Chapter 510 - Unrelated Information

After spending some time in the appraisal shop, John decided to leave, realizing he hadn't gathered any additional information there. The staff at the shop made sure to remember John's contact details. After all, they needed to get in touch with him once his weapon was sold. Having settled everything, John left the appraisal shop and strolled through the streets of Styx Town.

He hoped that wandering around might yield some extra information. However, even the information he managed to gather this way wasn't particularly helpful. During his chats with some of the new players on the street, John learned about the Netherworld Guild and the Dawn Guild. The Netherworld Guild, having faced a series of setbacks, was not what it used to be.

The guild leader of Netherworld, Karthus, was now significantly weaker. He was no longer considered a top player. In fact, Karthus had almost stopped managing the Netherworld Guild. About a few months ago, he abruptly left his own guild, causing great panic among the other members.

Eventually, the Netherworld Guild elected a new guild leader, although this new leader was much less capable than Karthus. However, the new leader had a notable advantage – unlike Karthus, he didn't make enemies with many people.

It seems that the Netherworld Guild is planning to open a branch in the Order Faction. They appear to be moving away from always acting in tandem with the Dark Faction. John actually highly approves of this move by the Netherworld Guild. In his view, the guild had previously made a significant error in judgment.

Karthus's insistence on being an enemy to John was, in reality, an overestimation of his own abilities. Had Karthus not been so determined to oppose and utterly defeat him, John wouldn't have had to completely annihilate him. After several consecutive failures, Karthus now lacks any real ability to turn the tables.

His current level has fallen far behind what it once was. John feels no sympathy for Karthus, believing that he brought this upon himself.

Just because the Dark Realm intends to strengthen the Dark Faction's members doesn't necessarily mean they are about to launch an attack on the Order Faction. Informing Duke Arsena of this now might lead to unnecessary panic. If the Dark Realm doesn't attack, Duke Arsena will surely think they have deceived him.

"I think we should be more cautious. Since we can't clearly discern the full picture yet, we should gather more information. If we tell Duke Arsena now and the Dark Realm doesn't attack, he might suspect us of deceit. We must ensure that Duke Arsena doesn't lean towards the Mystery Protector. The Mystery Protector has already collaborated with the Darklord, so who's to say he won't cooperate with the Dark Realm?

If the Mystery Protector and the Dark Realm are working together, then the information we have might all be false. I prefer to be cautious. However, if John thinks it's necessary to inform Duke Arsena, I will of course agree," Blue Sea concluded.

Blue Sea's words were meticulously considered. On one hand, he advocated for caution, while on the other, he expressed his willingness to follow John's decision. Given Blue Sea's stance, Adam naturally turned his attention to John, awaiting his decision. John was still quite hesitant. He suspected the information might be true, but he couldn't be sure of his judgment.

After a moment of contemplation, John finally spoke slowly: "Let's continue to investigate and gather more information. Where exactly did you hear these details? We should delve deeper into this."

Led by Adam, John immediately proceeded to the location where Adam had obtained the information. Adam had access to this information because the place he visited was a trading area. In the trading zone, players could not only trade items and weapons but also exchange intelligence. Most players would share the information they had gathered, as knowing more could benefit everyone.

In the game 'Slayer of Gods', one of the key features is the importance of player collaboration. To players, other players are not the greatest threat; instead, it's the NPCs of enemy factions. These NPCs, when facing players from opposing factions, aim to completely eliminate them. They attack with relentless force, sometimes even attempting to reduce a player's level all the way to zero. Players, unless they have deep grudges, usually wouldn't go to such extremes against each other.