Chapter 1635 To Kill a Killer

1635 To Kill a Killer

"He's going to kill her," Shara said once they were on the deck. "He isn't going to care if she did anything wrong or not. At the very least, he will hurt her to get the truth out." Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"I know," Ning said. "Sighing. It would've been so much easier if I had my powers with me."

"Your powers?" Shara asked. "Did you lose all your energy already?"

"No, that's not what I'm talking about," Ning said. "Never mind."

"Okay..." Shara said. "What now?"

"Now? We wait," Ning said, sighing.

He opened his status page again and looked at the quests. Tima wanted her father to smile, but Ning doubted if that could ever happen. In fact, he didn't hope it would happen.

At least, not until the man met a channeler, who could let him talk directly with his daughter. The man at least deserved a chance to talk to his daughter.

Tima deserved a chance to talk to her father.

'I suppose that is fair,' he thought and smiled at the quest that would unfortunately be there for a long time. 'God, I hope this doesn't mess with the experiment in some way.'

He could only hope.

Ning brought out the few sandwiches he had bought from the shop back in Whitebridge City and gave some to Shara. The two ate as they were now halfway through the bay. In an hour or two, they would arrive at Galebow City.

Neither he nor Shara took any time to find a place for themselves to stay in. Right now, they were there to save a life, and hopefully bring justice to another one.

Ning walked through the busy streets of evening time and rejoiced when he saw the house from far away.

"That one," he pointed, showing a dull yellow house in the distance, on a slightly elevated land.

Ning crossed a small bridge going toward the house, crossing a beautiful flower field that he remembered from his memories to his left.

He arrived at the house finally in the end and saw that the doors were closed, but the windows were opened, so someone was inside.

Ning walked up to the door and quickly knocked on it. He looked around, wondering if the Captain had caught up by any chance. Thawing that much ice would take some time, but these men were used to taking care of ice as it snowed in this region during the winter and the people on the ship were used to it.

The door opened, and the somewhat beautiful, now in her late 20s, Vyra opened the door. Her smile faded when she saw Ning and Shara, changing into a look of curiosity.

"Who might you two be?" she asked.

"Are you Miss Vyra?" Ning asked her.

"I am," the woman said, looking around the street quickly to make sure she was in full view of everyone just in case something dangerous happened.

"Good," Ning said. "The owner of this house is on his way here and will arrive at any minute now. When he comes, he will try to kill you for what you did to his daughter. If you confess to the guards for what you did before that, you may live. If not, you will die."

"What?" the woman said, her eyes wide with shock. Barely any of what she had heard registered in her mind. It took a moment for her face to change into a pale and cold look. She understood the severity of the situation.

And Ning understood that the woman was in fact responsible for the crime. "I... I don't know what you are saying," she said, trying to regain her composure. "I'm sorry, please leave this house."

Ning stuck the spear as she was about to close the door. "Listen, woman. You are about to die for what you did. Will you confess or not?"