Chapter 25 Getting Started

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:
"That was exhausting," Napoleon heaved a long sigh as he leaned back into the soft, velvety chair, feeling the weight of the day's event settle into his bones. Outside, the city of Paris was slowly succumbing to the night, its streets bathed in a warm glow from the gas lamps that dotted the thoroughfares.

Despite the exhaustion that plagued him, Napoleon couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia as he gazed out the window. The sight of the gas lamps brought to mind memories of simpler times, when he and his family would travel to the countryside, far from the bustle and noise of the city. He could almost smell the fresh air and hear the sound of the crickets chirping in the fields.

The dinner in Antoine Lavoisier's residence concluded with him getting an offer. Build a steam engine and then be accepted as a member of the French Academy of Sciences. He never expected that he would find himself building it too early, but what's done is done. He has to work on it and prove his worth to the intellectuals of Paris.

" are you going to build that steam locomotive you speak of?"

Napoleon shifted his gaze to the side. Sitting beside him was Ciela, who was looking at him expectantly.

"Honestly speaking, I don't know Ciela. Building a functioning steam locomotive is a huge undertaking. I have rough drafts back in the dormitory, if I could get to that, maybe I can plan out how to turn it into life."

"Can you do it?" Ciela asked.

"Maybe...there are still a lot of missing pieces that I have to introduce before we get to build the steam locomotive itself. Let's speak of this tomorrow."

"Understood, Master..." Ciela said softly.


Arriving at the dormitory, Napoleon's body sank into the mattress as weariness washed over him. He closed his eyes, desperate for a respite from the tumultuous day. Ciela, his faithful assistant, stood by his side, her gaze filled with concern. To see that her master immediately fell into slumber meant that he was too tired.

She stood there, watching him sleep. His sleeping face was an ethereal quality, and she couldn't help but feel drawn to it. She walked forward and knelt down to level her gaze with his peaceful countenance.

With a gentle touch, Ciela brushed a strand of hair away from Napoleon's forehead, her fingers lingering for a brief moment. "Rest well, Master," she whispered softly, as if her words could reach him in his dreams.

She gazed at his face a bit longer, her fingers still on Napoleon's cheek. She pressed it gently and gasped softly.

"So soft~! Fufufu..." Ciela giggled softly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She couldn't resist the temptation any longer.

Suddenly, Napoleon purred, and Ciela immediately removed her hand from her cheek. She almost got caught. She looked at him, relieved that he was still asleep, and then sighed softly. It was also time for her to sleep...but there was one problem. Napoleon is sleeping on the bed.

Usually, Ciela is the one who slept on the bed and Napoleon is on the floor with a mattress.

Ciela pondered for a moment, contemplating whether she should wake Napoleon and explain the situation or simply find another place to sleep. In the end, she decided to do something mischievous.


After a while, Napoleon put down his quill, his hand cramping slightly from the hours of drawing. He leaned back in his chair, letting out a deep sigh.

Ciela noticed it and without hesitation, she reached for it and gently massaged his fingers, easing the tension in his hand. Napoleon looked up at her surprised by the sudden action.

"At least let me do this for you, Master, I know that I won't be much of a help in the technical aspects of the steam locomotive, but easing your discomfort is something I can do," Ciela said sincerely.

Napoleon allowed her to do her thing, and while she was at it, he commented. "Your hand is soft, Ciela."

Ciela blushed, a rosy hue spreading across her cheeks as she continued to massage Napoleon's hand. "Thank you, Master. It's important for a maid to have gentle hands," she replied warmly.

Napoleon looked at her expression, seeing lies beneath the mask. Napoleon was sure of it, that Ciela was not a pauper before coming to his dormitory. He still want to learn about her past, and by doing such small comments, he would be able to unfold some

clues about her true identity.

"I have finished adding final touches to the drawings, now we can get to work," Napoleon said. "I have laid a framework for the steam locomotive, do you want to see it?"

"Really master? I'm still learning from you, so I won't be able to give some comments," Ciela asked.

"It's okay, it's best that you have an idea of how we are going to build the steam locomotive," Napoleon said as he grabbed the file with his left hand and handed it to her.

Ciela stopped massaging Napoleon's hands and perused the contents of the file.

"I call it the technological tree of the steam locomotive, in it are parts and technology that we are going to implement," Napoleon explained, watching Ciela's reaction closely.

As Ciela flipped through the pages, her eyes widened in awe. The blueprint showcased not only the overall structure of the steam locomotive but also detailed diagrams of its intricate components. Each part was meticulously labeled and accompanied by notes explaining its function and how it fits into the larger design.

"The Bessemer converter, a pneumatic device that utilizes high-pressure air to convert pig iron into steel on a large scale, enabling mass production of steel," Ciela read.

"Building a steam locomotive requires a lot of steel, Ciela," Napoleon said. "Bessemer converter would give us all the steel we need which we will fabricate into mechanical parts and structural components such as the pressure relief valves, steel pipes, flywheel, boiler, piston, and cylinders. It will be the cornerstone of our manufacturing process."

"How about this puddling process?" Ciela asked, her eyes scanning the detailed illustrations of the puddling furnace and the accompanying notes.

"The puddling process is essential for transforming wrought iron into high-quality steel," he explained. "By heating the wrought iron in a reverberatory furnace and stirring it, we can remove impurities and create a stronger, more malleable material suitable for our locomotive's construction."

Ciela nodded, her understanding growing with each explanation. "So, the puddling process will ensure that our locomotive's components, such as the wheels, axles, and other critical parts, possess the necessary strength and resilience."

"Exactly," Napoleon confirmed, his gaze fixed on Ciela. "With the combination of the Bessemer converter and the puddling process, we will have a reliable and robust supply of steel for our steam locomotive. Now the challenge is, we have to find personnel, specifically blacksmiths or metallurgists. Hire them and have them work on those converters."

"I'll do my best to find you one, Master," Ciela replied, her voice filled with determination.

"That would be a great help since they are the important piece for this project to succeed. Without a steady supply of steel and the skilled hands to shape it, our steam locomotive will never come to fruition," Napoleon said, his tone serious. "Also, I may not be able to look after the project all the time considering that I'm still a student. That's all, I'll work on the budget plan next."
