Chapter 511 - Temporarily Joining the Enemy

Chapter 511 - Temporarily Joining the Enemy

John and Blue Sea, guided by Adam, arrived at the trading zone in Styx Town. There, they indeed saw several 1-tier demons providing additional supplies to some lower-level players. Since all three of them were wearing invisibility masks, they appeared to others as new players who had just entered the game.

One of the lower-tier demons approached John and his companions. He took out a green weapon, which wasn't particularly rare, but was still very precious for new players. "If you want to get this weapon, join our team. We will provide you with weapons, as well as a certain level upgrade and other supplies," the demon offered.

John displayed a hint of hesitation in response. Although he was very clear that joining the Dark Faction was out of the question, he had to maintain his disguise as a new player. New players would naturally be very tempted by such an offer, as it usually takes a long time for them to obtain their first green weapon.

John's apparent hesitation made the demon believe he was somewhat enticed. Consequently, the lower-tier demon continued to persuade him, capitalizing on what he perceived as John's interest.

"The fact that you've chosen to start your gaming journey here in Styx Town means you don't need to overthink it. Joining our Dark Faction will indeed make you a target of Order Faction players, but those from the Order Faction can't come to Styx Town. You can safely level up here. Once your level is high enough, you can act together with us. Our next objective is to target the Order Faction's Defend Wall. If we can breach their defense at the Defend Wall, we can directly attack Storm City.

You must be well aware of Storm City, right? It's a place filled with numerous treasures and very precious weapons. If we can take down Storm City, you'll gain even more advancement."

All players are well aware of Storm City for a couple of reasons. Firstly, after the launch of the 'Slayer of Gods' game, Storm City was the first main city for players, where nearly every player began their gaming journey. Secondly, Storm City is currently the epicenter of the game's storyline. Whether it's the hostility between the Order Faction, the Mystery Faction, and the Dark Faction, or the internal conflicts within the Order Faction, everything revolves around Storm City.

On their way to the Styx Town training field, John thoroughly explained his thoughts. He successfully convinced Adam and Blue Sea with his plan. The three of them arrived at the entrance of the Styx Town training field, but upon reaching there, they all hesitated slightly.

The Styx Town training field appeared to be extremely dangerous, with all three of them sensing an overwhelming presence of dark power. John even suspected the existence of a Devil-like entity within the training field. Blue Sea felt that facing such formidable dark power, they should avoid unnecessary risks.

"You must feel it too, right? The power of the demons in the training field is excessively strong. If we enter, is there a risk of our true identities being discovered? I acknowledge that John's strength is immense. He did indeed defeat the projection of the Mystery Saint in previous battles.

But remember, we are now in Styx Town, one of the core towns of the Dark Realm. Engaging in battle with a Devil of the Dark Faction here might be overreaching," Blue Sea expressed his concerns, which made both Adam and John hesitate. Despite John's consistent confidence, even he felt that proceeding with such an action could be too risky.

John stood there, his expression a mixture of determination and caution. After a brief pause, he began to articulate his thoughts slowly and deliberately to his companions. "I believe we should proceed to enter the Styx Town training field," he began. "Yes, there's a risk involved, but it's not insurmountable. We can take measures to reduce it significantly. Once we're inside, our primary goal should be to assess the situation rather than engage in combat. There's absolutely no need for us to confront any members of the Dark Faction directly or to unveil the full extent of our capabilities."

He continued, emphasizing his point, "In my opinion, the Dark Faction is unlikely to pay much attention to newcomers like us. The number of players aligning themselves with the Dark Faction is relatively small. Furthermore, the training field in Styx Town appears to be somewhat constrained in size. Consequently, this leads to a higher concentration of new players in the area, which works to our advantage. It should allow us to seamlessly blend into the crowd without drawing undue attention."

As he spoke, John was conscious of the fact that he might be justifying his own decision more than he should. However, the desire to proceed was strong within him. He thought, 'Why should we back down now, when we are so close to the Styx Town training field?' His resolve was clear in his voice.

Ultimately, his companions, Adam and Blue Sea, found themselves swayed by John's argument. They recognized that proceeding alone without John's insight and guidance would be impractical. They needed him not just to navigate the training field, but also to ensure they could exit the Dark Realm successfully. John's rationale, despite its slightly forced nature, provided a convincing enough case for the trio to move forward with their plan.