Chapter 629 602-In Need of an Explanation

Chapter 629 Chapter602-In Need of an Explanation

Faced with the resolute expression of the legendary warrior Aike, John found himself at a loss for words.

His initial intention in coming here was to gather information related to the Mysterious Sage.

He had never anticipated that his journey would culminate in liberating Aike from his seal.

Moreover, Aike had never shared this information with him in the illusion of the ancient battlefield.

Noticing the confusion on John's face, Aike asked with a smile, "What's the matter? Didn't you come here to break my seal? You must have met Esha, right? Wasn't it she who sent you here?"

John couldn't make sense of what Aike was saying.

He had been merely completing a quest given by a woman in white near the southern seaport, unaware of her name.

However, from Aike's words, John could surmise that the woman's name must be Esha.

"I'm not sure if the person I met was Esha. She wasn't very clear, much like you, speaking in riddles. She didn't choose to explain herself fully."

John's response left Aike with a puzzled expression as well, unable to fully grasp the meaning behind John's words.

The two exchanged awkward glances before John decided to meticulously re-examine all the quests he had undertaken.

Afterwards, John recounted every quest he had undertaken to Aike.

Having heard everything, Aike finally began to understand the situation.

"I can confirm that the person who gave you the quest is Esha. The various elements you were tasked to collect were meant to open the portal to the ancient battlefield illusion. Only by venturing into the ancient battlefield illusion first could you qualify to come here. Had you not spoken with me within the illusion of the ancient battlefield, you would have never found this place."

Aike's explanation cleared up some of John's confusion.

However, John's greater concern was why Aike hadn't clarified everything within the ancient battlefield illusion.

John's question left Aike unsure how to respond.

In Aike's era, there was no Storm City, only Storm Lake.

"I'm not aware, as I am not from the same era as this Duke Arsena you mentioned. He might heed my advice, but why do we specifically need his help? Our combined strength should be formidable enough. Currently, the Mysterious Sage is likely engaged in battle with the Devils of the Dark Realm. The conflict with the Devils of the Dark Faction should have weakened the Mysterious Sage. If we could collaborate with the Devils of the Dark Faction, we might stand a chance against the Mysterious Sage."

Aike had always assumed that John would act alongside him, primarily because it was John's assistance that had freed him from his seal.

In the legendary warrior Aike's mind, his very existence was meant to oppose the Mysterious Sage, and he didn't even consider the possibility of having to fight the Devils of the Dark Faction.

John fell silent once more.

He knew that Aike had limited understanding of the current situation and that for Aike's actions to be effective, John would need to provide a more comprehensive explanation.

"The Dark Faction and the Mysterious Faction both pose significant threats to our Order Faction, in my view. Storm City has previously suffered several attacks from the Dark Faction. Moreover, the Devils of the Dark Faction harbor considerable hostility towards me, as I have battled them before. So, if we were to go to the Dark Realm again, it's unlikely they would be willing to collaborate with us. This is why I've always hoped you could persuade Duke Arsena. Without the support of other powerful allies, our strength might still be insufficient."

Eventually, Aike was persuaded by John. After all, Aike had only just learned about the broader situation and his understanding of this era was limited to his conversations with John.

"If that's the case, then I'll accompany you to this Storm City you've mentioned. We should be able to persuade the lord of Storm City, Duke Arsena."

Thus, John, along with Aike, made their way to the palace of Duke Arsena.

There, Duke Arsena was in the midst of discussing a collaborative effort with Adam and Blue Sea.

"I've understood all the plans you've outlined quite clearly. My final question is, what kind of reward do you seek? After all, I've had many dealings with adventurers. With the exception of a few very special adventurers, most seek rewards. If you don't ask for a reward, it's hard for me to believe in your sincerity."

Faced with Duke Arsena's question, Adam and Blue Sea exchanged glances.

Ultimately, Adam voiced the reward they hoped to receive.

"I recall you can grant adventurers access to the training fields at the Storm City barracks. The reward we seek is the opportunity to use these facilities. All adventurers wish to quickly level up, as one's level significantly impacts an adventurer's strength."

Faced with the condition put forth by Adam, Duke Arsena didn't immediately agree.

He fell silent for a moment, his fingers tapping on the desk. After a few minutes of silence, Duke Arsena finally spoke slowly: "As long as you fulfill the promises you've made afterward, I will certainly provide such a reward. However, I must warn you, should you attempt to deceive me, you will face severe punishment."