With a bitter smile, Chen Sanqiu felt the inner core of Taotie beast in his chest, and felt that the inner core of Taotie beast was still in his chest.

Moreover, it seems that the whole core of Taotie beast has now formed a complete whole, but now it is very dim, constantly sending out the feeling of hunger to its own body.

Let your stomach feel more and more hungry.

"Hoo." Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath and said to Sisi, a girl of Tianyu nationality, "can you tell me where these lizards were found, and I'll catch dozens more."

Sisi, a girl of Tianyu nationality, pointed to the distance of the desert and said, "the lizard I caught there, but there are not only lizards in the desert, but also foxes, silver wolves and Gobblers. It's very dangerous. Do you think you can deal with it?"

With a bitter smile, Chen Sanqiu found a steel stick in Sisi's yard, waved it in his hand and nodded with satisfaction.

I tried to run the Qi in my body. It used to run like a river, but now it's like a stream in my body, which makes Chen Sanqiu frown.

Sitting on the ground, regardless of the surprised expression on the face of Sisi, a young girl of the Tianyu nationality, she runs the inexplicable skill for a whole week. The real Qi in her body begins to become more vivid and more abundant than before.

However, it will take a long time for us to recover to the same level as before.

Chen Sanqiu obviously can't wait so much time. The hunger from his stomach makes him feel half dead. It's very uncomfortable.

Had to stand up, feel the strength of the body, thinking.

Even if the civilization of emperor star is one level higher than that of the earth, the creatures here can't be too strong.

Ordinary creatures, like the sun dried lizards they eat, can't be better than the cloned gluttons.

As long as it's weaker than cloning gluttonous beasts, it's enough to kill them with its current strength.

With the music in his heart, Chen Sanqiu looked at ya ya, who was weak all over, narrowed his eyes and said to Sisi, "please help me take care of Ya Ya here. I will be back soon."

Sisi Oh, said: "you go, I wait for you to come back."

"Don't forget what you promised me." Sisi hastily added another sentence, a look of fear that Chen Sanqiu would repent.

Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment, thought about it, and then laughed: "don't worry, I said I would give you that spaceship, so I will give it to you, I will not go back."

With that, Chen Sanqiu rushes towards the direction that Sisi points to.

Looking at Chen Sanqiu's quick figure, a shocked expression appeared on Sisi's small face.

He said to himself, "I didn't expect that Chen's strength is not weak."

Yaya giggled and said, "of course, that's my father."

Looking at ya ya's proud expression, her heart trembled slightly.

Thinking of her parents who had been arrested, Sisi tooted her little mouth, reached out and pointed to her chin, looking at the direction of Chen Sanqiu's departure: "I think you are so mysterious. Who is Chen Sanqiu? I can't believe I'm still angry. "

Ya Ya's eyes turned and said with a smile, "that's my father."

Sisi rolled her eyes and said to Yaya angrily: "if there is a father like him, there must be a son like him. Your father lied to me that he lost his memory. You are also playing silly here. You are really father and daughter."

Ya Ya giggled, and then weakly relied on the chair at the door, looking out at the endless desert, a little afraid.

Chen Sanqiu is not here. Chen Jiaojiao's safety warehouse is still in the spaceship. There is only a trace in front of her.

Facing Sisi leaning on her, her head lying on Sisi's leg, her eyes have been looking at the direction of Chen Sanqiu's departure, looking forward to Chen Sanqiu's quick return.

Chen Sanqiu rushed to the deep desert quickly. He didn't even see the ghost of a plant, not to mention a lizard.

After Chen Sanqiu's running, the more than ten dried lizards he had eaten had a more intense sense of hunger in his stomach, and his whole body was dripping with sweat, which made all his clothes wet.

Look up at the two suns in the sky.

It's really hot.

It's seven or eight degrees higher than the temperature on earth.

It's hotter in the desert.

He wiped the sweat of his forehead and looked back at the way he came. There was no shadow in the yard, which was covered by the crossed sand dunes.

Looking ahead, it's still a desert.

Chen Sanqiu thinks that Tianyu girl Sisi has cheated herself.

What's more depressing is that it seems that there is no ghost around the place where Sisi lives.

You can't find an oasis.

Just when Chen Sanqiu was thinking about whether Tianyu girl Sisi had made a mistake.

There was a low roar in the distance. Chen Sanqiu was stunned for a moment and immediately fell on the ground. His eyes were like eagle eyes, looking in the direction of the roar in the distance.

In the sand dune in the distance, a snow-white fox runs fast on the sand dune, but it is the size of an adult.

See of Chen three autumn in the heart a shiver.

Especially, this fox is too big.

Then, Chen Sanqiu saw that behind the snow-white fox, a bigger beast was chasing the snow-white fox.

The beast was gray white, with huge tusks, just like a wild boar, but it was the size of two adults. As it roared after the fox, it opened its mouth to spit out black energy masses and attacked the snow-white fox.

"Lying trough."

Chen Sanqiu's forehead was in a cold sweat.

Ma Dan, I'll be good.

This is something special.

He could also spit out energy mass. The black energy mass rushed towards the snow-white fox. He was dodged by the fox, blasted on the sand dune, and immediately blasted out a deep pit.

If it's on people.

It's just going to be blasted.

Just when Chen Sanqiu was shocked, the snow-white fox suddenly turned back, spewed out a flame in his mouth and rushed to the beast chasing him behind him.

However, the beast, which was similar to the wild boar in length, was huge but extremely flexible. In a flash, it dodged the attack of the snow-white fox.

"I wipe, this is the fox, that looks like a wild boar thing, is it a devouring beast?" Chen Sanqiu rolled his eyes and quietly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

What a terrible world.

I want to go back to earth.