Chapter 594: Atomic Samurai moves is like Keqing from Genshin

Name:Reborn with Steve Stand Author:
Chapter 594: Atomic Samurai moves is like Keqing from Genshin

"You see, isn't that resolved now?"

As the spaceship was engulfed in flames, the Tatsumaki hovering in mid-air proudly lowered its head.

"These methods are really exaggerated," commented the other heroes, who had come out one by one. As they looked up and saw the endless sea of fire above, their faces revealed expressions of surprise.

"It seems that Tatsumaki alone can indeed handle this thing."

Upon seeing this scene, Atomic Samurai seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, then hurriedly walked in a direction, saying, "Since that's the case, I'll leave this side to you for now; I need to go check on my disciple."

"I have other matters, so I'll take my leave now."

Just as Atomic Samurai finished speaking, Drive Knight, ranked tenth in the S-class, immediately followed with a remark.

This guy looked even more like a cyborg than Genos... or rather, it wouldn't be wrong to call him a robot. His whole body was mechanical, not even human facial features on his face, just an electronic eye emitting red light.

Of course, his demeanor was quite cold too; after saying his piece, he left without looking back.

But just as he passed by Genos.

Drive Knight paused briefly.

"Demon Cyborg."

Drive Knight glanced at Genos with his electronic eye, then whispered to him, "Metal Knight is your enemy, be careful."


Genos was also taken aback.

His hometown and parents had indeed been destroyed by a rogue robot, and he was currently investigating his enemy, but how did Drive Knight know about these things?

However, before he could ask anything more, Drive Knight had already left.

In fact, Drive Knight was not the only one leaving at that moment. Several other heroes had also disappeared without a trace, like Zombieman, Super Alloy Darkshine, Pig God, and Flashy Flash. It wasn't even clear when they had left.

Perhaps they felt this crisis wasn't very serious. After all, in just a blink, about half of these S-class heroes had simply walked away.

"These guys really have no sense of unity..."

Upon seeing this scene, the S-class prodigy Child Emperor couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

Mr. Sitch had just mentioned a global-scale crisis, yet a group of S-class heroes still acted independently. Honestly, it was really troublesome, but there was nothing that could be done; after all, the S-class was already at the pinnacle of heroism, and no one could control them.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it."

Thinking this, Child Emperor unconsciously shook his head, "Given the current situation, Tatsumaki should be able to handle this spaceship..."

But just as Child Emperor had finished speaking.

Suddenly, a large hand unceremoniously pressed down on his head.

"It's not possible." Quickly, a cheerful and sunny voice rang out, "No matter how you think about it, it's not possible, right?"


Caught off guard, Child Emperor was momentarily stunned.

However, when he raised his head to look at the newcomer, he saw the other party dressed in a set of black clergy attire, wearing a sunny, humorous smile. Thanks to this trademark appearance, he recognized the person instantly: "Priest, is it you?"

"Indeed, it is I."

Upon hearing this, Fang Mo smiled and greeted Child Emperor, "Found you, delicious child."


This unexpected remark completely baffled Child Emperor, "Priest, what do you mean by that?"

"It seems you've grown quite a bit, Child Emperor."

Fang Mo didn't explain but merely chuckled and tousled Child Emperor's hair.

Honestly, Child Emperor was quite adorable; his smooth chestnut hair, pale skin, well-defined features, and he even carried a little backpack, giving off a very obedient aura, like a child from a tale.

"Uh... thank you for the compliment, Priest."

After being forcibly tousled by Fang Mo, Child Emperor also felt a bit out of his element. Honestly, no one in the S-class had ever done that, so he was somewhat unaccustomed to it.

However, it didn't take long for Child Emperor to bring the conversation back to the main topic.


Getting down to business, Child Emperor's expression became serious again, "You just said that Tatsumaki can't handle this spaceship, is that true?"

"It's been said already, hasn't it? This is a world-class disaster."

Fang Mo spread his hands and explained, "According to your disaster classification, this counts as a God-level disaster. And you guys are expecting a young girl who just learned how to wear safety pants to handle this?"

"Priest, Tatsumaki is actually an adult."

Child Emperor reminded him.

Seeing this, Child Emperor's face instantly turned pale. His various gadgets were all stashed in his backpack, and he had thought that Tatsumaki would have settled the battle already. Plus, Fang Mo's interruption had caught him off guard, leaving him no time to defend himself.

Instinctively, Child Emperor closed his eyes in despair.

But in the next second.

He heard a loud shout.

"Damn you, demon, how dare you harm this innocent boy!"

Fang Mo suddenly yelled, then kicked out without hesitation: "Watch me severely exorcise... exorcise you!"

As soon as he finished speaking.

Fang Mo's kick had already landed on the adversary.

The massive humanoid monster was kicked in the chest by Fang Mo. Time seemed to freeze for a moment.

The next second, an immense force erupted, and with a loud bang, a thick white shockwave burst forth, blowing the upper half of the monster to bits, leaving only two legs standing there, spraying blood, which then toppled over with a thud as the wind blew.

"It's all right now, good child."

After kicking the opponent to death, Fang Mo then kindly patted Child Emperor on the shoulder: "Come on, open your eyes."


Child Emperor, prompted by the voice, came to his senses, but when he opened his eyes, he was stunned to see nothing but a pile of blood plasma and two legs in front of him. He knew the strength of the opponent, and to see it defeated by a single kick from Fang Mo?


Not only Child Emperor.

The other S-Class heroes who had witnessed the scene were also momentarily stunned.

After all, Fang Mo was still considered a newly promoted S-Class, and not many understood his strength, so this display had truly shocked everyone.

However, just as everyone was amazed at Fang Mo's power, Child Emperor suddenly noticed something strange upfront. The monster that Fang Mo had kicked into a bloody pulp was regenerating at an incredibly fast rate.

"Priest! Priest!"

Seeing this, Child Emperor quickly alerted Fang Mo: "It's moving! The monster is moving again!"

"What? This demon is still moving?" Fang Mo feigned surprise: "Didn't I just expel him from your body?"

"He never got inside in the first place!"

Child Emperor couldn't help but shout: "Hurry up and attack! He's about to regenerate fully!"


"Atomic Slash."

Before Fang Mo could make another quip, a male voice suddenly rang out, followed by a flurry of dense slashes that seemed to split the entire space apart. The alien monster, having just regenerated, didn't even have time to utter a word before it was again reduced to countless chunks of flesh.

"Sorry for the wait, I'm back."

As the monster fell, Atomic Samurai's figure reappeared before everyone: "My disciples seem fine, so I'm relieved."

But just at that moment, Fang Mo suddenly shouted.

"Damn, Genshin Slash!"


Atomic Samurai looked at Fang Mo, puzzled by his comment.

"Phew, finally got that line out. Feels good." Fang Mo seemed relieved after saying it: "Sorry, I've been waiting too long to say that."

"Priest, what did you mean by that line just now...?"

Atomic Samurai clearly didn't understand and proactively asked Fang Mo. However, just as he started speaking, the creature originally sliced into bits stood up again, causing even Atomic Samurai to freeze in shock: "What? This guy's regenerative ability is too..."

"Atomic, we've finished our lines, it's time for us to switch places."

Unlike Atomic Samurai's surprise, Fang Mo's expression remained unusually calm: "Leave this kind of guy to the professionals."


Atomic Samurai looked at Fang Mo questioningly: "There are professionals for dealing with monsters?"

"Of course."

Fang Mo smiled and then turned to call out to Puri-Puri Prisoner: "Come on, Prisoner, show them the power of a king."

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