Chapter 536-The Players' Detached Observation

Chapter 536-The Players' Detached Observation

536 Chapter536-The Players' Detached Observation

While John and the other members of the Order Faction were in a state of panic, the situation on the player forums presented a stark contrast to the alarmed NPCs. Although many players were discussing the ongoing battles between the different factions, it didn't seem to have much personal impact on most of them.

Aside from a few players who had joined the Dark Faction, the majority were merely describing the progress of the battles. Given that Storm City had the highest number of players, the details of its battle were the most thoroughly reported.

"The eastern wall of Storm City is under attack by demons. We can see that there aren't many city guards left, and I think the eastern wall will soon be breached. I'm not sure if I'll be able to evacuate to a safe place after the wall is broken through. But the teleportation point in Storm City should still be operational, right?"

A low-level player in Storm City posted this plea for help on the game forum. He owned a small shop within the city. If Storm City were breached by the Dark Faction, he would have to make a final decision. Although as a player not of very high level, he could choose to start over in another player's main city, restarting would be a costly endeavor for any player, especially those without strong abilities or much capital.VIsit n0(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Upon meeting John, Adam relayed the current situation. After pondering for a moment, John responded, "I see no issue with your actions. You have indeed provided significant assistance. Leave the rest to me; I will ensure Duke Arsena makes the necessary promises. Continue to hold the defense here; I have urgent matters to discuss with Duke Arsena."

After saying this, John left immediately. Adam didn't say much more, as he felt he wasn't in a position to be immediately privy to such critical information.

Adam harbored no complaints, believing that since he had chosen to collaborate with John, it was unnecessary to question John's decisions.

In the end, John's visit to Duke Arsena's palace did not lead to the anticipated encounter with the Duke himself, who appeared to have departed for other commitments. However, this detour wasn't without its merits, as John crossed paths with Natasha within the grand confines of the palace. Natasha, upon seeing John and Shatras, couldn't help but feel a surge of relief mingled with a cautious optimism. From her perspective, the arrival of these two distinguished figures, both renowned for their formidable prowess, could significantly bolster the defenses of Storm City. Their presence alone promised to add a robust layer of strength to the city's protective measures, potentially easing the looming threats that had cast a shadow over the city's future.

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