Yin Mingzheng is very beautiful, at the age of fourteen, his appearance is childish, his skin is pale, his body is not fully grown, his figure is not big, just like a little girl. Due to long-term malnutrition, the whole person is thin, like a weed that grows hard in a dark corner. The branches are thin and long, and they sway when the wind blows.

He is about to turn fifteen years old and belongs to one of the oldest children in the first and third grades of junior high school.

When the alcoholic father refused to let him go to school, the neighborhood committee had not known the virtues of the alcoholic father had specially reminded Yin Mingzheng’s adoptive mother and promised that they did not need to spend any money for him to go to school.

Due to ignorance of his parents , Yin Mingzheng went to school one year later than his peers.

As for the kindergarten, Yin Mingzheng did not have the opportunity to attend, as the family was too poor, and the foster parents were unwilling to waste money.

At the age of three or four years old when others went to kindergarten, Yin Mingzheng was wandering around the community alone.

Shu Ning is one year younger than Yin Mingzheng. When he was more than three years old, Shu Ning went to school in the Sunflower Kindergarten in the community, sitting on the slides and swings in the yard, having fun, through the high fence, several times Shu Ning saw the little Yin Mingzheng standing outside the fence, staring at the children in the kindergarten through the green belt less than half a foot away.

There is a special play area in the community for the children in the community to play.

In the afternoon, kindergarten was over, and his grandmother took Shu Ning home. After passing the play area, Shu Ning saw Yin Mingzheng sitting on a swing by himself, lonely.

The community just after school became lively, full of children’s laughter, and the children rushed to the park and soon occupied the swings around Yin Mingzheng.

“Are you going to play?” Grandma wanted to chat with the mother-in-law she knew, and asked Shu Ning.

Shu Ning nodded, “Yes.”

He handed the schoolbag to his grandmother and rushed to the park.

“Hey, this is my swing, come down quickly!”

The tender voice made Shu Ning who was sitting on the seesaw turn his head and he saw a little fat boy standing by the swing with his hand on his hip, shouting to Yin Mingzheng.

Yin Mingzheng lowered his head, revealing a white and soft back neck in his brand-new blue clothes.

He is not as happy and lively as a child when swinging on a swing. The arc is very small and the speed is very slow, which makes the little fat man extremely unhappy.

“Hey, did you hear me?”

The little fat man raised his hand to push Yin Mingzheng, who was taller and stronger among his peers, and suddenly Yin Mingzheng fell to the ground.

The little villain stood up from the ground, eyes dark, stubbornly holding on to the chain of the swing, pursing his mouth, not letting the little fat man use it.

The little fat boy was so angry, he reached out to push the little villain.

The little villain kicked the little fat boy, and the little fat boy fell down, slightly startled, and then started crying loudly.

The crying and howling attracted the attention of the surrounding parents. The little fat boy’s grandmother walked fast, rushed to the swing to help the little fat boy, screaming darlingly.

With an adult backing up, the little fat boy howled even harder. He pointed to the little villain and said, “He hit me! Grandma, he hit me!” Seeing that it was Yin Mingzheng, the short-sized mother-in-law immediately yelled in dialect: “It turns out that it’s you. Bastard! #%¥#……”

Soon, the little villain’s adoptive mother hurried over, without asking, she bowed and apologized to the yelling mother-in-law, and kept saying sorry.

The little villain pulled the swing chain, with tears in his eyes, and stayed on the swing.

He didn’t speak until his mother came, and he cried and said, “Mom, he pushed me first.”

“Nonsense!” The mother-in-law denied, “Your child is too rogue and just like his father in prison! I was here and didn’t see my child hit him!”

Shu Ning remembers the little villain’s mother’s surname, Zhou, her name seems to be Zhou Juan.

Zhou Juan bowed and apologized again, pulled the little villain away, and scolded, “Quickly apologize!”

The little villain struggled and said: “Mom, he pushed me first, and I pushed him.”

“Stop talking, apologize!” Zhou Juan raised her voice and said sternly.

The little villain thought that he would be treated fairly when his mother, but was asked to apologize. His expression became more and more aggrieved. In the end, he couldn’t resist the majesty of adults. He said to the little fat boy with tears, “I’m sorry.”

The little fat boy held his head up as if the battle was won.

Zhou Juan took the little villain and left in a hurry, complaining as she walked, “I told you not to go out from home, can’t you hear it? Running around every day, making trouble!”

After the two left, the joyous atmosphere in the play area was restored, and the little fat boy sat down. On the swing, his face was full of triumph.

Shu Ning was too young at the time and didn’t quite understand what was going on. The little friend secretly said in his ear: “The clothes that Yin Mingzheng was wearing just now seemed to be mine.”

Shu Ning: “Huh?”

The boy solemnly said: “His father went to jail for stealing things, he wouldn’t steal my clothes too, would he?”

The next day after kindergarten ended, Shu Ning and his friends went to the play area to play, and Grandma Shu Ning and Grandma Li chatted together.

The two went to the play area and saw the little villain sitting on the seesaw.

“Hey, come down, we want to play!” the kid shouted.

The little villain sat silently on one end of the seesaw without speaking.

At this point, as long as there is a child sitting on the other end, the seesaw can move.

However, no one went up, and the children were unwilling to play with the little villain.

Because the adults have said that the little villain’s father has been in jail and has a particularly bad personality. The little villain is not good enough to play with.

