Chapter 615 588-The Catastrophe of the Dark Realm

Chapter 615 Chapter588-The Catastrophe of the Dark Realm

Every entity, whether it was players who had aligned themselves with the Dark Faction, the demons formed by the Dark Faction itself, or other monsters, were all annihilated.

Only the Mystery Saint and the creatures he summoned from the realm of Mystery remained in Styx.

The Saint had successfully destroyed Styx and established a direct portal to the Mystery realm there.

The Mystery Saint had no intentions of extending his assault to other areas of the Dark Realm, partly because his powers had not yet fully returned to their peak.

Although he had been successfully resurrected within the Dark Realm, it would take a significant amount of time for the full spectrum of Mystery powers to converge upon him.

By establishing the portal to the Mystery realm, he could expedite the process of regaining his strength.

However, during this period, he had to ensure his own safety.

Any attack from other powerful entities could result in the failure of his resurrection.

This is why the Mystery Saint had summoned such a multitude of Mystery creatures.

The Mystery creatures were not only present within the town of Styx but were also scouting far beyond its outskirts.

Another reason for the Mystery Saint's caution was his lack of confidence in directly defeating other Devils within the Dark Realm.

While the power of individual Devils might not match that of the Mystery Saint, a united front of Devils would pose a significant challenge.

In this situation, the Mystery Saint sought to leverage the strength of others to aid him.

On one hand, he gained the support of adventurers through quest offerings from the Mystery faction.

On the other, he continued to reach out to those who had collaborated with him in the past, with the most crucial ally being the Darklord.

Upon receiving news from the Mystery Saint, the Darklord hastened to the Dark Realm.

However, given that the Darklord's strength was not as formidable as one might expect, it took him some time to reach the Dark Realm.

By the time he arrived at the town of Styx, the Mystery Saint's power had largely recovered.

The Mystery Saint was quite furious about the Darklord's delayed arrival.

"Your speed of action is far too slow. If your future actions remain this sluggish, I must reconsider whether to provide you with such formidable power," the Mystery Saint chided.

Facing the Mystery Saint's reprimand, the Darklord offered no retort.

The Flame Knight had been observing the situation around the town of Styx.

Despite his deep loathing for the Mystery Saint and his desire to annihilate him, the Flame Knight was acutely aware that his strength paled in comparison to the Mystery Saint's.

He knew he had to wait for an opportune moment or the cooperation of other Devils.

However, he didn't end up receiving aid from other Devils; instead, he was confronted by the Darklord.

Facing an adventurer like the Darklord, the Flame Knight was infuriated.

He believed his current dire predicament was due to an adventurer like John.

Faced with another adventurer daring to challenge him, he was naturally prepared to launch a fierce attack with all his might.

"Another damned adventurer, do you all really think you can keep provoking us? I'll make you pay dearly right now!"

The Flame Knight roared loudly as he launched an attack at the Darklord.

However, the Darklord made no attempt to dodge, fully aware that the Flame Knight's assault posed no threat to him.

All of the Flame Knight's skills were blocked by the potent Mystery force.

The Darklord watched the Flame Knight with a smile, "You haven't grasped the situation, have you? The Dark Faction can no longer succeed, as the Dark Emperor won't be resurrected easily. The Dark Realm is undergoing a tremendous disaster. The great Saint has been resurrected, and the power of Mystery will completely transform the Dark Realm into a domain of Mystery. And I might very well become the lord of this domain!"

The Darklord's words, which held a real possibility of coming true, infuriated the Flame Knight even more.

The Flame Knight sneered without hesitation, "You're nothing but the Mystery Saint's dog. As a dog, what right do you have to boast here? The power you wield isn't even yours. Everything you have comes from the Mystery Saint's grace. Without his willingness to empower you, you're just an ordinary adventurer. You don't even have the right to speak to me."

Faced with the Flame Knight's constant provocation, the Darklord grew increasingly calm.

He was well aware that the Flame Knight's provocations were merely attempts to draw him into a state of agitation.

The power of Mystery inherently affects the user's mind.

If the Darklord became too angry, he would surely lose control over his powers.

"All you're saying is nonsense; the failure of the Dark Realm is already sealed. Even if you could issue faction quests, it's impossible to reverse your previous mistakes with the help of other adventurers. After all, apart from John and me, other adventurers are hardly worth mentioning. They pose no threat to any formidable foe."

As the Darklord spoke, he launched his attack.

The power of the Mystery spells he wielded was immense. Even with his defenses up, the Flame Knight suffered severe damage.

It didn't take long for the Darklord to completely defeat the Flame Knight, who was once again sealed deep within the Dark Realm.

If the Flame Knight wished to break the seal again, he would need to acquire a substantial amount of dark power, which was nearly impossible to achieve in a short period.