Chapter 468 468-Waiting for the Final Outcome

Chapter 468 468-Waiting for the Final Outcome

After handling most of the important matters, the Naga Queen allowed Shatras to enter her palace.

Although she was already aware of Shatras' purpose, she couldn't let Shatras know that she had been monitoring him.

"Your Majesty, those adventurers have made their request. They say they have found a method to restore the sanity of our Naga Faction members.

However, their method requires us to provide them with Ocean Gems. I think we shouldn't give them the Ocean Gems, as they are too precious. What do you think? Should we provide them with the Ocean Gems?" Shatras asked.

Although Shatras had made up her mind, the Naga Queen had previously ordered that if John had any requests, he should convey them to Shatras, who would then report to the Queen.

The Naga Queen hesitated for a moment, "Do you think they can be successful? If they can be successful, then providing them with some Ocean Gems shouldn't be a problem, right?

Although we don't have many Ocean Gems in our Naga Faction, giving them one or two is feasible. We must see their method succeed before we can provide more Ocean Gems.

Go ahead and take three or four Ocean Gems to them. Keep an eye on their actions and come back to report to me once you have confirmed their success."

Shatras nodded, turned around, and left the Queen's palace.

She had no doubts about the Naga Queen's orders, as it seemed to her the most reasonable directive.

Upon receiving the four Ocean Gems, Shatras went straight to the inn where John was staying.

Handing over all the Ocean Gems to John, she also warned him, "The method you've proposed must succeed. If it fails, Her Majesty the Queen will be extremely angry, and I can't predict what the consequences will be. For your own safety, you had better give it your all. The Queen's strength is far greater than mine, and she will not be easily defeated by you."

Although Shatras had been defeated by John, she believed that the Naga Queen could defeat him.

She thought that just mentioning the Naga Queen would exert enough pressure on John.

John, however, seemed unfazed by Shatras' words and was just staring at the four Ocean Gems in front of him, seemingly in shock.

He wondered if the Naga Faction was being too generous.novelb1n

"What's the matter? Do you think these Ocean Gems are too few? We have already provided you with enough. We will provide more only after your method has been proven successful," Shatras assumed that John's expression indicated he thought the number of Ocean Gems was insufficient.

However, John's subsequent response surprised her.

John did not provide much explanation, as he needed to focus on his next steps.

He placed the Ocean Gem powder into a specially made jar, which actually contained a very precious coral produced by the Naga Faction.

When the Ocean Gem powder met this precious coral, it created another miraculous substance.

"You just need to take this jar and feed its contents to the members of the Naga Faction who have fallen into madness. Eating this will restore their sanity," John explained straightforwardly to Shatras what she should do next.

Although Shatras was still slightly hesitant, after witnessing what had happened before, she chose to trust John.

"I will act immediately, and if they really regain their sanity, I will inform you right away. I will also convey this good news to Her Majesty the Queen. Her Majesty has been in a very bad mood lately, and receiving this news should change her view of you. Then, perhaps you might gain the friendship of our Naga Faction," Shatras responded.

John simply nodded in response to Shatras's words.

Although he was confident in himself, he couldn't be completely sure his method would succeed.

After Shatras left, Adam and Blue Sea immediately asked John, "Are you sure your method will work?"

John nodded, "I'm quite confident it will succeed. But of course, there's also a chance it might fail. Even if it fails, it won't be a complete failure. At least one or two members of the Naga Faction who have fallen into madness should regain their sanity. This way, they can believe that I truly can provide significant help to their Faction."

John's words made Adam and Blue Sea somewhat worried.

John had always been very confident, and this was the first time they had seen him exhibit a less assured attitude.

However, soon after, Adam and Blue Sea both realized something and their feelings towards John's previous actions showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

"Why did you tell them you only needed one Ocean Gem? You could have used just one and saved the others. Ocean Gems are incredibly valuable, especially those from the Naga Faction. You said it yourself, the Ocean Gems from the Naga Faction are of the highest quality," Adam and Blue Sea complained.

John replied with a smile, "I think you're being too shortsighted. If we did that, the Naga Faction would see us as greedy and petty. Offending the Naga Faction over two or three high-quality Ocean Gems doesn't seem worthwhile, does it? My current approach might not immediately secure these extra high-quality gems. However, once it's confirmed that my method is successful, the Queen of the Naga Faction will surely reward us generously. Then we might receive even more Ocean Gems."

John's explanation convinced Adam and Blue Sea.

They realized that their previous thoughts were indeed somewhat narrow-minded.

Now, all they could do was wait for the final result from Shatras.

After all, John himself wasn't entirely sure of success.