Zhou Juan showed a flustered look on her face and quickly denied: “It’s not us, it’s not.”

Shu Ning said, “Don’t deny, I saw a wine bottle drop from your window with my own eyes. If it weren’t for me and my dad being fast, ” Shu Ning said. “I’m afraid it will be smashed into our head.”

As he said, he scanned the living room. The living room was small, and everything could be seen at a glance.

Shu Ning stepped into the living room, picked up the other wine bottle left on the coffee table, and glanced at the text on it, “Southeast Beer, that’s it.”

Father Shu also walked in, shaking his head. He turned his head and glanced at the wine bottle, then let out a sneer, “Southeast beer, a rare brand.”

Now Zhou Juan couldn’t deny it, and looked at her husband in the living room, asking for help.

When Yin Qiang saw Father Shu’s big bald head and the golden chain, he was a little bit embarrassed, “I didn’t throw it.”

Then he pointed to the little villain who stood up slowly and said: “He threw it. If there is a problem, you find him to solve it. I will not take care of it”

Shu Ning: “?”

Shu Ning was shocked.

After Yin Qiang turned his head, he turned to the master bedroom and closed the door, and never came out again.

Shu Ning: “…”

Shu Ning thought how fierce he was. He didn’t expect that in front of outsiders, as soon as he saw a slightly larger posture, he would become terrified and dismissive.

His eyes passed from Zhou Juan, who was panicked, and the pale little villain.

The faces of the two of them were colored, blue and purple, very pitiful.

Shu Ning took a deep look at Zhou Juan. He didn’t sympathize with this woman at all. The book describes her as being very kind, frugal for the little villain to go to school. When the little villain is injured by his father, she will come forward and hold him. And secretly buy snacks for the little villain. She is a good mother in China.

But in Shu Ning’s view, this is very disgusting. If she hadn’t secretly replaced the child, the little villain wouldn’t have to suffer those crimes at all, and naturally wouldn’t have to accept her favor.

Yin Qiang beats her every day, but she does not divorce or resist. Every time the little villain helps her out, inturn getting injured.

Now that she was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, Shu Ning felt a little sympathetic, but did not have much pity.

With stirring emotions, Shu Ning asked Zhou Juan, “Who threw the wine bottle just now?”

Zhou Juan was taken aback and hesitated to meet Shu Ning’s gaze.

The young boy’s eyes were too sharp, which made her feel invisible.

Zhou Juan stretched out a trembling finger and pointed at the little villain standing in the living room without expression.

At that moment, Shu Ning couldn’t tell what was in her heart.

Just want to say: Oh, this is the so-called warmth for the little villain ah.

Even Su’s father, who wanted to find the difference and put his mind away after seeing the miserable appearance of the mother and son, was very surprised.

The little villain snorted coldly, “I threw it, one person did it so one will deal with it”

The little boy had a bruised face with yellow hair on his head, his face was a little pale, but he tried his best to straighten his chest and raise his chin. An unruly appearance.

Shu Ning looked at the bruise on his face, and suddenly felt very distressed.

He said as quietly as possible: “Okay, since you threw it away, follow us.”

“Let’s go then” The little villain walked to Shu Ning’s side without fear, remembering something hesuddenly turned his head to Zhou Juan. He said, “Mom, the food is in the pot, remember to eat it.”

He bumped into Shu Ning’s shoulder and walked out of the living room, with confidence.

Shu Ning walked out in silence and said to Dad Shu: “Dad, you go back first. Yin Mingzheng is my classmate, I want to have a good talk.”

“Okay.” Dad Shu patted his shoulder and said to Yin Mingzheng quietly. : “Boy, behave well”

The three took the elevator, Father Shu went upstairs, and the two children went downstairs.

Yin Mingzheng’s house is on the fourth floor. The figure of four is not very lucky, so when the house was sold, it was cheaper than other floors.

It was very silent all the way.

At first, the little villain held his head high, he seemed to feel pain in the back, and he couldn’t hold it anymore. After exiting the elevator door, he asked, “Where are we going? How can I solve it?”

Shu Ning knew that if he said he was sent to the hospital for examination. , The little villain would certainly not cooperate, so he silently used taxi-hailing app to hail a car.

“Let’s go,” he said.

The little villain frowned, and said after a moment:

“Say how much money do you want? Don’t be annoying.” Shu Ning laughed and turned to look at him, “I don’t want your money.”

“Then what do you want to do?”

“You’ll know soon”

The little villain did not want to go back to that home, he snorted and followed Shu Ning out of the nearest back door.

Shu Ning got into the white car that had been waiting a long time and signaled the little villain to come up.

The night is silent and the lights are bright.

“Where are you going?” the little villain asked, standing beside the car, the light of the street lamp shining on his beautiful face, so white.

