Chapter 31: A Proposal of Alliance

Chapter 31: Chapter 31: A Proposal of Alliance One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the Li estate, Li Tian was summoned to the main hall. Upon entering, he noticed the serious expressions on his father, Li Feng, and his stepmothers, Xu Fang and the others.

"Li Tian," Li Feng began, his tone firm yet slightly softened by pride. "You've done our family proud. Your achievements at the tournament have not gone unnoticed. However, there's more at stake than just glory."

Li Tian raised an eyebrow, intrigued. He knew his father well; whenever he had that tone, it meant a matter of significance was at hand.

"Today, a representative from the Zheng family has come to discuss a potential alliance," Li Feng continued, glancing at Xu Fang, who looked both proud and anxious.

"The Zheng family?" Li Tian echoed. They were a well-respected clan, known for their martial prowess and resources. "What do they want with us?"

"Given your performance, they wish to propose a union between you and their daughter, Zheng Wei," Xu Fang interjected, her voice steady. "It would solidify our families' ties and strengthen our positions in the cultivation world."

Li Tian considered this. Zheng Wei? He had seen her at the tournament, a skilled fighter with a sharp wit and a confident demeanor. He could tell she had talent, but he didn't know much about her beyond that.

"What's her personality like?" Li Tian asked, curiosity piqued.

"She's intelligent, compassionate, and playful," Xu Fang replied, a hint of admiration in her tone. "However, she is also fiercely independent, which may lead to some conflicts if she feels stifled by the engagement."

Li Tian nodded, processing the information. It sounded like there could be potential for conflict, especially with his own laid-back nature and relationships with other women. But at the same time, an alliance with the Zheng family could be beneficial for both families.

"Are you okay with this?" Li Feng asked, gauging his son's reaction.

Li Tian shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "I've never thought about getting engaged so soon. But if it's for the family's benefit... I can consider it." S~eaʀᴄh the* website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The room grew quiet as Li Feng exchanged glances with Xu Fang, clearly relieved by Li Tian's open-mindedness.

"Good," Li Feng said, a smile creeping onto his face. "We'll arrange a meeting between you and Zheng Wei. Get to know her before making any decisions. Remember, this engagement will not only affect your lives but also the future of our family."

As the meeting concluded, Li Tian felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. This engagement could lead to significant changes in his life, and he wasn't sure if he was ready for it. Still, the idea of exploring a relationship with Zheng Wei intrigued him.

Later that evening,

As he pondered his thoughts, the familiar voice of the system chimed in.

[New task available: Meet Zheng Wei and establish a rapport.

Reward: Reward: "Celestial Essence Pill" (enhances cultivation efficiency by 50% for two months), +50 Cultivation Power, and "Soul Connection".]

A small smile tugged at the corner of Li Tian's lips. "Looks like I have more than one reason to meet her now."

The next day,

Li Tian was standing in front of the grand hall of the Zheng family's estate. The architecture was intricate, with towering stone pillars and carefully maintained gardens surrounding the estate. This was one of the most powerful families in the region, and their wealth and influence showed in every corner.

He had come for one purpose: to meet Zheng Wei, the woman his family was pushing for him to marry.

Xu Fang had escorted him to the Zheng family's estate, but she had already left, giving him some time alone to meet his potential fiancée. As much as Xu Fang had comforted him before the meeting, reminding him of his charm and strength, Li Tian knew that this meeting would require more than just cultivation prowess.

The door creaked open, and an attendant gestured for him to enter. As he stepped inside, he was greeted by a middle-aged man, Zheng Yi, the patriarch of the Zheng family.

"Li Tian, welcome to our humble estate," Zheng Yi greeted with a deep voice, his eyes sharp and calculating as he assessed Li Tian.

"Thank you for the invitation, Patriarch Zheng," Li Tian responded, keeping his tone respectful but casual. He wasn't about to act overly subservient, not when he was here as an equal.

