Chapter 537-The Lingering Shadow of Kingserp

Chapter 537-The Lingering Shadow of Kingserp

537 Chapter537-The Lingering Shadow of Kingserp

"I'm truly relieved to see you've returned so swiftly. I feared you might have encountered insurmountable crises after heading to South Harbor. To be honest, I've always held a deep mistrust towards adventurers like yourself. Despite your top-tier strength, you remain an adventurer, do you not? I had assumed you would seize this opportunity to flee. Yet, who could have anticipated not only would you aid South Harbor in overcoming its threats, but you also ventured to the Naga tribe and secured the assistance of a Legend Magus."

Natasha's tone remained calm, yet her facial expressions conveyed her genuine pleasure. After all, securing the support of two top-tier powerhouses was crucial for her.

John did not dwell on this matter, understanding that Natasha, much like Duke Arsena, harbored little trust in adventurers. His primary concern was to discuss the defense strategy for Storm City, as he anticipated the assaults from the Dark Faction to intensify and become increasingly difficult to repel.

"I'm not concerned with your opinion of me. What really matters to me now is how we are going to defend Storm City. Where has Duke Arsena gone? Without him, how can we continue our defense? Has Duke Arsena lost faith in Storm City, or has he decided to abandon Storm City and return to the capital of the Northern Myst Empire?"

John's mood was understandably not the best. In his view, he had already given his all, so why were others not willing to fully cooperate? Natasha was taken aback by John's anger but found no fault in the questions he posed. She, too, was searching for Duke Arsena and was perplexed by his sudden disappearance. To Natasha, Duke Arsena was a very rigid and dutiful individual, a Paladin who would unlikely abandon Storm City to flee alone. It was highly probable that Duke Arsena had encountered some trouble.

After uttering these words, Kingserp immediately transformed into a dark mist. He concealed himself within the shadows, hoping to continue hiding until the Dark Faction's plan succeeded. After all, for Kingserp, being too brazen would surely draw the attention of Order Faction members. Although he believed he could eventually raise his power to match John's, he had to be cautious for the time being.

However, at least in the current situation, Kingserp felt that he was still far inferior to John. He needed to temporarily avoid John for now.

While evading John, Kingserp also observed the situation in Storm City. He realized that the city's defense was indeed in a state of complete failure. Almost all of the top-notch experts had inexplicably left the city's walls. This meant that Storm City's defenses were about to be breached by the Dark Faction. Once the city lost its walls' protection, it would be impossible to hold it successfully. So, Kingserp didn't need to be too impatient; he just had to patiently await the Dark Faction's eventual success.

Kingserp remained unaware that within the vast expanse of the Great Library, an individual harbored an even greater fervor for the triumph of the Dark Faction.

This enigmatic guardian secretly collaborated with the Darklord, sharing a fervent desire for their cause's ultimate success.

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