Chapter 30: Family Reactions

Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Family Reactions As the dust settled from the intense Rising Star Tournament, the Li estate buzzed with excitement and curiosity. Li Tian had returned not just as a participant but as a formidable contender who had shocked many with his performance. He had secured first place, and whispers of admiration and disbelief echoed throughout the halls.

In the main courtyard, Li Tian found himself surrounded by his half-brothers, who initially looked at him with disdain. The previous perceptions of the bastard child began to shift as the news of his accomplishments spread. However, their expressions still held traces of jealousy. Seaʀch* The NôᴠeFire.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Looks like the bastard actually did something," one of his brothers, Li Cheng, scoffed, though the hint of grudging respect in his tone didn't go unnoticed.

Li Tian merely shrugged, his indifference evident. He had grown used to their mockery, and their opinions held little weight against his growing confidence. Just then, the sound of approaching footsteps interrupted their banter.

"Li Tian!" His father, Li Feng, called out, his voice carrying authority that demanded attention. The atmosphere shifted instantly, and all eyes turned toward the patriarch.

"Father," Li Tian responded, stepping forward. He could see the complexity in his father's gaze—pride intertwined with the weight of past grievances.

"Your performance in the tournament was impressive," Li Feng admitted, crossing his arms. "I didn't expect such resilience from you. You've earned some respect, but remember that it is fleeting." His tone was serious, a reminder that strength was essential in their world.

Li Tian nodded, acknowledging the lesson. "Thank you, Father. I'll continue to improve."

Behind them, Xu Fang and Li Xue watched the interaction closely. Xu Fang's heart swelled with pride for Li Tian, her expression softening. "He did so well, didn't he?" she whispered to Li Xue, who nodded enthusiastically.

As Li Tian turned to leave, he caught Xu Fang's eye, and a knowing smile passed between them. She felt a warmth in her chest—he was no longer just her stepson; he was someone who held promise and potential.

The atmosphere became charged with emotions as Li Tian's siblings gathered around him. "How did you manage to come first?" Li Mei, his younger half-sister, asked with genuine curiosity.

Li Tian grinned, the confidence from his victories surfacing. "I trained hard and took every opportunity to learn. It's not just about power; it's about strategy and timing."

As the group dispersed, Li Tian made his way to the training grounds, ready to continue his cultivation. However, his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden call from his youngest half-sister, Li Xue.

"Big Brother!" she called, running to catch up with him. "Can I train with you? I want to get stronger, too!"

Li Tian chuckled, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Of course, but you have to promise not to hold back. I'll push you."

Meanwhile, Xu Fang remained at the entrance of the courtyard, observing the bond between the siblings. She felt a pang of longing in her heart; her own relationships with her children were complicated. As a stepmother, she had struggled to connect, often feeling like an outsider in her own home.

Later that evening, the family gathered for dinner, and the atmosphere was different. There was a sense of unity that had been absent before. Li Feng raised his glass for a toast. "To family and our future. Let us remember that strength is not only in power but in the bonds we create."

Li Tian felt a warmth in his chest as he raised his glass alongside his siblings. The acknowledgment from his father meant more than any accolade. As they enjoyed their meal, laughter and stories filled the air, marking the beginning of a new Chapter in their relationships.

As dinner concluded, Li Feng caught Li Tian's eye again. "You may have impressed others, but don't forget your place. Keep training and show them that you are worthy of this family."

Li Tian's resolve strengthened. He would not only prove his worth but would also redefine what it meant to be a part of the Li family. With his growing strength and the support of those who believed in him, he felt invincible.

In the days that followed, he continued to train, his relationship with Xu Fang deepening with every secret rendezvous at night. Each moment they shared fueled his determination, and the fire within him burned brighter than ever.

As he lay in bed one night, reflecting on everything that had transpired, a new sense of purpose washed over him. He was no longer just the bastard child; he was Li Tian, a name that would be remembered and respected.