Sisi, a girl of the Tianyu nationality, was shocked to see Chen Sanqiu beat her from the desert and devour all the sun dried lizards.

This is my monthly ration.

Chen Sanqiu eats up all the dried lizards. When he hears that Sisi's face is shocked, he turns his head and looks at Sisi awkwardly. There's another grunt coming from his stomach.

Tianyu girl sisi

"I haven't had enough after eating so much?" Sisi was completely shocked. She looked at Chen Sanqiu's stomach in horror.

"You are a human, not a gluttonous animal. How can you eat so much?" The girl of Tianyu nationality said with an incredible face.

Chen Sanqiu embarrassed wry smile: "I have been eating a lot."

Sugar ya ya a pair of big eyes, very serious nodded.

The girl of the Tianyu nationality said to Chen Sanqiu, "do you know that it's very troublesome to find food in the natural disaster desert?"

"This is the natural disaster desert?" Chen Sanqiu grinned and asked Sisi, "this name sounds very special. What's its origin?"

Sisi was shocked to open her mouth again, and said to Chen Sanqiu with an incredible face: "are you from emperor star? I don't even know about the disaster desert? "

Chen Sanqiu said to Sisi with a sad face: "I may have been hit by a little amnesia. Maybe I have been in a coma for too long. If I can't remember some things, I remember that I came from Luofeng village."

After listening to what Chen Sanqiu said, Sisi thinks what Chen Sanqiu said is quite reliable.

He also believed Chen Sanqiu and said to him, "the natural disaster desert is one of the four dangerous areas of emperor Xing. However, before that, the natural disaster desert was not a desert. It is said that it turned out to be a beautiful plain with mountains, water and farmland. It is a place everyone yearns for."

"How did it become like this?" Looking around the courtyard, Chen Sanqiu felt a palpitation as he saw the boundless desert.

If you don't recover your strength, it's really hard to leave the desert with ya ya.

"Sword God, you must have heard of it." Sisi Du said to Chen Sanqiu with a small mouth.

Hearing this, Chen Sanqiu's heart was pounding.

Sword God, the name in my mind, heard the Golden Dragon said, according to the golden dragon, sword God's strong, even in the high-level universe where the golden dragon is also a very powerful existence.

The nameless sword technique that I practice comes from the creation of the sword God.

Is there any connection?

"Yes, I have." Chen Sanqiu nodded and said.

"Of course, you are a Terran. The sword God is a famous hero in your Terran." The girl of Tianyu nationality said in a sarcastic voice.

Naturally, Chen can hear the irony in her words. However, Chen doesn't say much, just nods.

"This natural disaster desert has something to do with the sword God. It is said that the sword God fought with the Taotie beast who invaded the emperor's star and killed two God level Taotie beasts one after another, which dyed the whole land bloody." The girl of Tianyu nationality said calmly: "moreover, after the sword God killed the two God level gluttonous beasts, he successively killed the strongmen of Tianyu nationality, Niutou nationality, Goblin nationality, nuomi nationality and giant nationality here. From then on, the emperor star, which was ruled by the six nationalities together, became a Terran and exiled the other five nationalities to the remote place of emperor star, Let the five ethnic groups live and die on their own. "

Chen Sanqiu grinned, looked at the sad face of Tianyu girl Sisi, clapped her hands, and said angrily, "Damn, the sword God is free. What do you do to kill Tianyu? You Tianyu girls are so beautiful and have such a good heart. How can you kill your Tianyu strongmen? "

Tianyu girl sisi

Staring at Chen Sanqiu in a daze.

Especially, Sisi, a girl of Tianyu clan, has lived so long that she thinks she has experienced enough things.

I have seen all kinds of people and things.

However, this is indeed the first time that someone dares to scold the sword God in the mouth of a human race.

"Well, what did I say wrong?" Chen Sanqiu grinned and asked a girl of Tianyu nationality.

Sisi, a girl of Tianyu nationality, blushed and shook her head: "it's nothing. I just think that you are different from others."

Chen Sanqiu shrugged: "of course, I'm different from others."

"How did it become a disaster desert?" Chen Sanqiu asked the girl of Tianyu nationality.

Sisi, a girl of Tianyu nationality, stopped and said with a small mouth: "after the sword God killed two God level gluttonous beasts and the strong one of our five nationalities, she broke the air with a sword on the spot and wanted to go to the divine realm."

"Thunder and punishment from the sky burned this place into a sea of fire. The mountains were cracked and the lakes dried up. That's why such a natural disaster desert was formed." Tianyu girl said to Chen Sanqiu with a yearning face.

Chen Sanqiu was stunned.

Although I have never seen the scene of the sword God breaking up the void and going to the divine realm, only listening to Sisi's words is enough to make Chen Sanqiu feel shocked.

It's so awesome.

"It is undeniable that the sword God is indeed a very powerful human race." The girl of Tianyu nationality sighed and said to Chen Sanqiu.

Chen Sanqiu grinned, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, gave a dry smile and nodded.

"According to the records, the sword God is the only one who can make the sky fall when he is breaking the void. The existence of thunder punishment is so powerful." Sisi said faintly: "if you want to get to the divine realm, you must be punished by the thunder. Generally speaking, when you improve your strength to the point where you can break the void of the divine realm, you will no longer improve your strength to avoid more powerful thunder punishment. However, the sword God does not stop improving his strength, which leads to such terrible thunder punishment, Let this place become a natural disaster desert. "

Chen San Qiu stretched out his hand and scratched his head: "it's really frightening."

Standing up, Chen Sanqiu looked around and said to Sisi, "but now I think the most important thing is to find food."

Sisi thought that Chen Sanqiu would be immersed in the legend of natural disaster desert. Even if she was a member of Tianyu tribe, she was very excited about this legend.

I didn't expect that after hearing this, Chen Sanqiu was going to find something to eat.

"You are a real eater."