Shu Ning shook his head, his ears buzzing.

Someone was talking around him, the sound is close and sometimes far away, not very real, vague, like sea water billowing across the waves.

The back of his head was twitching and painful, and his temples were bulging. Shu Ning covered his head and slowly listened to the sounds around him.

“Shu Ning, who pushed you?” Shu Ning regained his senses, and finally cleared up his mind.

Looking around, he was in a large office with several cubicle desks around him.

On the white wall directly opposite, there are several traditional characters of “Teaching and Educating People, Virtue and Art Shuangxin”.

Shu Ning took a sneak peek at the nearest desk again. There was a copy of “Seventh Grade Chinese” on it, with a blue-green cover and slightly crumpled corners.

The question was asked by a woman who was about forty years old, with small curly hair and deep statutory lines. She stood by the desk with her hand pressed on “Seventh Grade Chinese” with a stern expression.

“Shu Ning?”

His waist was jabbed hard, Shu Ning turned his head and saw a tall and obese boy standing behind him. The fat boy moved his eyebrows and hinted, and then turned his mouth to the right.

Following the instructions of the fat boy, Shu Ning looked to the right.

A slender teenager.

The huge glass window was inlaid behind the boy, and the sunlight came in from the window and fell on the boy’s slightly thin body. He leaned against the desk, his long legs were ridged, and his left hand was inserted in the wrinkled blue school pants. With his right hand propped on the corner of the desk, he tilted his head slightly, revealing an elf-like face.

Bright yellow hair attracted his attention.

Meeting Shu Ning’s sight, the young boy raised his eyebrows slightly, his mouth curled up, his expression was disdainful and arrogant, and his whole body exuded a rebellious expression of “Hit you, what can you do with me”.

Shu Ning blinked. Before he could figure out the situation, the female teacher next to her furiously said, “Yin Mingzheng, pay attention to your attitude!”

The three words Yin Mingzheng struck Shu Ning’s head like thunder, as if a certain switch was touched, and flood-like memories poured out of his empty mind.

Yin Mingzheng.