"Come," Zheng Yi motioned for him to follow. "Zheng Wei is waiting for you in the garden."

The walk through the estate was quiet, with nothing but the sound of footsteps echoing through the stone halls. Eventually, they reached a small, secluded garden. As they entered, Li Tian saw her.

Zheng Wei was sitting by a pond, her back straight, and her focus seemingly on the koi fish swimming beneath the water. She was dressed in a flowing white robe, her long black hair cascading down her back. Even from a distance, Li Tian could see the grace in her movements and the air of confidence she carried.

"Zheng Wei," Zheng Yi called out, causing her to turn her head.

Her eyes met Li Tian's, and for a moment, neither of them spoke. She stood up slowly, a calm smile on her face, though there was a slight hint of curiosity behind her gaze.

"I'll leave you two to get acquainted," Zheng Yi said before turning to leave.

As soon as Zheng Yi was gone, Zheng Wei walked closer to Li Tian. Her smile widened, though there was a teasing glint in her eyes. "So, you're the famous Li Tian. The bastard son of the Li family who everyone's been talking about."

Li Tian smirked, unbothered by the title. "And you're Zheng Wei. The one who's supposed to be my fiancée."

She raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by his casual tone. "Supposed to be? You don't sound very excited."

"Should I be?" Li Tian replied, his voice teasing as he took a step closer. "I wasn't planning on getting engaged anytime soon."

Zheng Wei laughed lightly, the sound soft and melodic. "Well, neither was I. But here we are, being used as pawns for family alliances."

There was a brief silence as they studied each other. Li Tian could tell that Zheng Wei was no ordinary woman. She carried herself with a grace and confidence that spoke of her upbringing and experience. There was an air of intelligence about her, a sharpness in her eyes that told him she wouldn't be easy to manipulate or charm.

"You're not like other girls I've met," Li Tian said, breaking the silence. "Most of them would be flustered by now."

Zheng Wei's lips curled into a small smirk. "I'm not most girls, Li Tian. If you think some casual flirting is going to win me over, you've got another thing coming."

Li Tian chuckled, genuinely amused. This was going to be interesting. "I wasn't trying to win you over. Yet."

"Yet?" she echoed, crossing her arms and tilting her head. "So you plan on trying?"

"I don't like being forced into anything, but if we're going to do this, I might as well make it enjoyable," Li Tian said, his tone playful but with a hint of seriousness.

Zheng Wei seemed to consider his words, her expression thoughtful. "You're not what I expected."

"And what did you expect?" Li Tian asked.

"Some arrogant son of a noble family, full of himself after the tournament," she admitted.

"I can be arrogant if you want," Li Tian teased. "But I'm more interested in seeing if we can actually get along."

For the first time, her teasing demeanor softened. There was a sincerity in his voice that she hadn't expected, and it made her pause.

"I suppose we'll see," she replied quietly.

The conversation shifted after that. They talked about the tournament, their respective families, and even their personal ambitions. Li Tian found that Zheng Wei was intelligent and witty, but also had a sense of compassion that surprised him. She wasn't just the daughter of a powerful family; she was someone with her own dreams and desires.

By the end of their conversation, the initial awkwardness had faded, and they had developed a sense of mutual respect. While neither of them had fully embraced the idea of engagement, it was clear that they could be more than just strangers forced into a marriage.

As the sun began to set, Li Tian rose from his seat. "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you again soon."

Zheng Wei nodded, a small smile on her face. "I suppose you will."

Before he left, the familiar chime of the system echoed in his mind.

[Task Complete: Establish a rapport with Zheng Wei.

Reward: "Celestial Essence Pill" (enhances cultivation efficiency by 50% for two months), +50 Cultivation Power, and "Soul Connection" (strengthens emotional and spiritual bond with a chosen partner, enabling shared cultivation benefits). ]

Li Tian smirked. The system always seemed to know when things were going well. But as he walked away, he couldn't help but feel that this engagement, whether he liked it or not, might actually lead to something interesting.