Chapter 225: Venom

Name:Riser Phenex isn't a villain Author:
Chapter 225: Venom

"Oh, you are on time."

Riser only nodded when he saw Vali had already arrived at their appointment place. He had just stolen his second Sacred Gear, and as expected, it suited him well. Moreover, he could use them well without any problems.

Was it due to the "Kote Kote no Mi"?

There is a huge chance it happened due to that.

However, because of that, Riser was so late. He was late for at least six hours, yet Vali was still in the place without moving and came without saying a single complaint, completing his order perfectly, which made him satisfied, thinking that he got his hands on a perfect tool.

Whenever Riser needed to erase someone, he did not need to move by himself as he could order Vali to erase those people.

Still, Riser knew that Vali wasn't a character that would obediently follow his every order, and he knew that this guy was stupid, so he had to take precautions.

The information about the Khaos Brigade, which Riser previously asked for from Vali, was nothing but a bluff, a test for Vali. After all, by taking a peek at the memory of the leaders of the Old Satan Faction, did he lack information about this terrorist organization?

What Riser wished to do was to erase all of his existence from the crime of killing Sirzech.

No one should know that he was the one who initiated the killing of Sirzech.

Everyone in this world only needed to know that it was Vali who did it.

That way, all those who wished to avenge Sirzech would come to kill Vali instead of Riser.

So when was he going to kill Vali?

It was when Vali helped him to kill a certain someone Riser would kill Vali, as he put all the blame on Vali before he became someone whom everyone looked up to.

Riser knew that his method was complicated and tedious, especially when he could kill anyone with ease, but killing someone had been troublesome, especially in the aftermath.

If his target was just a reclusive hermit, then it was easy.

However, his target was someone who had a lot of connections, family, friends, and many other things.

If Riser killed all of them, it would be a massacre, and he would receive a "tyrant" as a title.

Being feared might be good, but being a tyrant had never been his way of life as it was troublesome.

Being a normal, powerful person was the best way.L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

Still hearing his words, Vali said nothing and just lowered his head.

Was it due to nervousness?

Was it due to fear?

—Or was Vali afraid that Riser would notice something?

However, Riser didn't care about all of that, as Vali was nothing but an ant that he could crush anytime.

At that time, Albion was lonely due to this poison. No one could approach him. No one could talk to him. Everything, and anything that came to him, would be reduced into nothingness due to this poison. It was something that he wished to forget, but the pain in Vali's heart woke his memory that was long sealed within the Sacred Gear.

Reduce might be an abominable power, yet it was a hope to save Vali and his family.

Yet, as expected, the price of this power was horrible.

If Vali dared to use it, then his age was as good as gone. He couldn't live a long life like a devil. Instead, he would die like any other human. Worse, he might only have a few years of life due to using this ability forcefully, as his body couldn't support this hideous power.

Yet... yet... it was also a chance.

It was a chance to escape from the shackles of this demon.

At that moment, the fire that was almost dimmed and could die anytime suddenly went amazing.

'There's no way I would let him hurt my family!'

The flame of rage burst fiercely within his heart.

Vali knew that his method was dirty as he attacked Riser from the back, yet he knew except for this method, he knew it was impossible to have a frontal battle against Riser.

The only way for him to erase this demon was by a sneak attack!


Along with the roar of Albion, Vali used his everything!

Whether it was his demonic power, stamina, or even his life force, Vali used everything!

Vali even used the power of Lucifer that resided within his body, spreading 12 devil wings from his back and using this most abominable power into Riser.


At that time, a dreadful aura emitted from Vali as it was charged into Riser.

As expected, Riser was hit by "Venom," the most abominable ability that Albion hated the most.



Half of Vali's body was reduced directly to ashes by Riser's kick, which was clad in intense flame.


Vali screamed with all of his might, stopping the flame that was about to swallow his body while absorbing the flame as he endured the pain of a disabled body.

Yet, even with such pain, Vali and Albion were happy.

'We've won!' 2x

However, they didn't realize what kind of a demon that they had awoken.