Chapter 24 After The Presentation Part 2

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:

"Oh Napoleon, we were discussing the application of your research, have you already had one in mind?" Lavoisier asked, and the others turned their gazes toward him.

"I see...have you heard of the steam engine invented by James Watt five years ago?" Napoleon asked.

The room fell silent as the scientists eagerly awaited Napoleon's response. The mention of James Watt and his revolutionary steam engine piqued their interest. They leaned in, their expressions attentive.

Napoleon took a moment to gather his ideas, his gaze scanning the room before he began to speak. "Indeed, James Watt's steam engine is a remarkable invention with vast potential. It has already shown great promise in industries such as mining and manufacturing. However, I believe its applications can extend far beyond that."

His words hung in the air, drawing the curiosity of the assembled intellectuals. Napoleon continued, his voice filled with conviction. "Imagine harnessing the power of steam not just for industrial purposes but also for transportation. A steam-powered locomotive that could revolutionize travel, connecting cities and nations like never before. It would bring about a new era of mobility, transforming commerce, communication, and the very fabric of society."

As he spoke, the scientists exchanged intrigued glances, their minds racing with the possibilities. The room buzzed again with a renewed energy, the collective imagination ignited by Napoleon's vision.

Berthollet leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "The fact that you already imagined one means you have a basic idea of its function. Is it true?"

"Well, I have a technical idea on how we can harness steam and transform it into a powerful locomotion force," Napoleon replied, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "We would need to design a steam engine that can convert the expansive force of steam into mechanical motion. By utilizing the pressure created by steam within a confined space, we can drive pistons, which in turn can power the movement of wheels and drive the locomotive forward."

Hearing that from Napoleon, the scientists exchanged glances again. They were nodding at Lavoisier who then turned to him.

"Monsieur Napoleon, your conversation with us has been productive, we never thought that you would know a lot of things about our fields. We have been thinking of inviting you to become a member of the French Academy of Sciences, where the rest of us are members," Antoine offered.

Napoleon was speechless, his lips tugging into a smile.

"Just how much are we talking here?" Charles asked.

"About 120,000 to 240,000 livres," Napoleon named the price. The room fell into a momentary silence as the scientists processed, and then they laughed.

Napoleon chuckled nervously, wondering why they would laugh. Is it because of the substantial amount? That he would understand.

"You are surely jesting, Monsieur Napoleon, 120,000 livres for us is not even a drop in the bucket," Antoine said, still laughing.

Napoleon's eyes widened in surprise. He had no idea that the members of the French Academy of Sciences were wealthy noblemen and nobility in this era paid no taxes.

"I see that we have no problem then?" Napoleon said, his voice filled with both gratitude and astonishment.

Antoine and the other members of the French Academy of Sciences nodded in agreement. "You have one year Napoleon, we will give you the funds once you have made the budget plan."

"One year?" Napoleon repeated.

"Is there a problem?" Antoine asked.

"No there is none," Napoleon said.

"Then get to work," Antoine said as he stood up from his seat. His butler stepped forward carrying a silver tray with an envelope on it. Antoine picked it up and handed it to Napoleon.

"This is your reward for earlier, 1,000 livres."

Napoleon accepted the envelope graciously. "Thank you, and I accept your challenge, Monsieur Lavoisier."