Chapter 627 600-Successful Distraction

Chapter 627 Chapter600-Successful Distraction

?Adam and Blue Sea, who were waiting at the entrance of Duke Arsena's palace, were not kept waiting for long before a servant led them into the drawing room.

There, they were greeted by Duke Arsena himself, who asked them with a smile, "You two must be among the strongest adventurers. What brings you to me? I assume you haven't come just for a casual chat. If you have any proposals, now is the time to present them. My time is very precious."

Despite his calm tone, both Adam and Blue Sea could sense a slight irritation in Duke Arsena's voice, as if their unexpected visit had disrupted his plans.

Without any further preamble, Adam took a step forward and addressed Duke Arsena, "Your Grace, I believe that Storm City is not entirely secure at the moment. To ensure its safety, it is imperative that all NPCs and adventurers within Storm City collaborate. We represent the leadership of two adventurer guilds."

"We hope to initiate cooperation with you, which would likely encourage other adventurer guilds to follow suit. With the collective strength of the adventurer guilds, Storm City could establish a more robust defense," Adam explained.

This proposal seemed to shift Duke Arsena's demeanor.

Initially indifferent, his focus now sharpened on Adam.

"I find your proposal quite appealing. Do you have a detailed plan? If so, please share it with me in depth."

Duke Arsena's interest in discussing the details suggested his approval of Adam's proposal. Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Blue Sea promptly shared their meticulously prepared plan with the Duke.

After hearing the outline, Duke Arsena appeared genuinely pleased.

"If the adventurers are indeed willing to offer such substantial support to Storm City, I am naturally inclined to collaborate with you. While your plan seems perfect on the surface, I believe some details merit closer examination. Fortunately, I have ample free time today, so let's iron out these details right away."

With Duke Arsena expressing such a stance, Adam and Blue Sea naturally wouldn't object.

After all, the Duke's response seemed to signal the success of their plan.

Adam promptly sent a message to John: "Our plan was successful, and we've managed to distract Duke Arsena's attention. You can head to Storm City now!"

Upon receiving Adam's message on the outskirts of the southern seaport, John quickly stowed all his weapons into his pocket and released a Teleport Spell through sheer will.

"That's reassuring. Keep an eye on things for me here. Should anything unusual occur, inform me immediately. I'll provide you with some extra rewards."

With that, John produced an epic-tier weapon.

For him, such a weapon was no longer precious, nor did he have any use for it.

"Consider this weapon a token of my appreciation. In addition to this, I'll also reward you with an extra 10 gold coins."

The player was evidently thrilled with the rewards, "You are too generous, it's truly an honor to collaborate with you! Rest assured, I will keep a close eye on the activities around here!"

John nodded in acknowledgment and then parted ways with the player.

However, he didn't head straight for the underground area.

John felt it was prudent to ensure he wasn't being followed by anyone.

Despite Storm City being much safer than before, he preferred not to let his guard down.

After circling the area for a while to ensure his safety, John finally decided to make his way to the underground district.

Before proceeding, he applied an invisibility spell to himself for added precaution.

Invisible, John approached the entrance to the underground area.

Upon arrival, he noticed that the situation seemed to have changed from what he remembered.

The underground area, usually bustling with NPCs and adventurous players, was now conspicuously devoid of player activity, with only a few NPCs scattered about.

John found this situation highly unusual but chose not to engage with the NPCs for information, given his invisible state.

He preferred to first observe and assess the situation quietly.

John was confident in his invisibility, not worrying about being detected by the NPCs present, as their levels were significantly lower than his.

He reasoned that if any NPC were to detect him despite his invisibility, it would likely indicate hostility towards him.

Otherwise, there would be no reason for NPCs of a level comparable to John's to be lurking in this area.