Chapter 405 The First Diplomat to...

Name:Reincarnated as Napoleon Author:
Chapter 405 The First Diplomat to...

Armand nodded briskly, understanding the urgency of Napoleon's command. He quickly exited the room, his mind already racing with the logistics of arranging a meeting with the Ottoman ambassador on such short notice.

As he hurried down the ornate corridors of the Palace of Versailles, Armand swiftly formulated a plan. He summoned one of the junior aides, instructing him to send an immediate message to the Ottoman embassy, requesting the ambassador's presence at the palace as soon as possible. The aide nodded and dashed off to carry out the order.

Meanwhile, Armand made his way to the communications wing of the palace, where he could coordinate further preparations. He knew that every detail mattered — the setting of the meeting, the tone of the invitation, and even the timing could influence the outcome.

Upon reaching the communications wing, Armand quickly convened a small team. "We need the Blue Salon prepared for a diplomatic meeting within the hour," he instructed. "Ensure it's set up for a private discussion. No interruptions, no eavesdropping. Absolute confidentiality is crucial."

The team sprang into action. Armand watched them for a moment, ensuring everything was proceeding smoothly before turning his attention to the next task.

He then contacted the palace's security team to brief them on the situation. "I want the entire route from the entrance to the Blue Salon secured," Armand stated. "Only authorized personnel should be allowed in the vicinity. And ensure that our guest, the Ottoman ambassador, receives an escort upon arrival for both his safety and to expedite his passage."

The head of security acknowledged the instructions, moving swiftly to coordinate with his team. Armand trusted their efficiency; the palace security was well-trained in handling such sensitive situations.

Next, Armand reached out to the kitchen and catering staff. "Prepare light refreshments for the meeting," he directed. "Nothing too extravagant, but ensure the quality reflects the importance of our guest. Include a selection of both French and Ottoman delicacies."

As the staff set to work, Armand checked his pocket watch. Time was of the essence, and every minute counted. He then decided to brief Napoleon on the preparations. Returning to the Emperor's office, he found Napoleon still deep in thought.

"Your Majesty, the arrangements for the meeting are well underway," Armand reported. "The Blue Salon will be ready within the hour, security has been tightened, and appropriate refreshments are being prepared."

Armand gestured towards a seating area, "Please, make yourself comfortable, Your Excellency. May I offer you some refreshments while we wait?"

The ambassador accepted the offer, choosing to sample some of the Ottoman delicacies that had been thoughtfully included. Armand observed the ambassador's reactions, noting his approval of the respect shown towards his culture.

A few moments later, Napoleon entered the room. "Thank you for coming here despite such short notice." The ambassador stood to greet Napoleon, maintaining a respectful but firm posture. "It is my duty to respond to matters of urgency, especially when they concern the relations between our nations," he replied.

Napoleon gestured for the ambassador to sit. "Indeed, these are pressing times. The situation in Greece is escalating. We have received actionable intelligence that your country is mobilizing its entire army to quell down the rebellion?" "Uhm...Your Imperial Majesty, there must be a misunderstanding." "A misunderstanding?" Napoleon tilted his head to the side.

"You see I came here in expectation we will talk about the relationship between France and the Ottoman Empire. But it surprises me that your question was in no way related to our bilateral relations, but rather focused on our internal affairs," the ambassador explained calmly, yet with an underlying firmness in his tone. "Well, consider yourself informed because I summoned you here so you can send me a message to your Sultan. Mobilizing an entire army constitutes genocide."

"But that is our territory. We are free to do what we want in our territories. Your Imperial Majesty, if the situation were to change. For example, the Indians, who are your colony, felt oppressed and the Ottoman was obliged to help, you won't allow us right?"

Napoleon leaned back, his gaze steady. "Your Excellency, the comparison isn't quite parallel. Our concern is not about sovereignty, but about the manner in which unrest is handled. Excessive force, especially on a scale that could be construed as a genocide, is a matter of international concern." "Your Imperial Majesty, I have so much respect for you, but what about the lives that you took during your expansion in the African continent? I know your past, Emperor Napoleon. Your army and navy slaughtered men, women, and children. Now you talk to us like you are the moral compass of the world? If France is doing it, it's fine but if it's it illegal?" "Your Excellency, I don't like your tone," Napoleon's expression hardened slightly, but he maintained his composure.

"I'm sorry, Your Imperial Majesty, but this is a waste of my time. I have to excuse myself," the ambassador stood up. "I had hoped for a more constructive dialogue regarding our bilateral relations. However, it seems our perspectives are too divergent at this point." When the Ottoman ambassador turned his back to Napoleon, Napoleon called. "What's your name?"

The ambassador paused, turning back to face Napoleon with a hint of surprise in his expression. "My name is Emin Pasha, Your Majesty."

"Emin are the first diplomat to have ever turned their backs on me. You made me feel awkward, and I don't like it. If we are not going to come to a mutual conclusion then send this message to your Sultan. If the Ottoman Empire still continued down their path, then I have no choice but to support the Greeks, constituting a war between our nations." "Even when we are partnered with the Russians?" Emin Pasha said.

"Even with the Russians," Napoleon said. "Very well, I shall deliver your message to Sultan promptly."