Chapter 1494 The Search Continues

Chapter 1494 The Search Continues

"Find anything?" Jasmine asked as soon as Ning returned to where they were standing.

Ning shook his head. "Not him. I don't know who I can even check for anymore. I might have to go through this entire party and try to find out."

"What do we do if we don't find anyone?" Tim asked.

"I gave myself 1 year to find him. If I can't in that time, then I cheat."

Tim and Jasmine looked at each other, wondering what he meant by cheating.

"We met a couple of people while you were gone. Maybe it can be one of those," Tim said.

He looked around and began speaking in hushed tones.

"That man in the thick, white, pinstriped suit is the youngest son of a famous businessman. Their family owns enough fortune to buy a small nation entirely."

"That's... a lot of money."

"That man with the slickly combed hair is a minister of this empire. One of the high-ranking ones at that. He apparently has a lot of say in the court."

"How did you find that out?" Ning asked.

"He practically said so the moment he introduced himself to us," Tim said.

"He was trying to show off," Jasmine added. "He left after learning who invited me. Speaking of which, could Edward be—"

"No, I checked already."

"The man in the gray coat over there is the 3rd prince of the empire. He could be one too."

"Those 3 men said they were..."

"That man over there..."

"That man..."


He was the second richest person in the entire world, with a fortune that would shame most kings and queens.

While Naman made his income through a diverse portfolio of trading, and many other ventures and investments, this man had solely made his fortune through selling firearms and weapons.

There was a 3 in 5 chance that every gun, grenade, swords, or even cannon were made by this man's company.

"I saw you have connections with quite a wide variety of people," Samson said. "Who are you, kid?" "The name is Ning," Ning reached out for a handshake. "It's nice to meet you, sir Samson."

Samson looked down and sneered. "Ning, huh? Who are you exactly? Who is your father?"

"Who is your father, sir Samson?" Ning asked.

"Hmph! Too afraid someone will find your background, or too ashamed by it?" he asked.

"Too much of not your business." Ning gave him a smile.

The man finally cracked a smile, thinking he had got to Ning. "What's your business? What are you in?" "I'm a tour guide. Except, I tour the world, and I don't know where I am going, just like the people I take with me."

Samson frowned. "People pay you to do this?" he asked.

"No, I pay them instead. It's a lucrative business if you would like to start too. Might be a good idea to venture out of just weapons, sir Samson."

Samson realized he was being treated as a joke. "I see you're not a pleasant man to work with. I will leave you to it then."

Samson left, leaving Ning and the others behind. "That... was a very weird exchange," Tim said.

"Tell me about it," Jasmine added. "What was all that about?"

"He's just a deeply jealous and hateful man, and he's used to things happening as he wants them to be. The moment I didn't answer his question, he already hated me."

"But you just let him get away, without a handshake. What if he's the man?" Jasmine asked.

"Unlikely. He only thinks about money. That is not the way with the one I'm looking for. Those sorts of people are more about influence than money. I am beginning to believe that it might be the emp—"

"Lady Jasmine!" A surprised voice called out to Jasmine, who turned around and saw Prince Edward standing behind her. Edward's face turned into a bright smile upon seeing her.

"Your Highness, greetings." Jasmine gave a small bow.

"You are here," Edward said with a smile. "I'm happy that you decided to come to the celebration."