Chapter 118 Convivience

Name:Reversal Author:
"..." Squinting menacingly for a few seconds, Agatha finally ends up smiling and nodded. "I was joking. Yes, you could say that I'm from the mafia"

"I never understood the mafia system. I know there's the Russian, the Japanese, the Italian, but I don't understand how they are organized"

"It's simple. In Italy, for example, there are many mafias within organized crime, but over time we learned that we have to unite to resist attacks from foreign mafias or from the same government, so we formed a united mafia, that's why we established rules and divided territories"


"Most countries have different systems. In Russia it is known that the mafia has the support of the government and there is only one that covers the whole country; In China there is the triad, also supported by politicians, but they have different 'Triads' that command regions; In Mexico there are the 'Cartels', they are more dispersed and almost never work with each other, they usually live killing each other"

"What mafia were you from, Sicilian?"

"Only in my youth. My daughter took over and I took the leadership of the mafias in Italy" Smiled Agatha nonchalantly.

"..." Nodding silently, Christian looked at Agatha for a while and finally asked "Why are you giving me so much information?"

"Your voice pleases me" Answering while leaning on the table, Agatha asked with a smile that was meant to be charming "How old are you~?"


"..." Freezing for a moment, Agatha looks at her people awkwardly "*cough* Just kidding..."

Chuckling lightly, Christian continued "What do you guys do for fun in this place?"

Reaching between her breasts, Agatha pulls out Poker cards "You play?"

"Looks like fun"


A week later.

"Three!" shouted a woman, quickly throwing the cards on the table.

"Full house" With derision Agatha threw down her cards.

"Poker, take that bitches!" Exclaimed another woman excitedly.

With that, eight women looked up at Christian with excitement, while there was a large circle of women around him, all looking at Christian with a twinkle in their eyes.

Looking at the excited women, Christian chuckled softly, then looked at his semi-naked opponents. "*Sigh*"

"Real scale!"

"Damn!" shouted Agatha in annoyance, as many exasperated groans came from the women.

"Come on girls, let those bras fall off" Supporting his head with his fist, Christian waved his hands with a smile.

Four days ago, Agatha had the bright idea to play Poker and those who lost had to take off a garment, something that attracted the excitement of all these horny bitches. Christian finding the situation amusing, accepted without hesitation, not knowing that he would end up almost naked in the first game, ending up with nothing but his underwear and his white t-shirt, something that caused the women to get really excited.

But he quickly learned his tricks and began to win repeatedly, so since that day, Christian hasn't taken off a single garment while leaving all his opponents naked.

Completely naked.

Most of the women would give up out of embarrassment and the next day someone else would try. The only one to last was Agatha, refusing to lose, a view that could add another life sentence.

"Come on girls, we don't have all day" Showing his teeth as he smiles, Christian looks at the women with derision.

"Tsk" With a snap of annoyance, Agatha smoothly removes her bra, exposing medium sized breasts with a brown halo, while as always, her nipples are hard.

Agatha, although she is quite old, her whole body is perfectly maintained, apart from some scars she has from fights, everything else is in perfect condition, something Christian attributes to this new hormone that is making him so curious.

With a groan of annoyance, the other women removed their bras, causing Christian to nod with satisfaction, then look at the cards and raise his eyebrows "So shall we continue? They still have one garment left"

Looking at the panties of all the women, Christian asked mischievously.

All these women were not beautiful, but not ugly either. One could say they were ordinary but would be considered attractive to many. Unfortunately, Christian has had many encounters with strangely beautiful people and his sense of beauty is quite high. But being surrounded by so many naked and well-bodied women made Christian's satisfaction and self-satisfaction rise to another level.

"I'll pass on this shit" Getting up from the seat, the first woman walked out as she grabbed her clothes, being instantly followed by the others and leaving only Agatha at the table.

"Agatha, last as usual?" smiling slightly, Christian took the cards and started shuffling them.


"Someday I'll leave you naked, I promise!" Resolutely, Agatha slams the table and speaks angrily.

Laughing, Christian said "Careful what you dream about~"

"Why? Could it be fulfilled?" With a strange glint in her eyes, Agatha smiled seductively.

"Because nightmares start with dreams~" Christian smiled warmly, sending a small shiver down the woman's back.

Though Agatha at first showed restraint because of Christian's age, it didn't take her a day before she sent all that restraint to hell, actively pursuing Christian and taking every second to flirt with him.

"Tsk" With annoyance, Agatha just averted her gaze, noticing several mocking faces in the audience, causing her to shout in fury "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!!!?"


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But since no one in this place is afraid and they are all equally crazy, they simply laughed at the misfortune of the old woman who wants to eat such young and high-quality meat, causing Agatha's face to turn dark.

"Come on, come on, don't fight" Smiling, Christian looked at Agatha reproachfully and said "You are an adult, behave yourself"

"..." Looking at Christian with annoyance, Agatha just folded her arms and didn't speak anymore, causing several laughs to break out among the audience.

"Christian, it's time" But while she was having fun, Strawberry entered the place, causing all the women to sigh and walk away, knowing the fun was over.

"I'm coming" Nodding, Christian put the cards down on the table and stood up, then winked at Agatha and smiled "I guess I'll have to take these panties off you another day"

"Anytime handsome~" Knowing that Christian always leaves for therapy and returns hours later, she didn't waste her time and continued to forge her way to Christian's pants, drawing an amused smile from him.


