Chapter 123 [Club House Competition] [11]

Chapter 123 [Club House Competition] [11]


"Hello, Ashlyn." I greeted her, my eyes drifting towards the boy beside her. "He isn't your teammate, right?"

"Ethan said he could help me find them," Ashlyn replied, showing the two pieces of the glideball in her hand.


"And?" She tilted her head.

"He didn't ask anything in return?" I continued, taking out my axe-hammer from my bracelet.

"...No, but it's easier to find them if we work in a team," Ethan chimed in, giving his reasoning while smiling at her.

"I see," I mumbled, not interested in his words. I looked behind them and noticed Ruby and Miley rushing towards us.

"Ashlyn!" Miley exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Ashlyn and giving her a big hug, momentarily stunning her.

"Huh?" But from behind, Ruby silently snatched the pieces from Ashlyn's hand.

"Hey!! That's mine!" Ashlyn yelled, running towards Ruby and Miley, who were making their way towards the goalpost from the staircase outside the stadium.

Throughout all this, Ethan just looked at me, and from time to time, at Shyamal.

[...Are you not going after them?]

'...Let Ashlyn finish the match.'

I don't want to end the game by myself. I want to end it before the explosion; it doesn't matter who finishes it.

"Is he someone special to you?" Ethan asked, his voice harsh, looking at Shyamal.

She squinted her eyes at him before replying softly, "What if he is?"

"Is that so?" His lips curled as he mumbled softly, taking out his sword. "Are you going to help him?"

"No," Shyamal replied instantly, shaking her head before she also moved towards the staircase, walking towards the translucent shield.

His face hardened as he looked at me, his voice wheezy. "Mind having a small spar with me?"


I took a moment to consider—.

....Scratch that, he would attack me anyway.

"Sure," I replied as he charged towards me instantly.

I lowered my body as his sword slashed horizontally, aiming at my neck.


I swung my axe-hammer from below, throwing his sword off but still feeling my collarbone grazed by his sword.

'....Is he serious?'

My eyes widened slightly as I felt the murderous intent from him as he once again struck at my stomach.

The runes in my body glowed brightly.

I swung my axe-hammer from below at his jaw; he stomped on the ground before propelling himself backwards.

"Amun-Ra's blessing: Naqsal."

He rushed again, but I quickly used my blessing to stop him in his tracks, using the hammer side to plunge it into his working hand.

"Arghh!!" He groaned but didn't let go of his sword, forcefully trying to free himself.

'..What a pain.'

I grumbled as the more he moved, the more mana I lost.

I barely have enough mana to survive the attack, and I don't want to waste more.


Lifting my axe-hammer, I changed its side to the axe as I once again aimed at his hand.

"Stribog's blessing: Sargah."


I quickly dashed backward as a greenish ring attached with thousands of small blades struck where I stood.

"I will ask again, what do you want?" I questioned, glaring at him as he rushed in again.

I knew I couldn't keep this up for much longer.

The strain on my body was immense, and I could feel my strength waning.

And I still need to reserve my mana for later.

"Promise me you won't hide things from me." Swinging his nunchuck at my face, he said.

"What are you, my wife!?" I retorted, grabbing the handle of the nunchuck before kneeing his stomach.

"Should I blush?" Grinning, he asked, blocking my knee with his hand.

"You should, bitch." I grumbled, looking at Ethan who lunged at me again, his sword aimed at my chest.

I loosened my grip on the nunchuck as I parried his attack with my ice blade before kicking him in the midsection, sending him sprawling on the ground.

My skin burned because of overusing my runes as I stepped back away from Oliver.


I coated my hand with my blood again, making my ice blade more sturdy as Oliver once again prowled towards me.

He swung his nunchuck to block, but I twisted at the last moment, evading his defense and slashing at his midsection.

The blade bit deep, making him let out a pained grunt.

"You want to continue?" I asked, placing my ice blade at the back of his neck.

"Your promise?" He asked, touching his midsection that gushed blood.

"Well, if you are worth telling." Shrugging, I replied before I looked at Ethan.

He took the battle stance again, ready to continue the fight, but I was in no mood to do that.

"Ethan!! A little help!!"

Thankfully, the loud voice of Miley forced his attention away from me as he looked up.


I looked up as well, seeing how Ashlyn was manhandling her, throwing bolts of light continuously.

That's my meat shield, all right.

"We will continue this later." He spat those words before rushing to help her.

"Come on, stop moving." I patted Oliver's back before bringing my hand close to his midsection.

"Fuck you." He grumbled, sitting down.


I mumbled, and the next instant, small greenish light emitted from my hand, healing his wound.

"Rest here." I ordered him, making him look up.

"Ask me if you need anything, brother." He smiled earnestly, staring into my eyes.

"...Sure." I agreed before walking towards the entrance.

[...You lied.]

'I did.'

....I don't want to risk your life.

....Not now or ever.

[...Are you not going up?]

El asked as I entered the stadium instead of moving towards the translucent shield.

'...No, let them be. I don't have much mana left anyway. I should just focus on my own survival,'

I thought as I looked around to find Lauryn.


But my entire body froze as my eyes abruptly stopped on the girl standing in front of me.

Her beautiful white eyes glared at me, her hand holding a sharp sword as she whispered,

"Uzume bloodline—kagura: mai."

Five minutes until explosion.