Shu Ning’s grandmother has also warned, for fear that Shu Ning will learn from the little villain.

The little villain said nothing.

The children are very angry.

“Why is he doing this?”

“We’ve been playing here all the time. Now that he has it, we can’t play anymore.”

“That’s annoying.”

Shu Ning’s little friend stood up and pointed to the little villain’s clothes and said, “Hey, Yin Mingzheng, did you steal it?” My clothes?”

As soon as the words came out, several bright eyes looked at Yin Mingzheng.

Yin Mingzheng froze for a moment, and immediately retorted: “No, I didn’t steal your clothes.”

“That dress is obviously mine. Grandma bought it for me last month. The hat looks good. lts a bit big and I haven’t worn it. , How did it come to you?” the little friend said angrily, his expression very puzzled.

The little villain said, “Grandma Li gave it to me.”

Grandma Li, the grandmother of the little friend, is a well-known warm-hearted grandma in the community.

“Why does my grandma give you the clothes? That’s my favorite hat!”

“Grandma Li gave it to me.” The little villain just said.

The more the two children quarreled, the louder they became.

The voice attracted the attention of Grandma Li. Grandma Li rushed over and heard the child’s argument, and said to the little friend: “I gave the clothes to Yin Mingzheng.”

“Why?” The little boy was very unhappy.

“It’s too big, you can’t put it on.”

“No, I don’t want to give it to him!”

“Jojo, don’t mess around, they are all sent out, can’t be returned.”

“No matter what, I want it! I want it!”

Other children also laughed, “Wow, Yin Mingzheng actually wears other people’s clothes!”

One of the children said, “Last time my grandma said that Yin Mingzheng’s mother picked clothes from the trash can and gave Yin Mingzheng clothes to wear.”

“Really? From the rubbish. The bucket picks up clothes? It’s so dirty!”

The little villain was in a hurry and rode on the seesaw and retorted loudly, “It’s not a trash can, it’s a trash can for clothes, it’s not dirty!”

A clothing donation box is set up in the community. People usually throw worn-out clothes in it. Some people will clean up regularly.

Zhou Juan once picked up clothes in the donation box and was seen.

“The trash can is the trash can! Picking up other people’s clothes and wearing them, shame and shame!” The children quarreled.

With tears in his eyes, the little villain got off the seesaw and walked out with his head down.

“Hey, my clothes!” The little boy was still crying.

Little villain looked up at the small children, eyes red, his hand took off his blue jacket, forced to throw at the foot of a small boy and exclaimed: “ Who cares! you take back your clothes!:

Grandma Lee got a headache from her grandson’s dispite. He wanted the little villain to return the clothes and now that he threw them back he was still unhappy, “What, jojo?”

“Grandma, don’t give him the clothes in the future.”

Grandma Li touched the grandson’s head and said, “Okay, won’t give it to him.” After

this incident, the little villain never played in the park after school in the kindergarten. As long as he saw Shu Ning and others coming over, he immediately walked away silently.

Occasionally, Shu Ning would see him lying outside the fence of the kindergarten and staring at the children enviously.

At that time, the little villain was only four or five years old. He didn’t know how to hide his expression and couldn’t hide the longing in his eyes. However, Shu Ning was only four years old at that time and couldn’t understand the look in his eyes.

This was a long, long time ago, but now suddenly recalled, it is very unpleasant.

Shu Ning didn’t have a particularly deep understanding of the matter of transmigrating into the novel, because he was still young when he transmigrated, and he was already amazed at that time.

At that time, he thought: I transmigrated into the novel because I have resentment for the ending of the little villain Yin Mingzheng?

So should I take care of him? Change his ending?

No one answered him.

Later, he lost his memory, what he experienced during his amnesia was very real, and he developed feelings for the world. Thinking back to the past again, his feelings for Yin Mingzheng are more complicated. In addition to the idea that he should change Yin Mingzheng’s ending when he transmigrated at the beginning, there is also a sense of guilt of “I have alienated him and must compensate.” .

After receiving some lecture from the head teacher, several people came out of the office and looked at the thin back of the little villain in front. Shu Ning wanted to come forward to speak, but didn’t know what to say.

Zhang Chao touched him with his arm and lowered his voice, “What’s the matter with you? Why didn’t you take this opportunity to get him punished!”

Shu Ning stopped, turned his head and said coldly: “The rumors of homosexuality, is it really him who spread them?”

Zhang Chao didn’t seem to expect that he would ask, he looked away uncomfortably, “Of course it is him.”

As an adult, Shu Ning could see his strangeness at a glance and realized that he had wronged the little villain before, he was silent for a moment, and said:. “Don’t mention this thing in the future anymore”

ZhaoChao was stunned, “Regardless of the rumors he spread?”

“Rumours stop after some time”

Zhang Chao became silent.

The two walked into the third grade of the first class and sat in the third row from the bottom.

The little villain sat in the second last row by the window, sleeping on the desk.

Shu Ning wasn’t sure if he should go over and say hello, the surrounding classmates rushed over and asked about his injuries.

Shu Ning has a good-looking appearance and is usually sunny and very popular with girls.

One of the girls asked Shu Ning: “What did the head teacher say? Yin Mingzheng is too much, he must be punished heavily this time!”

Shu Ning frowned, raised his head, and said, “I fell by myself, and it has nothing to do with Yin Mingzheng.”


T/N the little villain is so pitiful=^= poor baby;-;