Chapter 124 [Club House Competition] [12]

Chapter 124 [Club House Competition] [12]

"Uzume bloodline—kagura: mai."

Her voice barely audible but enough to bring me back to reality as I grabbed my axe-hammer tightly and prowled towards her.

'Okay, she didn't turn blind.'

Her eyes looked at me sharply, which gave me some relief as she isn't using her everything.

But then again, right now she doesn't need to use her everything to fight equally with me.

As soon as I was close to her, I swung my blade, my hammer locked onto its target—her sharp sword.

If she uses chi with that thing, my body might turn into a fountain of blood.

She stomped her leg forward before swinging her sword diagonally.


The sensation of my axe-hammer hitting something emanated through my hand, but I was still an arm's length away from her.

What I hit was her blade made of Chi.


She slashed again, now diagonally, forcing me to flip my body. I hovered in the air before landing again, barely dodging the invisible blade.


I immediately looked back, noticing a deep blade mark cutting the ground below.

If that hit me....

Coming out of my trance state, I looked back at her.

Her pure white eyes didn't hold any surprise about the damage her attack did but anger and slight hatred towards me.


"Do not call my name with your mouth," she interrupted in a chilly voice as she swung her sword again.

My hand trembled as I once again parried her invisible attack, a hissing sound reverberated throughout the ground as she started her dance.

Mana shield.

A hexagonal-shaped shield appeared in my hand, blocking her strike.



On her third strike, it broke, shattered like glass into pieces going down like snowfall making a cracking sound.

Annoyance crept within me as her blade grazed my forearm, blood dripping down from it, soaking the ground below.

Her dance continued, two more blades left shallow cuts on my collarbone and outer thighs.

"Aria, stop messing around!!"

"Shut up!!"

She shouted, glaring at me before swinging her sword in a cross, making the air around her vibrate.

'Fuck it!!'


I covered both my forearms as I met her attack head-on, crossing my arms while using the haft of my axe-hammer as an extra shield.


The ice covering my hand broke, and her attack left two deep cuts on my forearms.

I clenched my axe-hammer tightly, feeling a burning pain on my entire hand, but it was worth it as I reached close to her.

'I wish I would have just listened to her when she told me how chi works.'

Grimacing at my younger self's idiocy, I drew my axe-hammer, cutting through the air, following the most efficient route, aiming at her dominant hand.


She let out a silent whimper as the sword got yanked away from her hand.

A short-ranged weapon is absolutely the best when the opponent is in close proximity.

Grabbing her hand, she took a step back, her lips pressed tightly as she glared at me.

But to my dismay, she didn't stop there. After jerking her hand a few times, she took her battle stance empty-handed.

Her hand soon got engulfed with viscous pure white energy as she dashed at me again.

I swung my hand; the blade of my axe-hammer whistled through the air, and for a moment, it looked like it would connect.

But Aira twisted her body at the last second, avoiding the blow by a hair's breadth.

She retaliated with a powerful punch aimed at my chest.




A loud sound erupted throughout the stadium, masking all the noise from everyone.

People started to run away from their seats, panic in everyone's eyes.


But I remained frozen like an iceberg because the northern part was still intact without any damages.

'...No...God... Please no...No.'

I desperately prayed in my mind as I slowly turned my head towards the eastern part.



Dead bodies laying with some missing arms and legs flying in the air, blood gushing from their bodies, spilling on the ground.

A dark cloud rose from the fire, lighting up the entire stadium.


I yelled from the top of my lungs as I stood up from my seat, but my eyes instinctively moved upwards as the translucent shield started to break and people began falling down.

'They won't survive.'

I quickly concluded, looking at the height they were falling from.


I jerked my damaged hand up, my blood filling the air as I made three slides of ice, saving Aimar, Miley, and Ashlyn.


Making sheets of thin ice below Ethan and Ruby, I let them fall as I looked at Arianell.

"Find a safe place now!!!" I yelled at her as she nodded, standing up.


I abruptly shifted my focus towards Ashlyn as she started running towards the fire without any hesitation.


I shouted, running behind her, ignoring the pain plunging through my body.


I called her again as she started to climb up the broken stairs that were burning with fire.

I yelled again and again, trying to stop her, but she didn't listen until she stopped right where Tiffany's seat was.

The whole place was a mess with only burning fire and broken walls, sheds.

...Everyone that sat here was under the debris.

"Tiffany!!" She shouted, removing things around her with bare hands.

"Ashlyn, calm down!!!" I shouted, grabbing her hand, which she jerked the next instant.

"My sister is under there!!!"

She shouted, throwing herself onto the debris again.

Biting my lips, I did the same, removing the parts that were close to her seat.


Another explosion happened, and the stadium started to break.


I cursed as I rushed towards Ashlyn, who was digging the debris, wrapping my hands around her body.


A boulder fell on my back, making my back feel like it broke.

"A-Az." She whispered, concerned about me, but I had my attention somewhere else.

The falling boulder cleared some of the debris, revealing the solitude of a black-haired girl.

"Tiffany!!" Ashlyn followed my gaze, crawling towards her as I grit my teeth.

Tiffany had survived, covered by two soldiers' mingled bodies.

But she wasn't in good condition as a cut on her stomach gushed blood out.


But my heart froze as I glimpsed a boy with blue hair being grabbed by his neck by a man at the edge of the stadium.