Chapter 1495 Emperor Vixian

Chapter 1495 Emperor Vixian

Edward was clearly smitten with Jasmine, and seeing her in her current dress did not help him get over her beauty at all. It was only a few seconds later that he even thought to turn around and greet the other two.

Edward made some small talk, asking Ning about his involvement with Zarius and whatnot.

"I managed to sponsor sir Zarius under these two's names. They are now the proud part owner of whatever it is sir Zarius will create next."

"You two? Lady Jasmine is sponsoring sir Zarius?" Edward asked.

"I am now."

"Say, Prince Edward. Is your family religious by any chance?" Ning asked.

"Deeply. My grandfather is a devout believer of God Zurinus, and likewise, we all are as well. Everyone should know this though. The pope came here for a reason, you know?"

"I see. Is that why there is a statue of him by the front of the palace?" Ning asked.

"Yes. There are many such places within the palace too. We like to consider ourselves one of the most devout families ever faithful to Zurinus."

Ning nodded slowly. Jasmine left with Edward to dance after a few minutes of talking, leaving Ning and Tim behind by themselves. A few minutes later, Arya came up to them.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your dad?" Ning asked.

"Nah, everyone else is with my dad. They want nothing to do with me at all," Arya said.

"Nothing?" Ning asked.

Arya looked at him and sighed. "Okay, no. Not nothing. Literally, everyone I meet wants to set me up with their son or their nephew. Hell, some of these old men think they would be good for me."

But then, he could only imagine who the older woman was.

As they arrived, the men and women walked away from the Emperor, who was wearing his regal robes for the day, with a crown on his head that gleamed with jewels on it.

It was a Zurin treasure. Ning wondered what it was for.

He slowly walked toward the Emperor. They all did. Everyone gathered as the Emperor began giving a speech for his birthday.

"Dear guests, thank you for accepting our invitation to my 100th birthday. I, Vixian Vol Morgiana, humbly welcome you all to this celebration."

"This is a day of happiness, of prosperity, and a day that proves that as long as you work hard and believe in yourself and Zurinus, everything will come just right."

"When I was 7, my family was killed. My mother helped me escape but in doing so she got killed back then. I can barely remember her face now."

"I was orphaned in a single night, and I thought I had lost everything. However, I found Zurinus when I was at my lowest, and I believed in him. With his help, I worked hard and I got back on my feet. Years later, I was back on the throne, as its rightful heir."

"The throne of the Morgian Empire had its rightful heir back, and that would not have happened, had it not been for my faith."

"So, for this day, for my 100th birthday, I would like to give my deepest gratitude to none other than Zurinus himself. May we all be blessed by him on this blessed day."

"Thank you."

The sound was back in the party as everyone began clapping. People who had stopped playing the music went back to playing it again and the crowd slowly dispersed.

Ning continued staring at the young emperor, taking his words into thought. That was an incredible story to tell to turn people into the Zurnius faith.

And that was exactly what Zurinus would do.

Ning was becoming more and more certain that this was the man he was looking for.