Chapter 628 601-The Statue of the Legendary Warrior

Chapter 628 Chapter601-The Statue of the Legendary Warrior

John paid no attention to the NPCs of lower levels.

Since they posed no threat to him, he simply chose to ignore their existence.

Having placed an item at the entrance of the underground area that could scan the surroundings at any time, he proceeded directly towards the deepest part of the underground.

As he made his way to the deepest part of the underground area, John gradually became aware of the presence of some mysterious forces.

These forces must have emerged here only recently, for during his last visit to the underground, he had not sensed any such mysterious presence.

It seemed that as the plot of the Godslaying game advanced, the power of the mysterious faction grew increasingly formidable.

Before long, John arrived at the deepest part of the underground area.

There, he encountered a massive stone wall.

On his previous visit, he had stopped at this wall, but this time he had no intention of stopping.

He knew that to find the legendary warrior Aike, he must locate the ruins of Storm Lake, which was the only known access point to the ruins.

At least, John himself was unaware of any other routes to the Storm Lake ruins.

"It seems to be completely sealed off. How should I get through this stone gate?" John pondered.

He didn't immediately resort to using the power of the Book of the Astral Realm.

After passing through the mystical realm of Mystery, John's understanding of the Book of the Astral Realm had deepened.

Although the Book of the Astral Realm possesses immensely powerful spatial abilities and could assist John in overcoming any obstacle, its use might lead to a complete loss of control over the various elemental powers he possessed.

If there's a way to resolve the issue without resorting to the power of the Book of the Astral Realm, it's best to avoid using it. VIsit n0(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

After observing for a while, John finally noticed a slight crack at the edge of the stone door. Following this crack, John could sense the presence of water elemental forces behind the door.

Given the presence of water elemental forces, John could utilize the blessing bestowed upon him by the Sea God.

John promptly took out a divine scroll of a water elemental spell.

He then began to pray to the Sea God in his mind.

As John prayed, the power of the Sea God infused the scroll with energy.

The scroll emitted a blue glow, and once John felt the power granted by the Sea God was sufficiently strong, he threw the scroll at the stone wall.

The scroll, radiating blue light, struck the stone wall, which then transformed into a wall of water.

John chose not to pass through this water wall immediately, as he was uncertain about the dangers that might lie beyond.

He cautiously cast a Detection spell.

As he pondered whether to enter Storm Lake, he looked up towards the horizon.

At the end of his sightline, the vast expanse of Storm Lake's waters lay as serene as a sapphire.

John's eyes were fixed intently on the calm surface of the lake in the distance.

His expression grew increasingly grave as he finally realized what was most amiss.

He shouldn't be able to see the surface of Storm Lake at the world's edge.

Shouldn't he be seeing the horizon at the end of his sightline?

Even if this was an underground area, it shouldn't be possible to see a lake's surface!

The moment he realized this, the entire surface of Storm Lake underwent a drastic transformation.

The previously placid waters became a raging storm.

Wave after wave surged towards John's direction.

Naturally, John used a blink spell to dodge to a safer location.

He was only a step away from the water wall, ready to retreat through it should he face any immense danger.

However, John's worries were unfounded.

Although a violent storm had erupted on the surface of Storm Lake, the tempest and massive waves did not advance towards him.

Instead, all the waves were blocked by the statue of the legendary warrior Aike.

When the huge waves crashed against the statue, it emitted a blue light.

The statue of Aike was enveloped in this blue glow, and then John heard a voice that was very familiar to him.

"I knew you would not disappoint me! You have finally found this place, and now you can set me free!"

John immediately realized that this voice belonged to the legendary warrior Aike, and it was coming from the direction of Aike's statue.

John's hand was tightly gripping the Book of the Astral Realm.

Under the current circumstances, it was unclear whether Aike was a friend or foe.

He had to be prepared for battle; if Aike truly was an ally, there would be no need for conflict.

But if Aike turned out to be an enemy, the preparations John was making could be life-saving.

"You don't need to be so tense! If I were your enemy, I could have attacked you in the illusion of the ancient battlefield!"

Aike's voice came again, this time much closer to John.

"I am your ally, at least in the fight against the Mysterious Sage! This time, I will not fail; I will not be sealed within a statue by the Mysterious Sage again!"

Aike appeared before John, his eyes gleaming with blue light, and he looked at John with a determined gaze.