When Yin Mingzheng returned home, a pungent smell of alcohol rushed out.

The forty-square-meter room was transformed into two rooms and one living room. The living room was very small, and the dining table was placed by the door, filled with all kinds of sundries and leftovers. If the door was open, anyone could see the living room.

All the furniture in the room was sourced from the second-hand market, and the floor was covered with the worst-quality wooden floor. In the past ten years, many places have been blistered and broken.

No one fixed it.

The man was lying on the wooden floor under the sofa, snoring like thunder, wine bottles scattered on the ground, and trash was all over the floor.

Yin Mingzheng gave the man a blank expression, and walked into his small room with his schoolbag.

He lives in a cubicle, so small that he can only accommodate a bed and a tin cabinet, but he can’t put anything else. Books and other sundries are all stacked on the ground.

Since it is a compartment rebuilt on the balcony, the windows are particularly large, and it is necessary to dry the clothes, so a passageway must be reserved for family members to enter and exit to dry.

This remodeled room must be colder in winter and hotter in summer.

Yin Mingzheng didn’t care about it before, but as he got older, the requirements for privacy became higher. He could endure the cold winter and heat, but it became more and more unbearable that Zhou Juan always went in and out of his room to dry his clothes.

However, his room is the only balcony in the house, and clothes can only be hung in his room.

A long clothes rail lay in front of the window, full of men’s and women’s clothes, socks, and underwear.

Yin Mingzheng threw his schoolbag on the bedside table and lay on the bed. As soon as he looked up, he saw the women’s underwear on his head. After thinking for a while, he got up and picked up the clothes rail by the window and aired Zhou Juan’s underwear to the other end. , Then put down the clothes rail and lay back on the bed.

He put his hands behind his head and looked at the roof with his eyes open. He thought: I want a room where I don’t need to dry my clothes.

It doesn’t matter if it is small, it doesn’t matter if there is less furniture, as long as the room belongs to him and he can lock the door without being scolded.

He didn’t care that much when he was a child, but now that he is old, he hates people coming in, and hates the room with all kinds of clothes, undergarments, and underwear.

There was a man yelling from outside.

The familiar voice made Yin Mingzheng to get up, open the door, pick up the wine bottles on the ground and pile them behind the refrigerator, and wait until the weekend to take them to the waste station to exchange for money.

In addition to the glass bottles behind the refrigerator, there are also paper shells and plastic bottles that Zhou Juan picked up. They are messy and full of things, it looks completely like a garbage station.

Yin Mingzheng loves cleaning. He is responsible for cleaning the house. He hates the pile of rubbish very much. However, they need money and can only ignore it.

Sometimes Yin Mingzheng is very annoyed by his cleanliness obsession. He was born in a poor family, but he does not tolerate unsanitary conditions.

It is good for Yin Qiang not to cause trouble. It is impossible for him to go out to make money. Zhou Juan is the only family in the family who does odd jobs to maintain the family. She also earns more than 2,000 mortgages every month. In addition to doing odd jobs, picking up trash is also a means of making money.

Zhou Juan is very hardworking.

Every time he sees Zhou Juan come back very late, Yin Mingzheng feels very distressed. He hates to have to go to school. He also wants to go out to work to share the burden for Zhou Juan. Recently, this idea has become stronger and stronger.

For more than ten years, it is his mother who has supported this family.

Children from poor families are sensible early, and Yin Mingzheng has learned many truths very early, and is inevitably inferior and sensitive.

He had no money to go to kindergarten, and the children in the community are all glamorous, but he can only wear clothes that others don’t want, and he is ridiculed for this.

Many times he wondered why their family must live in Longtan Community.

The house price here is very expensive, it can be sold for a less high-end community, life will be easy, but Yin Qiang is unwilling.

Zhou Juan once mentioned that she was beaten up by Yin Qiang and her face was bruised and swollen, and he scolded her: “You just want to divide my property, don’t you? Bitch, you married me just for the house. Don’t think I’m wrong. I know, if you sell it before divorce, half of the house is yours! Well calculated!”

Every time Zhou Juan is beaten, the little Yin Mingzheng will rush out to stand in front of Zhou Juan and be beaten by Yin Qiang.

After packing up the wine bottles, Yin Mingzheng ignored Yin Qiang, who had been scolding, and walked into the small kitchen to cook.

Yin Mingzheng fastened his apron, pulled out the rice box, packed some rice, washed it, put it in the rice cooker, and opened the refrigerator in the living room to prepare some dishes.

There were only a few tomatoes, a few eggs, and a handful of side dishes in the refrigerator.

Yin Mingzheng expressionlessly took out tomatoes and eggs and went to the kitchen to make tomato egg soup.

The lack of food mad3 Yin Mingzheng work hard to learn cooking skills. If he doesn’t cook well, he will be cursed by Yin Qiang. Therefore, among his peers, his cooking skills are very good.

The skill of beating the egg with a spoon is skillful, adding spices into the pot, sprinkling some oil, putting the eggs iin, rotating the wok, turning off the flame, pouring water, and putting the chopped tomatoes was all done very skillfully.

Picking up the pot he pour the soup into the soup pot.

Then went on and fried the side dishes.

He bent down and took out a small bowl from the next cupboard, leaving Zhou Juan a bowl of soup and a bowl of vegetables, before carrying the tomato and egg soup and the side dishes.

Yin Qiang was drunk, he must have dinner qt a specific time, and he couldn’t be late. He would be furious when he was late.

