Chapter 226

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 226


Yoo Se-hee clicked her tongue.

It was because of the unusual sight that could be seen all over the streets.

Men clad in heavy armor were seen standing.

The armor had a cross emblazoned in the center of their chests.

The symbol of the Paladins of Dongdaemun.

There was no barrier between Shinchon and Dongdaemun. Yet, the reason it was rare to see Paladins in heavy armor in Shinchon until now was due to an unspoken rule of mutual non-aggression between the two areas.

The ruler of Shinchon was Goran, and the ruler of Dongdaemun was Johan.

Overall, Dongdaemun had superior forces, but they weren’t strong enough to completely overpower Shinchon.

Both sides refrained from stepping into each other's territories, understanding that a war would lead to mutual destruction.

This dynamic hadn’t changed even after Ethan became the ruler of Shinchon. Though he was far inferior to Goran, Zeon stood behind him.

Ethan himself might not have realized it, but in the slums, Zeon was already a big name.

After single-handedly eliminating Goran and his forces, Zeon became a formidable presence to everyone.

Even without taking any direct action, his existence alone acted as a deterrent to other forces invading Shinchon.

But once Zeon disappeared, Johan immediately revealed his ambitions.

He began his full-scale advance into Shinchon.

Ethan didn’t have the strength to stop Johan.

In the end, he fled in disgrace, and half of Shinchon was absorbed into Dongdaemun.

That’s when it all began.

Paladins and clergy from Dongdaemun started pouring into Shinchon, launching full-scale missionary activities.

The Paladins and clergy were relentless.

They stopped everyone on the streets, preaching how great Johan was and how mighty the god they served was.

Even if people didn’t want to listen, it didn’t matter.

They continued preaching and persuading until their targets finally agreed to attend church.

After that, they would follow up to ensure those people actually showed up at church.

In this way, Dongdaemun gradually dyed Shinchon in its own colors.

“Because of those bastards, the Goblin Market has shrunk too.”

“That’s exactly what they’re aiming for.”

The Black Lion, who was guarding Yoo Se-hee, spoke in a low voice.

The Goblin Market in Shinchon was entangled with the interests of so many people. Among them were many big shots from Neo Seoul, making it difficult for even Johan to touch it easily.

That’s why Johan was working to persuade the big shots associated with the Goblin Market.

For example, he would suggest that if he took control of the Goblin Market, he would secure even more benefits for them.

Because of this, the atmosphere in the Goblin Market was in turmoil.

“Who would’ve thought? Lee Ji-ryeong teaming up with Johan.”

“Lee Ji-ryeong is the real problem. No one expected him to tighten the grip on Shinchon the moment he became an S-rank Awakened.”

“It’s probably because of Zeon.”

Yoo Se-hee wrinkled her nose.

No one knew what exactly had happened during the dungeon raid.

In any case, Zeon was publicly declared dead, and the safely returned Lee Ji-ryeong had become an S-rank Awakened.

For some reason, Lee Ji-ryeong was fixated on erasing any trace of Zeon. This strongly hinted that something unusual had happened inside the dungeon.

"We need to prepare thoroughly. One small misstep, and we’ll be wiped out."

"We’ve done everything possible within our means, but it’s true that we’re at a disadvantage if they decide to make a move."

"It won’t be an easy fight, but we will overcome this."

Yoo Se-hee steeled her resolve.VịSit no(v)3lb/!n(.)com for new novels

The Goblin Market had always grown amidst crises.

Her grandfather, Old Man Klexi, had overcome countless adversities to establish the foundation of the Goblin Market, and Yoo Se-hee had expanded it even further.

Many had coveted the Goblin Market over the years, but no one had succeeded.

Yoo Se-hee was confident that she would also overcome this crisis.

As Yoo Se-hee firmed up her resolve and began walking, someone called out to her.

"Yoo Se-hee!"

Yoo Se-hee frowned slightly and looked in the direction of the voice. When she identified who it was, her face quickly showed a hint of wariness.

