Chapter 196 195-Deity and bugs (2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 196 Chapter 195-Deity and bugs (2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

A true deity in the fullest sense of the term?

What did that mean?

Elder Anderson and Shadowswift exchanged puzzled glances.

After hearing John's introduction, they were both momentarily bewildered.

One of them, Elder Anderson, was a globally-renowned top-tier scientist.

The other, Shadowswift, was the head of a key national agency.

Both were staunch atheists. In fact, before meeting John, they had heard about the deities in the Godslayer world.

But in their understanding, they'd always believed these so-called deities were simply more powerful native creatures, not fundamentally different from other extraterrestrial entities.

John seemingly sensed Elder Anderson and Shadowswift's assumptions.

With a faint smile, he remarked, "I know, you must think that a deity is nothing more than a powerful creature. However, that assumption is profoundly mistaken."

"In the world of Godslayer, deities are more akin to conceptual beings that transcend our understanding of life."

Seeing that Elder Anderson and Shadowswift were still somewhat lost, John took a moment to gather his thoughts and continued, "Let me put it this way: in the Godslayer realm, although all life forms below the rank of deity can elevate their levels through cultivation, they still have to abide by certain rules."

"It's like in our real world, where laws govern our behaviors. In that world's cultivation system, regardless of what class you belong to, one has to rely on the fundamental elements of that class for their training."

"Deities, however, are different. They are more like the creators of these foundational elements. Almost every deity holds some degree of ORDER authority. To some extent, these deities can even be seen as the embodiment of ORDER itself."

John's explanation might sound a tad cryptic.

However, having reached their esteemed positions, both Elder Anderson and Shadowswift were no strangers to complex matters.

With a bit of contemplation, they quickly grasped the essence of what John was trying to convey.

Their faces took on a solemn expression, their eyes shimmering with realization.

Elder Anderson sighed, musing, "From what you're saying, these deities might very well become our greatest adversaries once the Godslayer world merges with our reality?"

John nodded slightly, affirming with confidence, "That's exactly the case. A crucial aspect to consider here is the manner in which these deities achieve their eternal existence."

"I imagine that after developing the Godslayer game, you must've had many official players join. You surely must've analyzed their feedback regarding their individual classes?"

Elder Anderson acknowledged, "Indeed. After encountering the plethora of unique classes in that otherworldly realm, we specifically formed a team to research the true essence of these classes."

"Many of the younger members from my research team voluntarily dived into the Godslayer game, documenting almost every sensation and experience after establishing themselves as professionals in their chosen classes."

Wearing a slightly amused expression, John inquired softly, "So, what conclusions did you reach?"

Just as Elder Anderson was about to respond, Shadowswift, who was beside him, abruptly interjected, "Mr. Foster, such matters pertain to the highest levels of state secrets, and as of now, they cannot be disclosed to you."

"We're here to gather more information about the Godslayer world through you. As for other unrelated topics, I'd appreciate if you refrained from prying."

John leaned back, folding his arms across his chest, his gaze fixed intently on Shadowswift.

The sheer coldness in John's eyes gave Shadowswift an unexpected chill.

The unassuming, cultured young man before him possessed an astonishingly piercing gaze.

Just being under that unwavering stare seemed to exert an immense pressure.

After a pause, John finally spoke again, this time his tone noticeably colder, "If Mr. Shadowswift believes these are essential secrets, then I suppose there's not much left for us to discuss. If we can't be open with each other, there's no point in continuing this conversation."

Shadowswift bristled, readying a retort, but Elder Anderson intervened with a simple wave of his hand.

Although, in practical terms, Shadowswift held a higher authority, their dynamics clearly positioned Elder Anderson as the dominant one.

With just a subtle gesture, Elder Anderson managed to quiet Shadowswift, who then sat obediently, choosing to remain silent. n-/o/)v/-e-.l-.B/)I..n

Elder Anderson first sent a silencing glance towards Shadowswift, then turned his attention back to John, his demeanor once again becoming cordial and affable.

This ability to switch between moods effortlessly showcased the intricate depths of Elder Anderson's mind.

Elder Anderson said with a gentle smile, "Young man, don't be cross with us. As we've come to understand, this matter concerns the very survival of humanity. Everyone should have the right to know."

"So, from now on, we won't withhold any secrets from you, and we hope you'll do the same, speaking freely and openly."

John studied the sincere old man before him.

After a brief silence, he gave a slow nod.

While he didn't particularly care for Shadowswift on his side, who always seemed to speak bureaucratically, it was hard to harbor any ill feelings towards Elder Anderson.

From the elder, John could sense a pure dedication towards whatever he pursued.

Seeing the bloodshot eyes of the old man, John was certain that he had been losing sleep over humanity's future.

"In our research," Elder Anderson began, "the reason these 'class' holders possess extraordinary abilities is that they can communicate with the fundamental elements between heaven and earth. Through their willpower, they can control these elements, leading to seemingly impossible feats."

He detailed his team's findings about the classes in the alternate world. John listened in silence, neither confirming nor denying Elder Anderson's claims.

Elder Anderson continued, "Honestly, in our reality, the concept of using one's will to manipulate the foundational elements of nature seems implausible. Though human will is potent, it remains intangible, unable to affect the tangible world around us."

"Yet, in the Godslayer world beyond the spatial rift, this theory doesn't seem to hold. The 'class' holders there are more reminiscent of characters from movies or TV shows with superpowers."

John tilted his head, suddenly asking with a playful smile, "Have you ever considered why this might be the case?"

Elder Anderson chuckled bitterly, shaking his head.

John's question was something he couldn't quite answer.

It was the very conundrum that had stumped his research team.

Despite the fact that humans and other species in the Godslayer world are also flesh-and-blood creatures, they seem no different conceptually from those in the real world.

Yet, curiously, the people of that world can act as conduits, using their intentions to manipulate these fundamental elements.

John ran his fingers gently across the table's surface, articulating each word, "This is precisely the significance of the 'deity' I mentioned earlier."

Elder Anderson looked up in surprise, asking, "What do you mean?"

John gave a slight smile and responded nonchalantly, "It's the presence of these deities that grants the 'class' holders in that world their extraordinary abilities."

"Regardless of the class type, one must first go to the church to verify their class identity. It's like when a player first enters a game, and the system assigns them a role based on their attributes."

"These churches are established by the followers of the deities, symbolizing the manifestation of the deities' powers on earth."

"You get the picture now, right?"

Elder Anderson seemed lost in thought.

Having dedicated his life to scientific research, he'd never heard of such a fantastical premise.

"So, if I understand correctly, the fundamental elements exist because of these deities. And these class holders can manipulate and harness these elements to unleash powerful, unthinkable skills, all because they've received the blessings of the deities?"

John raised an eyebrow and replied casually, "That's one way to put it... But you got one thing wrong. The basic elements of the Godslayer Continent weren't created by the deities. They don't possess the capability to create elements from scratch."

"What distinguishes the deities from ordinary beings is their absolute dominion over these basic elements... the ORDER."

Elder Anderson's face lit up in understanding.

"So, these deities stand above ordinary beings, wielding absolute control over the basic elements?"

John chuckled lightly, nodding, "Exactly, that's the gist of it."

After pondering for a moment, Elder Anderson inquired, "Then why, as you suggest, can't we coexist peacefully with the seemingly benevolent factions among them?"

John sighed helplessly, murmuring, "Because even the most righteous deities see us humans merely as a source to draw power from."

"With their elevated status and unparalleled power, they'd never regard us as their equals."

John left another thought unspoken, for it sounded a bit sad.

That was: No matter how weak humans might be, they'd never consider allying with mere bugs.