Chapter 404 Feeling Proud

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:
Chapter 404 Feeling Proud

"Another advantageous deal, Your Imperial Majesty," Armand remarked with a sly. "Are we planning a similar approach with the Chinese representatives?"

Napoleon, standing by the grand window, gazed pensively into the distance. "East Asia, particularly China, is rich in culture. But there's a common flaw in their perspective—they see themselves as the center of the world, superior in their ways. This belief blinds them to the reality that others, like us, hold greater power and influence. Our ability to craft such unequal treaties stems from this ignorance. They don't realize that in our eyes, they're barely sovereign states," he explained with a touch of cold realism.

Armand nodded, absorbing Napoleon's assessment. "So, we exploit this arrogance to our advantage, binding them into agreements that serve our interests first and foremost," he concluded.

Napoleon turned from the window, his expression resolute. "Precisely. Our negotiations with China will follow this principle. We'll secure terms that favor us, ensuring our dominance in these diplomatic games." "But I can't help but notice, Your Imperial Majesty, that this man you spoke to, Takenouchi, should I say this? A smart man. He recognized immediately that the treaty was unfavorable. He questioned the exclusivity clause, showing a clear understanding of its implications for Japan's foreign policy and trade freedom."

Napoleon's expression remained unchanged. "Indeed, Takenouchi is no ordinary diplomat. His perceptiveness and concern for his country's autonomy were evident. However, what can he do about it? There's nothing he can do but to partner with France." "But what if the Russians decided to establish diplomatic ties and offered Japan a better term than us?" "Hmm," Napoleon hummed thoughtfully. "Well, we can still talk to the Joseon Kingdom or the Qing Dynasty. There are a lot of countries that would benefit from the modernization." "Speaking of the Joseon Kingdom, I heard that you have intentions of making Joseon Kingdom part of the French Empire and declare Her Imperial Majesty, Ciela Bonaparte, the Empress of the East. Is that true?" Armand inquired, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Standing up, he straightened his uniform and walked towards the door, signaling to Armand that he was ready to proceed. They made their way to the meeting room, where the Minister was already waiting.

The meeting with the Minister of Finance was as Napoleon had instructed - brief and to the point. They discussed the budget allocations for the military expansions, focusing on ensuring the funds were used efficiently and effectively. Most of it was allocated to the navy, as Napoleon was planning to create a bill that increased the size and capabilities of the French naval forces. He emphasized the importance of a strong navy to project power overseas, especially with his ambitions in East Asia.

With the meeting concluded Napoleon returned to his private office. The rest of the day was indeed his. He decided to use this time to spend time with his wife.

However, in the middle of their couple time, Armand visited them.

"Your Imperial Majesty, you have to see this," Armand said, there was an urgency in his voice. Napoleon frowned slightly before accepting the document. He opened and there he learned—.

"The Ottoman Empire is mobilizing their entire army to crush the rebellions of the Greek rebels." "Your Imperial Majesty, even with our support, there's no way those Greek revolutionaries would stand a chance against the entire army of the Ottomans. Not to mention, they are supplied by the Russians." "You have to de–de-escalate the situation immediately my dear," Ciela said. "I know...get the Ottoman ambassador to the Palace of Versailles, right now," Napoleon ordered. Follow current novels at