Chapter 630 603-Surrounded by Foes, Unity is Essential

Chapter 630 603-Surrounded by Foes, Unity is Essential

Within Duke Arsena's palace, after completing the quest to buy John some time, Adam and Blue Sea chose to leave swiftly.

They were well aware that staying any longer posed significant risks.

Duke Arsena, upon seeing John, would be able to clarify everything.

Although Duke Arsena might not be overly harsh on John, he would undoubtedly mete out some form of punishment to Adam and Blue Sea immediately.

"Since Your Grace has agreed, we will take action as quickly as possible," Adam said to Duke Arsena in a calm tone.

Adam was very aware that he couldn't let Duke Arsena sense his slight nervousness.

With a nod from Duke Arsena, Adam and Blue Sea quickly made their exit.

Upon reaching the entrance of Duke Arsena's palace, they unexpectedly ran into John and the legendary warrior Aike.

Although they didn't recognize the legendary warrior Aike, the fact that Aike was with John and there appeared to be no conflict between them was noteworthy.

For Adam and Blue Sea, Aike's alignment with their side seemed implied by his presence with John.

"What have you been up to?"

Adam asked John directly, his gaze scrutinizing the legendary warrior Aike.

"I went to the underground area of Storm City. There, I found him. He's no ordinary individual; he's a legendary warrior from the ancient era, named Aike."

John took this opportunity to introduce the legendary warrior Aike.

Adam and Blue Sea were slightly surprised.

They certainly didn't know about the ancient era.

In their view, information about the ancient era was likely part of the game's deeper lore, possibly accessible only through hidden quests.

The fact that John not only obtained information from the ancient era but also brought back a legendary warrior from that time indicated that John must have completed a hidden quest.

"I have to say, you're becoming increasingly formidable. You managed to complete a hidden quest in such a short time!"

The expression on Adam's face was one of surprise. For Adam, who was usually very composed, showing surprise meant he was truly taken aback.

Blue Sea, standing next to Adam, was so shocked that he was rendered speechless.

"It wasn't a hidden quest that I completed, but rather a standard quest. It just happens that this standard quest led to a hidden quest line."

John wanted to recount the entire quest line related to the woman in white, but he felt that going into all the details would be too time-consuming.

In the end, he opted for a brief description.

"Duke, aren't we always facing numerous dangers? Our enemies are many and powerful. To describe our situation in a word, it would be 'surrounded by formidable foes.'"

Duke Arsena's expression slightly darkened upon hearing this.

He was well aware that John's statement was accurate; they were indeed surrounded by formidable foes.

"This person behind me is the legendary warrior Aike. I presume, Your Grace, you've heard this name before?" John briefly paused before introducing the legendary warrior Aike.

The name of the legendary warrior Aike shocked Duke Arsena.

As a Paladin who had read many historical texts, he was well aware that Aike belonged to an ancient era.

How could such a legendary figure from the distant past appear in Storm City?

"Stop jesting. Aike is a warrior from the ancient era; his spirit might have even dissipated entirely by now."

Duke Arsena wasn't quick to believe that the person before him was indeed the legendary warrior Aike.

John didn't react much to the Duke's disbelief and simply turned his gaze towards the legendary warrior Aike.

Acknowledging the gravity of the moment, Aike confidently unsheathed his weapon, revealing a longsword of a striking emerald green hue.

The blade was adorned with a series of intricate inscriptions, each line and curve meticulously etched, pulsating with a formidable magical aura.

Duke Arsena, observing from a distance, felt a palpable wave of energy emanating from these runes.

He possessed an acute sensitivity to magical forces and could discern that the potent magic radiating from Aike's blade bore a significant connection to the Arcane deity, suggesting a divine influence or blessing inscribed within the very metal of the sword, linking Aike's fate directly to the mystical powers of the arcane.

"You should be able to tell that this Arcane Blade far surpasses other Sacred Relics. No one but me can wield this weapon."

As Aike articulated his incantation, he deftly maneuvered the Arcane Blade, causing an array of intricate magical circles to emerge around its gleaming edge.

Each circle pulsated with a distinct elemental force, weaving together in a mesmerizing dance.

This confluence of elemental energies gradually coalesced into a shimmering, ethereal mirror, a spectacle of arcane mastery.

Within this phantom mirror, Duke Arsena saw a vast lake, clearly identifiable as Storm Lake from the ancient era.

Turning his gaze back to the legendary warrior Aike and John, Duke Arsena asked, "What is your purpose? What are you planning to do?"

John responded without hesitation, "Given that we're surrounded by formidable foes, our best course of action is to eliminate the enemies we can. Facing such a multitude of adversaries, we must unite!"

Duke Arsena continued to scrutinize the legendary warrior Aike, but his expression now conveyed a belief in Aike's identity.

"Understood! Which of our enemies should we target first for elimination? Is it perhaps one of the Devils in the Dark Realm?"

After calming down, Duke Arsena directly posed this question to John and Aike.