Chapter 616 589-Intelligence Provided by Natasha

Chapter 616 Chapter589-Intelligence Provided by Natasha

Upon seeing John, Natasha nodded in his direction and then led him to a secluded room.

"The matter you've come for, let's address it promptly," she began, her tone serious.

"The current situation isn't as relaxed as you might think. We need to resolve the crises we're facing without delay."

John's expression was notably frosty.

In his view, it was imperative to clarify the situation at the earliest. He wouldn't tolerate any time-wasting on Natasha's part.

Natasha poured a cup of coffee for John and one for herself.

"There's no need to rush like this," she chided gently.

"Do you really see me as someone who squanders time? I had Duke Arsena inform you that I was waiting here precisely because I have crucial information to share with you."

John glanced at the coffee by his hand, his expression unchanging.

"If that's the case, then please proceed with the intelligence you wish to share," he stated, urgency in his voice. "Our time is invaluable, and I must return to the southern seaport as soon as possible."

Upon the mention of the southern seaport, a flicker of change crossed Natasha's face, though she quickly masked any sign of emotion. The most uptodate novels are published on n0velbj)n((.))co/m

"Let me be clear, I'm about to disclose something significant to you. It's well understood that the Mystery Protector has betrayed the Order Faction, a fact you're undoubtedly aware of. You should also feel quite fortunate, for the Mystery Protector had been persuading me to join forces with Duke Arsena to ensure your utter destruction.

I nearly fell for the words of the Mystery Protector. It turned out that the Mystery Protector was the true traitor among us, while you stood with us, willing to lend your aid. Given your readiness to assist, it's only fitting that I share some intelligence regarding the Mystery Protector with you."

As Natasha mentioned this, she paused to take a sip of her coffee.

The pause was deliberate; she aimed to gauge any change in John's expression.

However, to a slight disappointment, John remained impressively composed, showing no sign of agitation at the mention of the Mystery Protector.

"Given our conversation, I think it's appropriate to share some extra intelligence with you. You're aware of the dispute between the Northern Myst Empire and the Naga tribes, aren't you? Who do you think initiated the conflict? The Naga Queen might have suggested to you that the Northern Myst Empire was the mediator of the dispute, but I can assure you that it wasn't the Empire that started it.

The Naga tribes aren't as peace-loving as you might think. They've always aimed to control territories close to them, including the southern port, which was once under their dominion.

Before the Ocean Sage arrived at the southern port, it was we who reclaimed it from the Naga. The hostility between the Naga tribes and Storm City stemmed from both parties wanting control over the southern port.

However, due to the Naga Queen's entanglement in troubles caused by the Mystery forces, she was unable to continue her pursuit of the port, leading her to seek assistance from the Ocean Sage."

Natasha's revelations left John slightly perplexed. He didn't suspect Natasha of deceit, yet her account starkly contrasted with the information provided by the Naga Queen and the Ocean Sage.

The Ocean Sage hadn't mentioned any conflict between the Naga tribes and the Northern Myst Empire, possibly because his control over the southern port was relatively brief.

John pondered why Duke Arsena had never mentioned these matters before.

The Duke seemed keen on collaborating with the Naga tribes. Could it be that Duke Arsena believed the past disputes with the Naga could be resolved?

John was skeptical that the tensions between Storm City and the Naga tribes could be easily diffused if the situation was as Natasha described.

However, John decided not to jump to conclusions.

He knew he could gather additional information from other sources, one of which was the player forums.

These platforms could provide a broader perspective and possibly corroborate or contest Natasha's narrative, offering John a more comprehensive understanding of the situation.

John nodded, ensuring he had committed all the mentioned information to memory.

Then, he chose to teleport back to the southern port directly.

His first order of business was to check in with Twilight and Hammer to ensure there were no new troubles at the port.

He also inspected the magical materials shipped by Blue Sea and Adam, ensuring they were sufficient for their needs.

After confirming that everything was proceeding according to plan, John decided it was time to log off.

He had been online in the game "Godslayer" for an extended period, and he recognized the necessity of taking a break and resting offline.