Chapter 195 194-The First Official Conversation (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 195 Chapter 194-The First Official Conversation (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Shadowswift's eyes were filled with determination and sharpness, qualities that were obviously cultivated from a long-held position of power.

The moment John shook his hand, he noticed something different.

There were many thick calluses at the base of his robust palm.

Clearly, this man called Shadowswift often handled weapons like guns...

Shadowswift gave a light smile, opening his hand towards the elderly man who had been carefully observing John, "This is Elder Anderson, the chief expert of the National Science Academy, and the main person responsible for developing the game Godslayer..."

John immediately felt a sense of awe.

This unassuming elderly man was indeed the person worthy of respect...

Before John could even greet him, Elder Anderson chuckled, "John, right... oh no, or I could call you Galewind... actually, you have been under our observation all along. From the moment Godslayer was released, you stood out as exceptionally different..."

John scratched his head, revealing a sheepish grin.

For some reason, under Elder Anderson's kindly and wise gaze, he felt as if he was being completely seen through.

This old man, there was no doubt, was an extremely intelligent being.

Once the three of them were seated, Elder Anderson began, "Young man, I suppose you have learned the truth behind the development of the game Godslayer from Mayor Daniel Roberts. To be frank, it was I who divulged this information to him, intending to relay it to you through him..."

John slowly nodded, the smile on his face gradually fading, "I indeed know the truth behind it now. To be honest, it's still quite shocking..." n-/o/)v/-e-.l-.B/)I..n

"Is it just shocking?" Elder Anderson revealed a bitter smile, full of emotion, "Your composure is indeed extraordinary. When I, an old man, first received this information, my initial reaction was filled with panic..."

"For us, who thought we had grasped some truths of the world's operation, the appearance of the Godslayer world undoubtedly overturned our lifelong understanding..."

"Before this, the so-called alternate space and parallel universe theories were only akin to urban legends and imaginary stories..."

Shadowswift, sitting beside them, nodded in agreement, seeming to highly approve of Elder Anderson's words.

John, on the other hand, shook his head helplessly, "That's one way to put it, but that's for you, the researchers. After all, research requires a meticulous and serious attitude, and real data as theoretical support. You would never believe theories that haven't been proven..."

"But we ordinary people are different. We have always had unrealistic fantasies about the world, so at times like this, we are more likely to accept it..."

John's words instantly made the two men before him see him in a new light.

Elder Anderson chuckled, "I didn't expect Mr. Galewind to be a man of such wisdom. Indeed, I, who has done research work all my life, ended up being confined by my own knowledge."

John hurriedly waved his hand, his face filled with embarrassment, "You're too kind, sir, I was just expressing my thoughts..."

Elder Anderson laughed heartily, then quickly subdued his laughter, "If that's the case, let's get to the point."

"I believe you, Galewind, must be very clear about why we wanted to meet you in the real world. Regarding that vast alien world, we currently have no understanding. All the information comes almost entirely from the players."

"But to tell the truth, the average level of the players is far too low now, and what they can access is extremely limited. We have a dedicated team responsible for collecting all the information explored by the players in the game. Yet when we compile it, we find that this information is of no significance..."

"It can't help us understand that alien world better, we don't even know if the people on the other side are friends or foes..."

"You're different, your data has been out of control from the very beginning, our only monitoring mechanism can't track your growth trajectory, perhaps you could provide us with different answers."

John fell silent, pondered for a moment, and then said with a wry smile, "So what exactly do you want to get from me? Feel free to tell me."

Elder Anderson and Shadowswift exchanged a look, both finding a hint of amusement in each other's eyes.

Shadowswift chuckled and asked, "Are you really willing to reveal these secrets to us so readily, without any conditions?"

"You must know, what you have now can be said to be the most important secrets in the world, it would be completely fine to make any demands of us."

"On my way here, I have already communicated with various governments, we all agree that we are willing to pay a certain amount in return for the secrets you possess..."

John looked at him strangely and retorted, "Why would you think that? Am I not a human living on this planet?"

"These secrets concern the life and death of the world, they should be told to every human who has the right to know. I just don't personally have the capability, and not many would believe what I say..."

"Now that you've come to me, why can't I just tell you directly? Why do I need to set conditions?"

Elder Anderson and Shadowswift burst into laughter.

Elder Anderson even said with a relieved look on his face, "So young and yet with such a broad mind, no wonder you stand out in the Godslayer game. Your words are comforting..."

"You're right, this is a challenge that we humans must face together. Every individual should have the right to know... For the continuation of civilization, for the propagation of our species, everything is worth giving up..."

John nodded indifferently, his expression unchanged.

To be honest, when Shadowswift mentioned that he could make any demands, there was indeed a moment when John was tempted.

After all, sitting in front of him were the heads of two highest-level departments of the government.

From the tone of Shadowswift's words, it seemed like they would try to fulfill any conditions he might propose.

This meant that if John wished, he could become the richest man in the world in an instant.

Or he could directly own a territory of his own.

Governments around the globe would likely try their best to meet John's demands.

But after giving it serious thought, John still decided to forego any condition in exchange.

Firstly, he wasn't someone without a sense of patriotism and righteousness.

Faced with the invasion from an alien world, inter-species warfare, individual interests didn't seem as important.

Moreover, John's demands for life weren't high, and he didn't have a strong pursuit of wealth and power.

The balance in his account was already sufficient for him to live comfortably...

As for asking for a territory from the government, that was ludicrous.

When the two worlds eventually merge and the war against the alien world begins, there wouldn't be a single safe place on the entire earth.

Wouldn't all be lost under a ruined nest?

John understood this very well...

After some consideration, Elder Anderson posed the first question, "What kind of world is it in the Godslayer game?"

John tilted his head, never expecting that after so much consideration, this old man would ask such a basic question.

"What do you mean? Don't you even know the basic form of the world in Godslayer?"

In the face of John's question, Elder Anderson chuckled bitterly, "When the spatial rift first appeared a year ago, we sent several exploration teams in, but none returned..."

"Later, using the special substance that seeped out from the rift, we barely built a system capable of observation and monitoring. This allowed players to enter the alien world via a mental link, generating a virtual body in the data to help us explore that unknown place..."

"But our understanding of the Godslayer world is still far from sufficient."

"What I want to ask is, what does that world look like in your eyes?"

John finally understood. He thought seriously for a moment, then gave his answer, "It's an extremely dangerous world. There are many intelligent species there, some of which exist in a state we can't understand in our reality... These species roughly fall into two camps, one part is somewhat rational and can be communicated with, while the other part is completely chaotic, with only destruction on their minds..."

The moment John began to speak, Shadowswift switched on a voice recorder.

Clearly, every word that John said today would need to be studied in depth later on.

Beside him, Elder Anderson listened intently, not wanting to miss a single word John uttered.

"What's the relationship between the two camps?"

John casually replied, "They're mortal enemies. In fact, these two camps have always been in conflict in the form of warfare, never resting until the other is destroyed. Ten thousand years ago, there was a massive all-out war..."

Elder Anderson's eyes slightly brightened, he softly asked, "In that case, can we use a strategy of joint suppression to win over the more rational camp?"

John shook his head, answering solemnly, "It's hard to say, but I think the chances are slim... After all, even the orderly and righteous camp can't be fully trusted..."

"Why?" Elder Anderson asked, taken aback.

John revealed a chilly smile, "Because in that world, the real rulers are not the various species on the Godslayer Continent, but the deity high above..."

"In the true sense, a deity that can control ORDER!"