Chapter 226: You have made me genuinely angry!

Name:Riser Phenex isn't a villain Author:
Chapter 226: You have made me genuinely angry!

Nevertheless, the power of Riser's kick was so powerful that Vali was thrown several kilometers away and crashed into trees and animals before his body embedded into a mountain, shaking the entire area like an earthquake.

Due to the impact, everything that Vali passed was destroyed, and they were burnt into nothingness.

Even the earth was still burnt and charred before turning into magma due to the intense heat.

It was simply a scene of a disaster.

The happiness of killing the demon soon disappeared as Vali felt his "Half Dimension," an ability to be half the size of objects and living beings around the user, was meaningless when facing this fire.

"It's useless."

This cold voice brought a chill to the hearts of Vali and Albion.

"My flame is impossible to extinguish. As long as you are hit by it, your body will continue to be burnt forever."

"So what? Even if we die? You will also die along with us!"

Albion shouted in defiance as if they wanted to show that Riser wasn't the only one who had the upper hand.

"You have been hit by my poison—Reduce! My poison is able to reduce all existences aside from inorganic objects. As long as it's a living being, its blood, bones, organs, and soul can be cut down bit by bit, so even for extraordinary beings, everything in their bodies can be reduced!

"You might be immortal, but your existence is meaningless in front of this poison, Riser!"

"This is your end, Riser."

Vali coughed as he tried to push Riser's flame away from his body. It was fortunate Riser's kick previously only hit his left side, so even if his prosthetic left hand was gone, it didn't matter; unfortunately, he also lost his left leg along with some part of his left part, but it didn't matter as he had won this battle!

"You are too arrogant. This is your demise!"

"Is that so?"

Vali and Albion didn't care about Riser's calm answer as they knew Riser had already been defeated. As for the fact that they might die after this, they didn't care since they had already defeated the demon who plagued their lives.


"Then, your family will die."


At that moment, the power within Vali burst out once again.

Vali, who lost his mind due to his anger, was going to shred Riser into pieces!


This was one of Albion's original abilities, and when Vali used this ability, the flame that burnt on his boy was reflected back to Riser.

As the two became desperate and confused, Riser stared at Vali and said, "I am not sure why you love to explain what your technique is about, but think of this as a gift of our parting.

"All of your attacks, whether it is that blast of energy, the poison that you used previously, or every attack which you have pride in, all of them become part of my strength, healing me and making me stronger.

"This is my power—The Ruler."


The scream of denial came from Vali and Albion.

What such an unreasonable power existed?

Then, what was the point of their struggle?

If all of their attacks would become nourishments for Riser to become stronger, then... then... what was the point of doing all of this?!

If they knew all of this, why did they have to attack Riser?!

"Vali... I..."

Albion felt endless regret as it was he who took the initiative to tell Vali to fight Riser. However, if he didn't say it, would they face this helpless situation?

What was scary wasn't a situation where there was no hope to begin with.

What was scary was a situation where someone told you there was hope, yet they realized that they had been fooled and crushed as there was no hope to begin with.

Vali realized this feeling and realized how foolish he was.

All of his struggles were nothing but futile, and the price of all of this was the lives of his family.

Vali wished to say something, but—

"Goodbye, Vali. This will be the last time we will meet each other, and you don't need to worry since everyone who is related to you will be coming toward you soon."

Vali's eyes widened as he wished to scream, begging, asking for forgiveness, yet he had made Riser genuinely angry.


That was the last word Vali heard from him before his world turned into darkness.

Everything was over.

Vali and Albion thought.

Yet, the two of them didn't die, as Riser didn't let them die.

However, this would be their last time to meet each other.

Riser had made his plan, and living with Vali was still necessary for him, yet when he saw him, he couldn't hold his urge, and the fury within his heart erupted.