"The boss brought in 25 people that we took to the interview room. We have a glass that allows you to see the room without being seen, so you tell me who's lying and who's not"

After leaving the dining room, Christian found himself in a small dark room, carefully watching the old man sitting across from a woman about 21 years old.

"Вы шпион?" (Are you a spy?-Russian) Dmitri asked with a neutral look.

"�ет" (Not-Russian)" Answered the woman directly.

"She's telling the truth" Christian commented.

[A/N: The following conversation between Dimitri and the women should be in Russian, but I'll leave them in English to avoid so much trouble.]

"Have you done anything to harm the interests of our people?"



"Have you stolen money that you shouldn't steal?"



"Have you harmed any of our people?"


"He's telling the truth"


"Personal conflicts"

"True" Christian commented.

"Would you do anything to harm the organization?"



"Good, you can go"

Picking up her cell phone, Strawberry says "She's relatively clean, she stole money from us, but she's not a spy nor would she harm us"

"Good..." Dimitri nodded, as another woman walked in.

"*Sigh* It's going to be a long day" Sitting down, Christian sighed with boredom.

Finally, after 3 hours, they finished the interviews with a result of 8 spies, 4 treacherous women, and the others had committed murders among the mafia itself or stolen money.

As for what would happen next, Christian was not interested.


July 31, 2014.

"And they *Sniff* just beat me for no r-reason"

Leaning on Christian's thighs, an older woman cried inconsolably as she talks about her life.

"It's okay, he's not here anymore" Stroking the woman's hair sadly, Christian whispered.

This woman is Chiara Kurt, a woman who killed dozens of men before she was locked up. But today, she was crying like a child as she recounted the physical abuse she suffered at the hands of her father in her childhood.

From being locked in cages, to not eating for weeks, to the point where she had to drink her own urine to survive while she was no more than 6 years old.

Christian did not know how to feel. Over time he began to live with all the women and always ended up talking about their lives. Most had pitiful lives like this woman, causing some sympathy and at the same time a rather conflicted feeling. If one of the men this woman killed was his brother, he would want to kill her with his own hands, he would even think of torture. But having her here crying inconsolably while talking about what a shitty father she had, he honestly couldn't get mad at her, let alone reproach her.

"B-but now I'm a murderer *Sniff* I-I didn't want it to come to this *Sniff* B-but I can't control myself when I get angry" With teary eyes, the old woman spoke in a clipped voice, causing Christian's heart to clench with sadness.

Everyone in the place watched the situation in silence. Many of them went through the same situation with Christian, so, instead of finding the old woman's tears mocking, they respected the woman for opening up publicly, but they respected and loved the young man who made their stay warmer much more.

"I don't think we are murderers. Even I killed more than a dozen people and look at me, would you call me a murderer?"

"*Sniff* N-no"

"You know what we really are?" Carefully getting up as he turns his head away from the old woman, Christian smiles and asks.

"W-what are we?"

"Pirates!" Christian exclaimed with a big smile, looking at all the women in the place "Murderers, swindlers, mafiosi, thieves, terrorists, psychopaths, among other vulgar names... all those terms are derogatory and not very nice, it's better to call us pirates!"

"Pirates?" looking at Christian strangely, Agatha murmured.

"Exactly, we are pirates of the world!" Christian exclaimed with a big smile "We plunder the riches, we wipe out the enemies, we swindle the gullible, the whole world is our sea, we are pirates!"

"Haha~" Chuckled Agatha lightly, raising her coffee mug "Pirates!"

"Pirates!" The other women exclaimed with a smile, always feeling that it was impossible to deny the child something with his great vivacity.

Wiping away her tears Chiara shouted with a smile "Pirates!"

"Then I'll sing you something!" Getting up on the table, Christian adjusted his voice a little and began to sing "♪ There once was a ship that put to sea ♪"

Christian began to sing a rather upbeat song, Wellerman by Nathan Evans, and although the song has versions going back hundreds of years, this is the one that conveys the most liveliness in Christian's opinion, wanting to cheer up these women depressed by confinement.

"♪We'll Take our leave and go♪" With a flushed face from so much screaming, Christian finished the song, as they all looked at him with a soft smile.

"Pirates!" Agatha exclaimed with more encouragement, taking the opportunity to bump her coffee mug with one of her friends.

"Pirates!" Smiled Christian cheerfully.

"Christian, it's time"

"*Sigh* I'm coming" Smiling towards the women, Christian said "See ya~"


Looking out the window without his smile, Christian seemed lost in his memories.

"What's troubling you?" Standing to the side of Christian, Dimitri asked.

"Those women... they had blank stares when I arrived, I guess the confinement took its toll on them" Christian whispered in a monotone voice.

"And that disturbs you?" Raising his eyebrows, Dimitri asked with confusion.

"No... it's not that" Sighing, Christian whispers with pain in his voice "That reminded me of Ashley.... now, I try to bring joy to those close to me, but it weighs on me that I couldn't do it with my don't know how much I miss her and how much I regret it"

Blinking for a few moments, Dimitri sighed and remained silent, knowing he was never good at comforting people in these situations, but still he approached Christian and stood beside him, trying to give comfort, even if he could only offer his company at this moment.

"Like the second that already passed" Christian whispered.


Edited By: Joy_a