Shu Ning still smiled and said: “You’ll know when we get there”

Seeing that he did not move, he put a hand on the car and said: “Are you scared?”

“Who’s scared?” Lityle villain raised his eyebrow, pulled the car door, and sat together with Shu Ning for about ten minutes, and the two went to the nearest public hospital.

“You brought me to the hospital?” After getting out of the car, the little villain saw the flashing lights of the hospital, his beautiful eyebrows were almost twisted together.

Shu Ning said: “You are injured too badly, it’s better to be checked.”

After speaking, he took the little villain and walked inside.

The little villain didn’t move.

Shu Ning turned his head and looked at him suspiciously.

The little villain said coldly: “Are you sympathizing with me?”

Shu Ning was surprised.

The little villain had a cold tone and looked at Shu Ning very coldly, “I don’t need your fake sympathy.”

After speaking, he turned and walked out of the hospital.

Shu Ning stood at the gate of the hospital and sighed helplessly.

He felt that sending the little villain to the hospital seemed to stimulate the little villain.

Is it wrong?

He thought that if the villain was brought to the hospital, the villain would obey, but he didn’t expect the villain to have such a strong personality, and turn his head and leave

Shu Ning was a little discouraged.

Shu Ning returned home, Ms. Cai was taking a bath in the bathroom, and Dad Shu was playing with his mobile phone on the sofa. Seeing Shu Ning came back, he sat up and said, “Son, how did it go?”

Shu Ning shook his head.

Father Shu: “Did that little brat admit it?”

Shu Ning was taken aback, “Dad, why call him a little brat?”

Father Shu was annoyed, “He threw a bottle of wine and didn’t say anything. Last time he made you falld ien the stairs. Your dad is holding fire in his heart.”

Thinking of what he saw at the little villain’s house today, Dad Shu put his mobile phone on the coffee table and hummed, “The little beast must have committed another crime and let his dad beat him up.”

There was a bit of gloating in the tone.

Although Dad Shu looks arrogant, he is kind-hearted, and being able to say such things shows that he hates Yin Mingzheng.

Even Shu’s father treats Yin Mingzheng in this way, and one can imagine how other people treat the little villain.

The place where the little villain lives is full of malice! He is so young!

Shu Ning felt a pain in his heart and quickly said, “Dad, I haven’t told you about falling down the stairs.”

He explained the whole thing.

Father Shu was silent, and frowned after a moment: “Didn’t Yin Mingzheng push you?”

Shu Ning shook his head.

“But last time I asked you, you said that you were talking with Yin Mingzheng, which caused you to fall.”

Shu Ning said quickly: “I didn’t say Yin Mingzheng pushed me.”

“Your deskmate Zhang Chao…” Dad Shu realized in shock, “Your tablemate is really not good news, why is his mind so bad at a young age? At such a young age he instigated separation.”

Shu Ning sighed, “Dad, we are fourteen years old and we are not kids. Besides, it’s not necessary that children must have no bad thoughts”

Shu’s father nodded, “That’s right.”

“I have already applied to the class teacher to change my deskmate.” Shu Ning said.

“That’s good.” Dad Shu said, “Whoever dares to bully you in the future, tell Dad, Dad will clean them up.”

Shu Ning smiled, “Okay Dad.” After a

After a pause, he said, “Dad, there is one more thing. It’s…I suspect that the wine bottle was not thrown by Yin Mingzheng.”

Father Shu didn’t believe it. “He said he threw it, and he admitted it himself.”

Shu Ning shook his head, “I don’t think it looks like that.”

“Okay, It’s okay, whether it’s him or not, it’s their family anyway.” Dad Shu was a little impatient, “That Yin Mingzheng is not good news at all, you forgot that he broke into a house to steal something? It’s so bad, so don’t have any contact with him in the future.”

Shu Ning opened his mouth, wanting to explain, but he didn’t know where to start.

A person’s bad reputation is easy to build up, but it is not easy to wash it off.

Yin Mingzheng’s bad reputation was completely established, and it originated from an incident a few years ago, when Yin Mingzheng broke into a house and stole something and was discovered by the owner. Yin Mingzheng unexpectedly used a kitchen knife to cut people. The owner called the police and it was known everywhere.

Since then, Yin Mingzheng has been a recognized bastard.

When people in the community talked about it, they all said that the son of scum was really scum.

Shu Ning somewhat doubted the authenticity of the events back then, but it was too late to investigate that matter.

The little villain was beaten today. He was worried about the little villain’s injuries. Judging from the situation on the scene, he was afraid the injuries were not minor. He doesn’t know if he can go to school tomorrow.

When he went to school the next day, Shu Ning found that the little villain was sitting there, and the bruises on his face got worse.

The winter school uniform is relatively generous, and it is hard to see if there is any injury on his body.

