Chapter 125 [Club House Competition] [13]

Chapter 125 [Club House Competition] [13]


My lips quivered; a sense of dread and fear crept under my skin, making me tremble as I looked at the man with light auburn hair taking Alan out of the stadium.

...That man looked back at me, gesturing for me to follow before he vanished.


I slowly turned towards Ashlyn, her eyes bloodshot, her hands pressing on Tiffany's stomach, trying to stop the bleeding.


Her lips were pale, bloodless; they fluttered, asking for help.

I remained silent as I looked back at the place where Alan was taken.

'...What should I do?'

If I leave now, Tiffany will die, but if I don't, Alan could also die.

I bit my lips, blood trickling down from them as I looked at her crying, holding her dying sister.

"A-Az, p-please help." Her grieving voice echoed in my ears, making my head burst with remorse.

'..Please, please be the right decision.'

Crawling towards her, I prayed reaching towards Tiffany.


But my body froze once again as my gaze lingered on the two dead bodies of the soldiers.

...Their bodies were crushed, mingled with the ground, spread with the fragments of their skulls, brains, hair—and blood.

...Weren't they the ones whom I threatened in the name of their family?

The guilt of forcing them to protect her hit me like a wave, making me nauseous.

...I did what my mother always does—using their loved ones against them.

...And now they are dead.

...How many innocent lives am I going to destroy?

'..Not the time.'

I bit my lips again, forcing the guilt aside as I focused on Tiffany.

A part of her midsection was cut open close to her stomach.

She got lucky; if whatever cut through her was just an inch longer, she would have been split in half.

"Move aside," I instructed softly.

"B-but A-Az."

"I said move aside!!" I snapped, making her flinch.

Sniffing, she nodded, giving me way to sit close to her wound. Blood leaked from it at an alarming rate.

'Okay, it's just this part.'

Due to those two soldiers taking most of the damage, her body was mostly unharmed.

I don't know about the internal bleeding, but for now, the only problem is blood loss.


Taking a deep breath, I brought both my arms close to her injury.

[Az! Az, what are you doing!?]

'..I am using my life source.'

[Hey! Don't do that, Az! Use Ruah!]

'...I can't. I don't have enough time for that!'

[No, don't do it, Az. The damage would be permanent. You already have a short life—]

'I will be fine!!'

[Seriously, which idiot taught you this!!]

'I don't know!! Okay! When I was five, I already knew how to use Ruah!'

...And it's not the first time I am using it.

...One month's life source would be more than enough.

Closing my eyes, I touched her injury, channeling my life source.

It was a vague feeling, but once again, I felt a part of myself dying.

Unlike Ruah, which channels the life energy, life source is different.

...But that doesn't mean I can't stall for time.

...I just have to make sure I don't fall into their hands before David arrives.

Limping in pain, I moved towards the western part hosting the building that covered most of the parts.

'...Is it there?'

I wondered, my gaze fixed on the billowing smoke.

I strengthened my legs, feeling strain on them, but that didn't stop me from running towards the smoke.

The closer I got, the more the pungent smell of burning flesh assaulted my nostrils.

I quickly arrived at a wide pathway, my legs faltering as I looked at the man standing beside a fire.

"You are late." The man mocked with a smirk on his face.

But I couldn't tear my eyes away from the gruesome sight before me: a headless body engulfed in flames, the acrid stench filling the air.

"No, no."

My hands fell helplessly to my sides. My body turned cold, and a wave of nausea washed over me.


...It can't be.

...Not like this.

"Hmm?" A surprised voice came from behind, making me glance back.

"What are you doing here?" asked a tall man with dark hair, his voice filled with confusion. "...Shouldn't it be that boy's father or sister rushing here?"

My heart pounded in my chest, a burning pain spreading through me as I heard his words.

"What did you do?" I asked, my reaction lukewarm.

The rage and fury I had expected to feel were absent, replaced by a cold numbness.

Perhaps my mind hadn't registered yet that the man standing in front of me was the same man who had tortured me for months.

"Nothing much," he replied, a smile plastered on his face. "I thought of catching a small fish with the worm, but who would have thought I would get my desired fish."

"I see," I replied, turning towards him.

'Willis... help me.'


I took a step forward, the veins in my legs becoming visible, burning in a hue of orange before crumbling into pieces.

But I didn't stumble or fall; instead, my vision blurred, my body spun, and before I knew it, my leg connected with his neck.


An explosion occurred, the ground beneath him shattering into pieces like a lightning strike.


...He remained still.

"Hmm, an angelic being from the knees below?" he mumbled, observing my leg before looking at me. "Isn't your spirit fascinating?"


I didn't reply but twisted my body, kicking him again.

His hands blurred as he grabbed my leg. "I may have just ascended to Overlord, but that doesn't mean you can win!!"

He turned around before throwing my body into a nearby building.


Crashing through the wall, I felt the impact reverberate through my bones.

Dust and debris filled the air as I struggled to get back on my feet.

Pain radiated through my body, but I pushed it aside, forcing myself to stand.

"Aren't you tough?" he asked, walking leisurely through the debris. "...Ahhh, I wish Mother would let me have you to complete my experiments."

I didn't reply but prowled toward him again, taking out my axe-hammer.

My vision blurred as I lunged the axe side toward his head.

"Arghh... Urghh!!"

Before it could connect, a kick to my midsection sent me flying away.

"Do you not understand the disparity in our strength?" he questioned, grabbing my leg and crashing me down.

"Huff... Huff..."

I struggled for breath as he looked away.

"This isn't fun," he mumbled. "Mikhail, show it to him!"