"Lee Ji-ryeong?"

It was a man dressed in a coat made from the hide of some unknown beast.

With short-cropped hair and a large scar running across his right cheek, the man with a fierce appearance and overwhelming presence was none other than Lee Ji-ryeong.

“Even if you’ve become an S-rank, I’m not afraid of you, Lee Ji-ryeong!”

“Of course, you wouldn’t be. You’ve always been full of fighting spirit. But that doesn’t make up for your lack of power. While you’ve been playing guard dog for Yoo Se-hee, I’ve been out there battling in the harsh desert. I’ve honed my skills by slaying countless beasts, raiding dungeons, and killing scavengers. So who do you think is stronger? A guard dog or a lion of the desert?”


Deep wrinkles formed between the Black Lion’s brows.

Though hidden by the cloth covering his face, his expression was one of humiliation.

What Lee Ji-ryeong said was true.

There was an insurmountable gap between him and Lee Ji-ryeong. A gap that would never close as long as he remained content as Yoo Se-hee’s bodyguard.

Lee Ji-ryeong sneered at the Black Lion.

“You may be called the Black Lion, but you’re not a lion. The real lion is me. You’re nothing more than a dog.”


“If you’re so furious, then fight me. Prove that you’re a lion. Come at me, Black Lion.”


“You can’t, can you? That’s the proof you’re just a dog.”


Blood trickled from the Black Lion’s lips, showing how hard he was clenching his teeth.

Lee Ji-ryeong smiled as he looked at him.

It was a mocking smile, full of contempt.

Just then, one of the Pegasus Raid Force’s Awakened hurried over to Lee Ji-ryeong.


“What is it?”

“Someone is asking for you.”

“Asking for me? Who?”

“The security chief of the Mana Stone Mines.”

Lee Ji-ryeong’s expression turned puzzled.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t figure out why the security chief would be looking for him.

“Why is he asking for me?”

In response to Lee Ji-ryeong’s question, the Awakened whispered in his ear.

“It’s about Zeon.”


For a moment, Lee Ji-ryeong’s face darkened.

The name “Zeon” was like a thorn in his side, so it was no surprise that his expression changed instinctively.

Lee Ji-ryeong quickly pressed for more information.

“Where is he?”

“Please follow me.”

Without looking back, Lee Ji-ryeong immediately followed the Awakened.

Watching Lee Ji-ryeong’s retreating figure, Yoo Se-hee spoke.

“Did you hear that?”

“Yes! He definitely mentioned Zeon.”

“Why would the security chief at the Mana Stone Mines bring up Zeon?”

The Awakened under Lee Ji-ryeong had tried to be discreet, but there was no hiding it from the sharp ears of Yoo Se-hee and the Black Lion, who were both Awakened.

Yoo Se-hee’s mind raced.

“Everyone believes Zeon is dead because Lee Ji-ryeong said so. But if Zeon were really dead, would the security chief have come all the way here?”

“So you’re saying Zeon might still be alive?”

“Isn’t that the only explanation that makes sense?”


“It never made sense from the start. The idea that a Sand Mage like Zeon would die so easily is hard to believe. Especially when they brought him specifically because he could open the dungeon entrance blocked with sand.”

“Then you think Lee Ji-ryeong spread false rumors intentionally?”

“Lee Ji-ryeong isn’t careless or foolish enough to tell an easily exposed lie. He must have truly believed Zeon was dead.”

Yoo Se-hee’s eyes gleamed sharply.

It felt like a ray of light had pierced through the murky situation.

“If Zeon is really alive, he’s probably at the Mana Stone Mines right now. Otherwise, there’s no reason for the security chief to come looking for Lee Ji-ryeong.”

“Then he’ll be back soon.”

“We don’t have time to wait. If Lee Ji-ryeong finds out Zeon is alive, he’ll act first. If Zeon returns, Lee Ji-ryeong’s reputation and achievements will be completely shattered.”


“Uncle Will is there, right? Contact him as fast as you can and let him know what’s going on.”

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]