Shu Ning looked back at him, but the little villain didn’t give him a look.

During the morning self-study class teacher talked to Zhong Xiaoming and Shu Ning, and asked them if they would like to change their seats. Zhong Xiaoming readily agreed.

He didn’t like Yin Mingzheng, but he was afraid that he would provoke Yin Mingzheng. He has been silently suppressing. Now that a fool wanta to change seats with him, it is too late to be happy.

After the two returned, they moved their desks and quickly changed seats.

Zhang Chao stared at Shu Ning, Shu Ning didn’t even look at him, and concentrated on moving his desk. It wasn’t until Zhong Xiaoming moved next to Zhang Chao that Zhang Chao’s face improved.

Shu Ning moved the desk to the side of the little villain. The little villain’s eyes showed a trace of surprise, and then turned to the front, as if Shu Ning did not exist.

Shu Ning was about to put the desk over, but found that the little villain’s leg was stuck in front of the desk.

“Thank you for the trouble.” Shu Ning said.

The movement of him and Zhong Xiaoming changing positions long ago fell into the eyes of the classmates. Everyone had no intention of studying on their own, secretly observing his and Yin Mingzheng’s behavior, and seeing Yin Mingzheng preventing Shu Ning from moving over, everyone showed an expression of “it is true”.

It is strange that Yin Mingzheng does not target people.

The bruise on his face, did he fight again yesterday?

I heard that he was fighting very hard, so it’s best not to mess with him.

The students made eye contact.

Shu Ning said: “Will trouble classmate Yin Mingzheng to move his legs to make way.”

Yin Mingzheng did not lift his head, his profile was white and tender under the white light.

Shu Ning was helpless, so he could only put the desk next to Yin Mingzheng’s desk by a fist distance.

Other classmates have to pass by him, they will always bump into his table, and come down all morning, which is extremely inconvenient.

Shu Ning was a little helpless, the little villain rejected him very much, even worse than Zhong Xiaoming’s rejection.

Maybe it was because of the last time he was wronged by the rumors that angered him?

Apologizing in public didn’t let him down?

Speaking of it, although he apologized at the time, the little villain never said “it doesn’t matter” or “forgive you”.

Shu Ning was a little worried.

It’s normal for the little villain to reject him. The key is that the little villain is injured. The book did not describe how Yin Qiang beat the little villain and his mother. Last night, he saw the tragedy of the little villain with his own eyes and realized how terrible it was.

In case of being broken, or leaving a hidden wound…

In the afternoon, Shu Ning went to the office to find the head teacher again, “Mr. Li, Yin Mingzheng has injuries on his body, he seems to be in pain.” The head

The head teacher has long been used to Yin Mingzheng coming to class injured, frowned and qsked “Fighting with people again?”

Shu Ning hesitated: “I don’t know.”

He didn’t know how strong Yin Mingzheng’s self-esteem was. Adolescent boys would rather be mistaken for fighting outside, and don’t want others to know about the mess at home. .

Before figuring out Yin Mingzheng’s bottom line, he did not dare to expose Yin Mingzheng’s wounds rashly.

“Teacher, maybe you should take him to the school hospital.” Shu Ning said.

Since the little villain is unwilling to go to the hospital, find an authority that he has to obey and order him to go.

The head teacher was silent for a moment and sighed. It was a sigh of “I didn’t want to care about it, but since someone reported that I can’t pretend not to see it”,

“Okay, you take him.”

“I just persuaded him, he didn’t listen to me. ”

The head teacher mumbled “troublesome” and stood up, “I’ll go with you.”

Shu Ning excitedly followed the head teacher into the first class third grade.

The little villain was sleeping on the table, facing sideways, frowning, and seemed very uncomfortable.

“Yin Mingzheng.” The head teacher walked into the class, and the originally loud class immediately became quiet as a chicken.

At this time, the little villain had just entered the first year of junior high. Generally speaking, he was afraid of authority and had to stand up.

“Go to the school hospital if you feel uncomfortable.” The head teacher said, and then saw Shu Ning’s table protruding from the boss, and said to Shu Ning, “Put the table away and don’t block other students.”

Shu Ning did not expect unexpected surprises. Under the cold eyes of the little villain, he happily pushed the table forward.

Class teacher: “Yin Mingzheng, now you and Shu Ning are deskmates, and you have to get along well in the future. Shu Ning, take Yin Mingzheng to the school hospital. If you don’t go, please call your parents.”

Shu Ning replied, “Okay teacher.”

“If you don’t go, please call yout parents. “The lethality is so great that Yin Mingzheng can only calm his face and follow Shu Ning to the school hospital. When there were only two people, Yin Mingzheng sarcastically said: “Making reports of small things every day, are you a running dog of the class teacher?”