Chapter 225

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 225

"Stop right there."

"Identify yourselves."

As they approached the Mana Stone Mines, the guards on duty shouted at them.


Jang Yong-beom stepped forward with a displeased expression.Rêađ latest cha/p/ters on no/v/e/l(b)in(.)c/o/m

The moment they recognized his face, the guards turned pale.


"Why is he here?"

Since he often stopped by the Mana Stone Mines during external missions, the guards were well acquainted with Jang Yong-beom. They also knew how nasty his temper was.

The head guard quickly rushed over to Jang Yong-beom.

"Weren't you with the other parties?"

"They’re all dead."


"Everyone, except for us, got wiped out. Need me to explain more?"

"N-No, sir."

"Hah! It's been a long journey, so give us a place to stay. We’ll rest for a day and then head back to Neo Seoul."


The head guard answered with a rigid expression.

He had good reason to be nervous—he once foolishly picked a fight with Jang Yong-beom’s party when he was a rookie and got utterly demolished.

The experience had been so traumatic that he still occasionally had nightmares about that day.

Revenge wasn’t even something he could dare to imagine.

Back then, Jang Yong-beom was already strong, and now he was even more powerful.

While the head guard wasted time standing guard at the mine, Jang Yong-beom was out on numerous dangerous missions, so the gap between them had only widened.

The head guard cautiously asked.

"What about the people who came with you?"

"They’re with me, so mind your own business."

"But we still need to know their identities..."

"I said mind your own business."

"Yes, sir!"

At Jang Yong-beom's irritated words, the head guard stepped back. He knew better than to provoke him further.

He turned to his subordinates and ordered.

"Open the gate!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the gate to the Mana Stone Mines opened.

Jang Yong-beom then turned to Zeon.

"Let’s go."


With that, Jang Yong-beom’s party and Zeon’s group safely entered the Mana Stone Mines.

As Zeon’s figure faded into the distance, the head guard tilted his head in confusion.

"Could that be him?"

"Do you know him?"

"The Sand Mage."

"What? Are you saying that guy is the Sand Mage? But wasn’t he reported dead after going with the Pegasus Raid Force?"

"This situation reeks of something fishy."

"Fishy? What do you mean?"

"Money! I smell money!"


"Use that thing on your shoulders and think for a moment. Ever since they returned from the dungeon raid, hasn’t the Pegasus Raid Force been on a roll? Lee Ji-ryeong even became S-rank, and their group has grown significantly."

"And so?"

"Ugh, you idiot!"

The head guard glared at his subordinate, who still didn’t get it.

"Is your head just for decoration? Why can’t you put two and two together?"

"I’m asking you to explain it to me!"

"They specifically brought the Sand Mage for the dungeon raid, right? He was the key to their success. But after the raid, the Sand Mage never returned, while the Pegasus team took all the glory. And now the supposedly dead Sand Mage is alive and well. What does that tell you?"

"That the Pegasus Raid Force betrayed the Sand Mage?"

Finally, the subordinate understood, his eyes widening in realization.

"Exactly! Whether they trapped him or abandoned him, they must’ve thought he was dead. That’s why they publicly declared him deceased."

"Oh! You’re brilliant, boss! But how does this lead to money?"

"Heh heh! Do you think the Pegasus Raid Force would be happy to see the Sand Mage return to Neo Seoul?"

"Absolutely not."

"Then if we sell them the information that the Sand Mage is back..."

"We’d make a fortune."

"No, it’s just me."

"Did something happen?"

"This isn’t the place to talk. Please, follow me inside."

Will led Zeon into a nearby shop behind his stall.

After ensuring no one else was around, Will locked the door.

"I’m relieved you’re alive, Zeon."

"What happened? Is Old Man Klexi in trouble?"

"He’s safe. But there’s been a major change in the slums."


Zeon frowned.

He sensed something was seriously wrong.

Will looked at Zeon and continued.

"Shinchon is not what it used to be."

"What do you mean?"

"While you were away, Dongdaemun moved in."

"Are you saying Johan has taken over Shinchon?"

"Not completely, but he’s got about half of it under his control."

"What about Ethan?"

"You know him. Ethan was never fit to rule Shinchon. He was just about good enough to be Gohan’s secretary."

Ethan was the secretary of Gohan, the previous ruler of Shinchon.

After Zeon killed Gohan, he had placed Ethan in charge of Shinchon.

Ethan had managed the area efficiently, and things had been stable.

Though there were those who coveted his position, no one dared to challenge him because they knew Zeon had his back.

Once it was revealed that Zeon was the Sand Mage, any attempts to dethrone Ethan disappeared entirely.

From then on, Ethan’s life was smooth sailing.

He became the absolute ruler of Shinchon and indulged in all sorts of pleasures. Yet, no one dared to threaten him.

"That night, Ethan was spending time with a prostitute."

"That night?"

"The night Dongdaemun launched a surprise attack. The fool was caught off guard while he was enjoying himself."

"Did he die?"

"He didn’t. He managed to escape in disgrace."

Ethan had remarkable survival instincts.

Even in such a dire situation, he and his subordinates had managed to flee safely.

The only reason Johan and Dongdaemun hadn’t fully seized Shinchon was because Ethan and his men were still fighting back.

Still, out of pride as a former ruler, Ethan refused to surrender and was waging a stubborn guerrilla war.

"Because of that, Shinchon has become a mess. Naturally, the Goblin Market and Old Man Klexi’s business have been affected too."

Both the Goblin Market and Old Man Klexi were thorns in Johan’s side. But he couldn’t simply crush them by force.

Too many factions had interests tied to the Goblin Market. That’s why Johan was isolating them instead of attacking directly.

"In the past, no matter how powerful Johan and Dongdaemun were, they wouldn’t have dared touch the Goblin Market."

"But it’s different now?"

"Yes! They’ve joined forces with a powerful ally."

"A powerful ally?"

"It’s someone you know. Lee Ji-ryeong."


"Yes! Johan and Lee Ji-ryeong have teamed up."

Zeon’s face hardened.

Lee Ji-ryeong, now an S-rank Awakened.

Johan, leading countless fanatics.

Together, they formed the worst possible combination.

Will looked Zeon straight in the eye.

"It’s because of you. Your absence allowed those two to join forces."

Zeon’s mere presence had maintained balance in the slums.

He was a stabilizing force.

With the disappearance of that massive counterbalance, predators had moved in to fill the void.

Shinchon was now on the verge of being torn apart by wolves.

Zeon spoke quietly.

"Then it’s time to let them know."

"Let them know what?"

"How wrong their decision was."


Will shuddered.

For a moment, it seemed like a massive sandstorm was swirling in Zeon’s eyes.

He could feel chills running down his spine.

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]