Zhou Juan worked part-time outside, and usually returned home after 8 o’clock, sometimes 11 or 12 o’clock, so they don’t eat together.

The father and son ate in silence without saying a word.

After eating, Yin Qiang lay down on the sofa and watched TV. He pressed the remote control and laughed while pressing, but he didn’t know how to laugh!

Yin Mingzheng glanced at him in disgust, tidied up the dining table, cleaned the floor, went to the master bedroom and threw the clothes they had changed into the washing machine in the bathroom before sighing softly.

The more he grows up and the more he understands Yin Qiang, the more he hates everything here.

He once asked Zhou Juan why she didn’t get a divorce.

Zhou Juan said: “If i am divorced, you will have no father”

Then he said: “If i am divorced, we won’t have a house to live in.”

She also said: “I didn’t get a divorce because of you.”

Yin Mingzheng thought: Don’t fucking do it for me, leave him for my sake, so that one day I can stand against that bastard!

It was past eight o’clock after finishing the housework.

Yin Mingzheng returned to the room and closed the door, took out the bed table and started to do his homework.

He used to do his homework in the living room, but Yin Qiang either drank and made noise, or increased the TV sound to make him unable to do his homework, so he saved money and bought a bed table. It was only 17 yuan on Taobao, which was cheap. [Taobao is a Chinese online shopping platform]

With two lumps of paper in his ears, the world was much quieter.

Around nine o’clock, Zhou Juan came back and talked to Yin Qiang. He didn’t know what was said, and suddenly there was a scream.

In the living room, Yin Qiang had already grabbed Zhou Juan’s hair and started beating.

Upon seeing this scene, Yin Mingzheng’s eyes turned red, and he pushed Yin Qiang away, pulling Zhou Juan to roar, “Don’t hit my mother!”

” Dog ! I fucking @%¥#%¥……” [it was already like this so maybe the author pressed random keys?idk] Yin Qiang staggered as he stepped back, his leg knocked to the corner of the coffee table, his complexion distorted with pain, and he rushed towards Yin Mingzheng furiously, and started beating the mother and the son.

Yin Mingzheng protected Zhou Juan and dodged in the living room.

He wanted to resist, but he was only a fourteen-year-old boy with chronic malnutrition. He was not an opponent of the 1.8-meter Yin Qiang at all. He was quickly caught by Yin Qiang and pressed on the sofa to beat him. Zhou Juan was right beside him and called:

“Don’t fight! Don’t fight!” But she

didn’t dare to intervene.

This had become a routine: Zhou Juan somehow provokes Yin Qiang—Yin Qiang beats Zhou Juan—Yin Mingzheng helps—Yin Qiang let go of Zhou Juan and beat Yin Mingzheng—Yin Mingzheng gets beaten so badly.

The young man has strong resilience, and Yin Qiang cares that Yin Mingzheng is his own son, and he won’t be particularly cruel. Therefore, Yin Mingzheng has not been to the hospital in so many years, even if he is beaten, he can still go to school the next day.

It’s just that the appearance of the blue nose and swollen face always makes people misunderstand that he is fighting outside, and gradually his reputation is getting worse and worse, and the rumors are particularly outrageous.

In addition, he had dyed yellow hair, which made his reputation as a rogue even more solid.

Today, he didn’t know why, Yin Mingzheng resisted particularly fiercely.

He felt that he was in the first year of junior high school, and he was not a primary school chicken.

The father and son fought into a ball on the sofa. While struggling, Yin Mingzheng actually pushed Yin Qiang back onto the sofa and punched him twice in the face.


Zhou Juan was frightened, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold Yin Mingzheng.

Yin Mingzheng took a deep breath and stood up. He was more energetic than ever before and said harshly, “Yin Qiang, if you hit my mother again, I’ll hit you!”

Yin Qiang who was beaten by his son, stood up , and then suddenly kicked him. On Yin Mingzheng’s stomach, this foot was extremely cruel, and he did not retain his strength at all.

Yin Mingzheng was kicked back and fell to the ground.

Yin Qiang was furious, grabbed the wine bottle on the coffee table and threw it towards Yin Mingzheng.

Yin Mingzheng avoided. The wine bottle flew out along the only small window in the living room and fell downstairs. He immediately heard a puff, and several people screamed.

“Broken!” Zhou Juan blurted out, rushing to the small window and looking down.

Yin Qiang was also taken aback. Seeing Zhou Juan stretched out her head, she pulled her back with an anxious face, slapped her back, and yelled, “You fucking think that others didn’t know that you threw it, sticking out your head like this!”

Yin Mingzheng paled with pain. Seeing that he was beating Zhou Juan again, he gritted his teeth and got up and pushed him away, “Stop hitting my mother!”

The two fought into a ball again.

Zhou Juan didn’t dare to go up and pull, she just screamed from the side: “Don’t fight! Don’t fight!”

At this moment, the doorbell rang.

The three people in the room were silent at the same time, and no one moved.

The doorbell continued to ring, tirelessly, and never stopped until the goal was reached.

Soon, the door was slapped vigorously to show the anger of the visitors.

Yin Qiang let go of Yin Mingzheng and motioned Zhou Juan to open the door with his eyes.

Zhou Juan opened the door tremblingly and saw Shu Ning and Shu’s father standing at the door at a glance.

Father Shu wore a big gold chain, with a bald head, full face, and his biceps he can scare people to death.

Zhou Juan twisted her leg when she saw him, “What are you doing?”

Father Shu said gloomily, “You threw the bottle just now?”

T/N the little villain’s love for his mother pains me;-;