Invasion

"Resurrection? At cost price?"

Upon hearing Fang Mo's statement, the assembled heroes exchanged glances.

Among them, heroes like Tatsumaki, Genos, and Puri-Puri Prisoner's expressions changed slightly, a foreboding sense surfacing in their minds.

However, for heroes like Tanktop Master, Pig God, KING, and Metal Bat... frankly, they were too indifferent to care about the association's updates on promotions of newcomers and thus were unaware of Fang Mo's remarkable deeds, such as the resurrection techniques rumored in J City.

At this moment, this newcomer who called himself a priest was spouting nonsensical claims.

They were somewhat puzzled.

However, unlike these S-class heroes, the association's director Sitch was better informed about Fang Mo. Upon hearing Fang Mo's words, Sitch's face immediately turned pale.

"Priest, are you... serious?"

Sitch looked at Fang Mo, a bead of cold sweat trickling down his forehead: "Has that prophecy already started? Right here in A City..."

But before he could finish,

Metal Bat suddenly couldn't help but slam the table.

"Hey, can you stop speaking in riddles?"

As Metal Bat spoke, he leaned back in his chair like a delinquent, legs propped up on the table, and said with poor manners: "I even skipped my little sister's most important piano concert to sneak here, so hurry up and clarify what's going on."


Hearing Metal Bat's words, Sitch fell silent.

But soon,

He began to speak again.

"In fact, calling everyone here urgently, there indeed is a very important matter."

Sitch's expression turned serious: "Considering the potential disaster we might face, I'll cut to the chase... We are currently facing an unprecedented crisis, one that even the S-class heroes might not survive."


The heroes were stunned to hear this, a crisis that even S-class could die in?

"That's why it's okay if you refuse to participate," Sitch continued: "If you leave now, your S-class titles will remain intact, but if you decide to stay and listen, you might not be able to leave afterwards."

"Stop beating around the bush and just tell us."

At this, Tatsumaki, growing impatient, urged: "There are no cowards in the S-class team. Besides, I'm still here, right? Whatever the crisis, just leave it to me."


However, what the others didn't notice was,as Tatsumaki said these words,

Super Alloy Darkshine shivered slightly, his expression unnaturally altering, thankfully his dark skin hid any visible change.


Super Alloy Darkshine nodded in agreement: "Mr. Sitch, just say what you need to."

"The great prophetess... Madame Shibabawa."

Upon hearing this, Sitch hesitated no more and dropped a shocking truth: "She's dead."


As soon as Sitch spoke, the entire meeting room exploded with shock, disbelief etched on many faces: "Madame Shibabawa is dead... Damn it, who did this? A monster? Or some strange organization?"

"No, she died during divination."

Sitch shook his head regretfully: "Madame Shibabawa choked to death on a throat lozenge during a particularly shocking divination about the next six months."



While everyone was still in shock, Fang Mo burst out laughing, drawing everyone's attention once again.

"Priest, why are you laughing?"

Zombieman couldn't help asking: "Is Madame Shibabawa's death something to laugh about?"

"Your sense of humor is really high, isn't this funny?"

Fang Mo chuckled and responded: "I just couldn't help it. Could Madame Shibabawa be from Texas? Is there a Darwin Award in this world? I would set up an altar and have Darwin himself present the award to her."

"You bastard!"

Zombieman looked upset.

"I believe not only is there no Darwin Award in this world, there isn't even a Darwin," said Ancient One, sitting beside Puri-Puri Prisoner, casually joining the conversation.


Hearing Fang Mo's crude comment, Tatsumaki was about to erupt in anger, but in the next second, her psychic sense detected something, noticing numerous gun barrels appearing on the massive object above, making her cautious immediately.


Seeing this, Tatsumaki raised her hands, her psychic power erupting like a tsunami from her small body.

Following that, a deafening explosion sounded outside, and Sitch rushed towards the control console, operating it briefly then freezing: "What? What is this... outside?"

"I didn't expect the crisis to happen now."

By now, the heroes had realized the situation, and Child Emperor immediately suggested: "Let's go outside first, we must verify the enemy's numbers and size."

"Please follow this way."

Sitch pointed in a direction: "This way to the emergency..."

Before he could finish, Fang Mo waved his hand, tearing a large hole in the metal wall.

"The door's open, follow me."

Saying this, Fang Mo jumped through the hole, followed by other heroes like Genos, Saitama, and Puri-Puri Prisoner.

And once the group of heroes reached the outside, they noticed the sky-darkening terrifying warship.

"What the hell is this?" Zombieman looked up somewhat dazedly: "Is this really a spaceship? Isn't this scale a bit exaggerated?"

"Those weapons..."

However, Zombieman's perspective was different from that of Child Emperor, who was focusing on the spaceship's weaponry.

Yes, at this moment, the spaceship was continuously attacking downwards, but it's worth noting that these weapons were not lasers or particle cannons, but a large number of metal projectiles, each one larger than an intercontinental missile, seemingly very powerful.

If these missiles were to fall into the city,

they could probably flatten the entire A City in an instant.

However, fortunately, thanks to Fang Mo, Tatsumaki had already sensed them in advance, her psychic power immediately taking control of the majority of the missiles in mid-air.

"This spaceship's technology seems decent."

As they spoke, Drive Knight slowly walked over: "If the association would hand this spaceship over to me, I could also make a move."

"Hmph, we don't need your help now."

Just then, accompanied by a snort, Tatsumaki flew out from the building, her face dark and somewhat terrifying, whether due to Fang Mo's aggravation or the spaceship invasion. She looked up and coldly said: "I can solve this all by myself."

"This is a cosmic-level warship."

Drive Knight looked up at Tatsumaki in the sky and retorted: "Are you sure this warship has no other means of attack?"

"I don't need to be sure of these things."

Tatsumaki looked down arrogantly at Drive Knight.

However, what Tatsumaki didn't expect was, Drive Knight looked up at her and then said something she hadn't anticipated: "So he did teach you a lesson, huh."

"What did you say!?"

Tatsumaki immediately bristled: "Don't think just because you control a crappy robot I won't beat you up!"

"I..." Before Drive Knight could finish his sentence, a massive pressure descended from the sky, crushing his remotely controlled robot into a pile of scrap.

"Tatsumaki, tone down the aggression a bit."

After Drive Knight's robot was destroyed, other heroes also came out, and Bang spoke up after witnessing the scene: "We need to be united against external threats at least."

"Hmph, I know that."

Tatsumaki still gave face to Bang, though she was also curious why Bang suddenly looked so much younger, but now was not the time to ask. So, she simply raised a finger towards the sky.

The previously psychically-held giant missiles began to slowly turn around, like the scene from X-Men where Magneto controls missiles, but far more awe-inspiring.

Because unlike Magneto,

Tatsumaki actually launched the missiles back on their original path.

"Like shooting, huh?"

Tatsumaki said with a dark little face, not sure if she was targeting the cosmic warship or bastard Fang Mo, but suddenly she roared: "Send them all back!"

In an instant, the entire spaceship was engulfed in flames.

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