Chapter 469 469-The Plot of the Mystery Protector

Chapter 469 469-The Plot of the Mystery Protector

John and his companions didn't have to wait long.

Shatras returned in less than fifteen minutes, her face radiating with joy.

It was evident that John's method had been successful.

Before John and the others could even ask, Shatras, with a beaming smile, said:

"I didn't expect your method to actually work. The members of the Naga Faction who had fallen into madness have all regained their sanity. Her Majesty the Queen has also been informed of this news and is very pleased. She wishes for you to meet her immediately. The Queen will surely reward you. She has always been clear about rewards and punishments. Anyone who provides help to the Naga Faction is sure to be generously rewarded."

Shatras was extremely happy, even willing to speak favorably about John and his companions.

Previously, she had always thought that John and others would only bring more trouble to the Naga Faction.

"In that case, let's go meet Her Majesty the Queen right away. I am also very curious about what kind of reward she will give us," John replied with a smile. n0velB1n

At the same time, he communicated with Adam and Blue Sea through eye contact, and they, of course, were also very happy.

As they prepared to meet the Queen, they were unaware of the unfolding plot by the Mystery Protector.

The success of their mission had not only drawn the attention of the Naga Faction but also others who moved in the shadows, plotting their next move.

The adventure was far from over, and new challenges awaited them.

Under Shatras's guidance, John and the other two made their way back to the palace of the Naga Queen.

As they traversed a street within the Naga Faction, John couldn't shake off the feeling that something was watching them from the shadows.

Noticing John's apparent unease, Shatras asked, "What's wrong? Have you noticed something unusual? If so, you can tell me. As a Legend Magus of the Naga Faction, I might be able to clear up some of your doubts."

John slowly shook his head, thinking that his earlier sensation might have been just a figment of his imagination.

He deployed his detection spells to scan the surroundings again but found no hostile entities nearby.

"It might be because of the pressure I was under earlier. I just find the scenery here a bit strange. The architectural style of this area seems quite different from other parts of the Naga Faction," John said, trying to ease the awkwardness, as he couldn't quite explain his previous behavior.

To his surprise, Shatras nodded in agreement.

In their view, the Naga Faction was a member of the Order Faction. Even if the Naga Queen didn't want to cooperate with the Northern Myst Empire, she shouldn't pose a threat to it.

However, the Mystery Protector's words suggested a deeper layer of intrigue and potential conflict, hinting at the complexity of the political landscape within the Order Faction.

One of the envoys stood up and said, "Sir, are you sure your information is accurate? Although the cooperation between the Naga Faction and the Empire isn't as close as it used to be, the Naga Faction wouldn't become hostile to the Empire. If they were to oppose the Empire, they wouldn't be able to withstand the joint pressure from the Empire and other hostile forces against the Naga Faction."

The Mystery Protector's expression remained unchanged in the face of the envoy's question.

It seemed he had already anticipated such doubts. "Your speculation would have been valid in the past. However, you must be well aware of the significant threat the Northern Myst Empire currently faces from the Dark Faction and the Mystery camp. If the Naga Faction collaborates with the Dark Faction or the Mystery camp, they no longer need any assistance from the Empire."

This statement caused great alarm among the envoys from the Northern Myst Empire.

In their view, collaborating with the Dark Faction and the Mystery camp would be a betrayal of the Order Faction.

"Could such a situation really arise? Has the Naga Queen gone mad? Is she actually planning to cooperate with the Dark Faction and the Mystery camp? Doesn't she realize how evil the powers of the Dark Faction and Mystery camp are? Doesn't she understand that these factions could twist and corrupt the entire Naga Faction?"

The Mystery Protector was somewhat disdainful of the envoys' shock.

He thought they were overreacting.

However, he didn't blame them; as a Legend Magus, he understood that these ordinary individuals without extraordinary abilities were not fully aware of the situation's intricacies.

The political and power dynamics at play were far more complex than they could fathom, and the shifting allegiances within the Order Faction added layers of uncertainty and danger to the unfolding events.

The Mystery Protector believed that his plot, aimed at instigating a direct conflict between the Northern Myst Empire and the Naga Faction, would be successful.

His ultimate goal was to obtain a Sacred Relic from within the Naga Faction, something he knew would be impossible as long as the Naga Faction remained a part of the Order Faction.

With these thoughts in mind, the Mystery Protector turned and spoke slowly, "The powers of the Dark Faction and the Mystery camp have become very strong. It seems the Order Faction may no longer be able to defeat them. The Naga Queen has lost all faith in the Order Faction. Under these circumstances, she is naturally inclined to cooperate with the Dark Faction and other dominant forces. The Empire must now rely on its own power for defense. Prepare yourselves accordingly."

After these words, the Mystery Protector used a Teleport Spell to leave.

He was well aware of the need for ambiguity in his speech.

His intention was to plunge the envoys into a state of confusion and panic.

Only in such a scenario would the Northern Myst Empire and the Naga Faction potentially misjudge each other and fall into a state of hostility.

Remaining in Storm City, he was ready to act against the Naga Faction at any moment, furthering his hidden agenda.